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Carri Bugbee

Advertisers Plan Twitter Budget Increases as ROI Improves - 1 views

  • About 1 in 5 respondents said they have used Twitter in conjunction with a TV campaign. Promoted Tweets are the most popular of Twitter’s ad formats among respondents, used by about twice as many as promoted accounts, and by roughly three times as many as have used Twitter Amplify. Respondents’ primary goal for Twitter advertising is to build awareness and sentiment for their brand, with significantly fewer claiming as their main goal driving traffic to their websites, building followers, generating sales leads, selling products and staying in touch with customers.
  • 58.6% share of respondents said that their Twitter budgets represent new spending. Those reallocating from other media are most commonly turning to offline (17.6%), online display (16.6%), email (12.3%), search (10.8%) and TV (9.9%) for funds. (Similar data concerning the constitution of online video and social media budgets can be found here and here.)
  • 7 in 10 respondents – execs at marketers, agencies and media companies – use Twitter as a marketing channel, only a minority (46.5%) of those are spending on advertising on the platform. By comparison, a previous survey from Ad Age (covered here) found that of the 83% using Facebook, almost three-quarters were buying ads.
Carri Bugbee

Facebook Launches Atlas Ad Platform for Web, Mobile, Apps | Re/code - 0 views

  • Facebook is reintroducing Atlas, the underused platform it bought from Microsoft last year.
  • it will allow them to buy ads on non-Facebook websites and apps, using Facebook targeting data
  • these ads aren’t “Facebook ads.” But it is also playing up the notion that the ads marketers buy via Atlas will be more effective than other big ad platforms, because they use Facebook’s data.
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  • Facebook has been quite open about the fact that it is targeting Google’s DoubleClick display ad business with this move
Carri Bugbee

Messaging Manifesto: Consumers Are Tuning Out the Old-Fashioned Brand Strategy of Blast... - 0 views

  • 2,200 consumers worldwide finds that 63 percent of respondents are highly annoyed by the way brands continue to rely on the old-fashioned strategy of blasting generic ad messages repeatedly. The poll found that the two things brands should do to make advertising more appealing to their audiences are to 1) show ads less often, and 2) make the content personalized and relevant based on consumer behavior across other channels and interactions.
  • 78.6 percent of consumers said they are only likely to engage with a brand using coupons or other offers if those promotions are directly tied to how they have interacted with the brand previously. This can include sending offers via email, mobile or social media after they have visited a brand's website or tailoring communications based on products viewed or purchased. The poll was conducted in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Australia.
    3 percent of respondents are highly annoyed by the way brands continue to rely on the old-fashioned strategy of blasting generic ad messages repeatedly
Carri Bugbee

The window is closing on the opportunity to get native advertising right | Blog | Holtz... - 0 views

  • Native advertising has come under fire for being deceptive. It is, claim critics, an attempt to fool readers into thinking they’re consuming content produced by the publication itself when in fact they’re consuming an ad. It’s this criticism that led Outbrain CEO Yaron Galai to ban ads masquerading as articles.
  • Outbrain banned native advertising from the inventory of content it promotes on websites.
  • In an AdAge post, Rafat Ali suggests the following ways to improve branded content: Approach a native advertising assignment from the customer’s perspective, answering their questions and solving their problems. Go deep, with a narrow focus and uniquely valuable content that appeals to a defined audience subset. Offer data not easily found elsewhere that provides genuine insight, including new ways to understand the business. Approach native advertising like an editor, not a marketer.
Carri Bugbee

Facebook Beefs Up Custom Audiences, Introduces Multi-Product Ads - AllFacebook - 0 views

  • Multi-product ads enable businesses to showcase three products within a single ad unit, on desktop or mobile. Each product highlighted will have its own image, description, and click target.
  • Beginning today, multi-product ads are available to advertisers around the world via the Facebook ads application-programming interface. We’ll work to incorporate multi-product ads into our other ads interfaces later this year.
  • A new feature in Ads Manager and Power Editor allows businesses to easily build certain kinds of audiences — i.e., people who haven’t visited your website in a while, or people who have visited certain pages of your site.
Carri Bugbee

3 Steps To Convert Business Goals Into Digital Marketing Actions - 0 views

  • To achieve the marketing goals you need to drive qualified traffic to your website and convert that traffic into leads. From there the sales team can pick up and convert leads into clients. This means creating and distributing content and content offers to a relevant audience. It also means content should be mapped on the buyer’s journey which is structured in: awareness, consideration and decision stages.Here are the basic things you need to do:
Carri Bugbee

3 Ways to Make the Most of Programmatic and Data-Driven Creative - Think with Google - 0 views

  • First, you may already be using data from customer relationship management (CRM) tools and market research to inform campaigns. But a wider array of data signals is available, from analytics on your brand's website (that could tell you your most popular products, for instance), to audience data (that could give a glimpse of age, gender, or interests), to contextual insights about which device, location, or media type delivered the most success for a campaign. The trick is to know all the sources of data available, and figure out which can fuel smarter creative.
  • Too often, the creative agency and production shop are brought into the campaign process after the media strategy has been decided. By informing the creative agency of all the data from the outset of the project, you can work with the agency to build more relevant creative strategies for your target audience.
Carri Bugbee

8 Practical applications for influence marketing - 0 views

  • When I work with start-ups, I almost always consider some influencer component. The reason is simple. When you don’t have a relevant audience, you can borrow one.
  • Working with influencers can create a powerful feedback loop as you develop new products and features
  • Do these influencers have powerful social media platforms? You bet they do. Will a link from them to your website enhance your SEO, and ultimately your site authority? You bet it does.
Carri Bugbee

How to A/B Test Your Influencer Marketing Efforts - 0 views

  • what are some of the things you can A/B test with your influencer marketing campaigns? All the same things you test in your other channels…
  • xperiment with different types of content and track which resonates best with their audience for your goal. For example, images may drive better social engagement, while videos are better for leads and signups. Alternately, you may find certain content performs better on some channels over others.
  • Don’t forget all the types of content you have at your disposal – podcasts, live stream videos, tweets, Instagram Stories, webinars, long-form blog posts, short-form blog posts, and much, much more.
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  • you can provide the influencer with some pointers. Would you prefer they include keywords in the title of their product review blog to boost your SEO? How many hashtags do you want them to use, and are fans likelier to adopt shorter ones over longer ones? Should they use emojis? (The answer is almost always yes.) Which CTA performs better, “Save 15% off now with my promo code” or “Use my promo code now”?
  • Speaking of promo codes, what learnings can you apply from sales you’ve run in the past? Does a percentage or dollar off amount drive more conversions? Does what works for sales on your own website work just as well in the context of an influencer promotion?
  • Perhaps influencers’ fans are more excited about getting a free sample or trial instead of a discount. In this scenario, try testing free sample promotions with some influencers against discount offers with other influencers. Just be sure to choose influencers with similar audiences, industries, and/or locations to keep the other variables as similar as possible.
  • A/B test the heck out of your influencer landing pages. Try different CTA button placements and colors, test removing the navigation, and see how personalizing the page for the influencer’s audience affects conversions.
  • Not all your influencer marketing content is published by the influencer. Sometimes, as with the landing pages, you are using the influencers in your own content. A/B test the items under your branded control, too.
  • if you feature an influencer in an email newsletter, is it best to call that out in the subject line, via the sender name, through a hero image at the top, or some combination of the above? Should you target different subscriber lists for different featured influencers
Carri Bugbee

Why the News Feed is Becoming Less Important for Facebook Pages - 0 views

  • as Page reach and engagement continues to dip for brands, Facebook has made some updates to help deliver value to businesses through Pages beyond just News Feed distribution.
  • Facebook Page is becoming more like a website for your business — a destination people will come to when they want information, or even make a purchase or booking, as well as a place to engage with great content.
  • Facebook has made it easier for people to recommend your business by bringing Recommendations to your Page. As shared by Facebook: People will now be able to post a Recommendation for your business including text, photos and tags directly on your Page. And Recommendations will also help you reach people while they’re searching for or talking about your business.
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  • Actions A suite of action buttons are now featured prominently near the top of Pages. These buttons enable people to take actions like book an appointment for a haircut, order a pizza, send a message or write a Recommendation.
  • More visibility for stories Since launching stories in 2017, Facebook has been experimenting with ways to make it easier for people to engage with your story and with this update, people can view your business story by tapping on the Page profile photo.
  • Events ticket sales 700 million people use Facebook Events each month and now businesses will be able to sell tickets directly through Facebook Pages. Facebook is also creating event-specific ads to help with promotion and marketing.
Carri Bugbee

How to Plan Your Content Marketing Strategy - 0 views

  • Research from Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs indicates content marketers with a documented strategy are: Much more likely to consider themselves effective at content marketing Far less challenged with the many aspects of content marketing Able to justify why a higher percentage of the marketing budget should be spent on content marketin
  • Consider documenting one or more of the following goals as a starting point for your strategy: Improve brand awareness Increase engagement Generate more website traffic Expand the email list Increase marketing ROI Achieve higher customer retention, loyalty and referrals
  • A buyer persona reveals what prospective customers are thinking and doing as they weigh their options to solve a problem.
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  • Personas, as they relate to planning your content marketing strategies, help you make informed decisions about topics to cover, content formats to utilize, and how you’ll approach your subject matter.
  • Perform a competitive analysis. Take a close look at what your competitors are doing. Auditing and analyzing the content created in your market can be a valuable part of informing your strategy and content marketing process. The idea is to create a plan to differentiate your content.
Carri Bugbee

Facebook Is Giving Advertisers Access to Your Shadow Contact Information - 0 views

  • One of the many ways that ads get in front of your eyeballs on Facebook and Instagram is that the social networking giant lets an advertiser upload a list of phone numbers or email addresses it has on file; it will then put an ad in front of accounts associated with that contact information. A clothing retailer can put an ad for a dress in the Instagram feeds of women who have purchased from them before, a politician can place Facebook ads in front of anyone on his mailing list, or a casino can offer deals to the email addresses of people suspected of having a gambling addiction. Facebook calls this a “custom audience.”
  • You might assume that you could go to your Facebook profile and look at your “contact and basic info” page to see what email addresses and phone numbers are associated with your account, and thus what advertisers can use to target you. But as is so often the case with this highly efficient data-miner posing as a way to keep in contact with your friends, it’s going about it in a less transparent and more invasive way.
  • Facebook is not content to use the contact information you willingly put into your Facebook profile for advertising. It is also using contact information you handed over for security purposes and contact information you didn’t hand over at all, but that was collected from other people’s contact books, a hidden layer of details Facebook has about you that I’ve come to call “shadow contact information.”
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  • when a user gives Facebook a phone number for two-factor authentication or in order to receive alerts about new log-ins to a user’s account, that phone number became targetable by an advertiser within a couple of weeks
  • I’ve been trying to get Facebook to disclose shadow contact information to users for almost a year now. But it has even refused to disclose these shadow details to users in Europe, where privacy law is stronger and explicitly requires companies to tell users what data it has on them.
  • To test the shadow information finding, the researchers tried a real-world test. They uploaded a list of hundreds of landline numbers from Northeastern University. These are numbers that people who work for Northeastern are unlikely to have added to their accounts, though it’s very likely that the numbers would be in the address books of people who know them and who might have uploaded them to Facebook in order to “find friends.” The researchers found that many of these numbers could be targeted with ads, and when they ran an ad campaign, the ad turned up in the Facebook news feed of Mislove, whose landline had been included in the file; I confirmed this with my own test targeting his landline number.
  • “I think that many users don’t fully understand how ad targeting works today: that advertisers can literally specify exactly which users should see their ads by uploading the users’ email addresses, phone numbers, names+dates of birth, etc,” said Mislove. “In describing this work to colleagues, many computer scientists were surprised by this, and were even more surprised to learn that not only Facebook, but also Google, Pinterest, and Twitter all offer related services. Thus, we think there is a significant need to educate users about how exactly targeted advertising on such platforms works today.”
  • There are certainly creepier practices happening in the advertising industry, but it’s troubling this is happening at Facebook because of its representations about letting you control your ad experience. It’s disturbing that Facebook is reducing the privacy of people who want their accounts to be more secure by using the information they provide for that purpose to data-mine them for ads.
  • When I asked the company last year about whether it used shadow contact information for ads, it gave me inaccurate information, and it hadn’t made the practice clear in its extensive messaging to users about ads
Carri Bugbee

Snapchat ramps up UK pitch, but ad buyers remain unconvinced - Digiday - 0 views

  • Not even the promise of lower CPMs as a result of less competition was enough to tempt large swaths of advertisers to change their view of the platform last year. But it wasn’t for lack of effort. Snapchat execs pushed the self serve auction model in the U.K. for much of 2018.
  • Snapchat’s impressions are now the cheapest of its peers, according to the ad buyers interviewed for this article.
  • ll told, the ephemeral mobile messaging app had a good year in 2018 thanks in part to the arrival of the Snap Pixel. When it launched last summer, the pixel gave its ad business more clout as agencies could go to advertisers with more accurate data based on how Snapchat’s ads drive direct response clicks to websites. Deeper data on what actions Snapchat’s ads drove meant ad buyers could move away from last click attribution models.
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  • Snapchat is optional, not compulsory, on media plans
  • Snapchat is pushing buyers to place more ads inside its show, as evidenced by a charm offensive launched this year to create short-form original shows it can sell around the Discover part of the app.
    Viewability has long been an issue for advertisers on Snapchat where ads remain easily skippable, contributing to low viewability rates. One paid media director at a media agency said that he has seen viewability rates in the single digits. That may potentially be addressed by a new non-skippable ad format,
Carri Bugbee

This app quickly mutes 100 crowdsourced topics from your Twitter timeline | TechCrunch - 0 views

  • Try Mute, a way to quickly mute 100 words from Twitter as chosen by the wisdom of people on the internet — aka crowdsourced.
  • Twitter has long supported muting words, but Mute makes it easy to really get into the feature. Its website lists 100 keywords that have been added and then voted on by visitors to form a ranked list. By installing a bookmark in your (Google Chrome) browser, Mute can be used to automatically add those top 100 words into your muted word list for Twitter.
Carri Bugbee

What Influencers Wish Marketers Knew - 0 views

  • Optimization is a standard practice for most marketing channels. Not so much in influencer marketing, according the influencers surveyed. Influencers indicated that it is rare for marketers to ask for active campaign data and even more unusual that adjustments are made midstream.
  • One topic that the influencers strongly agreed upon is that longer engagements would produce better results. They believe their followers will see brand partnerships as more authentic and will become more familiar with the brand as they see it more. They also feel that micro-relationships, like one-post campaigns, are ad-like, which can discredit both the brand and influencer.
  • Many influencers provided anecdotes of high-performing content, especially on blogs, that lived long after the influencer marketing campaign ended. Examples of continued performance include content interaction, traffic generated to a website and appearance in search results. As an opportunity, marketers could engage with the influencer to amplify that content where it lives or extend it through paid support. At the very least, reengaging past successful partners or content should be top of mind.
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  • Often, marketers are going blindly into relationships with influencers. Influencers said that marketers rarely work with them to understand their audience and what may resonate, everything from tone to type of content.
  • If you offer no flexibility in your creative brief or campaign, you may not get the results that you want. Since influencers believe they know their audience better than anyone, they also believe that, if given flexibility in creative, they can produce better outcomes.
    You Need to Ask Us for Our Opinions Influencers believe that marketers need to learn to work outside of accustomed transactional relationships. Many insist that marketers see them only as a contractor, not a partner, and therefore rarely ask them for their opinions.
Carri Bugbee

Will AMP Become a Web Standard for the World of Commerce? | Street Fight - 0 views

  • David: AMP has become a major component of Google’s push to become the presentation layer of the internet (h/t Cindy Krum, Mobile Moxie) and complements the moves they’ve made with featured snippets and Knowledge Panels.
  • I’ve always seen Knowledge Panels partly as a consumer-focused solution to the experience of the average SMB website and average enterprise store locator — both are overwhelmingly crappy.  
  • in accepting either AMP or Instant Articles, publishers relinquish their most critical asset, subscribers, to the duopoly.
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  • despite Google’s assertions to the contrary, the SEO benefits to implementing AMP are pretty remarkable.
  • not every query is simple enough to be answered with a featured snippet, which is where AMP will play a role. If Google can pre-load that content and surface it in its own presentation layer, it’s yet another hook that keeps searchers addicted to Google results.
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