I included this web-page because it mentions a Twitter group I like to check out called #langchat. It also archives chat sessions. Lots of practical-in-the-classroom idea sharing, especially regarding assessments.
ACTFL's Assessment of Performance Towards Proficiency (AAPPL) is an online assessment that incorporates audio & video in "real-life" task situations. Teachers can register their students. Approximate cost is $20 per student. Students receive feedback like which proficiency level they are currently showing and strategies to get to the next level.
Create a free account on this French language website so you have access to all the great videos, articles and "dossiers". For example, there's a one minute animated video that explains why we have the 1 hour time change this weekend. Great for high school level French students.
The 2nd annual "Taste of France" in NYC just occurred at the end of September. It sounds like a fantastic "Communities" connection to keep on the radar for those people in the NYC area for next year.
A great collection of francophone stories from countries like Mali, Senegal, Maroc. You can download the text and a teacher's guide. It's also read aloud by a native speaker.
This site mirrors the English version, but all the content is in French. The quizzes after each cartoon video clip are very useful for extending vocabulary beyond the basics.
I found this site because I love using Animoto, but am frustrated that the video clip is so short. From the site "When you use Animoto, you know video clips must be 10 seconds or less. But have no fear, I can show you how to get more video clip time! I work on Animoto's customer service team and I know some of you are looking for the secret to adding longer clips."