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Tero Toivanen

100 Extensive University Libraries from Around the World that Anyone Can Acce... - 0 views

    100 Extensive University Libraries from Around the World that Anyone Can Access
Tero Toivanen

100 Different Evernote Uses - Andrew Maxwell | Web designer in Portland Oregon - 1 views

    100 tapaa käyttää Evernote:ia, web-palvelua, johon voi tallentaa tiedostoja ja muistiinpanoja. Ne ovat kaikkialla saatavilla, missä on Internet-yhteys.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Burson-Marsteller and Proof Digital Fortune 100 Social Media Study - The Burson-Marstel... - 0 views

    "The study found that 54% of the Fortune 100 were using Twitter to reach out directly to stakeholders, while 32% were using a blogs and 29% were actively using a Facebook Fan Page to engage. Despite the perception that Twitter is the newest kid on the block among the three platforms, 76% of Fortune 100 companies that were using just one social media channel were using Twitter over Facebook and Blogs. "
    Twitter on isoissa firmoissa jo yleisempää kuin blogaus.
Tarmo Toikkanen

100 Blogs That Will Make You Smarter | Online - 0 views

    100 korkeatasoista blogia poliitikan, uutisten, opetuksen, teknologian, urheilun, taiteen, kirjallisuuden ja tieteen aloilta.
Tero Toivanen

100 Video Sites Every Educator Should Bookmark | - 1 views

    Lista videolähteistä opetuksen tarpeisiin.
Tarmo Toikkanen

100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom | Online College Tips - Online ... - 2 views

    "Facebook isn't just a great way for you to find old friends or learn about what's happening this weekend, it is also an incredible learning tool. Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings."
    100 vinkkiä Facebookin käyttöön opetuksessa. Kannattaa lukea sopivan kriittisellä otteella.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Suosituimmat suomenkieliset blogit - 0 views

    Twingly näyttää (omasta näkökulmastaan) top 100 suomenkielistä blogia.
Tarmo Toikkanen

100 Free and Useful Open Courseware Classes for Web Workers - Learn-gasm - 0 views

    Good collection of OCW courses for web professionals, mainly from MIT.
    Täältä voi löytyä hyviä kursseja webiin tutustuville opettajillekin.
Tarmo Toikkanen

100 Interesting Ways | ICT in my Classroom - 0 views

    Odotin vihdoin näkeväni, mitä pedagogisesti perusteltuja uusia oppimistoimintoja smartboardilla saa aikaan. Mutta vinkit olivatkin enemmän teknisiä vinkkejä, eivät niinkään pedagogisia. Pari kiinnostavinta olivat #24 ja #38. Edelleen odotan, että joku kertoisi minulle, mitä hyötyä näistä kalliista leluista oikein on opetukselle.
    Tom Barrett kertoo 101 mielenkiintoista tapaa hyödyntää smartboardeja, Google Earthia, Google Docsia ja videokameroita opetuksessa.
Tero Toivanen

The Ultimate Google Wave Guide for Students: 100 Tips, Tools, and Tricks - Online Degre... - 1 views

    Kattava linkkipaketti Google Wave:stä.
Tero Toivanen

100 Apps for Tech-Savvy Teachers - 1 views

    Taas yksi lista sovelluksista web:iä ja iPhone:a varten opettajille.
Tarmo Toikkanen

100 incredibly inspiring blog posts for educators - 0 views

    100 hyvää englanninkielistä opetusaiheista blogia.
    Links to good educational blogs by teachers and for teachers, grouped by category.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Social Media in Learning examples - 0 views

    100+ quotes from educators.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Education News Archive :: 100+ Google Tricks for Teachers - 2 views

    "With classes, homework, and projects-not to mention your social life-time is truly at a premium for all teachers, so why not take advantage of the wide world that Google has to offer?"
Tarmo Toikkanen

Creative Commons on Flickr: Users Prefer Restrictive Licenses - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • In total, Flickr now hosts over 100 million CC-licensed images, so even the least restrictive CC license accounts for a total of 12 million photos, and, of course, even the most restrictive CC license still allows for free sharing of the images, as long as the image is not changed and the author is attributed.
    Analyysia Flickr-kuvapalvelussa käytetyistä avoimista lisensseistä.
    Flickr now holds the world's largest repository of Creative Commons-licensed images, but according to a new study, most Flickr users opt to license their images under the most restrictive CC license.
Tero Toivanen

Finland Guarantees Right to Broadband Internet Access | Singularity Hub - 0 views

  • Earlier in the year, legislators had promised 100 Mbps by the end of 2015, but on Wednesday the Ministry of Transportation and Communication announced an intermediate step: 1Mbps by July 2010 for Finland’s more than 5 million citizens. The news, reported via the Finnish broadcasting company YLE, makes Finland the first country in the world to declare broadband internet access a right.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Nyt on syytä olla ylpeä!
Tarmo Toikkanen

Transfer of learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Type Characteristics Near Overlap between situations, original and transfer contexts are similar Far Little overlap between situations, original and transfer settings are dissimilar Positive What is learned in one context enhances learning in a different setting (+) Negative What is learned in one context hinders or delays learning in a different setting (+) Vertical Knowledge of a previous topic is essential to acquire new knowledge (++) Horizontal Knowledge of a previous topic is not essential but helpful to learn a new topic (++) Literal Intact knowledge transfers to new task Figural Use some aspect of general knowledge to think or learn about a problem Low Road Transfer of well-established skills in almost automatic fashion High Road Transfer involves abstraction so conscious formulations of connections between contexts High Road /Forward Reaching Abstracting situations from a learning context to a potential transfer context High Road / Backward Reaching Abstracting in the transfer context features of a previous situation where new skills and knowledge were learned
    "Transfer (of learning) research can be loosely framed as the study of the dependency of human conduct, learning or performance on prior experience."
    Siirtovaikutus, eli kuinka yhdessä kontekstissa opittu siirtyy käytettäväksi toisiin konteksteihin. Klassinen opetuksen ongelma, kuinka siirtovaikutus saadaan syntymään.
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