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An EdTech Thought Experiment | Technology and Learning @insidehighered - 0 views

    "The best way to understand learning tech people is to do a little thought experiment.   Pretend that through some Freaky Friday magic, (think Lindsay Lohan circa 2003), you wake up as a member of your campus IT organization.  (I'm assuming that you are a faculty member or future faculty member of some sort).  Everyone around you is talking about deliverables, assumptions, critical paths, constraints, dependencies and milestones.  There is a hierarchy. Demands are coming at you from all directions.  Budgets are tight and getting tighter. Those around you in IT are talented, dedicated, and often brilliant.  They are also constrained by the need to provide a 24/7/365 rock-solid infrastructure, and to so with budgets that have not grown to meet all the new demands."

20+ Edtech Pick Up Lines for Your Valentine's Day Pleasure | EdSurge News - 0 views

    a little late but some great ideas here for the DDS blog post headlines.

Kyle Bowen: Robot Writers, Open Education, and the Future of Edtech | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • Bowen is part of a team that has developed algorithms for computers to learn how to write textbooks by extracting factual information.
  • The single most exciting aspect for him, he explains, is accessibility. The advent of free or low-cost textbooks for underserved populations — especially within STEM fields, which advance so quickly that traditional books are typically out of date the moment they’re printed — is a very exciting prospect and, as Bowen puts it, ‘a powerful idea.’
  • just who owns the copyright if the final deliverable qualifies as a derivative work?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • if a machine writes a textbook or other resource, who is the author?
  • he platform uses intelligent algorithms that search through OER repositories and return relevant resources that can be combined, remixed, and reused in the support of specific learning goals.
  • We could even have entire learning spaces that adapt to suit the specific needs of faculty or students

"The Audrey Test": Or, What Should Every Techie Know About Education? - 0 views

    thought provoking and useful
Steve Kaufman

Penn State Starts Network for Entrepreneurs With Focus on Online Learning - 1 views

    Education-technology companies are hot these days. So are online programs by universities. Pennsylvania State University hopes to tap into both trends with a new effort to turn its campus into an innovation hub for ed-tech companies. The effort is called the EdTech Network, and officials hope it will spark entrepreneurship around the campus geared toward improving services for online students, said Craig D.

New Classroom Tool Uses Laptops & Phones for Instant Assessment - 1 views

    potential clicker alternatives, see comments for more to review
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