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Lucretia Human

5 Tips to Help Teachers Who Struggle with Technology | Edutopia - 17 views

    • Lucretia Human
      As the gap formed by the use of technology and those resistant to its use widens, so does the feelings of separation, loneliness, frustration and sometimes superiority among faculty. What has been your experience dealing with faculty, who has undergone these types of emotions when confronted with the use of technology in the classroom?
    • hillaryparrish
      First, I will say I am the Business teacher, so I have no responsibilities to any teachers in my district regarding technology. Second, I will say that I love helping people, so if I know how to help someone, I will! My perception on this is going to be really skewed. I will give you some background, and I will try to keep it short. In Oct. 2012, our entire server for the entire school crashed. It had not been backed up since May 2012. Many people lost everything; many people lost a lot of things. It was bad. The IT Coordinator (we only have one) for our district pretty much did nothing all of the 2012-2013 school year. They fired him in July 2013. In August 2013 (one week before school started), my classroom was in shambles (the high school computer lab) as a result of a remodel and they hired a new IT Coordinator. 2013-2014 has been better. However, we still have multiple teachers without teacher computers or student computers in their classrooms. That is the short story. So, teachers come to me with all types of emotions. Although I have nothing to do with IT, I am the computer teacher. Until December 2013, our internet worked about 60% of the time. Frustration about technology was an understatement. No one wants to learn new technology, they just want to be able to take roll. It is getting better though. If I were to imagine what it would be like if everything would have been normal with bumps in the road rather than catastrophes over the last two years, this is what I would say. Mr./Mrs./Miss Teacher, I would be glad to come in early or stay late to work with you to help you with that new technology that you would like to learn. Or, if I were in charge of instructional technology, I would like to have built in times to do PD. There is a larger, neighboring district that has students go in one hour late once a week so teachers can do PD. I think this would work nicely.
    • noramedrano
      I am a reading teacher, and like Hillary, I have no responsibilities teaching teachers about technology. All teachers in my campus know how to use a computer, add attachments, send emails, schedule meeting through outlook email since we are assigned a computer at the beginning of the year. Teachers throughout the school year send, receive emails and attachments. Now we do use Google Docs (per grade level) to keep information on one centralized location, yet not trained on it. I am willing to help, and have helped many teachers that had never been exposed to Google Docs. I give them a quick run through and make sure they understand how to create, add, edit, and view data on a Google Doc. Teachers are very thankful when I assist them with this because they feel frustrated that they need to use the Google Doc but have not been taught or given a PD on it.
    • Benjamin Caulder
      I am in a 1:1 school and despite this, there are several teachers who do not regularly use all the tools available to them. I don't know of any who refuse to use any technology, but some refuse to use the tablet they were issued; others refuse to use our LMS (Moodle); and still others refuse to use any Web 2.0 tools. I know of one who would not since she was so close to retiring, she didn't want to invest in re-learning what she already did. In her particular case, the LMS and the Web 2.0 tools were presented as nothing more than fancy pencils. As they were presented (I know since they were presented to me the exact same way) they did not deepen the learning or provide a way to authenticate the learning. Why should she change when the students didn't benefit (as far as she was taught). So what I see is that the education of the teacher can NOT be secondary or tertiary. It must be the primary goal of the Instructional Tech. Dept. to guide all teachers to the greatest benefit of the kiddos, which means that in must make the learning deeper and more relevant to their actual lives.
    • Lucretia Human
      Hillary, First sorry to hear about your year 2012-2013. I think that most schools and districts do not realize the importance of having many IT available. I know if my any of the technology at school goes down, we are pretty much up a creek without a paddle. Fortunately, I teach in higher ed and there a many people that keep our campus technology updated and running smoothly. If it happens to goes down for some reason, they spring into action, as if they were the Justice League out to crash the bad guy. However with all the great IT people on campus, we till have so many instructors who do not come to PD dealing with the use of technology in the classroom.
    • Lucretia Human
      Ben, I understand that the one teacher close to retiring did not want to re-learn what she already did, however she should have looked at as an opportunity to grow personally. We do not retire to die! We retire to feel less pressure, to do something else, and to not get up at 5:30 in the morning (however most older people still do), but we do not retire to stop learning. I agree wholeheartedly that it is the main job of the IT Dept of any school to make sure that the teachers know what the heck they are doing with technology because only the students suffer in the end.
    • Lucretia Human
      Nora, You are right it is not your job to train the teachers how to use Google Docs. It is very sweet of you to do that because you understand the value of doing it for the students. I would be very frustrated and angry if they school I taught at expected me to use technology or programs that I was not familiar with without offering training! I can really see why some teachers are resistant. Like Ben pointed out if the tools are presented as "fancy pencils" and not shown how they can change students lives for the better, then teacher actually have a right to frustrated.
    • Benjamin Caulder
      Lu, I hear you. But there is so much more in the world than Technology... just saying. I know this teacher is going off to learn about more tangible things (Art, travel...). Anyway, that was an aside. I was writing from that teacher's perspective, which was that the new information did not add anything to what she was already doing. The pencil accomplished just as much as the Web 2.0 tool. It wasn't the fault of the tool, but how it was presented to her (this I know since I was presented the same thing the same way). Anyway, my point, ultimately, is that technology should be used for the sake of using it, but to provide more in a way that pencil and paper can not. There is a teacher in my school who uses Aurasma in many of her lessons. Aurasma provides a perspective the students cannot get from a book so it deepens the lesson.
    • Lucretia Human
      For all of you out there that might not be familiar with Aurasma, like me, check out this demo video.
    • crystallee530
      Over half of the staff at my school have been working there for over 15 years. With the recent change in administration there came a new demand for technology integration. There were teachers that were on board with this change and were willing to try to adapt and then there were a few that were not willing to adapt and complained along the way. Some of the technology challenged teachers had frustration written all over their faces anytime technology was mentioned. The best method for easing their concerns was a private tutorial lesson.
    • Lucretia Human
      How would answer this question, if faced with it from one of your faculty?
    • hillaryparrish
      I think I would say, "Try it, you may find that it is more efficient. If you decide after a week/two weeks/etc. that it does not work for you, then go back to the old way. You might find that it is good for the students, so you will find that it is also rewarding to you."
    • noramedrano
      Everything deserves a try. Don't stay with the what if???? Technology is overwhelming and could be intimidating but there is not thing you cannot over come. Give technology a try, if you have any questions I would be glad to help you.
    • Lucretia Human
      These are really great questions. We have all struggled at times with technology and we have all help others who were struggling. Provide some other tips that this article did not mention that you have used either when being helped or helping others.
    • hillaryparrish
      When I have to learn a new technology, I think that online sources are my best friend. As a Business teacher, I am constantly needing to teach new software. There is no way that I could have learned every software I would have ever needed to teach in college! New software is constantly coming out on the market. So, I sit down with the software and Google, and I figure it out. Of course, most specifically YouTube can be a great source. Also, you can use LinkedIn. Look to see who has been endorsed for the technology you need to learn, and contact them to see if they will help you! More than likely they will.
    • noramedrano
      Google is my best friend!!! Anytime I have questions I seek Google's help. I try the tips or suggestions given through Google's search, if they work great, but if they don't work, I try to visit the software or item's website to find out more information. I also tend to visit youtube since I am a visual person, I like to see step-by-step on how it is done, worked, or put together. This has really helped me up to now in both aspects, while being helped by others and helping others.
    • vasquezgonzalezv
      Exactly:  Google and YouTube.  In fact, I was having some issues with Diigo (Diigolet, I'm on a Mac) and googled my problem.  A couple of clicks later, problem solved, and now I have the experience with this particular issue added to my tech knowledge for the future.
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  • As schools around the globe begin to embed the use of technology in their learning environments, these teachers can be left feeling frustrated and marginalized by the new tools they are required to use but do not understand.
  • "Why would I try this when I've been doing just fine without it all these years?"
  • Are there any tips that you have for helping teachers in your school who struggle with technology? If you're a teacher still trying to master technology, how have others helped you?
    • Benjamin Caulder
      This is interesting and I am trying to figure out why this was their initial focus. Mind mapping is, of course, essential to students mvoing the random bit of info from the biological computer to something more tangible, like an essay. But it seems an odd place to start for teachers who can't "create a powerpoint". The general point of this bullet is a great place to start, tech team, but it seems such a weird place to set their focus. Not sure where I would start, if I were in their shoes, but I wish they had explained that point more.
    • Lucretia Human
      Ben, Excellent observation! I don't know why they would start there either. I would probably start with the basics and make sure everyone knew how they work and then start branching out to Mind maps and other such tools. Thanks for catching that.
  • While I'm talking about PD, all educators know that extra time for PD is scarce throughout the day. I've had amazing administrators that carved out dedicated time for tech PD
    • Benjamin Caulder
      This cannot be over looked, though it seems it is the first of the "changes" tossed out. "We can't change the schedule". "We can't sacrifice XYZ". My school has 1 advisory period a day, no study hall and only 6 minutes between bells. They advocate bell to bell instruction (work time included). All this leaves no real time for PLC or PD within school hours. What do your schools do and how did they accomplish it?
    • vasquezgonzalezv
      My district uses early release days for PD.  (Students get early release; teachers get a catered lunch and a relaxed environment training.  I have to say, I really enjoy it, and if I were making the decisions about how to do this, it's probably what I'd do.  They also offer after school trainings on technology, but they are having a difficult time getting teachers to participate.  
    • Lucretia Human
      Food always works to draw people into almost everything. Do you have to go longer in the school year to accommodate for the early releases?
  • We focused primarily on mind mapping ideas and helping teachers slowly introduce technology into their classes.
    • Lucretia Human
      Ben, Like I said before I teach in Higher Ed so our policies are somewhat different, but mainly here is how it goes: if it is not mandatory instructors are not going. When it is mandatory it is done when students are not in school, the day before they come back, the day after they leave etc..
    Tips to help us as Ed Techs help those not so tech savvy teachers
  • ...1 more comment...
    Great ideas to help teachers use technology in their classrooms!
    Many veteran teachers that have been in the classroom long before widespread technology are slow to embrace a method of teaching that they were never taught in their preparation as teachers. I think because the archaic way of instruction relied heavily on effort from the learner to "sit and get" rather than effort from the teacher to "flex and adapt" to the learner. Once they see education as a ever changing spectrum that has no definite end, only then can they embraced that teacher training does not start and stop with the college classes that comprise one's degree and certificate.
    In my very recent experiences, technology is fun, quick but not so easy at first. I must say it is very time consuming and a bit overwhelming when the gremlins, like Dr. Butler likes to call them, are up to no good. It can be very frustrating if you can't upload, download, convert a file, etc. I am very excited to all the exposure I have had in the past few weeks. The tools we have seen in the course are pretty cool and most importantly I think once I am able to navigate through them with ease, the students will be excited to see and use them in the classroom.

Tips for Teachers Who Wish to Use YouTube in Classroom - EdTechReview™ (ETR) - 9 views

  • YouTube for Schools:
  • YouTube Edu:
  • It plays a significant role in the educational field as many students, educators and institutions discover and share excellent educational content here. There are  thousands of channels on YouTube specially for education. From basic concepts to complex experiments, YouTube enables Students and Educators to discover anything they want to learn as a part of their academic, curricular and extracurricular activities.
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  • About the AuthorAuthor: Santosh Bhaskar KWebsite: of Dr. Abdul Kalam. Following his path of Creating Creative Education in India. Contributing my works in "India Vision 2020". Former EdTech Blogger/Researcher at ETR India Administrators Educational Videos Teachers/Educators Tips for Teachers/Educators // // AdvertisementWhy this Ad? AdvertisementWhy this Ad? // AdvertisementWhy this Ad? [Infographic] Microsoft in Education: Adding Value to Experiences both Inside and Outside of the Classroom Why and How Should Educators and Administrators Use Google Apps Tips for Choosing and Using Educational Videos in Your Classroom // The EdTech Tweets E
  • About the AuthorAuthor: Santosh Bhaskar KWebsite: of Dr. Abdul Kalam. Following his path of Creating Creative Education in India. Contributing my works in "India Vision 2020". Former EdTech Blogger/Researcher at ETR India Administrators Educational Videos Teachers/Educators Tips for Teachers/Educators // // AdvertisementWhy this Ad? AdvertisementWhy this Ad? // AdvertisementWhy this Ad? [Infographic] Microsoft in Education: Adding Value to Experiences both Inside and Outside of the Classroom Why and How Should Educators and Administrators Use Google Apps Tips for Choosing and Using Educational Videos in Your Classroom // The EdTech Tweets E
  • Educators can share a YouTube video in many ways. Mailing the video URL, sharing it on social networking platforms and embedding it in your blog, website, Wiki, etc., are the numerous ways of sharing a YouTube video
    • emrodriguez
      For those who are educators, have you used YouTube in your classroom to supplement your instruction? If not, please state the reason why whether it be the site being blocked at your campus, not aware of the informational videos on the site, etc.
    • emrodriguez
      I think that sharing videos with your students is an effective way to supplement your instruction because the student may not be able to grasp the entire lecture during the time they have with you at school. Sharing a video can be done via email, on a social networking site such as twitter, or your personal blog. What benefits and drawbacks can you see to implementing this tactic in the educational setting?
    • emrodriguez
      Were you aware that a part of YouTube is specifically made to offer educational videos to its viewers? YouTube education offers a variety of educational videos posted by universities, private organizations dedicated to education, and companies such as PBS, National Geographic, and NASA. YouTube for Schools is a section made available to educators who can register using their school email address. These educators will then have have access to only educational videos and never have to worry about showing their students inappropriate material. It's even customizable to the educators likes and dislikes as to what they want to present to their students. Knowing that YouTube offers videos specific to the classroom, would you now be more likely to use this technology in your own classroom?
    What do you all think about the use of YouTube in the educational setting? Do you believe it can be beneficial to instruction?
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    Any comments on the article about YouTube being used in the classroom?
    When I worked for Brownsville ISD, YouTube was a blocked website. Therefore, no teachers used the site. I think that blocking off the website is detrimental to instruction when there is so much information available and nothing can be done with it. Fortunately, there are ways around this. Videos could be downloaded at home and shown in class. Of course, one should take the time to review the video to make sure it is appropriate and of course beneficial to learning.
    I think sharing videos with students can be beneficial to them by having supplemental instruction in case they didn't understand the material during class. The link could be emailed to students via email or by setting up a YouTube channel specifically for your class. I think a good way to implement this would be to have administration give you the okay and of course, inform parents of what you are trying to do and get their consent. Once everything is good to, videos can be shared with your class. More time could be spent learning a concept, videos could provide more in depth information, and so much more.
    Before I started my masters, I wasn't aware that YouTube had channels specifically made for education. They offer a great amount of information that can benefit all persons whether it be children or the elderly. These channels are a great source because the videos have already been filtered to make sure that you are only showing students appropriate and relevant material.
    What does everyone else think about this article and the specific questions mentioned?
    I've only ever encountered youtube videos used in graduate classes so aren't facing the issues of the other commenters. I think it makes a huge difference in attention. Being able to hear the words straight from the horse's mouth in a TedTalk or hear an author speak...etc. changes everything. The conversations inspired from a video talk were better than I think from articles.
    @ tvisco. Yeah, I too have only encountered YouTube videos in my graduate education as well. As for the comments, videos can ban comments or approve them if they have those video settings set up. I do agree with you that hearing information straight from the expert is a big plus to these videos. Regardless, I believe that the videos can truly supplement instruction.
    Does anyone else have anything they'd like to share regarding their thoughts/views on YouTube in the classroom?

ISTE | Technology leaders: Do you have the Tech Trinity of Expertise? - 3 views

  • This evolution brought about the need for a technology coordinator, a person within the district — and again, usually the teacher who knew most about computers
    • candacejames07
      Does your campus or district have a technology coordinator? I have just taken the role as the technology coordinator for our campus.
  • 1. Technical. This type of expertise refers to working knowledge of the systems, networks, security, software and devices used throughout the district. 2. Administrative. These skills include the ability to gain consensus, collaborate, plan projects, manage staff (internal and/or external), budget and address procurement. 3. Instructional. This is the understanding of the curricular, instructional and assessment needs of the classroom, as well as the professional learning needs of educators. This is the top of the trinity and arguably the most difficult to find in technology leaders with strong technical and administrative skills.
    • candacejames07
      As an educational technologist or Master Technology Teacher, which one of these skills do you believe to be your strength? weakness?
  • The point of the tech trinity is not that all technology leaders are masters of all three areas of expertise, but rather that districts and technology leaders recognize the significance of this trinity and work to improve their deficiencies.
    • candacejames07
      How are you improving your technology deficiencies?
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  • I lack the experience of being a daily instructor in the classroom.
    • candacejames07
      How many years of experience do you have as an educator? 
  • Establish a vision for technology.
    • candacejames07
      What is your vision for technology for your campus or district?
    Very good annotations! Sadly, this is the area where K-12 usually falls short. They all understand the importance of technical, making everything work. The issue is in staff development and continued support for administration and faculty. It is not enough to provide a campus technology position but the need for a coordinated plan throughout the district is imperative.
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    I am my campus's technology coordinator, which is challenging since I am also a classroom teacher. I feel that my strengths are the technical and instructional aspects of the trinity. Since I am only at the campus level, I really just facilitate the admin portion that is centrally controlled by my district.
    Lauren, a campus technology coordinator is a full time job. How do you balance that and teach in the classroom? Our campus has a technology coordinator and a tech center where someone is there to help the students and teachers before, during, and after school. We could not live without them!
    Maria - Yes, staff development is very important, but admin neglect to see technology professional development as a priority. With that being said, our campus has found that one of the most valuable resources are our teachers. Our teachers have attended many trainings and programs on their own time, therefore, they are very knowledgeable. If admins would coordinate a time and place then those teachers could share what they have learned with the rest of the campus about technology. Maria, just this week I tried to communicate with the district person and ask her about district goals and initiatives and communicate with me. The coordinator turned my question into something completely different and never answered the question. I am hoping we can form some type of communication between the district level and campus levels.
    Lauren - Wow! How do you manage to do both jobs? I bet you have great leadership skills, even though you feel like your hands are tied. How many years have you been the technology coordinator? Any tips for someone like me since this will be my first year?
    Ana - Does the technology coordinator work specifically with teachers at one time then students at a different time? What are some tools that the coordinator teaches you during the lab sessions?
    This will be my second full year being the tech coordinator. I balance it very carefully, thankfully my school is small (9 teachers and 4 office staff). Part of balancing is that I get time during our staff meetings to do some refreshers and other teaching points for the staff which helps tremendously. The rest I just find a way to do it. Some tips are be explicit in instructions, and provide visual documentation to help the less tech savy people and always go slow when presenting new tech, just like you would when presenting a new topic to students.

A Web 2.0 Class: Students Learn 21st Century Skills, Collaboration, and Digital Citizen... - 9 views

  • The students in all three of these classes have never met in person; however, they have all connected via Skype and their class blogs. They have also had many professionals come and speak to them via Skype.
    • juancalvarez
      Using Skype to bring professionals to the classroom allows for important connections and knowledge. Do you think that companies would allow their employees to Skype and give speeches about their field?
  • "You have to adapt to the world around you or progress can never happen. That is the ultimate goal of education, right? Progress. Continuous progress."
    • juancalvarez
      Adaptation is what humans have done since inventing the first tool, since inventing the wheel. We pass that knowledge to the next generation who in time develop better ways to adapt to their environment.
  • Principal Patrick Larkin comments, "I am amazed at how little the students actually know about connecting with others for educational purposes. They use social networking solely for socializing. It has been great to see the lightbulb start to go on in regards to them seeing these tools as a resource."
    • juancalvarez
      It is a fact that most students use communication tools just for social interaction and not for educational purposes. Most students, even 4 year olds, will know how to turn on the phone, tablet or iPad and go through the steps to play the games they like or type something to someone, but that doesn't mean that the media is being used for education or that the user is tech savvy. What do you think?
    I agree that because a student knows how to play games on a tablet, does not mean that he/she knows how to use it at a learning tool. Using Skype or other tools to integrate technology into the learning process is taking it to another level. It is great that students are learning how to collaborate with others for something more than socializing. Safety is such a big issue for me, but in the classroom, we can use these connectivity capabilities in order to expand the learning. Although many teachers fear this, it is great when one person is not the entire knowledge base in the classroom. Lets show our students how to search safely, and how to integrate the knowledge into their lives and give it purpose!
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    I think that providing a "flat classroom" gives the learners of the 21st century a better outlook of what the internet and "connecting" looks like outside of social purposes. This helps set the students up for more success as the move into higher education and into their careers. Having these skills will be extremely beneficial for the students in the future. Skype for learn purposes has come a long way in the past years. Similar to virtual field trips, a presenter through Skype is bringing opportunities to students that is cost effective and influential for students. I think companies are more willing to allow their employee to visit through Skype than in person. It also allows the ability to meet with others that are not in the immediate area to connect.
    Ana Suarez: You are totally right, safety is the most important. In fact, at the beginning of the year what I say to my new students' parents is, before learning, safety first. I thought that the best way to ensure that students stay on task is for them to record their Skype educational interactions. Skype doesn't have a tool to record, but there are software like SuperTintin Skype Recorder that is used by many people. is a rating website I have known for almost 20 years, and they rate it with 4 stars. This is the direct link to it It is true that teachers fear not being the knowledge center, but I think this is because students value more a teacher when they see him/her as someone they can look for explanations, solutions, and knowledge. Still, we have to evolve and let the students interact and discover the world too.
    Brandy Hanak: You are right, these tools will be very important for the students' to identify and learn that they can be used for professional purposes and not just for socializing. You mention a very important point. Skype allows students to connect with people that are far and could be impossible for them to come. The cost for a face to face presentation is so high that most companies do not invest in it. Being able to present at a distant opens doors to benefit everyone.
    I was thinking about all the various uses of video web 2.0 technologies that is used for e-learning. While I recognize that Skype is an excellent way for students to "interact" and learn together- I am aware that Skype doesn't allow more than 10 students to meet at once. I recognize that this article was written in 2010 and I know that there is a great improvement and more video web 2.0 tech/apps out there that allows for virtual collaborative learning beyond a one-to-one interaction. We have Blackboard Collaborate, Fuze Meeting,, Google HangOut, and many more that does give more of a "classroom" feel. Incidental learning is also very important (students to get more than just one opinion, but comments, backgrounds, reactions from rest of their peers.) Hmm. just my thoughts :)
    Skype would definitely be a great way to get professionals to "come" and talk to students. I don't see why employers would have a problem with this, they already allow employees to attend the in person career days. This would be a great idea for those employers that are not in the area. I can see this being a great tool for science and technology, to get professionals from the fields to give workshops to students. This is one of things I tell my students. They may know how to use their devices for socializing or gaming, but they have no idea how to use them for educational purposes. With how technologically advanced we are, you'd think students would know how to use their resources. The biggest downfall of students not knowing how to use their technology as an educational resource, tells me that they do now know how to use it to problem solve. I think this is where our focus needs to be with our students. Ensuring that the technology we use in our classroom is not something just for fun, but a tool that we are going to teach to them to use to problem solve. And problem solving can mean finding answers, collaborating, communicating, etc. I like what they talk about at the end of the article about digital citizenship. It is obvious that students are not aware of how to behave and the consequences of their posts on social media. I tell them once you post it on the net it is out there forever. Not only that but with the rise of Snapchat, teachers are becoming targets of video capture and without notice a video of them is up on social media. Students definitely need a course in high school relating to digital citizenship. Great article!
    Summer, I think you right, there are other collaborative learning applications that have been developed but we also have to consider that we don't always need the capabilities of a BB and sometimes teams just need to talk. Skype is a technology that can be used in any electronic device with not to many computer resources. Students' home computers or phone does not always have the applications to run some programs or the internet connection. I have found Skype to be really easy and most people know it. It is just one more application to consider. Plus, we need media specialist that can show and teach the new resources.
    Juan, as you say, we have to teach our students to use technology to find solutions, collaborate and have better communication. Students need to learn to use technology to become better at what they like to do.
    When I read the through comments you posted Juan about this article I was reminded of this article from Dr. Corbeil's blog. The article talks about how students use technology all the time, but lack problem solving skills and completing educational based task using technology. Skype is great tool and can be used to reach people that specialist in many different fields including writers, scientist, and business people. We have to embrace technology and learn how to help our students use the social networking to benefit their education and develop problem solving skills.
    With today's technology this is a great instructional opportunity! Research shows and teachers know that students learn best from each other! Getting another perspective from a different area of the country/world provides extended learning opportunities that are boundless!
    This makes perfect sense. This is how students communicate. This is how global multinationals communicate albeit with a business platform like Share point. Learning is supposed to be relevant and authentic. One way to achieve this is by giving students real world tools to accomplish learning objectives and promote collaboration. Share point provides Web 2.0 tools for wikis, blogs, and discussion threads.
    Juan, great article. Just because a student, or anyone for that matter, is able to turn on devices doesn't make him/her "tech savy." I agree with Ms. Evans on how students learn best from each other. Take for instance this weeks Diggo assignment. We have to read and comment on classmates posts. Well, I admit sometimes the article it makes even more sense after reading the feedback in the comment section of the article or my classmates comments here on Diggo.

4 Tips for Getting to Know the Blended Instructional Model | Edutopia - 10 views

  • this same technology is banned from our schools to prevent students from using it inappropriately
    • Cynthia Rios
      There are still many schools and districts with a strict no electronics policy.  What can you do in order for your students to be able to use their electronics in your classroom?
    • cinthia_sierra
      Recently, our Dean of Instruction mentioned she wanted to post posters emphasizing the use of cellphones for the purpose of learning. I think this is a great idea since they are easily accessible and allow students to gather information much quicker than having to wait till they get home or making a trip to the library. I can be a responsible moderator and observer who ensures the proper use of these electronics in order to enhance learning rather than hinder it.
    • Sean Getchell
      I can't imagine that in this day and age they would still try and have a "no electronics" policy. I think most progressive schools would understand that electronics will be there whether they like it or not, so they might as well try to focus students on using them to accentuate their learning experience. If I were a student in a classroom, I would try a modified bring your own device (BYOD) to class. Whether it was a cell phone, tablet, or laptop (okay, maybe not a laptop, but definitely some of the smaller devices), and show them how it could be used to improve their learning (and collaborative) experience. I know it would take some time and understanding to get the students to use the devices responsibly, but nothing worth it is ever easy in my experience.
    • natalie_cepeda
      In the campus I am in, the librarian hosts a training session for the BYOD program. It is highly encouraged for students to bring their devices. This year since it was my first year, I did not want to take too much on, but this coming year I am definitely taking on the BYOD Program to help students use their electronics in my classroom for Web 2.0 tools like Discussion Boards.
    • noramedrano
      At the campus I currently work there is no electronics allowed. I would like for students to be allowed to bring their electronic or given an electronic such as an iPad for learning purposes. Students can do many things with electronics, such as reviewing a specific area that needs improvement on a web 2.0 tool.
    • hillaryparrish
      At my campus (a PK-12 campus), electronics my be used before the first bell rings. During class, they may be used at teacher discretion. However, this has been abused because I have had parents say to me that their child was posting to Facebook during a specific class period daily. Of course, the child could be going to the restroom or somewhere else on campus to do this, but sometimes the privilege does get abused. I like the idea of BYOD for learning purposes.
    • Cynthia Rios
      It is surprising that schools still have a "no electronics" policy which is the case of my school. Now like Sean and Cinthia added, electronics are in our schools whether they are allowed or not, and we should have our students use these electronics to enhance their learning. I've caught my students taking selfies and or sending Snapchats, but I wonder if we truly engage them and use technology to its fullest potential in our classrooms will students continue to abuse BYOD?
    • crystallee530
      Our school district implemented bring your own technology (BYOT) at the beginning of the 2012-2013 2nd semester. Since it began in the middle of the school year, most students and teachers were still hesitant to use personal technology in the classroom because it was unfamiliar ground. The past year I used more BYOT in the classroom with strict supervision and high expectations for following the district technology rules and restrictions.
    • Maria Ing
      Our campus still has a no electronics policy. We were supposed to get bring your own device (BYOD) implemented this past year but it never happened. I think they were not happy that they couldn't secure the network to where only students and teachers would be on the network. I'm not sure what they are going to do. But I see so much potential for students being able to use their devices in the classroom. I think next year, regardless if they have the policy implemented or not, I will try to start having students using their phones in class for activities if I can't get the iPads checked out, if it's for quick electronic surveys. Most have phones now and they are on them anyway for social media and texting (under desk, in bathrooms, when my back is turned), so I may as well make them use them for educational purposes.
  • Tip #1: Kids Aren't as Tech Savvy as You Think
    • Cynthia Rios
      This very true, although many of our students seem to be Tech Savvy, their skills when it comes to technology are mainly for entertainment and social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.  I recently gave a digital literacy survey to a student partner for another course and her results were very low.  This is the link to the survey: How do you think your students would perform on this survey?
    • cinthia_sierra
      I think it would be a 50/50 depending on the population. I find that most of my GT, highly involved (gaming) students, and tech junkies can figure out almost anything. But for the most part, others' abilities rely heavily on the social networking tools used to communicate but little experience is shown for Web 2.0 tools or other technological uses.
    • Sean Getchell
      I saw this firsthand last week when I was doing a presentation for a high school summer school technology course. You have most students that are able to use social media technology effortlessly; however, if you get to Web 2.0, or some of the more complex tools, and they are clueless. Now some of the more tech-savvy students can figure anything out, but I was a little disappointed by the 30/70 difference in students understanding / students overwhelmed by new technology. I definitely thought it would be the reverse...especially with all of the gamers in attendance (though to be honest, I think they were the majority of the ones that were able to keep up with some of the more complex tech).
    • Cynthia Rios
      Cinthia, I think you are correct in adding that it depends on the population. Do you think that students' socioeconomic status has a correlation to their digital literacy?
    • rcepeda610
      Yes, I agree with Cynthia, most of the student population is pretty good with social networking and entertainment. They spend countless hours sharing, uploading, blogging, exploring that they become quite the experts. But if presented with a different task they are hesitant and have difficulties completing the task.
  • Tip #2: Be Wary of Online Textbooks and Online Classes
    • Cynthia Rios
      If you are to pick and choose from online textbooks based on the need, what other tools can be used in a blended classroom and how can you implement them?
    • cinthia_sierra
      Apps and websites such as Whyville, playground, etc, can improve students' learning in order to deviate from the traditional textbook teaching method.
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  • Tip #4: Get Your Students to Communicate with Each Other
    • Cynthia Rios
      We recently read about discussion boards.  How would you use a discussion board in your classroom or what other collaboration tools are you interested in using and how?
  • Tip #3: PowerPoint is for Planning Lessons, Not Delivering Lectures
    • Cynthia Rios
      How does this tip go in hand with what we have read in our textbook regarding PowerPoint presentations?
    • cinthia_sierra
      Basically, powerpoints are to be kept as a simplistic method that engages yet guides the reader without overpowering the art of your presentation.
  • 4 Tips for Getting to Know the Blended Instructional Model
    Tips for an effective blended classroom
    This is the issue that some tax payers have with instructional learning and online classes. They think that the student will be placed in a room in front of a computer and expected to teach themselves. They really need to get know what blended instruction looks like and what it can do to enhance learning. There perhaps need to be more model schools that allow for public study, so that they can showcase how efficient and effective this new phenomenon is and just how much more can be offered to the students with the same tax money.

Education World: Integrating Tech: More Than Just Having Computers - 10 views

    • mmcavazos
      Yes we need technology in the classroom ! It is 2015. 
    • ferrari78
      It's true, all classrooms need to start using technology in the classroom and teachers need to take the time to learn about emerging technologies to use to improve students academic success.
    • Rosalyn Martinez
      I completely agree with you! However, I do feel that the reason for our delay in integrating technology in classrooms is solely due to lack of proper training & experience. We must do all we can to properly educate our teachers and help build their confidence with tools that are foreign to them.
    • mmcavazos
      Current events are a great way to get students into the subject and engaged. 
    • mmcavazos
      When students are kept guessing they keep wanting to learn. I think that this fun element is super important. 
    I really like how this article gives teachers ideas about how to integrate the technology into their classrooms. I think all to often we focus on just learning all these new tools. I have many teachers in my district that know how to use the tools, but they don't know how to use them with their curriculum. I do however, notice that a lot of this article focuses on the secondary classrooms. Primary is often forgotten in many of these types of articles so it's important for us to make sure we are looking at the entire spam of grade school.
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    I agree with the article that technology should be incorporated into classrooms, but that it should be implemented in a way to extend learning and as a tool to support the traditional subjects. It shouldn't be used once in a while or as a project just like the article says because then it'll take away from learning the main curriculum. An educator must take the time to find technology, think of ways to implement it into their curriculum, and learn it well enough to properly integrate it. What's useful about the article is that it offers ideas to educators on how they can get started.
    I think that technology is very important in the classroom. There will be a time when technology will be fully integrated 100% in our classrooms. Some teachers do not use it because of lack of preparation and training. Students can find information on current events just by using the technology and there is so much that can be done and incorporate into our classroom curriculum!!!!
    I love the ideas, I jotted some down for me to use as well. I think when teachers are mandated to use technology in the classrooms they can sometimes be fearful of what that entails. I know the teachers on my campus at times fear meeting with me to start planning because they assume its a huge ordeal and they will have to adapt their teaching around the technology, when it is in fact the opposite! The best way, in my opinion, to integrate technology is to make the technology work for you!
    Great and interesting article. I love the ideas that we have to incorporate technology into our daily lessons. The students from this century are already born with digital literacy in them. It is what motivates them, so why not allow them to use it for educational purposes. Teachers are not properly trained and they are instructed to keep teaching because the students will TEST.
Gena Jean

Discovery Education Web2014 : Home - 3 views

  • Be Web 2.0 savvy - create safe communities and teach responsible internet use
  • Master new technology tools and find free apps. Tech has never been easier or more accessible.
    • Gena Jean
      Be sure to click on the Web 2.0 Tools link at the bottom of the page!
    • stacey perkins
      My school subscribes to Discovery Education, but I have never explored all these features. So glad you pointed them out!
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My initial response to Gena Jean's Article Post- Gena thank you so much for posting about Discovery Education, of which I already use- but know that not all teachers are aware of its immense educational value. It is definitely a wealth of information, and such a great tool to supplement a lesson- especially when schools are now so into the incorporation of technology in all facets of the word- within the classroom environment.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My 1st reply- @Karla Fabiola Garcia- Having used Discovery Education for the past two years, I can honestly say that I love the fact that one can choose to download the videos, or stream them directly from the site. Sometimes my internet connection at school is very slow, and so I find that the download option is quite convenient. Besides that, Discovery Education is interdisciplinary and so it is cross contents so there is an abundance of resources available to all teachers in general.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My 2nd reply- @Elizabeth Rodriguez- I used to teach all subjects at one point and found that after having discovered this web 2.0 resource really allowed me the flexibility and ease to transition from one subject to the next and not feel so overwhelmed. I also like the fact that Discovery Education shows the "Discovery Education" logo as the videos play, so when an administrator walks into the classroom they know immediately that the source of my video is educational legit.
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      Ive heard about this site because I used to sell PBS learning Media, a competitor to Discovery Education. Either way, I like it as it is one huge site with so many resources. Although I have only browsed through it and not used it before, I can see the many tools and resource available to teachers.
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    • Gena Jean
      Click on the links button for access to a host of helpful resources!
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      @Gena, I guess one can say its like a kid in the candy store. Yes, there are so many resources available on the site. I love that parents can go on it as well. I wonder if teachers can contribute to it. I know some sites, teachers can create or extend lessons using the content and make it available to other teachers in the district.
    This website is filled with many current Web 2.0 tools that can be utilized in various aspects of education!
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    These tools can be utilized to deliver content, communicate with students and/or parents, or to organize course content.
    One of the most relevant links on the page is the one to do with Internet safety. It is very important that everyone involved in the online education process, from parents, to students, to teachers and administrators.
    Another extremely helpful link is the Tech Tips. This page gives helpful advice on the utilization of the apps and has many helpful suggestions to make the integration of them into your workflow as easy as possible!
    Wow! I use Discovery Education to show videos in class, but I had never seen, much less heard of this page. It looks EXTREMELY resourceful for professional development.
    This is an excellent site. I am always looking for new technology tools to introduce to our faculty! This is a great resource that I will be sharing for sure!!!
    Now this I have heard of. While I was working as a program coordinator for an after school program, this is something that was encouraged to be used. Mind you it was a few years back and we usually got all of our content shipped to us directly, but my students loved the videos and you can't go wrong with Discovery Education. I would have loved to have access to this website back then though.
    Thanks for sharing. I learned about Discovery Education several years ago as a librarian aide. I did my best to encourage teachers to use it but there wasn't very much interest in it. The lack of interest was mainly by the older teachers who weren't too tech savvy...five years ago, that was a lot of teachers. I have been teaching for three years now and completely forgot about this resource. Thank you for reintroducing it to me.
    I do have one complaint about the site. I do not like the design. It makes it feel like its from 5 years ago. I also do not like the fact that it is not mobile friendly. But I guess I am just being picky. Either way, its a great website. I guess its whats under the hood that counts.

Classroom Tech Trends To Watch - 10 views

    • tvisco
      Has anyone tried this - using twitter or mass texting to remind students or work? Have you felt it was successful? What problems have you encountered? And... did it help students get their work done?
  • Mouse Mischief works in tandem with Microsoft PowerPoint, allowing teachers to include interactive elements like multiple choice questions in their presentations. Students, using wireless or wired USB mice, click their answers in real time. It’s an easy tool for student engagement, and Microsoft has made management simple for teachers by enabling single-click commands and teacher controls that disable mice and set timers,
    • tvisco
      What has been your experience using polling technology in your classroom?
    • Rosalyn Martinez
      We don't use Twitter but students & parents are welcome to login to our teacher pages and view a copy of our assignment sheet for a particular week. We've been doing this for a year now & I like it. It works.
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    • tvisco
      Is anyone at a school using this system?
  • Poll Everywhere tracks live audience polling via SMS text messages or the web.
  • Cell phones can be used as cameras for media projects, portals for Internet access and graphing calculators, and their myriad uses evolve constantly with the integration of new technology.
  • the free version is popular for educators who use this slick app for quick quizzing or classroom surveys.
  • Some instructors use Twitter simply to send out class reminders to students—“vocab test on Wednesday!” a
    This is a second article I wanted to share with the group.
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    I am not a teacher, but I can see how using Twitter could be useful at reminding students about upcoming assignments, projects, or tests. The only thing I'd be concerned about is making sure students don't reply with inappropriate messages that all students could see. I don't have Twitter so I wouldn't know if there's a way that you can approve only certain messages or prevent any similar problems.
    I really like the technology known as Mouse Mischief. I had never heard of it. I like that it can be used with a PowerPoint presentation and the technology required isn't excessive or expensive at all. All students can follow along by answering questions throughout the instructor's lesson. The instructor would get feedback on how well the students are understanding the material after they have finished answering the questions. The only downside that I can see is that students may just mess around with the mouse throughout the lesson, but this can be addressed with classroom management. Great technology!
    I enjoyed reading about Mouse Mischief. I am certainly suggesting this to my colleagues teaching 4-6th grade. I am a first grade teacher and use technology, however, I have not used Twitter and/or Mouse Mischief. I think both may be too advanced for my students but great ideas for upper grades. At our school, 4-6th grade teachers allow their students, on occasion, to use their cell phones and/or other devices to complete assignments. I think it's a great idea and keeps students engaged and learning in a manner in which they are very familiar with.
    I'm not certain how my profile pic ended up on this article. I do apologize! I cannot take credit for this great article but do appreciate it being shared. If anyone can figure out how to delete my pic or give me instructions on how to delete it, I would greatly appreciate it. My apologies!!!
    Hi Rosalyn! My comments are coming up under the wrong articles, too. This article that mentions Mouse Mischief is really helpful. I can tell this is going to be a great course.
    Yes. This is really strange that it's coming up as you being the owner - thanks for pointing it out Rosalyn. No idea how to change it back to me.
    Your kid spent half of math class with his cell phone out, tweeted his way through Spanish and came home only to spend an hour on a social networking site-and he swears it's homework. Delinquency run amok? Think again. Before you start revoking phone and computer privileges, read up on how classrooms are capitalizing on new media with their tech-savvy audiences.
Stephen Simon

Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines - 6 views

  • Dipity is a free digital timeline website. Our mission is to organize the web's content by date and time.
    • Don Martin
      Timeglider is another nice timeline application. There are actually a lot of great timeline resources. Timelines are a great tool that allows you to create linear content with embedded learning objects like pop-up text boxes, videos, pictures, sound files, and more. I've used timelines in my courses in the past and have even embedded them in presentations.
    • eeverett3
      This is a neat, free tool! I searched WWII and the Holocaust because I know that my 8th grade AP English teachers are about to start a project on this that will involve a timeline. I will share this immediately with those teachers! We will experiment with the students adding information to one timeline. I looked at the sources listed on one of the Holocaust timelines and that information was not very detailed so I will be looking closely at sources as I play! Thanks for the link, Stephen!
    • Joe Pedraza
      This tool can be integrated into the classroom, workplace or at home. Timelines are a great way for students to visualize what they are learning and engage in the lesson. Dipity would be great for history teachers. They can use the power of multimedia, social media content with trends like timestamps, geolocations and real time updates to bring the lesson to a life-like experience.
    • Jose Escobedo
      Dipity can be a very useful tool for those students who have a difficult time being creative with school projects. As Joe P. mentioned, the use of social media will facilitate the need for students to think "outside the box".
    • Merrill Redfern
      This timeline tool is wonderful and can be integrated into the library as well. Each year our campus celebrates the author, Theodor Seuss Geisel's (aka Dr. Seuss'), birthday with book readings, book trivia, etc. I searched Dr. Seuss and found many interesting facts about the beloved children's author. What a great way to conduct an in depth study about him while incorporating history and literature.
    • Eric Folks
      Did you all see this post from Tech & Learning? Top 20 Sites and Apps for Creating Timelines (Feb. 21st)
    • Merrill Redfern
      Thank you for posting the Tech & Learning link. Being fairly new to the technology of timelines I found this top 20 list very inspiring. As I sifted through the list of apps thinking about how I could implement such a great tool in the library I found the app TIMELINE. It's FREE :) and is practically effortless to navigate through. One can simply tap on the timeline at the location where you want to add an event including label, description and image. Projects can be saved in a file within the app and can also be sent out to others. I like the idea of my students conducting research on authors and creating a timeline of books published by the author.
  • Dipity allows users to create free timelines online.
    • Stephen Simon
      Drag the timeline around; there is some interesting content here but it looks largely aggregated. Have you tried integrating a timeline in your classroom with any success?
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      Although I did not have the internet as a resource, I have had my students create mini-timelines using PowerPoint.  Each slide portrayed a different event and were in chronological order with dates.  My favorite was a timeline on the the battles and events of the American Revolution. Students were responsible for creating slides for different battles including sound and animation.  The slides were imported together into a class PPT. I don't think it will be something the students will forget.
    • Don Martin
      I have used timelines in my courses to teach the history of the Surgical Technology Profession and show the development of various technological innovations as well as surgical specialties. The interactivity of the timelines and the addition of a visual component to the information makes the timeline effective. Add in the fact that you can embed learning objects such as videos and links to other information and timelines can be very flexible and effective as a tool to help reach an objective.
    • Araceli Gracia
      I know it is horrible to admit, but I had no idea what a meme was so I had to look it up. If I am correct it is an idea that gets replicated and then evolves from sensations like famous people, videos, or certain phrases.
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    • Stephen Simon
      Internet Memes Timeline can provoke an interesting discussion on memes, how they get started, and what fuels their expansion. Is it possible to create a meme within a school?
    • Joe Pedraza
      A meme is an idea that is spread from person to person quickly. The internet has become the home for the modern memes. The use of email, instant messaging, social media allows for the spread of memes. Humor is a great way to create a new meme. I think it is very possible to create a meme within a school. It's easy to pass along a meme to your colleagues by email. I have included a link to the top internet memes. (
    • Eric Folks
      Timeline Maker claims to have the interactive capabilitites of Dipity but with the ability to integrate your timeline into Power Point and other MS programs. It is $125 however...this is a one-time cost and not a yearly subscription.
    • Stephen Simon
      This is an example of a broken-link and is usually a sign that the site is not maintained regularly. I consider it a red flag. It is just one more thing that can make you nuts. We all have our pet peeves; what is yours?
    • eeverett3
      I agree with Brenda that timelines are a must in history classes; however, I think they are just as valuable in researching biographies in all subjects and as tool for building relationships with students. When elementary children create personal timelines, they see the connections between all their lives and what common stories and events they share.
    • Stephen Simon
      Yes timelines are the most applicable to history and perspective. Great app!
    • Eric Folks
      Life is really about turning points, and so is history. What better way to make them come alive than through the creation of interactive timelines! Araceli Gracia nailed it: what a perfect storm of events that must fall into place for an indvidual to become a US president...what better way to highlight these turning points than Dipity!
    Timelines are an excellent tool to get the "big picture" of an event, or events. I have always liked using it in projects that participants can study and formulate time-based concepts.
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    I find this tool similar to VoiceThread. See what you think.
    I firmly believe visual timelines are a must in history classes. From my own experience, it was not until I taught my own children history using a timeline did I really understand history. For me, it was just events and a bunch of dates until I created one with my daughters. We built a timeline around our schoolroom of all the historical events that we were studying. Each time we studied and added another event, we were able to see it in the context of the world's history. I helped me see history in context for the first time. As Simon said, the "big picture." Dipity and other timelines like it, should be one of the pillar of tools used in today's history classes.
    I recently had students do a project for President's Day but this would be a great way to incorporate this project even more. They would be able to understand the person they have chosen and the events that went on during their time and like you mentioned Stephen get the "big picture." Awesome.
    Its easy to see how this technology could be used in the educational setting. It allows the instructor to set the background for a lesson on a particular event. It can be used to teach history but other topics as well. For example, in literature it can be used to list situations leading to a climax in play such as Romeo and Juliet. I was most surprised to see it being used in journalism.
    Besides Presidents, timelines can be used to deepen our understanding about any person. Seeing a person within a specific era, can help up better understand the thinking process of that person. Furthermore, it can help us really appreciate the uniqueness of people who think outside of the common thinking of that time.
    Dipity can be power tool in the classroom. Integrating pictures and video in a timeline can enhance retention. Dipity add multimedia to instruction. Both visual and audible learners will benefit. I remember one of my teacher in middle school discussing how bills become laws by showing us a "School House Rock" video. To this day, I can still sing some of the lyrics to the songs in the video.
stacey perkins

Education Week: Proper Role of Ed-Tech in Pre-K a Rising Issue - 3 views

  • From Ms. Herman's perspective, tablet devices such as iPads are just one of many tools appropriate for early learning—when used with the understanding that they're not intended to supplant other developmentally appropriate materials.
    • sharonmahabir
      There has been a lot of discussion in my district about whether the use of iPads, iPods, and computer games are developmentally appropriate for the young learner. Those opposed to it bring up research that has shown how the use of these technology devices stimulates the brain in much the same way as cocaine does. What are your views on using technology devices in the PreK and early childhood classrooms?
    • stacey perkins
      Between console gaming and tech toys, many kids walk around on sensory overload 24/7. When bringing technology into our classrooms, we must take into account how much screen time kids have been exposed to outside of school hours.
  • the introduction of tablets and other electronic media in preschools poses tough questions for educators, among them: how to select developmentally appropriate software; what academic areas are best supported with technology; and how technology use should be balanced with other classroom activities.
    • sharonmahabir
      Does your district have a protocol for selecting developmentally appropriate software or apps? Or is the teacher permitted to use his/her own discretion? 
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      At my school district technology is extremely important and pushed. We use many programs of which are available and optional to the teacher, however- technology must be implemented in the classroom. We have access to programs such as Brain Pop, Discovery Education, Khan's Academy to teach students how to code online, and I personally use Google Docs, Edmodo, and Twitter to create discussion forums. I believe that it is important that teachers are able to choose the types of technology social media and software or apps that they think are educationally appropriate for their individual needs. However, it makes sense that certain programs not be used. For example, I am an ELAR teacher and I wanted to use Second Life in my classroom so that my students could have a different medium to go to and write. I thought they would get super excited to enter certain dimensions and learn to write. I thought that Second Life was amazing because it allows students to create their own avatars, fly in the air and ride rides. I thought it would be a program that I'd be able to use in my classroom since I used it and learned of it in one of my courses two semesters ago. However, as I quickly learned there are so many people that use Second Life and I had a lot of stalkers and heard a lot of bad words through this medium. Therefore, my point is- there should definitely be some type of protocol or a place within the school districts staff web page that encourages unknowing teachers to use appropriate software or apps to supplement their classroom courses online.
  • Consider carefully what they want an app to do, such as introduce math skills or teach children the sound of letters; gauge carefully the ease of use; check to see if the app offers support such as built-in help functions or word pronunciation; and look for adjustable options, such as volume or multilingual output.
    • sharonmahabir
      One of my favorite iPad apps to use with my PreK students is Book Creator. It allows students to create their own stories and the app allows them to do this without requiring reading skills. Find out more information about the Book Creator app using the following link:
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  • hat while more research needs to be done, children already appear to be using devices at the expense of other important activities such as active play and hands-on exploration.
    • stacey perkins
      This is a valid point. In my district, some fabulous elementary teachers are reluctant to integrate technology because they see their students disengaging from the lesson unless they are nose-to-nose with a flickering screen!
Fred Kaplan

ZaidLearn: Use Bloom's Taxonomy Wheel for Writing Learning Outcomes - 0 views

    A 'low tech' collection of Bloom's Taxonomy tables and charts to help you put learning objectives into sentences using the correct verbs.
Fred Kaplan

How Not to Use Computers to Teach Kids : Stager-to-Go - 0 views

    This presentation is VERY biased and VERY flawed and VERY laden with personal (irrelevant) commentary on the part of the presenter (Dr. Harvey). That said, his points on the lesson plan, and the electronic tools used, and the lack of communication between the teacher and the tech lab manager are spot-on.
stacey perkins

Voicethread in the classroom - 10 views

  • collaborative projects
    • stacey perkins
      Voicethread works as an asynchronous discussion board, so students could work collaboratively in different class periods or locations.
    • Elizabeth Rodriguez
      Stacey, I've not heard about Voicethread but I am excited to look into it and come back and comment more in depth on this web 2.0 tool. It's amazing just how much technology is out there for use in the classroom! I love it because I am always looking for innovative technology tools for our faculty to use in their courses!!
    • Gena Jean
      This app was new to me as well, but I could definitely see where it could boost communication among students. As a design instructor I could definitely see how it could be used by students to help them in sharing their work and providing constructive criticism to one another's works.
    • Karla Fabiola Garcia
      This tool is also new to me. I love what I have read so far and the different ways it can be incorporated into the classroom. I am defenitily sharing this with my colleagues and brainstorming on diffrent ways we can incorporate, as some of us don't have many computers in our classroom.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My initial response to Stacey Perkins Article Post- As was stated in your link, it makes sense that "text alone can't deliver the subtlety and expression required for meaningful connections (" Students need a place to be able to communicate and learn from each other. Not just via text, or typing forums- but also through real life asynchronous discussion boards. This allows students the ability to work together and collaborate to come up with some real solutions to problems. What I noticed about this particular medium, was that as an educator I would have the ability to use a webcam, and reach all types of students in that manner. It appears to be a good way for students to learn from each other, and really get into the lessons that are being taught.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My 2nd reply- @Gena Jean- I agree with you that this application can help students communicate and thus collaborate with each other- in efforts to gain knowledge. It is important in today's world that our students are as tech savvy as possible, and so the incorporation of asynchronous technology such as this has so much value in today's educational realm. The students of today are living within the technology revolution. They grew up with smart phones, and my daughter who is only 1 year old…screams when I take away my phone because she in some way understands apps like "Candy Crush." She literally knows what to do to manipulate and thus communicate with the technology. It's truly amazing in that same regard, how Voice Thread can help even the shyest students come out of their shells. As educators we need to speak our students language and that is making sure that we learn as many technology driven programs as possible- such as Voice Thread and so on.
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      @stacey perkins I have heard of voice thread but have not seen its potential in the classroom. I am glad you shared it with us. I a begin to start integrating discussion into lessons, I can see how voicethread is a good tool for students. This tool changes things up a bit, instead writing, one can record their voice. I also like the integration to LMSs.
  • You can look at examples of how other educators are using VoiceThread on its digital library or browse Ideas for using VoiceThread, a collection of 143 examples from the library
    • stacey perkins
      If you aren't sure how you might incorporate Voicethread into your classroom/curriculum, check out how these teachers are using it.
    • sharonmahabir
      Thank you for the link. I have never used Voicethread in my classroom. I wanted to implement a new technology this year and I think Voicethread is a great tool that my PreK students will be able to use. I particularly liked the Brown Bear example. We do a Brown Bear unit at the beginning of the year and this would be a great way for students to represent their learning.
    • stacey perkins
      Sharon, I have taught in the elementary grades for years, and have struggled to find tech tools that were user-friendly to my students. Their frustration threshold is low! But I think Voicethread would require minimal training.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My 1st reply- @ Elizabeth Rodriguez- just like you I had never heard of Voice Thread. I think that it is definitely something that I can use in my classroom. Right now I'm really trying to use as much technology within my curriculum, but I really need to figure out which Web 2.0 technology is going to be the most effective for the amount of time that I have with my students. I will need to research a little more about this particular software, and I hope that I can find some online You Tube tutorials to help me figure out an easier way to use this platform.
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      Wow, there are many examples one can use. I know sometimes the hardest part of web tools is learning how to integrate them into the curriculum. I can see the examples are also grouped together by subject. Best part is that educators can contribute to the examples.
  • Examples of classroom VoiceThreads
    • stacey perkins
      Examples of some finished products...
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  • A single educator license is free and class and district memberships are reasonable
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      Trying out the product at no cost is a great idea. By creating voicethreads, you can showcase your work and it becomes easier for the school of school district to see how it works. This can convince administration to purchase voicethread for the whole school or district.
  • rather than using text to talk about text (which doesn't jive when you're teaching art history)
    • stacey perkins
      Since virtually all of my students are struggling readers (I'm a dyslexia teacher), I think they would be more engaged with--and more willing to respond to--pictures or videos than a written prompt.
    How could Voicethread be used in the classroom to differentiate instruction?
  • ...1 more comment...
    VoiceThread seems to be a great tool to have students interact with each other. I have found in my own experience that sometimes students have a difficult time sharing in person, in front of a classroom. VoiceThread would give students the ability to share their thoughts with the classroom on different assignments. I think its a great collaboration tool!! I would not hesitate to use it in my classroom!
    Hi Stacey! I have never heard of Voicethread but after reading the article you shared it seems like a very intriguing tool to use. What I loved the most about Voicethread is that it allows those with hearing impairments to collaborate through webcam commenting by using sign language. Thank you for sharing.
    It's very nice to hear about the voice threads. I've never actually used them before, but I've seen students present information using them. It looks like something I'll be looking into for my future classes. Thank you so much for sharing.

Gamification in Education - 3 views

    • tvisco
      This quiz identifies the role you like to play in games as killer, socializer, explorer, or adventurer.
    • tvisco
      Jane McGonigal wrote "Reality is Broken," a book that proposes that we aren't utilizing the power of games to the fullest such as solving world problems like oil crisis or water shortages. She's definitely entertaining. Her TED Talk on this page is worth checking out.
  • Gamifi-ED project
  • ...10 more annotations...
    • tvisco
     This site collects "serious games" tested by students an educators. Their goal is games that really teach something but use the motivating power of games.
  • Game mechanics
    • tvisco
      This site lists all the ways that games get people interested in playing them. It's meant for game designers but it's interesting in it's own right and taps into motivational behavior.
  • higher ed
    • tvisco
     A video on why to use games in higher education.
  • elementary ed,
    • tvisco
     A video on why to use games in elementary education.
    • tvisco
      The question I have is how to integrate the games out there into the curriculum. I think it's hard to do because with limited teaching time, taking time to play a game without having a good basis in content feels frivolous. And yet by the time students understand the content, there may not be time for games. The games out there might not match the content being taught very well.
  • Bartle's Gamer Profile Quiz
  • Jane McGonigal mentioned it in her Gaming Can Make a Better World TED Talk
    This article discusses the need to harness the motivational and addictive power of games in teaching. However, my question is how to integrate games into curriculum. Many games don't involve the curriculum being taught or only cover it superficially. How do you use games in the classroom? If you don't, why not?
  • ...1 more comment...
    Great article! At our school, we have several online reading & math games that we allow students to play. I'm all for gamification. I didn't realize there was a name for it, LOL. To answer your question, we use Everyday Math as our math curriculum. They have a wonderful website that is just a GREAT resource to teachers & students. For instance, it offers interactive teacher lessons. I use them daily & my students and I LOVE them! More importantly, it offers Everdaymath Online games. These are games that go along with our math lessons. Teachers can also assign games as homework. The website keeps track of how often students are playing the games and how they are progressing, or not, with a certain skill. From my experience, there are many ways to integrate games into curriculum but administrators must research that prior to choosing a particular curriculum. No matter what the situation, all it takes is a little research & comparison. The technology & games are out there....on the world wide web. Thanks for sharing!
    There's a real need for technology experts at schools to do more than reboot stalled operating systems and hook up new mice. Finding viable programs in the sea of options out there is one of them. One of my teacher friends seems to just use whatever sites, games, applications she can find willy nilly. She's happy to try anything. Her students do well but I wonder how random it is. It'd be nice to plan something that had progression to it and made more connections. I know she doesn't have time or money to spend on finding truly great programs and believes that trying them out and discarding them if need be is good enough.
    This type of interaction gets me excited because I have my students play CoolMath games on computer when they are done assignments but I am always finding games and tech 2.0 tools to incorporate for their learning. I love searching and attending workshops to help update my portfolio of tech tools. One tool that my students have found extremely engaging and they love to use is KAHOOT! This is a fun program to use for tests/assessments because it gives you the amount of correct answers and it saves you time, paper, and is a great tool to use for a test grade.
Stephen Simon

Learnist | Share what you know - 6 views

  • Interested in teaching and learning, especially inclusive and digitally-mediated aspects thereof
  • Deeply thinking about how students perform on assessments, not just with student aggregate scores, but rather with individual question analysis is critical in the reflective practitioner.
    • Stephen Simon
      testing the basic interface
    testing my bookmark
    this is a web20 site used for testing
    i think i got the hang of diigo
Janice Wilson Butler

The Technologists' Siren Song - 3 views

    Provocative article - worth discussing!
  • ...1 more comment...
    When I was younger, I consoled myself with the belief that even though much of life and what was going on in it was beyond me and my control, at least there's someone out there, someone in power and control. As I grew up I came to question the idea that somebody somewhere knew what was going on and had the big picture and all our best interests in mind...I came to realize that society itself was moving faster and faster. But to where? Who's providing direction to this unstoppable (a human idea in and of itself) freight train we call life? This article reminds me that in the area of technology especially, we're in a big hurry to see if we can do something or control something or create something...without taking the time to ask, why should we? Why are we creating this? For what purpose? How will this further our species or quality of life? Take this article I read yesterday. They've created a drone quad copter and quipped it with a 80,000 volt stun gun (1). Brilliant! Have they not seen Terminator? Do they not know we already have military drones flying over US airspace (2)? Do we really want to outfit quad copters with stun guns? Just because we can doesn't mean we should, and that's what scares me about the increasing pervasiveness of technology in our personal lives. It's not just that Google or Apple knows my every move; it's that they sell that information (BIG DATA, BIG DATA!) and supply that information to businesses and governments I don't necessarily trust. Things are getting bigger and faster, and generally speaking from a historical perspective, that's not always a good thing. The more concentrated the power (in this case the data or tech knowhow), the more likely it's applications are to be counter to improving the human condition overall. I'm glad McCray points out the environmental impact all our neat devices have...the superfund sites and rare minerals involved in their production. We need to source our technology like we need to source
    Wow! Great food for thought. I admit, I tend to be in the "gee whiz" camp when it comes to technology. I get excited with the new products and innovations. McCray makes some great points, though, about the "darker side" of technology. If I really sit and focus on some of these (e.g. discarded technology, all of the data about us going who knows where...), I could really put myself in a funk! Being in the Educational Technology field, I do think it is important to keep this stuff in mind. I want to continually ask "why" about new technologies and not just jump on the bandwagon of what is considered cool.
    While I agree with much of the opinion contained within this article, I had a strong negative reaction to the following sentence: "Unfortunately, the conversation is impoverished by the absence of a robust cadre of scholars who can engage with and critique the role of technology in society." - Ouch! While I am aware that the writer's point was that much of the debate takes place amongst those that promote Silcon Valley, like the editor of Wired, I think this particular assertion fires a shot not only at the readers of the article, but also at the writer himself. The writer bemoans the dearth of white men that dominate the debate whilst ostensibly being one and making me, a white person feel like my contribution to any discussion could be considered less than valuable.

Integrating Web 2.0 Tools into the Classroom: Changing the Culture of Learning | CCT - 5 views

  • Educators are using Web 2.0 tools to promote new avenues of communication among teachers, students, and the community in ways that can strengthen the community of learners.
    • lbanuelos
      Communication and collaboration promote learning.
    • Stephen Simon
      Web 2.0 content roadblocks to delivery are obstructions that can be avoided by utilizing tools which place no such restrictions on student access. Here is a link to some of those resources:
    This report represents the finding from a two-year investigation on how Web 2.0 tools and social networking technologies support teaching. One of the things I found most interesting is that instructors are using these tools to incorporate parents into the learning process. Research suggests that parent involvement has a positive effect on academic performance. How are you connecting parents to the classroom?
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    Great articles! Increased parent involvement and web 2.0 tools to increase communication! Everyone take note that "ease of use" was a major factor in wether or not teachers would use a new tool! We have to make this easy for our teachers...
    Elizabeth, I am guilty of being one of those teachers that is all about the "ease of use". If it is something that takes too much time, I will just find another tool that is quicker. Thankfully through this class ,I have learned so many tools that not only I, but my students can use in the classroom and at home. One of the problems that I had encounter in the past is having sites blocked by our school district. The Web 2.0 tools that I have recently used in my class have not been blocked so it is great to be able to share them with my students. Having the technology to communicate with parents and students is another plus. There can be many ways to communicate with parents even if it is a simple email. I have many parents who ask me to email them instead of calling because that is just a better way of communication for them. Merrill had mentioned a website last week called Kidblog. Having students participate in this is a perfect example of how technology is being used outside the classroom.
    To date, my kids' teachers have not used any type of Web 2.0 tools to allow for us (parents) to get involved. That's not to say that they don't involve us in other ways but I can definitely see some potential there. Outside of school, I have found it interesting that the stage manager of a play my son is in uses Shutterfly as a way to communicate with the cast and parents. We get reminders, participate in discussion boards, sign up for things, get a calendar - all within this site she has set up. It's pretty cool and definitely helps me as a parent to know what is going on. I'd always thought Shutterfly was just for photos so it was very enlightening to learn about this whole new functionality.
    Our campus supports the use of Twitter and Facebook for parent communication. In fact, our PTO has their own Facebook page in which they communicate all activities and upcoming events and encourage parent questions. In addition, each grade level has their own closed Facebook page where they communicate to parents about field trips, special occasions and post pictures of students hard at work. This is not the only form of communication. The teachers continue to send out flyers and documents home with their students. Personally, I maintain a Twitter account for our Library. I tweet (still so weird to use the word "tweet") information such as new book arrivals, facts/history about the library, and advertise book fairs/club etc.
    Yes Elizabeth, ease of use is a must but with so many web 2.0 tools out there, finding one shouldn't be an issue. I also believe that fear of change is another factor that should be considered. So many professionals are not happy about change. They need to be shown the benefits of these new technologies and provided a support system to help them adapt. Besides teachers, parents may also have reservations about technology. I believe that if parents are exposed to technology when their children first start school (pre-k), they will be less resistant as the years go by. Jeff, my son's school doesn't use any tools either. I still get notices by paper. I can contact the teacher by email but that is about as high tech as it gets. I never thought about Shutterfly as a communication tools. I'd like to see the same type of initiative at our local school district. I believe that it will enhance parent participation. Merrill, I like that your campus supports Twitter and Facebook for parent communication. That's great that you maintain a twitter account at your library to let students know about new arrivals. If you tweet them, they will come.
    Interesting! Last year, I introduced Edmodo to the middle school students. I used it mainly to post assignments and interesting links and videos. However, it seemed that students only used it about 50% of the time and the parents were unaware of the parent accounts (even though I had sent a paper home). So this year, at a mandatory technology parent meeting, I presented a PowerPoint to parents about Edmodo and how to register for an account. I really wanted the parents involved. Especially since late homework is an issue in our school. I can say that for the parents that use Edmodo, their children rarely miss handing in homework. Those parents are also greatly appreciative of my efforts in keeping them in the loop. I agree that parent involvement has a positive effect on academic performance, and informing parents is a good thing.
    Unfortunately, in my arena connecting parents to the classroom isn't really an option or a concern. I teach at the college level and while many of the things we discuss in this class are applicable at every level of instruction the idea of parental involvement is not an option when we are working with adult learners. Collaboration, engagement, web 2.0 technologies, and so much more that we have talked about are universal concepts in education but by the time they reach me the time for parental influence has passed. Hopefully their parents have had some interest in their education but at the college level I can't even share any of their education history or information with their parents without express written consent from the learner.
    I am not well versed on what is allowed in the classroom as far as technology but if it's easy and fun to use why not implement the Web tool.
Brenda Wohlfeil

Virtual Schools Provide the Power of Choice - - 6 views

  • Virtual schools provide parents and children, from Oregon to New York and across the globe to Russia and other countries, with access to world-class curricula, myriad teachers, and support, just about anytime and anyplace. Most importantly, virtual schools provide the power of choice.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      As a prior home school mom, access to curricula at anytime and anyplace was very important.  I needed a curricula that I could take with me to hours of piano lessons and family trips across America. I home schooled my children year-long and took advantage of the many learning opportunities that occurred throughout the year.  Our curricula needed to be flexible and portable.
    • eeverett3
      Even understanding the flexibility of online classes, I had not thought about how effective this would be for someone who travels ALL the time! The best part of this article is how virtual learning takes advantage of all the online bonuses that a traditional teacher does not have time to look for!
    • Araceli Gracia
      Brenda, My youngest son, who is a 5th grader, always said he wanted to be home schooled, and if I could have, I would have. Giving him the opportunity to "visit" around the world and go at his own pace would suit his personality better. He has never been a big fan of school and it is not the teachers, because he likes them. I feel it is the structure of it all. If he was in a virtual school that provided the flexibility of online classes and learning, he would probably be a happier student.
    • Don Martin
      Araceli, I think it is still possible for your son to be in a virtual school so long as he has the resources and motivation to do it. The virtual schools are not quite the same as home schooling, they are more like the distance learning programs here at UTB. They have dedicated instructors with state approved curricula and a wide variety of choices in classes, instructors and educational experiences (including field trips). If I had this option when I still had children at home I might have considered this option. Our youngest daughter was never really connected to anything in school except for extra-curricular activities. She was "bored" with it and this offers opportunities and experiences that might have been beneficial to her.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      Araceli and Don, Some virtual programs are self-paced. For example, my daughter took classes from Texas Tech ISD for high school. They were all self-paced classes She could start a new class whenever she wanted, and she had a good amount of time to complete each classes. Extensions were also granted with an extra fee, of course. In a homeschool, parents are really facilitators, especially as the kids get older. (I can't imagine ever giving my kids a lecture. They would have just tuned me out completely. :) Most of my kids learning came from project based learning, although at the time I didn't know there was a name for it.) Homeschool kids take classes at co-ops, on the internet, through distant-learning, using a box curriculum, or using a curriculum parents put together. The parent facilitates the learning by providing the tools needed for the kids to learn and the expectations. It is amazing how these kids learn.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      Deciding which method best serves their child's unique needs and talents is key here.  Children learn in so many different ways.  If virtual classes focus on only reading passages and answering questions, they will fall short of reaching so many children.  How can virtual classrooms cater to the needs and talents of so many children?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Families facing educational choices need to research all options thoroughly. They must examine their educational priorities in order to determine which features best support their goals. Most importantly, they must decide which method best serves their child's unique needs and talents.
  • Are Virtual Schools a Type of Homeschooling? The answer to this question depends on the virtual school. While most of the learning happens in the home with virtual schools, many of them are public schools without doors. Students who register with a public virtual school are counted as public-school students, not homeschoolers, in their state. These public virtual schools collect ADA (average daily attendance), just like the neighborhood brick-and-mortar school. They offer a standards-based curriculum; require attendance keeping, frequent assessments, and progress reports; and comply with mandated state testing.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      Take a look at this website for just a short list of online classes for home school families
    • Merrill Redfern
      I'm impressed with the diverse list of classes available to home school families seen on this website. Also, an interest-based curricula for students is an awesome way, I think, to help ensure student engagement. Some of the "fun/creative" courses for students in traditional public schools, at least in the elementary level where I teach, are in the form of clubs or additional after school programs. The flexible schedule of online classes leaves room for the management of a more stress-free existence as long as online classes are appropriate for the family. I found this article (or something similar to it) back when I was considering home schooling our daughter. #3 and #6 were our obstacles from moving forward into homeschooling.
    • Don Martin
      In the allied health education setting at the college level we are moving more and more towards an integrated curriculum. Soon that approach will be bleeding down into the high school allied health programs. The model originally comes from the integrated approaches now being employed at many medical schools and nursing programs across the country. This might be a form of "interest based currcicula". If a student has an interest in a particular area then wouldn't it make sense to approach the areas they don't have as much interest in but still have need for through their area of interest? We are now offering Developmental Reading, Developmental Writing, and Developmental Math courses in a format that approaches those areas using information and examples from the allied health arena. Students read articles and writings related to allied health, they write papers on allied health subjects and they do math problems (pre-algebra and algebra) with information related to allied health concepts. I think we will see a greater degree of this in the virtual school system as we look for new and innovative ways to connect with students that just don't thrive in the traditional setting or don't have access to the kinds of content they are interested in because their school can't offer it due to lack of funds or the size of the school.
    As much as I like the idea of teaching from home, I do hesitate to jump on board with virtual schools, especially after reading stories like this: I think a blended approach with both face to face (for experiments and activities that have to be hands on) and online (for PBL and the potential for students to own their learning more, possible with objective based goal setting and self paced facilitated approach) would be ideal. Honestly, if I had a chance to teach my teachers virtually, and home school my kids using an online virtual curriculum to help provide structure (while working in much PBL and experiential learning), I'd be all over it!
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    Eric, I had a friend who worked for K12 and when she started and was so excited to follow her experience as I imagined it would be an excellent way to reach students and I imagined that perhaps one day I could follow her. As her year unfolded and she shared what it was like for her, I quickly lost interest (at least in that particular school). She had much the same experience described in the article, except her principal was even more abusive than what was described. She was overloaded, had almost constant meetings, did 15-16 ARDs and 504 meetings a weeks (she she was one of few certified teachers, she received the majority of these students who enrolled) and felt impotent to actually help the students she was trying to teach. Worst of all she took a 40% pay cut to do it. No thanks. Nobody becomes a teacher to get rich, but I can't imagine feeling like my students were being under served while also just barely getting by financially.
    Eric and Olivia, I don't believe that this type of problem is unique to the virtual school environment. Abusive administrators, overloaded instructional staff and feelings of helplessness unfortunately are more common than they should be at any level and in every format. The solution is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of virtual schools, emphasize the strengths, find ways to minimize the weaknesses and subject the process to a continuous Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). QEP, if properly developed and employed can lead to the same type of success in a virtual learning environment as is seen in a face-to-face setting. In fact there are many instances in which the quality of the online education is as good or better than what the students are getting in the face-to-face setting. The potential benefits of VLE and virtual schools should not be overlooked or simply discarded because there may be some issues. Progress is made by doing, evaluating, planning, doing again and evaluating to start the cycle over. VLE has not been around long enough for us to have had the opportunity to work out all the bugs. Look at how long we have been practicing face-to-face education and the improvements that we continue to make today in the way we deliver education in that arena, not to mention the continuous research aimed at understanding how to make it even better. Perhaps a blended approach at first is best, it gives us an opportunity to explore the potential of VLE while developing the standards, guidelines and techniques necessary to make it a successful learning experience while using the support of the familiar face-to-face environment. However, it is my opinion that this approach should be used to help us develop the best possible VLE experience for the future. Not as a replacement for face-to-face learning (I believe there will be a place for that for many years to come) but as an effective alternative for those who would benefit from it.
    I agree with Don. I think from a teacher's perspective, possibly Dr. Butler can give us some insight as to the validity of the problems stated by this teacher with regards to VLE in general.
    I too believe that a hybrid approach to instruction is the best way. Although virtual schools sounds like the way of the future, like all new technology it may not be simply for everyone.
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