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Heide DeMorris

Free Technology for Teachers - 1 views

    The purpose of this site is to share information about free resources that teachers can use in their classrooms. In 2008 Free Technology for Teachers was awarded the Edublogs Award for "Best Resource Sharing Blog." In 2009 Free Technology for Teachers was again awarded the Edublogs Award for "Best Resource Sharing Blog" and was awarded the Edublogs Award for "Best Individual Blog." In 2010 Free Technology for Teachers was awarded the Edublogs Awards for "Best Resource Sharing Blog," "Best Ed Tech Support," and "Best Individual Blog." In 2011 Free Technology for Teachers received the Edublogs Award for Best Ed Tech Blog. Free Technology for Teachers is read by an audience of more than 45,000 daily subscribers (current as of April 1, 2012).
    This is one of my favorite sites to find out what's new in tech for our use.  The April 11th blog post discusses typing accents in other languages.  It also presents 2 virtual keyboards for WL students. Also presented are links to learning languages, activities, and image-based language lessons.  
Lori Rake

Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders - 0 views

    LiveBinders is your 3-ring binder for the web, create an online binder for content curation. Livebinders were created so that anyone, including educators, could do with digital information what we typically do with the papers on our desk -- organize them into nice containers like three-ring binders on a shelf. With these online binders, you can also upload your documents and easily combine them with your links in a neat and organized way. Once you've created your binder by filling it with links, resources, photos or videos, you can share it via email, link it to anything, embed it in a blog or view it in presentation mode With LiveBinders ,you can organize a lesson there, collaborate with a colleague in writing that lesson on a binder, and share it across many spaces. You can even have students work collaboratively on binders. Creating a LiveBinder to support your lesson planning will save you time and become a living document that you can update anytime.
    This is a great way to organize all of your resources online. It looks very interesting and you can get good resources from the featured binders that are on the site.
    I love live binders. I created one for each of the classes I teach. It is easy to add information, the class notes and handouts, links for extra practice, etc. Students can easily get to it from anywhere.
Lori Rake

Free Technology for Teachers: 77 Web Resources for Teachers to Try This Summer - 1 views

    This is an awesome resource that puts many of the technology pieces we are learning about in these courses all in one place. There are some other pieces that I have heard about and completely forgotten. These can be used in the classroom to aide tecahers and incorporate new technology in the lessons.
Heide DeMorris

Glogster EDU Resources - 0 views

    This site is supported by Glogster and has many resources for not only how to use Glogster in the classroom, but lesson ideas, rubrics, and a bunch of 'how to" video tutorials

Resources A - Z - 1 views

    Latest update 4th June 2013 - These are some of the best free internet resources for education. This page is constantly updated; every time the author comes across a new piece of software or an exciting website, the author lists it here in alphabetical order. If you are looking for a list of resources or a specific resource to help you with your language class, this is the list to check.
Sabine Whitney

Resource: Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: A Library of Classroom Practices - 1 views

    Great video resources for all learners with multiple languages and varying topics and proficiency levels. The video library includes and introduction and illustration of standards and the 5 C's, models that cover the interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes of communication and assessment stragegies
Claire Moisan

Welcome | Teaching Copyright - 0 views

    An excellent curriculum/resource page for teaching students about copyright. Covers history of copyright; quizzes to see what students know; the concept of fair us; issues with remixing, mashups, and file-sharing. Contains links to further resources.
Sabine Whitney

27 Great Resources on Using Portfolios for Language Learning and Literacy | Literacy, L... - 3 views

    A plethora of resources for using portfolios, strength-based and asset-based evaluation and assessment for language learning.
    Portfolios are a great tool to use in the classroom, especially in a more digital environment where everything is already on the computer. I think that this resource could definitely be something that could help teachers who are unsure of how to use portfolios in their classroom.
    I particularly appreciate the broad overview of this site. By including European example, it gives a wider range of perspective. Thanks for sharing
Heide DeMorris

Educational Technology Guy: Google for Education Resources - 1 views

    lots of resources
Ann Banegas

Foreign Language Vocabulary, Grammar, and Readings - 0 views

  • is an online language learning resource available in numerous languages ranging from English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch, Turkish, Arabic, Russian, Mandarin, Japanese, to Korean. This illustrated vocabulary guide contains sound-integrated exercises at three levels -- beginner, intermediate, and advanced, and allows for independent practice at the learner's own pace. These practice exercises are appropriate for elementary and middle school students and this resource would be well suited on a teacher webpage. Thematic topics vary by language but generally include numbers, parts of the body, clothing, food, animals, weather, home, and school. There is an option menu on each screen for listening, speaking, and reading practice, as well as a quiz for students to check their comprehension. Some languages also feature a Grammar and Readings section for more advanced learners.
Barbara Lindsey

31 resources for teaching the language of graphs, plus one website that allows you to m... - 2 views

    A slew of resources to help learners of all ages learn how to read and report on charts and graphs.

Teacher's Comprehensive List of Great Educational Technology Resources ~ Educational Te... - 0 views

    This is a "master" list of all kinds of educational technology tools in the areas of social netowrking, teacher's web resources, educational apps for the iPad, 21st-century teaching resources, google tools, and content area resources. Lots of things to see and review!
Claire Moisan

CanIUseIt.pdf - 3 views

    This very clear pdf helps teachers figure out what they can and cannot ethically put on their websites. Great classroom resource for teaching about cyberethics too.
Larissa Arist

French Language Activities at - 0 views

    Some fun, simple visuals and resources for novice or elementary learners of French.
Heide DeMorris

Professional Development - 3 views

    Free technology webinars, lesson resources, common core,  SmartBoard, and more. 
Heide DeMorris

Concordia Language Villages - Can-Do Statements - 1 views

    Resources for teachers, can-do statements chart, info for students
Sabine Whitney

Tools for Educators - 0 views

    Custom worksheets, games and other resources
Ursula Rockefeller

TES Teaching Resources - 1 views

    Teacher resources website which provides lessons, activities and classroom artifacts to engage learners using web 2.0 tools and technology. Categories are easy to use and make finding appropriate material simple.
    This is a really good site, and I have used it a few times. Have you tried Share my Lesson at ? Many of the lessons are correlated to the common core standards. I've found several good lessons here as well.
Heide DeMorris

Welcome to MFL Online! - MFL Online - 0 views

    A nice site for both students and teachers of French, German, Spanish and Welsh.  Click on Resources at the top of page to access language content.  Be sure to then click on the links on the left for individual language content.  Videos seem to be promising - especially for French. 
Ursula Rockefeller

TES Connect - 1 views

    This site is an excellent resource for lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, class activities for communication in the target language. Teachers share several artifacts which can be used in the classroom to enhance student engagement both inside and outside the classroom. There is also a Forum where world language teachers blog about useful tips and issues in the world language classroom. Lots of current topics discussed such as using technology in the classroom.
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