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Thinking Small About Online Learning | Technology and Learning - 0 views

  • Understanding the changing dynamics of the big players in online learning is important - but I fear that these numbers may dissuade some institutions from exploring distance education
  • An alternative way to think about online learning is not about scale - or even really about revenue generation - but about specialization.
  • Online programs can be a vehicle to highlight differentiation. What school, department, program, or area of research does your school do better than anybody else? What degree programs are you most proud? What areas of teaching and knowledge creation have you build a critical mass of faculty?
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The economics of online education mean that it is possible to build a very small program that is financially sustainable.  If the focus is institutional differentiation and program quality - economic sustainability should be enough
  • Online teaching is the world’s greatest faculty development program
  • The instructional designers that you will bring to campus to build a quality online program will end up working on residential courses.
  • faculty teaching online in a small program are the same faculty teaching on-ground - and they bring all their new course design and active learning skills developed in their online teaching to the face-to-face classroom
  • The real online learning story is the extent that distance education has been a catalyst to improve all the teaching and learning that happens on campus.

An EdTech Thought Experiment | Technology and Learning @insidehighered - 0 views

    "The best way to understand learning tech people is to do a little thought experiment.   Pretend that through some Freaky Friday magic, (think Lindsay Lohan circa 2003), you wake up as a member of your campus IT organization.  (I'm assuming that you are a faculty member or future faculty member of some sort).  Everyone around you is talking about deliverables, assumptions, critical paths, constraints, dependencies and milestones.  There is a hierarchy. Demands are coming at you from all directions.  Budgets are tight and getting tighter. Those around you in IT are talented, dedicated, and often brilliant.  They are also constrained by the need to provide a 24/7/365 rock-solid infrastructure, and to so with budgets that have not grown to meet all the new demands."
Steve Kaufman

Penn State Starts Network for Entrepreneurs With Focus on Online Learning - 1 views

    Education-technology companies are hot these days. So are online programs by universities. Pennsylvania State University hopes to tap into both trends with a new effort to turn its campus into an innovation hub for ed-tech companies. The effort is called the EdTech Network, and officials hope it will spark entrepreneurship around the campus geared toward improving services for online students, said Craig D.
Patrick Tabatcher

U of Texas - Networking stats - 0 views

    Interesting ratios of devices on the UT network. I wonder what the UA makeup is. iPhone dominates mobile. Mac dominates wireless. PC still ahead in wired. Read the full report here:

Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

    Describes ways QR Codes can be used.
Steve Kaufman

With big data invading campus, universities risk unfairly profiling their students - 0 views

    The downside of big data. Do we use performance metrics to unfairly profile students?

The Hope and Hype of the Academic Innovation Center - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "A 2015 survey found that a growing number of colleges were marrying their academic-technology units with their teaching and learning centers in hopes of igniting fundamental reforms across campus. A common mission for innovation centers, particularly at large public universities like Michigan State, is improving student success. That may include revamping large introductory courses, training professors in design thinking and active learning, and using analytics to improve retention and graduation rates."

Listening to Online Education's Ombudsman - The Digital Campus 2013 - The Chronicle of ... - 0 views

  • weighty body of research suggesting that online learning can be just as good as face-to-face.
  • small sample size; inability to control for ubiquitous selection effect
  • really important is first to recognize that online learning isn't any one thing
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • lack of good estimates of likely cost savings
  • People want to simplify, and sometimes they want to oversimplify,
  • o 'disrupt' or not 'disrupt' is not the way to intelligently discuss online learning,
  • randomized experimental trials are tedious and often beside the point
  • Colleges that wait for perfect evidence risk sinking deeper into a hole
  • There can be a fine line between deliberation and inertia.
  • case for using randomized trials should itself be subject to careful cost-benefit analysis
  • best is the enemy of the good

Tips for college leaders to make online programs work | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • “Why are we doing e-learning?”  Is it to increase tuition revenue?  Decrease costs? Create greater access? Allow greater flexibility for our students? Experiment with new pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning, so as to better educate a different generation of students? All of the above?
  • ultimately the senior no-wake proponents on campus will delay and/or sabotage any meaningful e-learning strategy.
  • all must understand the risks of NOT advancing one.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • key to succeeding is to incentivize faculty and senior staff.
  • sharing of tuition revenue generated from online courses and/or financial support for scholarly activities
  • same individuals must be engaged in defining and ensuring the highest level of quality of the online student experience
  • houghtful use of both internal and external resources, including independent marketing research
  • course development standards, teaching expectations, proper advisement and support services
  • measurable retention strategy
  • baseline for retention must be established
  • retention “dashboard” created to enable the provost to monitor all online programs
  • student-faculty engagement
  • careful use of third-party vendors and consultants to properly assess your institution’s market niche is typically a good expense.
  • more personalized, technologically advanced and affordable online degree program.
Steve Kaufman

Small, Rural Colleges Grapple With Their Geography - 0 views

    Kayaks and gorgeous views. A cellphone tower. A Starbucks not so far away. When recruiting students and faculty members, colleges in remote locations count unusual assets as part of their appeal.

The Price Is Still Right: 15 Sites for Free Digital Textbooks -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    "The following list offers 15 sources of quality digital content to use in your courses without worrying about the price tag. "

Howard U. Will Expand Its Online Offerings - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Edu... - 0 views

    Howard will be partnering with Pearson for their online programs.

Blind Florida State U. Students Sue Over E-Learning Systems - Wired Campus - The Chroni... - 1 views

    Mentions accessibility issue with clickers.

Higher Ed E-Learning Growth To Continue at Modest Pace Through 2015 -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    Predicted Expenditures for elearning tools and services
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