Wikipedia -lista copyleft tai public domain musiikeista. This is an incomplete list of full length copyleft/public domain musical works available on Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons, with special emphasis on works that are (or should be) linked in Wikipedia articles.
Steve Jobsin vaikuttava Macintosh -tietokoneenesittelyvideo vuodelta 1984. Vaikuttaa nyt hellyttävältä, mutta hei! olin tuolloin jo 24-vuotias. Kyllä kehitys on nykyään aivan uskomattoman nopeaa!
100 tapaa käyttää Evernote:ia, web-palvelua, johon voi tallentaa tiedostoja ja muistiinpanoja. Ne ovat kaikkialla saatavilla, missä on Internet-yhteys.
The Tablet: It’s the most anticipated product of the year.
Geo: The combination of GPS chips in mobile phones, social networks, and increasingly innovative mobile apps means that geolocation is increasingly becoming a necessary feature for any killer app.
Realtime Search: After licensing realtime data streams from Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and others, Google and Bing are quickly ramping up their realtime search.
Chrome OS: In November, Google gave the world a sneak peek at its Chrome operating system, which is expected to be released later this year.
HTML5: The Web is built on HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and the next version which has been taking form for a while is HTML5.
Mobile Video: With video cameras integrated into the latest iPhone 3GS and other Web phones, live video streaming apps are becoming more commonplace—both streaming from phones and to them.
Augmented Reality: One of the coolest ways to use the camera lens on a mobile phone is with the increasing array of augmented reality apps.
Mobile Transactions: As mobile phones become full-fledged computers, they can be used for mobile commerce also.
Android: Last year saw the launch of nearly two dozen Android-powered phones, including the Verizon Droid.
Social CRM: We’ve seen the rise of Twitter and Facebook as social communication tools. This year, those modes of realtime communication will find their way deeper into the enterprise.