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Keri-Lee Beasley

Using Technology to Break the Speed Barrier of Reading - Scientific American - 0 views

  • Unfortunately, the system of reading we inherited from the ancient scribes —the method of reading you are most likely using right now — has been fundamentally shaped by engineering constraints that were relevant in centuries past, but no longer appropriate in our information age.
  • search for innovative engineering solutions aimed at making reading more efficient and effective for more people
  • But then, by chance, I discovered that when I used the small screen of a smartphone to read my scientific papers required for work, I was able to read with much greater facility and ease.
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  • hen, in a comprehensive study of over 100 high school students with dyslexia done in 2013, using techniques that included eye tracking, we were able to confirm that the shortened line formats produced a benefit for many who otherwise struggled with reading.
  • For example, Marco Zorzi and his colleagues in Italy and France showed in 2012 that when letter spacing is increased to reduce crowding, children with dyslexia read more effectively.
  • A clever web application called Beeline Reader, developed by Nick Lum, a lawyer from San Francisco, may accomplish something similar using colors to guide the reader’s attention forward along the line.  Beeline does this by washing each line of text in a color gradient, to create text that looks a bit like a tie-dyed tee-shirt.
  • one aims to increase the throughput of the brain’s reading buffers by changing their capacity for information processing, while the other seeks to activate alternate channels for reading that will allow information to be processed in parallel, and thereby increase the capacity of the language processing able to be performed during reading. 
  • The brain is said to be plastic, meaning that it is possible to change its abilities.
  • people can be taught to roughly double their reading speed, without compromising comprehension.
  • Consider that we process language, first and foremost, through speech. And yet, in the traditional design of reading we are forced to read using our eyes. Even though the brain already includes a fully developed auditory pathway for language, the traditional design for reading makes little use of the auditory processing capabilities of the brain
  • While the visual pathways are being strained to capacity by reading, the auditory network for language remains relatively under-utilized.
  • Importantly, our early indications suggest that the least effective method of reading may be the one society has been clinging to for centuries: reading on paper.
    "Importantly, our early indications suggest that the least effective method of reading may be the one society has been clinging to for centuries: reading on paper."
Keri-Lee Beasley

Being a Better Online Reader - The New Yorker - 2 views

  • Maybe the decline of deep reading isn’t due to reading skill atrophy but to the need to develop a very different sort of skill, that of teaching yourself to focus your attention. (Interestingly, Coiro found that gamers were often better online readers: they were more comfortable in the medium and better able to stay on task.)
  • no difference in accuracy between students who edited a six-hundred-word paper on the screen and those who worked on paper. Those who edited on-screen did so faster, but their performance didn’t suffer.
  • It wasn’t the screen that disrupted the fuller synthesis of deep reading; it was the allure of multitasking on the Internet and a failure to properly mitigate its impact.
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  • students performed equally well on a twenty-question multiple-choice comprehension test whether they had read a chapter on-screen or on paper. Given a second test one week later, the two groups’ performances were still indistinguishable.
  • multitasking while reading on a computer or a tablet slowed readers down, but their comprehension remained unaffected.
  • Maybe her letter writers’ students weren’t victims of digitization so much as victims of insufficient training—and insufficient care—in the tools of managing a shifting landscape of reading and thinking.
  • In a new study, the introduction of an interactive annotation component helped improve comprehension and reading strategy use in a group of fifth graders. It turns out that they could read deeply. They just had to be taught how.
  • “We cannot go backwards. As children move more toward an immersion in digital media, we have to figure out ways to read deeply there.”
  • Maybe the decline of deep reading isn’t due to reading skill atrophy but to the need to develop a very different sort of skill, that of teaching yourself to focus your attention.
    Really interesting information on being a better online reader. The author suggests the following: "Maybe the decline of deep reading isn't due to reading skill atrophy but to the need to develop a very different sort of skill, that of teaching yourself to focus your attention. (Interestingly, Coiro found that gamers were often better online readers: they were more comfortable in the medium and better able to stay on task.)"
Keri-Lee Beasley

Literacy Beyond Reading & Writing - Heart of a Teacher - 1 views

    "Do our students know that "literacy" moves beyond reading and writing? Most importantly, how do we begin to break our traditional understanding of literacy to include wider meaning and contexts? It has to start in the classroom. For many of our traditional classrooms, reading and writing are the core values that are focused on when it comes to literacy. We need to show students that "Literacy" moves beyond reading and writing and can encompass: cultural literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, digital literacy and much more."
Keri-Lee Beasley

How Should Reading Be Taught in a Digital Era? - Education Week - 1 views

    "With the many enhancements to mobile devices, multimedia websites, e-books, interactive graphics, and social media, there's no question that the nature of reading has changed during the past decade. But has the way reading is taught in elementary schools changed as well? And what should teachers be doing to get students ready for the realities of modern reading?"
Keri-Lee Beasley

Yes, and… Thoughts on print versus digital reading by Kristin Ziemke | Nerdy ... - 0 views

    Brilliant perspective in the need to broaden our understanding of literacy.
    Take a moment to reflect: How many minilessons have you taught this year that guide students to become effective digital readers? Do you have anchor charts or scaffolds in place that will support them as they attempt to read digitally with independence? Have you provided ample time for them to read diverse genres or self-select their onscreen reading material?

Using Reading Logs to read Just Right Reading to Small Groups - 0 views

    Video of Jennifer Serravallo.  Just Right Reading,  Reading Logs. Grade 3 and 4 Small groups
Katie Day

YES students use iPod touches to improve reading skills - 0 views

    "Students use the iPod touches to record themselves reading what Nienhueser calls a fresh read passage, as it is the first time they have read it. They then listen to the recording and score themselves based on a rubric given to them by their teacher. The rubric scores students based on their level of fluency, expression, pacing and smoothness. Next, each student meets with a partner so they can evaluate someone else's recording. Nienhueser said students have to be able to explain why they chose the scores they selected. The partners also take time to see if they agree with each other's scores."
Katie Day

What Should Children Read? - - 1 views

  • There are anthologies of great literature and primary documents, but why not “30 for Under 20: Great Nonfiction Narratives?” Until such editions appear, teachers can find complex, literary works in collections like “The Best American Science and Nature Writing,” on many newspaper Web sites, which have begun providing online lesson plans using articles for younger readers, and on Last year, The Atlantic compiled examples of the year’s best journalism, and The Daily Beast has its feature “Longreads.” not only has “best of” contemporary selections but also historical examples dating back decades.
  • Adult titles, like “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” already have young readers editions, and many adult general-interest works, such as Timothy Ferris’s “The Whole Shebang,” about the workings of the universe, are appropriate for advanced high-school students.
  • In addition to a biology textbook, for example, why can’t more high school students read “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”?
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  • What Tom Wolfe once said about New Journalism could be applied to most student writing. It benefits from intense reporting, immersion in a subject, imaginative scene setting, dialogue and telling details. These are the very skills most English teachers want students to develop.
  • In my experience, students need more exposure to nonfiction, less to help with reading skills, but as a model for their own essays and expository writing,
  • Common Core dictates that by fourth grade, public school students devote half of their reading time in class to historical documents, scientific tracts, maps and other “informational texts” — like recipes and train schedules. Per the guidelines, 70 percent of the 12th grade curriculum will consist of nonfiction titles. Alarmed English teachers worry we’re about to toss Shakespeare so students can study, in the words of one former educator, “memos, technical manuals and menus.”
    "A striking assumption animates arguments on both sides, namely that nonfiction is seldom literary and certainly not literature. Even Mr. Coleman erects his case on largely dispiriting, utilitarian grounds: nonfiction may help you win the corner office but won't necessarily nourish the soul. As an English teacher and writer who traffics in factual prose, I'm with Mr. Coleman. In my experience, students need more exposure to nonfiction, less to help with reading skills, but as a model for their own essays and expository writing, what Mr. Gladwell sought by ingesting "Talk of the Town" stories. I love fiction and poetry as much as the next former English major and often despair over the quality of what passes for "informational texts," few of which amount to narrative much less literary narrative. What schools really need isn't more nonfiction but better nonfiction, especially that which provides good models for student writing. Most students could use greater familiarity with what newspaper, magazine and book editors call "narrative nonfiction": writing that tells a factual story, sometimes even a personal one, but also makes an argument and conveys information in vivid, effective ways."
    "What schools really need isn't more nonfiction but better nonfiction, especially that which provides good models for student writing. "  Totally supports my belief that nonfiction longreads are out there on the internet and are not being taken advantage of by teachers -- enough.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Critical Literacy: Is Notion of Traditonal Reading and Writing Enough? | Lang... - 0 views

    "Is traditional reading and writing enough to be considered literate in the 21st century?I have put together my thoughts via a slide deck. Please note, that I am not advocating throwing out traditional reading and writing, but pushing the awareness that it simply might not be enough to prepare our students."
    "Please note, that I am not advocating throwing out traditional reading and writing, but pushing the awareness that it simply might not be enough to prepare our students. We need to rethink our notion of critical literacy, develop authentic learning and assessment opportunities, upgrade and amplify our curriculum."
David Caleb

Reading photographs - 1 views

  • Photographs have tremendous power to communicate information. But they also have tremendous power to communicate misinformation, especially if we’re not careful how we read them. Reading photographs presents a unique set of challenges. Students can learn to use questions to decode, evaluate, and respond to photographic images.
  • What happened just before this moment, or just after it?
  • The photograph of a crowd of jubilant Iraqis toppling the statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad on April 9, 2003, is one of the most common images of the recent war in Iraq. A closeup shot shows a crowd of primarily Iraqis toppling the statue. A wide shot of the same scene would have revealed that the crowd in the square was made up of primarily US forces and journalists.
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  • One type of photography in which setting is very important is travel photography.
  • Using landmarks, monuments, or famous natural elements in a photograph is a core technique for evoking a sense of place.
  • The photographer selects the focal point not only by focusing the camera but also through other techniques.
  • shutter speed to bring only one element into focus immediately elevates that to the most important part of the image.
  • one element in the photograph is strongly backlit, it may seem to glow and thus draw the viewer’s attention.
  • What is the photographer’s thought process as she composes, frames, shoots and selects an image? Listen as photographer Lisa Maizlish narrates the decisions she made in photographing the students featured on the PBS reality show American High.
  • viewers have to decide how to interpret a photograph’s context
  • information about the people, events, setting, and so on are made explicit by the photographer — there are distinct visual clues that tell us who the people are, what they are doing, and where and when the photograph was taken.
  • implicit — implied but not clearly communicated by the photographer, or left to be inferred by the viewer.
  • identities of the people
  • unclear
  • their purpose may be unknown
  • time and place may be difficult or impossible to discern.
  • simple "W" questions can be open to debate.
  • Viewers may not even realize that they are making those assumptions
  • Just as successful written communication requires that the writer and reader speak the same language, successful visual communication requires that the photographer and viewer share a common "visual language" of signs, clues, and assumptions.
  • Were your assumptions correct? Can you always trust your first instinct? (And even having read the caption, how much do we really know about these girls and their lives?)
  • a different culture might ask why this round brown object is
  • we have to be careful that we have enough cultural background in common with the photographer to correctly interpret what we see.
  • The photograph by itself tells us very little about what’s going on; we probably could have invented any number of captions, and you’d have believed us!
    Reading images - lots of good strategies here
    Reading photos
Katie Day

BLOG: A Year of Reading - 0 views

    "Franki is the author of Beyond Leveled Books (Stenhouse), Still Learning to Read (Stenhouse), and Day-to-Day Assessment in the Reading Workshop (Scholastic). She is also a regular contributor to Choice Literacy. Mary Lee is the author of Reconsidering Read-Aloud (Stenhouse). Both have been teachers for more than 20 years."
Katie Day

How to Make a Whisper Phone | - 2 views

    "A whisper phone can help kids quietly read out loud without bothering other students. A whisper phone can also help a student hear herself read aloud. Some educators think this helps to build reading fluency. These instructions make 60 whisper phone. Total spent is $24.45 + tax for 60 whisper phone. That is 41 cents each. That is much better than the $1-3 teacher supply stores charge."
Keri-Lee Beasley

Exploring Blogs during Silent Reading [Activity] - The Tempered Radical - 2 views

    Students read blogs during silent reading
Katie Day

Net wisdom - re reading on the internet -- - 0 views

    by the creator of The Browser, a great place to get good long-reads; he celebrates what the internet gives us in terms of reading opportunities
Katie Day

Monster Exchange Project, English Writing Project - 0 views

    "Monster Exchange is designed to encourage the development of reading and writing skills while integrating Internet technology into the classroom curriculum. Classrooms from a variety of schools worldwide are paired together; the students in each classroom are split into groups, each of which designs an original picture of a monster. The students must then write a description of the monster. The partnered classes then exchange their descriptions via e-mail and the Internet. These students are then challenged to use reading comprehension skills to read the descriptions and translate them into a monster picture. The true challenge involves creating a redrawn picture as close to the original picture as possible without looking at the original and using only the written description of the monster."
Katie Day

100 New York Schools Try 'Common Core' Approach - - 0 views

    Excerpt re literacy:  "While English classes will still include healthy amounts of fiction, the standards say that students should be reading more nonfiction texts as they get older, to prepare them for the kinds of material they will read in college and careers. In the fourth grade, students should be reading about the same amount from "literary" and "informational" texts, according to the standards; in the eighth grade, 45 percent should be literary and 55 percent informational, and by 12th grade, the split should be 30/70."
Sean McHugh

How Stephen King Teaches Writing - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • One either absorbs the grammatical principles of one’s native language in conversation and in reading or one does not
  • Reading is the key, though. A kid who grows up hearing “It don’t matter to me” can only learn doesn’t if he/she reads it over and over again
  • You need to take out the stuff that’s just sitting there and doing nothing
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  • Ask yourself what they need to get on in life, the bare minimum (like filling in a job application), and concentrate on that.
    • Sean McHugh
      Surely this is true of reading as well? Maybe some students need to just focus on being 'functional' readers, like reading the instructions on a job application.
  • telling the truth is the most important thing, much more important than the grammar
  • I would often ask them to describe operations that they take for granted. Ask a girl to write a paragraph on how she braids her sister’s hair. Ask a boy to explain a sports rule. These are just basic starting points, where students learn to write on paper what they might tell a friend. It keeps it concrete. If you ask a kid to write on “My Favorite Movie,” you’re opening the door to subjectivity, and hence to a flood of clichés
  • See, then say
  • A good reader digging into a good book is wonderful. Musical
  • Reading good fiction is like making the jump from masturbation to sex
  • Good teachers can be trained, if they really want to learn (some are pretty lazy). Great teachers, like Socrates, are born
  • What about teaching? Craft, or art?King: It’s both. The best teachers are artists
Katie Day

Our 'Deep Reading' Brain: Its Digital Evolution Poses Questions -- by Maryanne Wolf - 0 views

    Maryanne Wolf, author of "Proust and the Squid", discusses deep reading. The page also shows links to other great articles related to the digital landscape. From the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard.
Keri-Lee Beasley

essential readings | #beyondlaptops - 1 views

    Essential readings from #beyondlaptops conference at Yokohama International School. Some really good articles here
Keri-Lee Beasley

Bringing Up a Young Reader on E-Books - - 1 views

    "The most important thing is sitting and talking with your children," said Gabrielle Strouse, an adjunct assistant professor at Vanderbilt who has studied e-books. "Whether you're reading a book, whether you're reading an e-book, whether you're watching a video. Co-interacting, co-viewing, is the best way for them to learn."
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