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Thinking Small About Online Learning | Technology and Learning - 0 views

  • Understanding the changing dynamics of the big players in online learning is important - but I fear that these numbers may dissuade some institutions from exploring distance education
  • An alternative way to think about online learning is not about scale - or even really about revenue generation - but about specialization.
  • Online programs can be a vehicle to highlight differentiation. What school, department, program, or area of research does your school do better than anybody else? What degree programs are you most proud? What areas of teaching and knowledge creation have you build a critical mass of faculty?
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The economics of online education mean that it is possible to build a very small program that is financially sustainable.  If the focus is institutional differentiation and program quality - economic sustainability should be enough
  • Online teaching is the world’s greatest faculty development program
  • The instructional designers that you will bring to campus to build a quality online program will end up working on residential courses.
  • faculty teaching online in a small program are the same faculty teaching on-ground - and they bring all their new course design and active learning skills developed in their online teaching to the face-to-face classroom
  • The real online learning story is the extent that distance education has been a catalyst to improve all the teaching and learning that happens on campus.

3 Universities Will Grant Credit for 2U's Online Courses - Wired Campus - The Chronicle... - 0 views

  • First, the courses will be taught entirely online—an option that Southern Methodist has never before offered to undergraduates.
  • taught by professors at other universities
  • ourses, offered through the online-education company 2U, will come from a consortium of colleges participating in 2U’s Semester Online program
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • will allow Southern Methodist to see how well online courses work for its students without committing resources to building its own
  • students will be allowed to take a maximum of four courses through 2U
  • prevent cannibalizing enrollment from its own courses
  • will allow each student to take only one Semester Online course this fall
  • courses have already passed through a faculty review.
  • during their time at Southern Methodist
  • U has increasingly pitched itself as the anti-MOOC online provider.
  • teach the courses live, via Webcam, to virtual classrooms of no more than 20 students.
  • 4,200 per student per course.
  • purposefully exclusive.
  • teaching institutions supply high-quality courses, while the affiliates supply high-quality students.

Study questions effectiveness of online education for at-risk students - 1 views

  • According to a new study from the Brookings Institution, students who are the least well prepared for traditional college also fare the worst in online courses. F
  • Thus, while online courses may have the potential to differentiate course work to meet the needs of students with weaker incoming skills, current online courses, in fact, do an even worse job of meeting the needs of these students than do traditional in-person courses,”
  • limited in scope
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • based on data from DeVry University, a large, nonselective for-profit online college
  • DeVry online classes attempt to replicate traditional in-person classes, except that student-student and student-professor interactions are virtual and asynchronous
  • The study found that the negative associations with online courses are concentrated in lower-performing students
    Study of DeVry students only and the courses sound like they are very poorly designed.

How to Improve Public Online Education: Report Offers a Model - Government - The Chroni... - 0 views

  • Public colleges and universities, which educate the bulk of all American college students, have been slower than their counterparts in the for-profit sector to embrace the potential of online learning to offer pathways to degrees.
  • continuum of organizational levels
  • low end of the spectrum, course availability, pricing, transferability of credit, and other issues are all determined at the institutional level, by colleges, departments, or individual professors, resulting in a patchwork collection of online courses that's difficult for students to navigate.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Step 2, institutions further collaborate through shared contracts on resources, like learning-management systems
  • The first step is for state institutions to collaborate to establish a searchable clearinghouse of online courses and degree
  • report identifies five cumulative steps that build toward State U Online and gives an example of a state or system at each step
  • Step 3, systems also provide shared student-support services, such as advising, that can be used by students at all institutions in the system,
  • Step 4, an entire state, or a system of public higher-education institutions within the state, achieves all the previous levels of collaboration and in addition makes it easy for students to transfer credit among institutions.
  • enroll in a program at their "home" institution, but can easily take classes at any institution within the consortium.
  • Step 5 carries that concept beyond state borders. Students can take courses at any institution in such a multistate consortium and not worry about whether their credits will transfer, because institutional agreements within the consortium make that automatic.
  • offers practical suggestions about concerns like building sustainable revenue streams that are less dependent on allocations from legislatures, and on providing incentives and support for faculty members to offer online courses.

Pedagogical Repository - 1 views

    The University of Central Florida's (UCF) Center for Distributed Learning (CDL) offers the Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR) as a public resource for faculty and instructional designers interested in online and blended teaching strategies. Each entry describes a strategy drawn from the pedagogical practice of online/blended teaching faculty, depicts this strategy with artifacts from actual courses, and is aligned with findings from research or professional practice literature. From Wendy - we may want to encourage our faculty to use this, but this also provides an opportunity for them to contribute their own practices.

Online Education and the War Against Remote Work | Learning Innovation - 0 views

  • We have discovered that learning is less about propinquity and more about design.
  • ractices that work well in online courses - such as a focus on presence and a commitment to timely and energetic feedback
  • low-residency and online learning is preferred. (And indeed, often the only possible method to complete or continue an education
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • We have years of experience in optimizing distance education. We know it works. We know how to do it.
  • As we push more and more into low-residency and online education, are we doing enough to make our campuses remote work-friendly?
  • ctively researching the connections between learning design for online education and job design for remote work

Listening to Online Education's Ombudsman - The Digital Campus 2013 - The Chronicle of ... - 0 views

  • weighty body of research suggesting that online learning can be just as good as face-to-face.
  • small sample size; inability to control for ubiquitous selection effect
  • really important is first to recognize that online learning isn't any one thing
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • lack of good estimates of likely cost savings
  • People want to simplify, and sometimes they want to oversimplify,
  • o 'disrupt' or not 'disrupt' is not the way to intelligently discuss online learning,
  • randomized experimental trials are tedious and often beside the point
  • Colleges that wait for perfect evidence risk sinking deeper into a hole
  • There can be a fine line between deliberation and inertia.
  • case for using randomized trials should itself be subject to careful cost-benefit analysis
  • best is the enemy of the good

Tips for college leaders to make online programs work | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • “Why are we doing e-learning?”  Is it to increase tuition revenue?  Decrease costs? Create greater access? Allow greater flexibility for our students? Experiment with new pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning, so as to better educate a different generation of students? All of the above?
  • ultimately the senior no-wake proponents on campus will delay and/or sabotage any meaningful e-learning strategy.
  • all must understand the risks of NOT advancing one.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • key to succeeding is to incentivize faculty and senior staff.
  • sharing of tuition revenue generated from online courses and/or financial support for scholarly activities
  • same individuals must be engaged in defining and ensuring the highest level of quality of the online student experience
  • houghtful use of both internal and external resources, including independent marketing research
  • course development standards, teaching expectations, proper advisement and support services
  • measurable retention strategy
  • baseline for retention must be established
  • retention “dashboard” created to enable the provost to monitor all online programs
  • student-faculty engagement
  • careful use of third-party vendors and consultants to properly assess your institution’s market niche is typically a good expense.
  • more personalized, technologically advanced and affordable online degree program.
wlampner - 1 views

  • This article provides a conceptual framework for thinking aboutattention and memory during video-recorded lectures, particularly as related toonline learning, that builds on 3 key claims: (a) online learning can be conceivedas a type of self-regulated learning, (b) mind wandering reflects a failure ofexecutive control that can impair learning from lectures, and (c) providing inter-mittent tests or quizzes can benefit attenti
    enhance lecture learning in traditional classroom settings and in online education. This article provides a conceptual framework for thinking about attention and memory during video-recorded lectures, particularly as related to online learning, that builds on 3 key claims: (a) online learning can be conceived as a type of self-regulated learning, (b) mind wandering reflects a failure of executive control that can impair learning from lectures, and (c) providing intermittent tests or quizzes can benefit attention and learning. We then summarize recent studies based on this framework that examine the effects of interpolating brief quizzes in a video-recorded lecture. These studies reveal that interpolated quizzing during a video-recorded lecture reduces mind wandering, increases taskrelevant behaviors such as note taking, boosts learning, and also improves calibration between predicted and actual performance.

Beyond Videos: 4 Ways Instructional Designers Can Craft Immersive Educational Media | E... - 1 views

  • Harvard reportedly spends $75,000-$150,000 building each new MOOC, most of which goes towards video production costs.
  • resourceful teachers and nonprofits like Khan Academy are still creating low-budget screencasts.
  • et, until we get the learning design right, these questions about production values are premature
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • makes little sense to convert your narrated PowerPoint into a 360 video if you’re still not sure whether students walk away having learned from the content.
  • This is where instructional designers come in
  • ven if an instructional designer can get an expert to explain a concept clearly, this sometimes has little effect on student understanding
  • students bring their own prior knowledge and misconceptions to educational media
  • ideo presents concepts in a clear, well-illustrated way, students believe they are learning, but they do not engage with the media on a deep enough level to realize that what has been presented differs from their own prior knowledge,
  • ou need a little friction in your educational media to actually modify the viewer’s understanding of the world and get the new understanding to stick
  • talk through the steps that people will need to take to apply their learning or complete an assignment
  • Relate” videos get the student to feel connected to the instructor. They seek to establish instructor presence. They also prompt students to reflect on their own prior experiences with the topic and reasons for taking the course.
  • arrate” videos share stories, anecdotes, or case studies that illustrate a concept or put the learning in context. They tap into the power of narrative to make learning sticky.
  • Demonstrate” videos illustrate how to do something in a step-by-step way.
  • “Debate” videos are perhaps the most important if you want students to actually change the way they think. These videos explicitly surface and address the misconceptions that students have about a domain and showcase competing points of view.
  • that social belonging interventions can be the key to helping students persis
  • coaching your experts to unfold their narratives in ways that will be riveting to an audience
  • A study by Columbia University School of Continuing Education found that videos in an online course that get the highest number of views have a direct connection to the course assignments
  • videos turn out best if I help the expert do four things: relate, narrate, demonstrate, and debate
  • focus on the places where people tend to make mistakes
  • gaps between novice understanding and expert knowledge
  • As the instructional designer, you should also be looking for controversies that might have surfaced about the expert’s work
  • minefields of misconceptions and asking the instructor to unpack them can yield rich pedagogical footage
  • o film a “debate” video, you can also invite someone else into the shoot—such as a colleague or a student—and have them discuss a topic with the instructor or receive feedback on a piece of work
  • alternative viewpoints or ways of doing things, you trigger higher cognitive load for viewers, but also prompt deeper engagement
  • tudents who watched a video dialogue involving alternative conceptions reported investing greater mental effort and achieved higher posttest scores than students who received a standard lecture-style presentation

How marketing helped Southern New Hampshire University make it big online - 0 views

    "national online college"

​The Future of Online Learning Is Offline: What Strava Can Teach Digital Cour... - 0 views

    This is worth thinking about. What if we had an app where students could record their learning 'workouts' and it was social? Imagine a Brainbit similar to the Fitbit that reminded students to study for 15 minutes every hour or they could set their own goals and reply yes/no if they met the goal. They could then choose to share on FB or twitter, etc. Maybe there's a way to start thinking about the D2L Awards and the Mozilla backpack and start modeling something like this?
Patrick Tabatcher

How to turn everyone in your newsroom into a graphics editor » Nieman Journal... - 1 views

    An online tool that you can self-host or run off your local machine to easily create charts. Try it online here:

Howard U. Will Expand Its Online Offerings - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Edu... - 0 views

    Howard will be partnering with Pearson for their online programs.
Steve Kaufman

Penn State Starts Network for Entrepreneurs With Focus on Online Learning - 1 views

    Education-technology companies are hot these days. So are online programs by universities. Pennsylvania State University hopes to tap into both trends with a new effort to turn its campus into an innovation hub for ed-tech companies. The effort is called the EdTech Network, and officials hope it will spark entrepreneurship around the campus geared toward improving services for online students, said Craig D.

Demand for online learning likely to grow in British Columbia - 0 views

    Demand for online learning likely to grow in British Columbia

Teacher Presence: Using Introductory Videos in Online and Hybrid Courses by Paula Jones... - 1 views

    "We evaluated student perceptions relating to the significance of producing an introductory video to introduce the instructor to students in both a fully online course and a hybrid course. From the results of this study, we concluded that introductory videos can help to establish the instructor's teaching presence with the students, regardless of the method of delivery of the course.""

Trump administration official describes plan to 'rethink' higher education through upco... - 0 views

  • epartment wants to drop a standardized definition for academic course work, known as the credit hour, that the Obama administration rewrote in 2010 to curb credit inflation
  • re-examination of requirements for online education
  • faculty interaction and state authorization rules
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • evaluating rules for competency-based education and the outsourcing of academic programs to nonaccredited providers
  • ccreditors have clamored for the department to get rid of the credit-hour definition, complaining it is difficult for them to track. Officials from some colleges, particularly those offering competency-based programs, have argued that the standard makes it difficult to comply with federal aid requirements.
  • The credit hour probably interferes with innovation almost more than anything
  • biggest providers of nontraditional education today -- online colleges -- have far more data on faculty instruction and student engagement than any other type of institution. And accreditors, she said, would come up with new ways to evaluate academic workloads based on that data.
  • department will propose that negotiators discuss federal rules for the outsourcing of portions of academic programs to nonaccredited or noncollege providers
  • Currently, no more than half of a program can be administered by an outside entity, such as an online program management (OPM) company
  • uild on lessons being learned from an Obama-era experiment to allow such partnerships to receive federal aid, dubbed the EQUIP program
  • e department wants to put more of an onus on colleges to justify not taking transfer credit,

Facebook testing features to let users teach online courses - 0 views

  • Facebook is testing new features in its developer community that, if rolled out across the platform, could let anyone on the social networking service teach online courses.
  • initiative, known as Developers Circles,
  • The company is working with online education provider Udacity to create training programs for developers who participate in the circles.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has recently taken an interest in education. He and pediatrician Priscilla Chan, his wife, in 2015 founded the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which among many initiatives is exploring whether personalized learning can benefit students.
  • I'm nervous about a deep integration of social media and learning. The mix of constant interruption (social media) with a need to focus (learning) seems counterproductive.”

World's Largest Natural Sound Archive Now Online - 1 views

    he "largest and oldest" collection of natural sounds in the world is now digital and available online, Cornell University announced. The Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology houses a scientific archive of biodiversity audio and video recordings. Previously in analog format, the recordings - which go back to 1929 - are now completely digitized, and can be heard at "In terms of speed and the breadth of material now accessible to anyone in the world, this is really revolutionary," Greg Budney, Macaulay's audio curator, said in a statement. It took archivists 12 years to finish digitizing the collection, which has nearly 150,000 audio recordings that run a total of 7,513 hours, according to Cornell. The library features 9,000 species, including mostly birds, as well as whales, elephants, frogs and primates.
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