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Wasif H - Weights Or Cardio: What's It Going To Be? - 0 views

  • Your primary goal will give you a general starting point for figuring out exactly how to balance your training, as well as what type of cardio and weight training you should be doing. In addition to your primary goal, you will also need to take into account two other major factors: Your Body Type - Are you naturally slim? Do you gain muscle easily? Do you tend to hold onto fat readily? The Type Of Cardio Training You're Doing - Is it high- intensity or low-intensity? Does it fatigue you for weights? Does your weight training fatigue you for your cardio?
  • If you're training to gain muscle, you will need to do less cardio training. Too much cardio can actually hamper your muscle gain by slowing recovery and burning up calories that your body needs for the process of building muscle. As a general guideline, one or two cardio sessions per week should be enough to maintain your cardiovascular conditioning and keep your bodyfat gains in check while not slowing muscle growth. You should train with weights at least three times per week, up to even six times if you can recover from it and still make progress.
  • The ectomorph is the naturally-slim person. They have a smaller bone-structure and can seem to "eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce."
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  • The ectomorph has a fairly easy time losing fat so they will will generally not need to do as much cardio for fat loss. Two or three times per week should be plenty. An ectomorph trying to gain muscle may need to lay off cardio training completely in order to have enough recovery energy available for their body to even build muscle. Once or twice a week should be the maximum cardio frequency. Even weight training may need to be less frequent (two or three times per week) in order to see results
  • Moderate-intensity cardio training, such as jogging or swimming, will need to be done a little less frequently. This type of training requires more energy both to perfom and for your body to recover from. A person trying to lose fat can generally perform four to six moderate-intensity sessions per week at around 20 to 30 minutes each. A person trying to gain muscle should reduce this amount to two to three sessions per week.
  • This type of hard training should be done less frequently than the more moderate forms of cardio as it is much harder for your body to recover from. If you are training for fat loss, you should do at least two but no more than three high-intensity cardio sessions per week. If you are training for muscle gain, once or, at the most, twice per week should be the limit.
  • High-intensity training is extremely effective for fat loss as it not only causes you to burn a lot of calories during the activity, it also raises your metabolism for a long time after the activity is done.
  • This would mean an ectomorphic person looking for muscle gain and doing low-intensity cardio training could do cardio two days a week at a minimum to maintain cardio capacity while trying to gain muscle.
    • Wasif H
      This is source that goes in depth to your actual goals. I would reccomend people to look at this site to get information on how much cardio to do.
Wasif H

How Many Calories Should I Eat Per Day When Bulking? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Daily calorie requirements depend a number of factors such as age, activity level and genetics, so each person may burn energy at a slightly different rate.
  • According to experts from Columbia University, research has shown that you should consume an additional 2,270 to 3,630 calories per week to build as much as a single pound of muscle during that time span. This equals about 500 additional calories per day. A typical 180-lb. male needing about 2,700 calories per day would therefore require at least 3,200 calories. Furthermore, an hour of intense weightlifting burns 500 calories. Added up, this same person may consume as much as 3,700 calories on lifting days just to properly bulk up.
  • Every day, a topflight athlete or bodybuilder needs approximately 0.68 to 0.9 g of protein per pound of body weight. Most people who want to build some muscle will probably settle for less than the high end but more than the 0.36 g recommended for the average person. Without the proper consumption of protein, the muscles may not grow at a rate that is in accord with the actual amount of growth facilitated by strength training sessions.
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  • Carbohydrates are used to fuel muscle growth
  • . For this reason, an athlete or bodybuilder should consume 3 to 4.5 g of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. However, the high end is only for ultra-endurance athletes and unnecessary for building muscles.
Joti P

Why Exercise Is Wise - 0 views

  • Exerc
  • Highlight
  • Highlight
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  • Exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind.
  • help a person to feel more peaceful and happy
  • exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body at a healthy weight
  • Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases.
  • These diseases, which used to be found mostly in adults, are becoming more common in teens.
  • Exercise can help a person age well.
  • Studies have found that weight-bearing exercise, like jumping, running or brisk walking, can help girls (and guys!) keep their bones strong.
  • three components to a well-balanced exercise routine are: aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility training.
    I really enjoy this site becuase i gives me information about my quesions and it really relates to people of my age.  This portion helped me answer question 10.
Anita B

Protein Info - How Much Protein Do You Need - 1 views

  • But shouldn’t protein intake be a percentage of total calories? Quite a few programs and nutritionists quote percentage of calories, usually in the range of 10 percent to 20 percent, as a way to figure out how much protein a person needs to consume daily. This is a rough estimate of a person's minimum protein needs. It works because typically, larger and more active people need more calories, so the more calories they need, the more protein they will get.
  • What foods have the most protein? Meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts all have substantial amounts of protein. These articles can help:
    • Ali C
      Good site because my questions had lots to do with protein and meat. Although it could have gave me more info about meat and the effects, it is still a good site.
    • Ali C
      Yes Mr. Leviitt I am still interested! I think I gained alot of knowledge about protein that I never knew before from all this research!
  • mainly made up of protein. H
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • mainly made up of protein. However, p
  • What is protein? How much protein do we need? Is it possible to eat too much protein?
  • mainly
  • Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids. Our bodies cannot manufacture nine of the amino acids, so it is important to include all these amino acids in our diets.
  • Our protein needs depend on our age, size, and activity level.
    Ali, looks good! I hope that through this process you gain a valuable research tool and gain some information which will help you get in the shape you are looking for. Still want to pursue that Personal Training career? Mr. Levitt
Ali C

Cardio 101 - Duration - 0 views

  • Split your workouts into smaller workouts throughout the day.
  • Make the time. People who workout don't have more time than people who don't. They've just practiced making exercise a priority. Scheduling your workouts and treating them like any other appointment you wouldn't miss may help you stick to your program.
  • Do all those things you know you should be doing: take the stairs, walk more, stop driving around looking for that front row parking space, etc.
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  • Take a few minutes here and there for some stair-climbing or speed walking.
  • Pay someone to make you exercise. Finding a good personal trainer can make a difference when it comes to motivation and reaching your goals.
  • Do something...anything. If you think 5 minutes isn't enough time to workout, you couldn't be more wrong. Whether it's 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 60 minutes, every single minute counts.
  • Keep in mind that doing too much cardio is a no-no as well and can actually backfire. There is a point of diminishing returns, so keep it reasonable (3-6 days a week, depending on your fitness level), vary your intensityf and don't forget to take rest days when needed.
    • Ali C
      A good site to learn about cardio, and actually taught me that too much cardio isnt good either.
Paul McCarlie

Exercise at Work - How to exercise and stay fit at work - 0 views

  • tricks
  • Taking the stairs when you can, parking further away from the door and walking around the office when you can are good places to start.
  • Sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair.
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  • Set an alarm to go off every hour to remind you to stand up and move around.
  • Use the restroom on another floor and take the stairs
  • Use a pedometer and keep track of how many steps you take. Aim for 6,000 to 10,000 steps a day.
  • Leave something important in your car (your lunch, your briefcase, etc.) so you have to run out to get it (and take the stairs)
  • Deliver documents or messages to co-workers in person rather than by email Go to the mall for lunch and park on the opposite end of the food court.
  • Get a headset for your phone so you can move around while you talk
  • If you have your own office, consider keeping a resistance band, ankle weights and even a couple of sets of dumbbells in your desk drawer. You can squeeze in some quick upper body exercises while you're on the phone.
  • Your boss may not have considered how much more productive his or her employees would be with a little exercise. If you can, encourage your boss to: Work with local gyms to provide membership discounts for employees Work with local personal trainers to provide monthly seminars or free body fat testing for employees. Some trainers will even do this for free Set up daily or weekly walks during lunch or after work Give you extra breaks during the day to take quick walks Be active. If the boss exercise, employees will take their own health more seriously
    • Paul McCarlie
      Hopefully I won't have a desk job
    how to exercise at work
Wasif H - Ask The Ripped Dude: What Are Your 10 Top Ab Tips? - 0 views

  • FOLLOW A HIGH-PROTEIN, LOWER-CARB DIET. Your diet is essential in building a lean physique. It is important to consume 4- to-6 small meals per day; this helps to speed up your metabolism at an incredibly rapid rate. Although there are many different theories on meal frequencies, eating smaller meals more often will help the average person avoid overeating and will curb hunger.
  • FOLLOW A CONSISTENT WEIGHT-TRAINING AND CARDIO REGIMEN. This will allow you to burn fat through the day. Weight training helps you to burn calories after the workout and throughout the day while cardio burns calories during the workout. A combination of cardio and weight training will give you the optimal fat burning rate you need to stay lean.
  • DRINK A LOT OF WATER. If you're completely hydrated, your fat-burning rate will be optimum. To speed up your metabolism, drink at least 6-to-8 glasses of water per day.
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  • MODIFY YOUR ABS ROUTINE. There isn't a specific abs routine that will work better than all others, but changing your abs routine will maximize the results.
  • UNDERSTAND THE TRUTHS AND MYTHS ABOUT ABDOMINALS. We all have abs. Unfortunately, some of us have to work harder than others to attain visible ones. Doing 1,000 sit-ups per day is not going to make your abs just magically pop out, but getting your body-fat levels very low will allow your abs to appear.
  • For a male to able to be see his abs, he has to be roughly at 12 percent body-fat and lower. For a female to see hers, she needs to be at roughly 14 percent and lower. If you can get your body-fat to those levels, you will start to see your abs.
  • A healthy breakfast is the most important meal for a reason - it jumpstarts your metabolism for the entire day. Not just any breakfast, though. Unless you want a muffin top, skip the muffins and opt for protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Emphasis on the protein. Can't go wrong with eggs.
  • BE COGNIZANT OF THE FREQUENCY OF YOUR ABS TRAINING. It is important to train your abs at least three times per week for a beginner and intermediate fitness enthusiast. For the advanced gym guru, train your abs about every other day to build them properly.
  • BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. If you believe you can do it, you will do everything necessary in your power to attain that goal. Your mind will help guide your fitness goals and if that goal is to attain great abs, then, provided you do the necessary work, it will happen for you.
    • Wasif H
      This is personally my favourite website. This article gives a good look on what we can do to achieve our goal.
Aninder S - Meat production's environmental toll - 0 views

  • Between 1950 and 1994, global meat production increased nearly fourfold, rising faster than the human population. During this period, production rates jumped from 18 to 35.4 kilograms per person
  • Overpopulation puts pressure on the earth's resources
  • Each person has needs for food, water, shelter, heating/cooling and transportation. To a large extent domesticated animals have the same needs.
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  • In United States, farm animals outweigh their human brethren by a factor of four to one, effectively making the US "population” balloon from 295 million to 1.2 billion.
  • In Canada, farm animals also outweigh people by a factor of four to one. On a given day there are approximately 14.6 million beef and dairy cattle, 13 million pigs, 8 million turkeys, 96 million chickens, and 30 million people alive in Canada.3
Justin D

Dryland Hockey Drills | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    Since the 1970s, hockey players have used dryland training to improve conditioning and skills for ice hockey. While skating is a huge part of the game and never can be ignored, players can develop leg strength and core strength and improve their overall skills with dryland drills. 1.) Pull-Ups vs. Lat Pull Machine: With a pull-up, a person uses their own body weight; this creates excellent body awareness, more importantly pull-ups require a great amount of abdominal strength (keeping the abs tight keeps you from swinging). The lat pull machine lacks these two important features. 2.) Push-Ups vs. Bench Press: Push-Ups again require a person's body weight along with lower body stabilization and contracted abdominals. Lying flat on a bench is a very non-athletic position and requires almost no leg or ab strength. 3.) Lunges vs. Leg Extension: Lunging requires a lot of balance and coordination along with strength from the glutes, quads, hamstrings and abs since you are standing and moving forward during the exercise. The leg extension does one thing; isolate the quads. Unless you want to walk around like Quadzilla there is no place for the leg extension in athletics. 4.) Squats vs. Leg Press: When done correctly no other exercise will develop more leg power than the squat. Since they are done in a standing position they require balance, stabilization, coordination, along with ab and back strength. The leg press lacks all of these factors. 5.) Hang Cleans vs. Shrugs: Hang Cleans are an explosive exercise that develops fast twitch motor units in the muscle. It is a full body exercise. Shoulder Shrugs isolate one muscle group the trapezious and involve little athletic ability to perform. Forget the shrugs! 6.) Squat Press vs Seated Shoulder Presses: Many athletes like to perform the seated dumbbell shoulder press. Try standing up and hold two dumbbells at your shoulders, squat down to 90 degrees as you begin to rise explode with a Dumbbell shoulder press using all
Justin D

Depression In Athletes | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    Depression is a mental health disorder that interferes with the physical and psychological well-being of an individual. Athletes are at risk for depression--high pressure sporting events, personal and team expectations and individual disposition may increase bouts of depression in susceptible athletes.
Aninder S

Canada's Food Guide - 0 views

Canada's Food Guide | Heart&Stroke Health Check Program: Canada wants to ensure that its citizens live and eat healthy, so it uses this Food guide to help us make healthy choices. The neat thing a...

started by Aninder S on 08 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Anita B

Good Calories, Bad Calories - 0 views

  • According to him if we concentrate on including good calories in our diet and cutting out the bad calories it will be much easier for us to lose weight as well as to maintain good health
    • Anita B
      Usually when people want to loose weight they cut down on things such as fat, sugar etc. and don't pay much attention to good calories vs bad calories, myself included
  • “Exercise does not make us lose excess fat; it makes us hungry.” His belief is that exercising can actually make you gain weight because you end up eating more than you normally would.
    • Anita B
      I disagree here as a person can workout and even though they are hungry they can eat healthy, leading to a healthy lifestyle
Anita B

Protein In Your Diet | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • The protein you obtain from your diet plays numerous roles in your body. Protein contributes to your connective tissue and helps your body build muscle, which allows you to stand and walk. Protein also helps your body synthesize enzymes and some hormones. Proteins help your body maintain acid-base and fluid balance. Your body also relies on protein as part of your immune response to help destroy potentially harmful substances.
    • Anita B
      Protein is a crucial part of ones diet. Proteins allow us to fulfill everyday routines just like walking. But what i always wonder is how much do we really need?
    • Anita B
      Since every persons body is different, everyone needs different amounts of protein! It is said that: 1. consume 0.8 g of protein for every kg of body weight 2. from your calories intake, about 10 to 35 percent should be proteins
  • protein foods, such as ground beef, full-fat cheese and whole milk, are also high in saturated fat. If you consume too much of these types of protein-rich foods, it can lead to increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase your risk of heart disease
    • Anita B
      I never really thought about this point made here, but infact it's true. Sometimes people that are low on iron begin eating ground beaf etc. but dont actually realize that there foods are high in saturated facts. I've actually seen this with one of my family friends. She is low on iron and eats a great amount of ground-beef!
Wasif H

What Happens If You Intake Too Much Protein? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Protein-rich foods can be delicious as well as nutritious -- just think of a creamy, thick cup of yogurt or a savory, juicy grilled steak.
  • While high-protein foods have a bounty of valuable nutritional and health properties, however, the benefits can turn into risks if you eat too many of them over an extended period of time.
  • According to Katherine Zeratsky, a registered dietitian for, you may experience constipation if you follow a high-protein diet for several months or longer.
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  • While protein-rich foods don't cause digestive problems by themselves, eating a lot of them may leave less room for high-carbohydrate foods in your diet, which tend to have a lot of dietary fiber.
  • More severely, taking in too much protein could raise your risk of serious diseases including cancer, heart disease, and liver or kidney problems. Partially, that is because so many protein-rich foods are also high in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, all of which can enhance risk factors for those diseases. If you choose plant-based proteins instead of animal proteins and full-fat proteins, your personal risk may not be quite as high.
  • Protein contains calories -- sometimes more calories than carbohydrate- or fat-rich foods. Although it can help you gain lean muscle mass, eating protein in excess of your body's needs will result in fat gain.
  • The question of how much protein to eat can be a tricky one because the right amount for one individual may be far too much for another. recommends getting between 10 percent and 35 percent of your daily calories from protein, or about 50 to 175 g per day.
  • You can also calculate recommendations based on your body weight. Dr. Melina Jampolis, physician nutrition specialist for, suggests getting about 0.8 g of protein per day per kg of your body weight.
  • Unless you're following a diet that is very unbalanced, you're likely not at risk for eating too much protein. It's also important to realize that some protein is essential for health, since protein-rich foods build and repair muscle and bone tissue, satiate hunger and provide energy. If you have concerns about the protein amounts in your diet, talk them over with your doctor or a registered dietitian.
    • Wasif H
      This is a good website because it looks at the other point of view. Too much protein isnt good for you if your not properly working out and making sure it turns into lean muscle. 
Wasif H - How More Protein Equals You Being More Lean! - 0 views

  • Protein is second to only water as the most abundant nutrient in the human body. All living tissue is made of 22 amino acids, amino acids that are only present in protein
  • The amino acids into which proteins are broken down to maintain the health of skin, mouth, eyes, hair; stabilizes appetite; necessary for carbohydrate metabolism; weight control, essential for normal functioning of the heart, nerve tissues, muscles, digestion, learning capacity, replacement of old cells and growth.
  • These amino acids work to repair muscle tissues and structures that are damaged during life and exercise. Cellular waste if not destroyed causes a bevy of ailments/disease and hinder the bodies metabolic processes.
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  • ncomplete proteins come from "plant products", beans, rice, etc. They must be combined in order to supply the body with the 9 essential amino acids it needs. Ladies and gentlemen, now that you see how important consuming protein is let's look at how much should be consume and what types.
  • The world health organization and many national health agencies have independently conducted studies, which (even though they differ slightly) all conclude our daily protein requirement should be between 10% to 15% of our daily caloric intake. If you eat 2000 calories a day that equates to 50 to 75 grams of protein.
  • Protein needs of individuals vary in nature. To estimate your personal protein needs you will need to take your current weight in pounds, divide it in half and then subtract 10. The result is a rough estimate of how much protein you should consume.
  • If you do not already do so, read food lables, then buy your food uncooked and cook it healthfully. If you do not take anything else from this article that last sentence is paramount.
  • your schedule is hectic and you are just too busy and do not have time to eat high protein foods then bars and powders can be substituted. A lot of bars on the market are loaded with other "not so good" man made additives, trans fats, aspartame, saturated fat content (over 3.5g), etc.
    • Wasif H
      The amount of protein when your not working out varies from each source. 
Gurkirat S

How Hard Are You Working in Your Workout | Coulee Region Bootcamps - 0 views

  • Four Signs You’re NOT Working Hard Enough
  • 1.) Lack of Muscular Burn:
  • 2.) Lack of Personal Confrontation:
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  • 3.) No Sounds of Exertion:
  • 4.) Not Sweating:
  • Four Signs You’re Working Too Hard
  • 1.) Diminished Training Intensity:
  • 2.) Excessive Resting:
  • .) Excessive Breathing:
  • 4.) Dizziness or Blurred Vision:
Paul McCarlie

Learn to Love A.M. Exercise - 0 views

  • I am not a morning person.
    • Paul McCarlie
      neither am I
  • “Top Ten Reasons” for getting up with the early birds to get moving: Exercising early in the morning "jump starts" your metabolism, keeping it elevated for hours, sometimes for up to 24 hours! As a result, you’ll be burning more calories all day long—just because you exercised in the morning.
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  • Exercising in the morning energizes you for the day—not to mention that gratifying feeling of virtue you have knowing you’ve done something disciplined and good for you
  • Studies have shown that exercise significantly increases mental acuity—a benefit that lasts four to ten hours after your workout ends. Exercising in the a.m. means you get to harness that brainpower, instead of wasting it while you’re snoozing.
  • Assuming you make exercise a true priority, it shouldn’t be a major problem to get up 30 to 60 minutes earlier—especially since regular exercise generally means a higher quality of sleep, which in turn means you’ll probably require less sleep.
  • When you exercise at about the same time every morning—especially if you wake up regularly at about the same time—you’re regulating your body's endocrine system and circadian rhythms. Your body learns that you do the same thing just about every day, and it begins to prepare for waking and exercise several hours before you actually open your eyes. That’s beneficial because:  Your body’s not “confused” by wildly changing wake-up times, which means waking up is much less painful. (You may even find that you don’t need an alarm clock most days.) Hormones prepare your body for exercise by regulating blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow to muscles, etc. Your metabolism, along with all the hormones involved in activity and exercise, begin to elevate while you're sleeping. As a result, you’ll feel more alert, energized, and ready to exercise when you do wake up.  Many people find that morning exercise has a tendency to regulate their appetite for the rest of the day. Not only do they eat less (since activity causes the release of endorphins, which in turn diminishes appetite), they also choose healthier portions of healthier foods.  People who consistently exercise find, sometimes to their great surprise, that the appointed time every morning evolves into something they look forward to. Besides the satisfaction of taking care of themselves, they find it’s a great time to plan their day, pray, or just think more clearly—things most of us often don’t get to do otherwise.  Exercising first thing in the morning is the most foolproof way to ensure that other things don’t overtake your fitness commitment, particularly if you have a hectic family life. (It’s so easy to wimp out in the evening, when we’re tired or faced with such tasks as rustling up dinner and helping with homework.)  More than 90% of those who exercise consistently have a morning fitness routine. If you want to exercise on a regular basis, the odds are in your favor if you squeeze your workout into the a.m.  Non-morning people can always trick themselves in the a.m. Having trouble psyching yourself up for a sunrise jog? Do what I did—tell yourself that you’ll still be so fast asleep that you won’t even remember—much less mind!  
    tells us to love excercise in the morning
Aninder S

Canada's Food Guide | Heart&Stroke Health Check Program - 0 views

  • Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide provides direction on the type and amount of food we should eat for overall health
  • By choosing a variety of foods from the four food groups (Vegetables and Fruit, Grain Products, Milk and Alternatives and Meat and Alternatives) and following the recommendations to choose foods lower in fat, sugar and salt, you can add to your overall health and vitality.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruit.
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  • Choose whole grains versus refined grains more often.
  • Choose fish* and meat alternatives such as beans, lentils and tofu more often.
  • Drink skim, 1% or 2% milk each day.
  • Within each food group, choose foods that are lower in fat, sugar and salt.
  • Include a small amount (30 – 45 mL) of unsaturated fat, such as oil, salad dressing, soft margarine or mayonnaise each day.
  • Limit your intake of : saturated fats from fatty meats, butter, lard, shortening and hard margarine sugar from desserts and soft drinks foods and beverages high in calories, fat, sugar or salt
  • Avoid foods with trans fats.
  • CFG recommends two food guide servings of fish each week. See Health Canada’s advice on limiting certain types of fish
  • By eating a variety of foods from each of the food groups you’re more likely to get all of the nutrients you need, and by limiting your intake of fat, sugar and salt, our eating pattern will be healthier.
    • Aninder S
      In order to maintain a healthy balance of food make sure you eat from all the four food groups to receive all the nutrients that you require. Now this food guide doesn't always work for everyone because of dietary restrictions, but there are always alternatives. You can click on this link and actually make your own personal food guide suited to your needs, that way you get all the essential nutrients. 
Wasif H

How Long To Notice Muscle Gain? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • The time frame in which you can expect to notice muscle gain depends on several factors: your current fitness level, the intensity and consistency of your workouts and your body fat percentage.
  • According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine--an organization that educates personal trainers--those who are new to exercise can expect to notice muscle gain within four weeks of beginning a strength-training program.
  • Everyone from sedentary adults to seasoned body builders possesses skeletal muscles, the muscles that support the movement of the skeletal system. Body fat acts like a blanket covering these muscles.
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  • The American Council on Exercise suggests male athletes maintain a body fat percentage between 6 and 13 percent whereas female athletes should aim for between 14 and 20 percent. With this body composition, you can expect to see visible muscle gain more quickly.
  • Building muscle size requires fatiguing the muscle within eight to 12 repetitions of a given exercise in each set. Performing greater repetitions--20 to 25 per set, for example--yields muscle endurance, but this may not translate into visible muscle definition.
  • To maintain muscle size and strength, engage in at least two resistance workouts weekly. To increase your fitness level, however, perform strength-training workouts every other day. Contrary to popular belief, you do not build muscle while lifting weights; you build it during the recovery time. In the gym, you're actually breaking down the muscle and producing microscopic tears. The muscle repairs itself during the down time, yielding size and strength gains over time. Consequently, eliminating rest days to see muscle gains sooner will only backfire.
  • Because muscles are made of bundles of fibers, achieving muscle size and strength gains quickly requires targeting all of a muscle's various fibers. A single exercise, such as biceps curls, targets only one segment of the biceps muscle fibers.
  • To target the remaining fibers, work the muscle from different angles by performing other biceps exercises, such as chin-ups, hammer curls and seated angle curls. The National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends varying exercises with every workout, versus waiting until weekly or monthly intervals to make program changes.
  • Performing exercises that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously--such as a one-leg squat with reverse wood chop--burns more calories, maximizes strength gains and saves time.
    • Wasif H
      I think this is a great source of information. I learned that in order to see muscle gains you must have less than 10% body fat. I think to get to that goal you must have the proper diet. Also the more you change your workout the more the muscle will grow .
Aninder S

Obesity Silent Killer in India - YouTube - 0 views

    The fact that obesity has become the number one reason of death, alongside malnutrition, is a frightening thought. Currently, in Canada, the number one cause of death is cancer, which is in many cases uncontrolled by the person who is diagnosed by it. But obesity, however, is a something we do to ourselves because we don't look after our bodies. And it is more difficult as well for people in India to find an alternative source to unhealthy food, because of the country's economic state. Perhaps with further government funding for health issues, the country might be able to work at one of it's major causes of deaths.
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