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Colin Bennett

Zero Energy Building Construction - 1 views

  • Also called net zero energy buildings, ZEBs bring together existing energy efficient technologies to form a high-performance building
Colin Bennett

Solderable fully insulated (FIW) zero-defect polyurethane enamelled round copper wire - 0 views

    "Solderable fully insulated (FIW) zero-defect polyurethane enamelled round copper wire"
Colin Bennett

Survey - Smart grid execs zero in on energy storage, DG and microgrids - 0 views

  • Survey conclusions, which are highlighted in a report titled “Power Systems of the Future: The Case for Energy Storage, Distributed Generation, and Microgrids” created by Zpryme Research & Consulting, include:
Glycon Garcia

Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy | Video on - 0 views

  • Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy
  • What's the key to using alternative energy, like solar and wind? Storage -- so we can have power on tap even when the sun's not out and the wind's not blowing. In this accessible, inspiring talk, Donald Sadoway takes to the blackboard to show us the future of large-scale batteries that store renewable energy. As he says: "We need to think about the problem differently. We need to think big. We need to think cheap." Donald S
    "Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy Tweet this talk! (we'll add the headline and the URL) Post to: Share on Twitter Email This Favorite Download inShare Share on StumbleUpon Share on Reddit Share on Facebook TED Conversations Got an idea, question, or debate inspired by this talk? Start a TED Conversation, or join one of these: Green Home Energy=Hydrogen Generators-alternative sources Started by Kathleen Gilligan-Smith 1 Comment What is the real missing link in renewable energy? Started by Enrico Petrucco 8 Comments Comment on this Talk 60 total comments Sign in to add comments or Join (It's free and fast!) Sort By: smily raichel 0 Reply Less than 5 minutes ago: Nice smily raichel 0 Reply Less than 5 minutes ago: Good David Mackey 0 Reply 3 hours ago: Superb invention, but I would suggest one more standard mantra that they should move on from and that is the idea of power being supplied by a centralised grid. This technology seems to me to be much more beneficial on a local scale, what if every home had its own battery, then home power generation becomes economically more viable for everyone. If you could show that a system like this could pay for itself in say 5 years then every home would want one. Plus for this to be implemented on a large scale requires massive investment that could be decades away. Share the technology and lets get it in homes by next year. Great ted talk. Jon Senior 0 Reply 1 hour ago: I agree 100%. Localised energy production would also make energy consumers more conscious of their consumption and encourage efforts to reduce it. We can invent and invent all we want, but the fast solution to allowing renewable energies to take centre stage is to reduce the base energy draw. With lower baseline consumption, smaller "always on" generators are required to keep the grid operational. Town and house-l
Colin Bennett

Far-infrared electrodynamics of thin superconducting NbN film in magnetic fields - 0 views

  • We studied a thin superconducting NbN film in magnetic fields up to 8 T above the zero-temperature limit by means of time-domain terahertz and scanning tunneling spectroscopies in order to understand the vortex response. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy was used to determine the optical gap and the upper critical field of the sample. The values obtained were subsequently used to fit the terahertz complex conductivity spectra in the magnetic field in the Faraday geometry above the zero-temperature limit. These spectra are best described in terms of the Coffey–Clem self-consistent solution of a modified London equation in the flux creep regime.
Colin Bennett

Global Mega Trends and Implications to Future Living - 1 views

  • Understanding the development of Mega Cities and Smart Cities; "Smart" emerging as the new Green; Geo Socialization; Innovating to Zero; Beyond BRIC: The Next Game-Changers; Space Jam; Personal Robots; and New Business Models, to name a few, will create some of the Mega Trends that will influence and shape the world in the coming years to 2025.
xxx xxx

106 mpg 'air car' creates buzz, questions - 0 views

    You've heard of hybrids, electric cars and vehicles that can run on vegetable oil. But of all the contenders in the quest to produce the ultimate fuel-efficient car, this could be the first one to let you say, "Fill it up with air." That's the idea behind the compressed air car, a vehicle its backers say could achieve a fuel economy of 106 miles per gallon. Plenty of skepticism exists, but with many Americans trying to escape sticker shock at the gas pump, the concept is generating buzz. The technology has been the focus of MDI, a European company founded in 1991 by a French inventor and former race car engineer. New York-based Zero Pollution Motors is the first firm to obtain a license from MDI to produce the cars in the United States, pledging to deliver the first models in 2010 at a price tag of less than $18,000.
Brian Butler

GloboTrends Wiki / FrontPage - 0 views

    Top Trends for 2009: On our GloboTrends wiki homepage, we will keep an updated list of global macro trends that we think are the most important to keep an eye on. Some of this list are statistically unlikely to occur, but if they did, it could cause global disruption. These unlikely events were dubbed Black Swan's in a book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb , or might be called the "fat tail" probability in statistics. Others trends we are watching in the GloboTrends wiki are currently ongoing right now (such as our coverage of the credit crisis, deleveraging, margin calls, etc), and we will talk about how they happened, and predict their likely outcome. The format of a wiki makes the document dynamic, so any of our community is welcome to help shape our views of these important developments. Please log in to our wiki, and feel free to comment... In no particular order, here are the global macro trends that we think will be most significant in the coming year (2009): 1. credit crisis of 2007/08 will continue on into 2009...this one is clear...but, how long will it last? how will it fundamentally change international finance? Add your comments to our wiki... 2. fiscal stimulus and crisis recovery 2009 3. deleveraging of Financial markets will continue. In my opinion, this is the most destructive of all the trends. 4. Risk of deflation in the US as Fed Funds target rate approaches zero (other analysts see the opposite risk of potential hyper inflation). Add your comments.. 5. more... add to this list.. Predictions-for-2009
Emma james

Taiwan's first zero-carbon building flaunts 13 green building design methods - Educatio... - 0 views

    The Y. S. Sun Green Building Research Center, which costs TWD87,000 ($296,1) per 36 square feet, adopts 13 different green building design methods, including five natural ventilation energy-saving methods, two equipment reduction methods, and five equipment energy-saving technologies and renewable energy technologies.
Colin Bennett

Carbon-free copper smelting technology - 0 views

    "Recently, carbon-free copper smelting technology, a technology with full independent intellectual property rights, has passed expert examination organized by China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association (CNIA) in Dongying, Shandong province. It is the first time zero-carbon emissions in the copper melting process has been realized and also opens a new gate for low-carbon development of China's nonferrous metals industry."
Hans De Keulenaer

Report Report: ESG, supply chains, net zero and EVs | GreenBiz - 2 views

  • The Report Report is a periodic article produced by Corporate Eco Forum, a by-invitation membership organization comprised of large, global companies that demonstrate a serious commitment at the senior executive level to sustainability as a business strategy issue.
    16 recent trend reports on climate and sustainability
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