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BEITL, Cockles in Cstody - The Role of Common Property Arrangements in the Ecological Sustainability of Mangrove Fisheries Onthe Ecduadrian Cosast - 0 views

    "This paper investigates how common property institutional arrangementscontribute to sustainable mangrove sheries in coastal Ecuador, ocusing onthe shery or the mangrove cockle (  Anadara tuberculosa and  A. similis ), abivalve mollusk harvested rom the roots o mangrove trees and o particularsocial, economic, and cultural importance or the communities that dependon it. Specically, this study examines the emergence o new civil societyinstitutions within the historical context o extensive mangrove deorestationor the expansion o shrimp arming, policy changes in the late 1990s thatrecognized "ancestral" rights o local communities to mangrove resources, andhow custodias, community-managed mangrove concessions, aect the cockleshery. Findings rom interviews with shell collectors and analysis o catch-per-unit-eort (CPUE) indicate that mangrove concessions as common propertyregimes promote community empowerment, local autonomy over resources,mangrove conservation and recovery, higher cockle catch shares, and larger shellsizes, but the benets are not evenly distributed. Associations without custodias and independent cockle collectors eel urther marginalized by the loss o gathering grounds, potentially defecting problems o overexploitation to "open-access" areas, in which mangrove sheries are weakly managed by the State.Using Ostrom's Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) ramework, theexplicit link between social and ecological systems is studied at dierent levels,examining the relationship between collective action and the environment throughquantitative approaches at the shery level and qualitative analysis at the level"

FERNANDEZ, New Marine Commons along the Chilean coast - The managemen areas MAs of Peñuelas and Chigualoco - 0 views

    "To halt degradation o benthic resources in Chile, managementareas (MAs) were set up under the Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURFs)ramework in the late 1990s. Integrated into the global market, MAs have sinceexpanded along the Chilean coast, involving thousands o small-scale artisanalshers. This paper analyses how economic criteria relates to social and ecologicalperormance o Chilean MAs, by applying TURFs, commons and co-managementtheory to two cases: MAs Peñuelas and Chigualoco. To collect and analyse dataParticipatory Rural Appraisal tools, interviews and ocial statistics and reportswere used. Our results show that MAs' economic benets are connected tofuctuations on the global market. Adapting to changing world market prices thenbecomes paramount. TURFs' main goal is ecological conservation, but achievingthis seems to depend on meeting shers' livelihoods; ailure to do so likely resultsin ailure to meet conservation objectives. A serious weakness o the ChileanTURFs system is that it does not pay enough attention to shers' livelihoods orto the global market context. Furthermore, there is a strong relationship betweengood economic benets and social sustainability. But irrespective o economicperormance, sher organizations have been empowered and gained increasedresource control with the TURFs system. At policy level, a dierentiated andmore fexible system could be more suitable or existing heterogeneous MAsand their particular economic, social and ecological challenges. For improvedeconomic sustainability and resource conservation, a system with multiple-species managing MAs could be promoted as well. Finally, to enhance theory o commons, co-management and TURFs, we argue or greater acknowledgement"

Fish Farming Archives - Modern Farmer - 1 views

    Numbers from N.O.A.A. make one fact abundantly clear: When it comes to aquaculture, the U.S. remains a tiny fish in an growing Asian pond. News Plants and Animals Many of the issues with aquaculture, or fish farming, are well documented. Farmed fish compete for space against wild fish, and they carry New parasites and ...

Cockles in custody: the role of common property arrangements in the ecological sustainability of mangrove Fisheries on the Ecuadorian Coast | Beitl | International Journal of the Commons - 0 views

    "Scholars of common property resource theory (CPR) have long asserted that certain kinds of institutional arrangements based on collective action result in successful environmental stewardship, but feedback and the direct link between social and ecological systems remains poorly understood. This paper investigates how common property institutional arrangements contribute to sustainable mangrove fisheries in coastal Ecuador, focusing on the fishery for the mangrove cockle (Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis), a bivalve mollusk harvested from the roots of mangrove trees and of particular social, economic, and cultural importance for the communities that depend on it. Specifically, this study examines the emergence of new civil society institutions within the historical context of extensive mangrove deforestation for the expansion of shrimp farming, policy changes in the late 1990s that recognized "ancestral" rights of local communities to mangrove resources, and how custodias, community-managed mangrove concessions, affect the cockle fishery. Findings from interviews with shell collectors and analysis of catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) indicate that mangrove concessions as common property regimes promote community empowerment, local autonomy over resources, mangrove conservation and recovery, higher cockle catch shares, and larger shell sizes, but the benefits are not evenly distributed. Associations without custodias and independent cockle collectors feel further marginalized by the loss of gathering grounds, potentially deflecting problems of overexploitation to "open-access" areas, in which mangrove fisheries are weakly managed by the State. Using Ostrom's Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework, the explicit link between social and ecological systems is studied at different levels, examining the relationship between collective action and the environment through quantitative approaches at the fishery level and qualitative analysis at the level

Emerging commons within artisanal fisheries. The Chilean territorial use rights in fisheries (TURFs) within a broader coastal landscape | Gallardo Fernández | International Journal of the Commons - 0 views

    "Territorial User Rights in Fisheries (TURFs) have spread in Chile, since the late 1990s, in the form of commons institutions. TURFs are presented by some scholars as a social-ecological success; by others as showing economic and compliance problems. Studies looking at the material conditions in which fishers produce and reproduce their livelihoods, and in which TURFs emerge, are scarcer. Ostrom's theory on the commons claims that certain collective action conditions have to be met to become thriving commons institutions. Our hypothesis is that while institutions are moulded by local material conditions, such as geographical location and social embeddedness, these impose challenges and constraints upon fishers influencing TURFs' long-term viability. How are collective action conditions influenced when the new TURFs commons do not emerge in tabula rasa contexts but in occupied spaces? Do material conditions influence TURFs' sustainability? This paper set out to explore these conditions. Huentelauquén's and Guayacán's TURFs (central-northern Chile) were chosen, as they represent two extremes (rural-urban; on private property-on State/municipal property; mainly diver - mainly fisher) contexts in which TURFs have emerged. We mainly used Participatory Rural Approach (PRA) tools triangulated with other qualitative methods. This study shows that both social embeddedness (private/State lands), and geographical location (rural/urban) matter, resulting in different access to the coast for different TURFs, thus determining some important differences between our cases in at least three relevant areas: entrance, social relations between the fishers' organization (entitled the TURFs) and the landowner (private or municipal/State) and the existence or absence of fishing and general infrastructure. Competition for space among key actors seems to affect the process of acquiring a TURF as well as the conditions conductive to collective action. TURFs' assessments s

Intercultural Capacity Deficits - Contested Geographies of Coexstence in Natural Resource Management - 0 views

    Richard Hovitt e seu companheiros colocam o conflito de interesses no âmbito dos sistemas interclultural de gestão dos recursos naturais na Australia e Malaysia. Eles exploram as maneiras pelas quais o " ontological pluralism and the interplay of socio-cultural, political-economic and biophysical influences shape NRM systems", uma problemática muito próxima aos nossos territórios pesqueiros. O objetivo dos autores é ampliar " discursive space in which to reframe the challenges of capacity building in the rapidly changing spaces of intercultural NRM systems." Para nós a relevância do texto deve-se em boa parte porque eles "...synthesizes the conceptual arguments of field research to conclude that capacity deficits of dominant institutions, processes and knowledge systems drive many systemic failures in land and sea management affecting Indigenous peoples. We advocate urgent action to build intercultural competence and new capacities and competencies in those institutions." Enfim, segundo eles, " The paper reframes intercultural NRM in terms of coexistence an and invites wider debate about these 'new geographies of coexistence' in intercultural NRM systems"

WILEN, The Economics of Territorial Use Rights Fisheries, Or TURFs - 1 views

    • iheringalcoforado
      A Economia dos TURFs (territoiral Use Rights Fisheries) é introduzia pelo autores como uma correção de algumas limitações das ITQs (Individual Transferable Quotes), objeto da Tesina de Hugo Ballestero, orientando de Gonzalo Rodriguez. Em função disso vamos solicitar ao Hugo que nos envie um poster ponto na sua inteireza as premissas e as vantagens e as desvantagens das ITQs

Development of Property in the Fishery - 0 views

    Particularmente interessante as caracteristicas dos direiros de propiedade reas. Artigo seminal. To what extent is the recently invented individual catch quota a form of real property right? This article introduces six quantitative characteristics of all personal interests in land and natural resources. It is shown that medieval fishing rights had some of these characteristics, but these rights were not developed in the common law of property. The article then turns to modern regulatory licenses and catch quotas and examines the extent to which they embody property characteristics. In a digression, the obstacles to political acceptance of the individual fishery property concept are surveyed. The paper concludes by suggesting that catch quotas may develop into shares in the fish stock or biomass itself.
    Uma premissa importante na estruturação do argumento é que para o autor, as instituições são "unchanging relative, relative to the more rapid fluctuations of economic activities", o que justifica nas evidências históricas mostrarem queas políticas govrnamenais não tem tido sucesso em imort novs intituições não governamentais, como imaginam os economia que defendem os "new`rights-based regimes",enfim novos direitos de propriedade não são facilmente instituidos,. Na verdade segundo o autor, o que acontece é que as sociedades já dispõe de um conjunto de direitos de propriedade padrão que podem ser introduzido s regimes pesqueiros. Este entendimento põe os regimes de propriedade vigentes como os recursos a ser manejados na configuração dos regimes pesqueiros, o que pressupõe que o policymaking tenha um domínio do direito positivo (vigente) de propriedade..

Fish Farms Contribute to Rising Sea Levels - 1 views

    Fish Farms Contribute to Rising Sea Levels Many of the issues with aquaculture, or fish farming, are well documented. Farmed fish compete for space against wild fish, and they carry new parasites and diseases. They contribute to water pollution and often eat wild fish, further depleting overfished populations.

New marine commons along the Chilean coast - the management areas (MAs) of Peñuelas and Chigualoco | Gallardo Fernández | International Journal of the Commons - 0 views

    "To halt degradation of benthic resources in Chile, management areas (MAs) were set up under the Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURFs) framework in the late 1990s. Integrated into the global market, MAs have since expanded along the Chilean coast, involving thousands of small-scale artisanal fishers. This paper analyses how economic criteria relates to social and ecological performance of Chilean MAs, by applying TURFs, commons and co-management theory to two cases: MAs Peñuelas and Chigualoco. To collect and analyse data Participatory Rural Appraisal tools, interviews and official statistics and reports were used. Our results show that MAs' economic benefits are connected to fluctuations on the global market. Adapting to changing world market prices then becomes paramount. TURFs' main goal is ecological conservation, but achieving this seems to depend on meeting fishers' livelihoods; failure to do so likely results in failure to meet conservation objectives. A serious weakness of the Chilean TURFs system is that it does not pay enough attention to fishers' livelihoods or to the global market context. Furthermore, there is a strong relationship between good economic benefits and social sustainability. But irrespective of economic performance, fisher organizations have been empowered and gained increased resource control with the TURFs system. At policy level, a differentiated and more flexible system could be more suitable for existing heterogeneous MAs and their particular economic, social and ecological challenges. For improved economic sustainability and resource conservation, a system with multiple-species managing MAs could be promoted as well. Finally, to enhance theory of commons, co-management and TURFs, we argue for greater acknowledgement of TURFs' social benefits in addition to economic assessments. More attention should also be paid to global market conditions of which MAs are dependent and in which they are embedded: macrostructures tha

MILONAKIS, D & MERAMVELIOTAKIS, G, Homo Economicus and theEconomics of Property Rights:History in Reverse Order Dimitris Milonakis - 2 views

    A vertente institucionalista no âmbito da política é, em boa parte, fundamentada na Economia dos Direitos de Propriedade, a qual é tomada na maioria das vezes acítica, dado que se considera uma critica a abordagem convencional que mesmo reconhecendo o direito de propiredade, não o considera como possível de ser objeto da política, ou seja, afasta--o do âmbito analítico considerando-o constante, por meio do suposto do "tudo o mais constante". Aqui, a Economia dos Direitos de Propriedade e problematizada.

SPASH, The political economy of nature - 0 views

    Uma boa parte da contribuição da comunidade dos economistas a gestão dos recursos pesqueiros se assenta nos pressupostos do individualismo metodológico, o que implica a desconsideração da pluralidade do valores que se expressam nos complexos processos de tomada de decisão. O autor atento a este detalhe, e, sensível aos preceitos da economia ecológica sugere e argumenta que " [....] the new approach to environmental problems by economists will have to be a political economy of Nature." O "norte" de Spash é claro e instigante, além de ter subjacente o programa da economia ecológica, eis suas palavras: "Within the field of environmental and resource economics discontent with the policy relevance of prescriptions is often evident, but neoclassical theory still seems to maintain a dominant role. That was true until the late 1980s when ecologists and economists started to talk in a more formal fashion. The result has been the formation of ecological economics, which is attempting to take a fresh look at how economic systems interact with Nature. The methodology of this newer approach is still refreshingly open, and part of the thrust of this paper is to suggest the direction that it should take."

The Privatization of the Oceans - 1 views

    Rögnvaldur Hannesson introduz a evolução dos direitos de propriedade tendo como telos o Bem estar Econômico. Em seguida introduz o Direito Internacional dos Mares, e, neste contexto trata dos direitos de propriedades sobre os recursos pesqueiros,destacando os direitos de uso individual tanto do ponto de vista teórico como aplicado (New Zealand, Chile, Norway, and Canada), detendo-se nos ITQs na Islandia(Iceland) pra tratar da controversia em torno da reforma do seu regime e no desenvolvimento dos ITQs nos USA.

Aquaculture conference: To the Next 40 Years of Sustainable Global Aquaculture - 0 views

    This conference will not only celebrate the last 40 years of outstanding science accomplishments in aquaculture it will identify the top science challenges for the next generation of global aquaculture. The conference will be essential for helping assist in a generational change to new leaders for the next science accomplishments needed to double global aquaculture production. You should attend if you are at the cutting edge of science understanding genetics, diseases, feeds, ecological interactions, and sustainable systems. Topics List Aquaculture hatcheries: Science advances and future research needs Combining marker assisted selection with classic selection programs Transdisciplinary research needs for the expansion of aquaculture in rural economies Raw materials and feed ingredients needed for the future of aquaculture Interactions of aquaculture and the environment Research institutions and research strategies in aquaculture 3rd -7th November 2013 Palacio de Congresos de Canarias, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

Emergent Property - 0 views

    Henry E. Smith de alguma forma chama atenção para os possiveis excessos de customização dos direitos de propriedade, ao fazer defesa de um desenho genérico dos direitos, ao arguir " [...] that general legal concepts play a crucial role of lowering information costs, and that recognizing this economizing role of property concepts allows us to reconcile various positions on some of the key issues in property theory. These include, in addition to conceptualism itself, the proper role of formalism in property, the relation of functionalism and interpretivism, and the way in which property theory must in practice be holistic". Esta visão de Henry E. Smith expressa a mesma preocupação de Anthony Scott ao ressaltar em Development of Property in the Fishery que as evidências históricas mostram que as políticas governamenais não tem tido sucesso em impor novas instituições não governamentais, como imaginam os economistas que defendem os "new`rights-based regimes", isto orque, segundo ele, novos direitos de propriedade não são facilmente instituídos e, se não for padronizados eleva os custos de transação. Na verdade segundo Henry E. Smith, cujo texto estar disponibilizado abaixo, o que acontece é que as sociedades já dispõe de um conjunto de direitos de propriedade padrão que podem ser deslizados para os regimes pesqueiros. Este entendimento põe os regimes de propriedade vigentes como os principais recursos a ser manejados na configuração dos regimes pesqueiros, o que pressupõe que o policymaking tenha um domínio do direito positivo (vigente) de propriedade d a jurisdição na qual se insere a área em consideração...
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