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Patrick Tabatcher

Leara Elevate5™ eLearning Interface for Adobe Edge Animate - 0 views

    A tool to compile animations/projects from Adobe Edge Animate into an eLearning interface (like storyline).

Higher Ed E-Learning Growth To Continue at Modest Pace Through 2015 -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    Predicted Expenditures for elearning tools and services

IFAP - Dear Colleague Letters - 0 views

    he purpose of this letter is to provide guidance to address potential fraud in the Federal student aid programs at institutions of higher education that offer distance education programs. This letter provides an overview of the fraud schemes that the Department's Inspector General (IG) detected, and recommends immediate steps that institutions can take to detect and prevent fraud. In this letter, we also describe further actions that institutions can take and that the Federal government is committed to taking, including increasing technical assistance to institutions of higher education, the convening of a Department-wide task force on distance education fraud, and plans for recommending legislative and regulatory changes to address the relevant issues.

Listening to Online Education's Ombudsman - The Digital Campus 2013 - The Chronicle of ... - 0 views

  • weighty body of research suggesting that online learning can be just as good as face-to-face.
  • small sample size; inability to control for ubiquitous selection effect
  • really important is first to recognize that online learning isn't any one thing
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • lack of good estimates of likely cost savings
  • People want to simplify, and sometimes they want to oversimplify,
  • o 'disrupt' or not 'disrupt' is not the way to intelligently discuss online learning,
  • randomized experimental trials are tedious and often beside the point
  • Colleges that wait for perfect evidence risk sinking deeper into a hole
  • There can be a fine line between deliberation and inertia.
  • case for using randomized trials should itself be subject to careful cost-benefit analysis
  • best is the enemy of the good

Tips for college leaders to make online programs work | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • “Why are we doing e-learning?”  Is it to increase tuition revenue?  Decrease costs? Create greater access? Allow greater flexibility for our students? Experiment with new pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning, so as to better educate a different generation of students? All of the above?
  • ultimately the senior no-wake proponents on campus will delay and/or sabotage any meaningful e-learning strategy.
  • all must understand the risks of NOT advancing one.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • key to succeeding is to incentivize faculty and senior staff.
  • sharing of tuition revenue generated from online courses and/or financial support for scholarly activities
  • same individuals must be engaged in defining and ensuring the highest level of quality of the online student experience
  • houghtful use of both internal and external resources, including independent marketing research
  • course development standards, teaching expectations, proper advisement and support services
  • measurable retention strategy
  • baseline for retention must be established
  • retention “dashboard” created to enable the provost to monitor all online programs
  • student-faculty engagement
  • careful use of third-party vendors and consultants to properly assess your institution’s market niche is typically a good expense.
  • more personalized, technologically advanced and affordable online degree program.
wlampner - 1 views

  • This article provides a conceptual framework for thinking aboutattention and memory during video-recorded lectures, particularly as related toonline learning, that builds on 3 key claims: (a) online learning can be conceivedas a type of self-regulated learning, (b) mind wandering reflects a failure ofexecutive control that can impair learning from lectures, and (c) providing inter-mittent tests or quizzes can benefit attenti
    enhance lecture learning in traditional classroom settings and in online education. This article provides a conceptual framework for thinking about attention and memory during video-recorded lectures, particularly as related to online learning, that builds on 3 key claims: (a) online learning can be conceived as a type of self-regulated learning, (b) mind wandering reflects a failure of executive control that can impair learning from lectures, and (c) providing intermittent tests or quizzes can benefit attention and learning. We then summarize recent studies based on this framework that examine the effects of interpolating brief quizzes in a video-recorded lecture. These studies reveal that interpolated quizzing during a video-recorded lecture reduces mind wandering, increases taskrelevant behaviors such as note taking, boosts learning, and also improves calibration between predicted and actual performance.
Steve Kaufman

Lecture Search - 2 views

  • is a curated search engine for quality online lectures, interviews, documentaries, and historically significant speeches. The video list can be navigated with a deep topic taxonomy, which allows the discovery of interesting niche topics. Videos are ranked using over a dozen quality measures, so that you can spend time learning, not looking.

​The Future of Online Learning Is Offline: What Strava Can Teach Digital Cour... - 0 views

    This is worth thinking about. What if we had an app where students could record their learning 'workouts' and it was social? Imagine a Brainbit similar to the Fitbit that reminded students to study for 15 minutes every hour or they could set their own goals and reply yes/no if they met the goal. They could then choose to share on FB or twitter, etc. Maybe there's a way to start thinking about the D2L Awards and the Mozilla backpack and start modeling something like this?
Steve Kaufman

PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations - 0 views

    Founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, the PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.
Steve Kaufman

Few students or faculty like gen ed. Harvard and Duke are trying to change that. - 0 views

    Harvard Universityand Duke University have revamped their general education models to make courses more interesting and meaningful to students and faculty, Colleen Flaherty reports for Inside Higher Ed. At both universities, leaders are concerned that students do not understand the point of general education, a problem also seen at other institutions nationwide.

How to Prepare Professors Who Thought They'd Never Teach Online - The Chronicle of High... - 1 views

  • hat comes through in the video, imperfect as it surely is, is a sense of authenticity.
  • watching a clip repeatedly isn’t a bad thing when it comes to learning.
  • He had been worried about making his lecture videos perfect — thinking that he had to give a command performance every time the camera was rolling, as if he were in a Hollywood production
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • "I don’t expect hyper-efficiency when I teach face to face.
  • ig called a "lightboard," designed a few years ago by a professor at Northwestern University
  • It’s not just that it looks cool, it actually works better
  • autions the professor not to write so much on the board that it blocks her face.
  • 20 minutes of "pre-draw
  • ready to rehearse
  • five-minute lecture twice, each time noting how long it takes and how well she stays focused on the points she wants to emphasize. The goal is to shoot the video in one take, so there is no room for flubs
  • need to let the camera linger on the professor for a few seconds after her lecture so that the video doesn’t appear to end abruptly
  • he tries to think about the students who will be out there watching, eventually. But for now she is bathed in harsh light in a windowless concrete box, remembering to smile
  • It took well over an hour to produce the five-minute clip
Patrick Tabatcher

The Higgs Boson Explained on Vimeo - 0 views

    The Higgs Boson explained as a comic. Short, entertaining and educational. 

IFAP - Dear Colleague Letters - 1 views

    Mitigating financial aid fraud
Patrick Tabatcher

Wolfram Education Portal: Free Resources and Materials for Teachers - 0 views

    Interesting new site from Wolfram for educators and students.
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