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Heide DeMorris

Free Technology for Teachers - 1 views

    The purpose of this site is to share information about free resources that teachers can use in their classrooms. In 2008 Free Technology for Teachers was awarded the Edublogs Award for "Best Resource Sharing Blog." In 2009 Free Technology for Teachers was again awarded the Edublogs Award for "Best Resource Sharing Blog" and was awarded the Edublogs Award for "Best Individual Blog." In 2010 Free Technology for Teachers was awarded the Edublogs Awards for "Best Resource Sharing Blog," "Best Ed Tech Support," and "Best Individual Blog." In 2011 Free Technology for Teachers received the Edublogs Award for Best Ed Tech Blog. Free Technology for Teachers is read by an audience of more than 45,000 daily subscribers (current as of April 1, 2012).
    This is one of my favorite sites to find out what's new in tech for our use.  The April 11th blog post discusses typing accents in other languages.  It also presents 2 virtual keyboards for WL students. Also presented are links to learning languages, activities, and image-based language lessons.  
Barbara Lindsey

Twitter / kathyschrock: The apps I covered and my notes ... - 1 views

    This is a tweet from Educational Technologist Kathy Schrock that gives a link to her online presentation. The link expires after a set time, hence the link to the tweet that includes the link. This presentation guides users on how to use the iPad and iPad apps to create learning materials for your students.
Stephanie Heid

Formative Assessment Iowa WLC Presentation.pdf - 0 views

    A document from an Iowa World Language Conference Presentation. Details several helpful ideas on possible and effective formative assessments.
    Interesting article. Some good ideas about creating assessments.

2012 ISTE Presentation - QR Codes | A Leader in Educational Technology - 1 views

    Interesting ways to use QR codes
Megan Williams

Animoto - Guidelines for Edmodo - 0 views

    This is an Animoto presentation that I found and tweaked to use with my classes this year. It gives some guidelines to my students about how to effectively participate on Edmodo.
Pia DeVries

NATG 2012 by deutschtoon deutschtoon on Prezi - 1 views

    Prezi presented at NATG meeting and shows  ideas applicable to any languages
Heide DeMorris

15 Lesson Plans For Making Students Better Online Researchers - Edudemic - 1 views

    Google presents on-line research lessons at all levels
Stephanie Heid

Eyejot - Video Mail In A Blink - 1 views

    Video email; records an audio and video presentation. Free.
Stephanie Heid

Daily Formative Assessments in Second Language Acquisition, Tuttle - 0 views

    This article details various ways to assess student speaking skills quickly in class; aligns with recent ACTFL conference presentations.
Heide DeMorris

Create Interactive Presentations, Animations and infographics - HTML5 Presenter by Easy... - 0 views

     A much easier way to create a web page!  And its free.  templates are available - along with tutorials.  Good-bye Kompozer?
Heide DeMorris

Thousands of Online Newspapers on the Web : World Newspaper Directory : Listed on Onlin... - 0 views

    This is an excellent resource for finding target language newspapers from around the world.  I would give my students a country and a topic and have them research that topic (ie, the environment).  Or, we could focus on a global topic and compare/contrast how it is being presented in different target-language speaking countries (ie.  North Korea crisis)
Ann Banegas

Explain Everything - 1 views

    Explain Everything is a screencasting app for the iPad. It costs $2.99 in the App Store and no account is needed to use it. This iPad app is designed for educational professionals and students alike, to create projects and record them as screencasts. It is a powerful tool and flexible app that is easy to use. Students use Explain Everything to make collaborative projects using multiple mediums. The recording feature allows foreign language students to create speaking samples with their projects, which can be used to measure progress with language proficiency in a digital portfolio. Teachers can use the recording feature to create a lecture capture. Projects can be designed directly in Explain Everything or files such as presentations, photos, notes, and videos can be imported into the app to create a project that can be annotated with pencil or text, narrated, recorded, and shared in a variety of ways, uploading to Photo Roll, You Tube, Email, Drop Box, and Evernote. Explain Everything can be used by both teachers and students as an interactive whiteboard tool for presentational purposes, when connected to an Apple TV or projector.
Larissa Arist

PowToon, free software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative - 1 views

    A free online tool that students can use to create animated voice presentations for the classroom.
    I will have to implement this tool next time when I create comic strips. What a neat idea, interactive, fun and free.
    I like this tool, I have seen teachers in my school use a program similar to this one, but for some reason I can't remember the program. These can be fun for the students to use because it is something different than the normal PowerPoint that they complete for assignments.
Sabine Whitney

Resource: Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices - 1 views

    Great video resources for all learners with multiple languages and varying topics and proficiency levels. The video library includes and introduction and illustration of standards and the 5 C's, models that cover the interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes of communication and assessment stragegies
Bryn Speers

Educational Tool - 0 views

technology resources education

started by Bryn Speers on 02 Mar 13 no follow-up yet
Ursula Rockefeller

FLENJ - Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey - 3 views

    Student friendly rubrics to use in the classroom for all levels.
    These rubrics are especially helpful! Thanks! I like the fact that you can edit the rubrics as necessary for what you are doing in your classroom. I used some of them for my students' final presentations in June. Great resource! Not to mention there are other wonderful resources on the site as well
Lori Rake

Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders - 0 views

    LiveBinders is your 3-ring binder for the web, create an online binder for content curation. Livebinders were created so that anyone, including educators, could do with digital information what we typically do with the papers on our desk -- organize them into nice containers like three-ring binders on a shelf. With these online binders, you can also upload your documents and easily combine them with your links in a neat and organized way. Once you've created your binder by filling it with links, resources, photos or videos, you can share it via email, link it to anything, embed it in a blog or view it in presentation mode With LiveBinders ,you can organize a lesson there, collaborate with a colleague in writing that lesson on a binder, and share it across many spaces. You can even have students work collaboratively on binders. Creating a LiveBinder to support your lesson planning will save you time and become a living document that you can update anytime.
    This is a great way to organize all of your resources online. It looks very interesting and you can get good resources from the featured binders that are on the site.
    I love live binders. I created one for each of the classes I teach. It is easy to add information, the class notes and handouts, links for extra practice, etc. Students can easily get to it from anywhere.
William Springer

Blogger: Blogger Dashboard - 0 views

    Blogger is a free site for blogging. It is incorporated with Google, so if the user has a Google account, he automatically  has a Blogger account. This site (as well as any simple blogging site) can be used for students to publish their writing and receive a world-wide audience. Additionally, students can keep a reflection journal of their own progress, feelings, and questions regarding their learning. Finally, instructors can use blogs to communicate important information to their students as well as share their voice in an easily-accessed, asynchronous means.
Ursula Rockefeller

TES Connect - 1 views

    This site is an excellent resource for lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, class activities for communication in the target language. Teachers share several artifacts which can be used in the classroom to enhance student engagement both inside and outside the classroom. There is also a Forum where world language teachers blog about useful tips and issues in the world language classroom. Lots of current topics discussed such as using technology in the classroom.

Nearpod - 1 views

    interactive multimedia lessons, linear, that can be pushed to student devices
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