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The Role of Vitamin C in Human Immunity and Its Treatment Potential Against COVID-19: A... - 0 views

  • vitamins A, B, C, E, B6, B12, folate, zinc, iron, copper, and selenium
  • White blood cells, including neutrophils and monocytes, accumulate concentrations of vitamin C up to 100 times greater than that of plasma
  • Vitamin C is a crucial component of both the innate (nonspecific) and adaptive (specific) portions of the immune system
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  • play a role during the initial chemotactic response of neutrophils shortly after infection
  • following vitamin C supplementation, a 20% increase in neutrophil chemotactic activity was observed
  • also contributes to the phagocytosis and killing of microbes by neutrophils
  • low levels of vitamin C occurring in high-stress situations
  • maturation, proliferation, and viability of T cells have all been shown to be upregulated by the presence of normal physiologic concentrations of vitamin C
  • Vitamin C has been shown to directly affect the number of Igs released from B cells
  • vitamin C among healthy young adult males showed a significant increase in serum levels of IgA, IgG, and IgM
  • effects of high-dose vitamin C on cytokine levels in cancer patients, finding decreased amounts of the cytokines Interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha), IL-2, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) after high-dose vitamin C infusion
  • when vitamin C was supplemented with vitamin E in healthy adults, it increased the production of cytokines IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha
  • vitamin C acts to modulate the levels of cytokines to prevent them from fluctuating in either direction
  • vitamin C also acts as an important antioxidant to the cells of the immune system.
  • human leukocytes, neutrophils, in particular, possess the ability to transport the oxidized form of vitamin C across its membrane to use as a defense mechanism against ROS produced during an immune response
  • Vitamin C also can recover other endogenous antioxidants in the body such as vitamin E and glutathione, returning them to their active state
  • vitamin C can decrease the activation of NF-kB
  • can reduce harmful nitrogen-based compounds such as N-nitrosamines and nitrosamides, both of which are carcinogenic 
  • subjects taking oral vitamin C supplementation saw a 60% to 90% reduction in oxidative stress compared to a placebo control
  • subjects infused with vitamin C alone had a 516% increase in glutathione levels compared to subjects not provided the 500 mg daily supplementation
  • hydroxylating proline and lysine
  • mature and stabilize the tissue of a healing wound
  • healing
  • oral surgery
  • improved soft tissue regeneration
  • vitamin C increases the mRNA levels of type I and type III collagen in the human dermis
  • Studies have demonstrated that those with low levels of vitamin C are at a significantly higher risk of respiratory infection compared to those with normal levels
  • viral cold duration was reduced by about 8% in adults and 13.5% in children using prophylactic daily doses of 200 mg of oral vitamin C
  • prophylactically supplementing vitamin C decreases the risk of infection with respiratory viruses such as the common cold
  • combined with probiotics, oral vitamin C supplementation showed a 33% decrease in the incidence of respiratory tract infections in preschool-age children [
  • high-dose oral supplementation of vitamin C managed to prevent or reduce symptoms if taken before or just after the onset of cold- or flu-like symptoms
  • improvements in oxygen saturation and decreased IL-6 levels (a marker of inflammation) in the treatment group compared to the control group
  • 8 g doses of oral vitamin C
  • there is a negative correlation between age and serum levels of vitamin C
  • Patients with COVID-19 will likely also experience depletion in serum levels of vitamin C as a direct result of the upregulation of the immune system to combat the infection
  • Colunga et al. suggested that oral vitamin C can be combined with oral Quercetin, an antiviral flavonoid, to improve Quercetin’s ability to block viral membrane fusion of SARS-CoV-2
  • high doses of 1-2 g/day of oral vitamin C could prevent other upper respiratory infections
  • It appears vitamin C supplementation by itself does not provide a striking benefit in preventing COVID-19 infection for those without a deficiency
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Flawed statement. What is normal? Vitamin D. Many variables effect levels and dose, including the two compartment kinetics and absorption.
  • Hiedra et al. were able to show decreases in inflammatory biomarkers, such as D-dimer and ferritin
  • some evidence to support that prophylactic use of vitamin C helps reduce the severity of respiratory infection symptoms once a subject has already been infected
  • oral vitamin C in combination with zinc provided the largest amount of antibody titers 42 days
  • linear relationship between days of vitamin C therapy and survival duration
  • other studies were unable to find any definitive improvement concerning therapy with vitamin C
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Either these studies are designed to fail or the authors are lacking some basic understanding of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics with vitamin C.
  • Fowler et al. aimed to see if a high-dose vitamin C infusion would benefit patients affected by ARDS, but they were unable to conclude that vitamin C infusion, compared to a placebo, could decrease vascular inflammation and damage in ARDS
    • Nathan Goodyear
      At what dose, duration, frequency???
  • in a sample of 67 COVID-19-positive ICU patients, 82% of them displayed plasma vitamin C levels below 0.4 mg/dL
    • Nathan Goodyear
      They are kind of make the point from my earlier note.
  • continuous vitamin C infusion at a rate of 60 mg/kg/day for four days decreased the need for mechanical ventilation and vasopressor use but had no significant effect on overall mortality
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Again, designed to fail or ignorance designed the study which failed
  • Carr et al. suggested that high-dose IV vitamin C is most effective when treating sepsis as septic patients receiving the normal daily recommendations through diet still showed decreased vitamin C levels
  • High-dose IV vitamin C treatment has also been shown by Kakodkar et al. to decrease syndecan-1, an endothelial glycocalyx that contributes to mortality in septic patients
  • combined with hydrocortisone and thiamine, septic patients treated with 1.5 g of IV vitamin C every six hours showed a distinct decrease in their SOFA scores and none of the patients treated developed organ failure
  • combined with hydrocortisone and thiamine, septic patients treated with 1.5 g of IV vitamin C every six hours showed a distinct decrease in their SOFA scores and none of the patients treated developed organ failure
  • reduced overall mortality
  • reduced overall mortality
  • propose the use for high-dose vitamin C to aid in the treatment of septic shock-induced hypotension
  • treatment of severe sepsis using a high dose (up to 200 mg/kg/day) of IV vitamin C was explored in phase I, a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial by Fowler et al. [75]. Their findings included a reduction in SOFA scores and decreased vascular injury compared to a placebo control group, all while showing minimal adverse side effects
    • Nathan Goodyear
      High dose here is laughable. Again, duration and frequency also.
  • Maintaining a daily intake of 75 and 100 mg for men and women, respectively, as recommended by the U.S. Institute of Medicine
    • Nathan Goodyear
      This recommendation is FRANK IGNORANCE

Clinical experience with intravenous administration of ascorbic acid: achievable levels... - 0 views

  • Patients with higher tumor markers are likely to have higher tumor burden, higher oxidative stress and, therefore, are more likely to have lower post IVC plasma levels.
  • Our data also showed that cancer patients with metastasis tend to have lower post-IVC vitamin C levels than those without metastasis
  • Lower peak plasma concentrations are obtained in cancer patients than in healthy subjects. Cancer patients who are deficient in vitamin C prior to therapy tend to achieve lower plasma levels post infusion.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Patients with higher inflammation or tumor burdens, as measured by CRP levels or tumor antigen levels, tend to show lower peak plasma ascorbate levels after IVC.
  • Patients with metastatic tumors tend to achieve lower post infusion plasma ascorbate levels than those with localized tumors.
  • Meta-analyses of clinical studies involving cancer and vitamins also conclude that antioxidant supplementation does not interfere with the efficacy of chemotherapeutic regiments
  • Most of the prostate cancer patients studied, 75±19% (95% confidence), showed reductions in PSA levels during the course of their IVC therapy
  • Laboratory studies suggest that, at high concentrations, ascorbate does not interfere with chemotherapy or irradiation and may enhance efficacy in some situations
  • Cameron and Pauling observed fourfold survival times in terminal cancer patients treated with intravenous ascorbate infusions followed by oral supplementation
  • The inflammatory microenvironment of cancer cells leads to increasing oxidative stress, which apparently depletes vitamin C, resulting in lower plasma ascorbate concentrations in blood samples post IVC infusion. Another explanation for this finding may be that cancers are themselves more metabolically active in their uptake of vitamin C, causing subjects to absorb more of the vitamin, and as a results show lower plasma ascorbate concentrations in blood post IVC infusion.
  • patients with severely elevated CRP levels attain plasma ascorbate concentrations after IVC infusions that are only 65% of those attained for subjects with normal CRP levels
  • The finding of decreased plasma ascorbate levels in cancer patients may relate to the molecular structure of ascorbic acid; in particular, the similarity of its oxidized form, dihydroascorbic acid, to glucose
  • Since tumor have increased requirement for glucose [67], transport of dehydroascorbate into the cancer cells via glucose transport molecules and ascorbate through sodium-dependent transporter may be elevated
  • Increased accumulation of ascorbic acid in the tumor site was supported by measurements of the level of ascorbic acid in tumors in animal experiments
  • patients with advanced malignancies may have lower level of ascorbic acid in tissue, creating a higher demand for the vitamin C
  • IVC therapy appears to reduce CRP levels in cancer patients.
  • CRP concentrations directly correlate with disease activity in many cases and can contribute to disease progression through a range of pro-inflammatory properties.
  • Being an exquisitely sensitive marker of systemic inflammation and tissue damage, CRP is very useful in screening for organic disease and monitoring treatment responses
  • ncreases in CRP concentrations have been associated with poorer prognosis of survival in cancer patients, particularly with advance disease independent of tumor stage
  • Regarding inflammation, 73±13% of subjects (95% confidence) showed a reduction in CRP levels during therapy. This was an even more dramatic 86±13% (95% confidence) in subjects who started therapy with CRP levels above 10 mg/L
  • patients treated by IVC with follow-up several year showed that suppression of inflammation in cancer patients by high-dose IVC is feasible and potentially beneficial
  • Inflammation is a marker of high cancer risk, and poor treatment outcome
  • The subjects with highly elevated CRP concentrations have a three-fold elevation “all-cause” mortality risk and a twenty-eight fold increase in cancer mortality risk
  • cancer patients may need higher doses to achieve a given plasma concentration.
  • patients with lower vitamin C levels may see more distribution of intravenously administered ascorbate into tissues and thus attain less in plasma.
  • When treating patients with IVC, the first treatment likely serves to replenish depleted tissue stores, if those subjects were vitamin C deficient at the beginning of the treatment. Then, in subsequent treatments, with increasing doses, higher plasma concentrations can be attained. On-going treatments serve to progressively reduce oxidative stress in cancer patients.
  • large doses given intravenously may result in maximum plasma concentrations of roughly 30 mM, a level that has been shown to be sufficient for preferential cytotoxicity against cancer cells
  • oral intake of vitamin C exceeded 200 mg administered once daily, it was difficult to increase plasma and tissue concentrations above roughly 200 μM.
    Great review on the use of IV vitamin C in cancer and to reduce inflammation.  The article does a great job of discussing the mechanism of vitamin C therapy in cancer as well as the proposed reasons for low vitamin C in cancer patients.  The study also highlights the obstacles to rise in vitamin C levels post IV vitamin C in cancer patients.

Oncotarget | Vitamin C and Doxycycline: A synthetic lethal combination therapy targetin... - 0 views

  • These eight distinct cancer types included: DCIS, breast (ER(+) and ER(-)), ovarian, prostate, lung, and pancreatic carcinomas, as well as melanoma and glioblastoma. Doxycycline was also effective in halting the propagation of primary cultures of CSCs from breast cancer patients, with advanced metastatic disease (isolated from ascites fluid and/or pleural effusions)
  • Doxycycline behaves as a strong radio-sensitizer, successfully overcoming radio-resistance in breast CSCs
  • cancer cells can indeed escape the effects of Doxycycline, by reverting to a purely glycolytic phenotype. Fortunately, the metabolic inflexibility conferred by this escape mechanism allows Doxycycline-resistant (DoxyR) CSCs to be more effectively targeted with many other metabolic inhibitors, including Vitamin C, which functionally blocks aerobic glycolysis
  • ...36 more annotations...
  • Vitamin C inhibits GAPDH (a glycolytic enzyme) and depletes the cellular pool of glutathione, resulting in high ROS production and oxidative stress
  • DoxyR CSCs are between 4- to 10-fold more susceptible to the effects of Vitamin C
  • Doxycycline and Vitamin C may represent a new synthetic lethal drug combination for eradicating CSCs, by ultimately targeting both mitochondrial and glycolytic metabolism
  • inhibiting their propagation in the range of 100 to 250 µM
  • metabolic flexibility in cancer cells allows them to escape therapeutic eradication, leading to chemo- and radio-resistance
  • used doxycycline to pharmacologically induce metabolic inflexibility in CSCs, by chronically inhibiting mitochondrial biogenesis
  • This treatment resulted in a purely glycolytic population of surviving cancer cells
  • DoxyR cells are mainly glycolytic
  • MCF7 cells survive and develop Doxycycline-resistance, by adopting a purely glycolytic phenotype
  • Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are thought to be the “root cause” of tumor recurrence, distant metastasis and therapy-resistance
  • the conserved evolutionary similarities between aerobic bacteria and mitochondria, certain classes of antibiotics inhibit mitochondrial protein translation, as an off-target side-effect
  • Vitamin C was more potent than 2-DG; it inhibited DoxyR CSC propagation by > 90% at 250 µM and 100% at 500 µM
  • IC-50
  • DoxyR CSCs are between 4- to 10-fold more sensitive to Vitamin C than control MCF7 CSCs
  • Berberine, which is a naturally occurring antibiotic that also behaves as an OXPHOS inhibitor
  • treatment with Berberine effectively inhibited the propagation of the DoxyR CSCs by > 50% at 1 µM and > 80% at 10 µM.
  • Doxycycline, a clinically approved antibiotic, induces metabolic stress in cancer cells. This allows the remaining cancer cells to be synchronized towards a purely glycolytic phenotype, driving a form of metabolic inflexibility
  • Doxycycline-driven aerobic glycolysis
  • new synthetic lethal strategy for eradicating CSCs, by employing i) Doxycycline (to target mitochondria) and ii) Vitamin C (to target glycolysis)
  • Doxycycline inhibits mitochondrial biogenesis and OXPHOS,
  • hibits glycolytic metabolism by targeting and inhibiting the enzyme GAPDH
  • CSCs act as the main promoter of tumor recurrence and patient relapse
  • a metabolic shift from oxidative to glycolytic metabolism represents an escape mechanism for breast cancer cells chronically-treated with a mitochondrial stressor like Doxycycline, as mitochondrial dys-function leads to a stronger dependence on glucose
  • Vitamin C has been demonstrated to selectively kill cancer cells in vitro and to inhibit tumor growth in experimental mouse models
  • many of these actions have been attributed to the ability of Vitamin C to act as a glycolysis inhibitor, by targeting GAPDH and depleting the NAD pool
  • here we show that DoxyR CSCs are more vulnerable to the inhibitory effects of Vitamin C, at 4- to 10-fold lower concentrations, between 100 to 250 μM
  • concurrent use of Vitamin C, with standard chemotherapy, reduces tumor recurrence and patient mortality
  • after oral administration, Vitamin C plasma levels reach concentrations of ~70-220 μM
  • intravenous administration results in 30- to 70- fold higher plasma concentrations of Vitamin C
  • pro-oxidant activity results from Vitamin C’s action on metal ions, which generates free radicals and hydrogen peroxide, and is associated with cell toxicity
  • it has been shown that high-dose Vitamin C is more cytotoxic to cancer cells than to normal cells
  • This selectivity appears to be due to the higher catalase content observed in normal cells (~10-100 fold greater), as compared to tumor cells. Hence, Vitamin C may be regarded as a safe agent that selectively targets cancer cells
  • the concurrent use of Doxycycline and Vitamin C, in the context of this infectious disease, appeared to be highly synergistic in patients
  • Goc et al., 2016, showed that Doxycycline is synergistic in vitro with certain phytochemicals and micronutrients, including Vitamin C, in the in vitro killing of the vegetative spirochete form of Borrelia spp., the causative agent underlying Lyme disease
  • Doxycycline, an FDA-approved antibiotic, behaves as an inhibitor of mitochondrial protein translation
  • CSCs successfully escape from the anti-mitochondrial effects of Doxycycline, by assuming a purely glycolytic phenotype. Therefore, DoxyR CSCs are then more susceptible to other metabolic perturbations, because of their metabolic inflexibility
    Not especially new, but IV vitamin C + daily doxycycline found to kill cancer stem cells.

High-dose vitamin C therapy for inclusion body myositis. - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    study finds "high dose" IV vitamin C benefited 3 of 5 patients in short 4 week study.  The "high dose" was not high dose at all, so that fact that a low dose of IV vitamin C will benefit dermatomysotis in over 50% of the patients in this very small study points to the question, what if actually high dose vitamin C is used.

Vitamin C preferentially kills cancer stem cells in hepatocellular carcinoma via SVCT-2... - 0 views

  • Chen et al. have revealed that ascorbate at pharmacologic concentrations (0.3–20 mM) achieved only by intravenously (i.v.) administration selectively kills a variety of cancer cell lines in vitro, but has little cytotoxic effect on normal cells.
  • Ascorbic acid (the reduced form of vitamin C) is specifically transported into cells by sodium-dependent vitamin C transporters (SVCTs)
  • SVCT-1 is predominantly expressed in epithelial tissues
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  • whereas the expression of SVCT-2 is ubiquitous
  • differential sensitivity to VC may result from variations in VC flow into cells, which is dependent on SVCT-2 expression.
  • high-dose VC significantly impaired both the tumorspheres initiation (Fig. 4d, e) and the growth of established tumorspheres derived from HCC cells (Fig. 4f, g) in a time-dependent and dose-dependent manner.
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
  • The antioxidant, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), preventing VC-induced ROS production (a ROS scavenger), completely restored the viability and colony formation among VC-treated cells
  • DNA double-strand damage was found following VC treatment
  • DNA damage was prevented by NAC
  • Interestingly, the combination of VC and cisplatin was even more effective in reducing tumor growth and weight
  • Consistent with the in vitro results, stemness-related genes expressions in tumor xenograft were remarkably reduced after VC or VC+cisplatin treatment, whereas conventional cisplatin therapy alone led to the increase of CSCs
  • VC is one of the numerous common hepatoprotectants.
  • Interestingly, at extracellular concentrations greater than 1 mM, VC induces strong cytotoxicity to cancer cells including liver cancer cells
  • we hypothesized that intravenous VC might reduce the risk of recurrence in HCC patients after curative liver resection.
  • Intriguingly, the 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) for patients who received intravenous VC was 24%, as opposed to 15% for no intravenous VC-treated patients
  • Median DFS time for VC users was 25.2 vs. 18 months for VC non-users
  • intravenous VC use is linked to improved DFS in HCC patients.
  • In this study, based on the elevated expression of SVCT-2, which is responsible for VC uptake, in liver CSCs, we revealed that clinically achievable concentrations of VC preferentially eradicated liver CSCs in vitro and in vivo
    • Nathan Goodyear
      the authors here made similar mistakes to the Mayo authors i.e. under doses here in this study.  They dosed at only 2 grams IVC.  A woefully low dose of IVC.
  • Additionally, we found that intravenous VC reduced the risk of post-surgical HCC progression in a retrospective cohort study.
    • Nathan Goodyear
      positive results despite a low dose used.
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Their comfort zone was 1mM.  They should have targeted 20-40 mM.
  • Three hundred thirty-nine participants (55.3%) received 2 g intravenous VC for 4 or more days after initial hepatectomy
  • As the key protein responsible for VC uptake in the liver, SVCT-2 played crucial roles in regulating the sensitivity to ascorbate-induced cytotoxicity
  • we also observed that SVCT-2 was highly expressed in human HCC samples and preferentially elevated in liver CSCs
  • SVCT-2 might serve as a potential CSC marker and therapeutic target in HCC
  • CSCs play critical roles in regulating tumor initiation, relapse, and chemoresistance
  • we revealed that VC treatment dramatically reduced the self-renewal ability, expression levels of CSC-associated genes, and percentages of CSCs in HCC, indicating that CSCs were more susceptible to VC-induced cell death
  • as a drug for eradicating CSCs, VC may represent a promising strategy for treatment of HCC, alone or particularly in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs
  • In HCC, we found that VC-generated ROS caused genotoxic stress (DNA damage) and metabolic stress (ATP depletion), which further activated the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21, leading to G2/M phase cell cycle arrest and caspase-dependent apoptosis in HCC cells
  • we demonstrated a synergistic effect of VC and chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin on killing HCC both in vitro and in vivo
  • Intravenous VC has also been reported to reduce chemotherapy-associated toxicity of carboplatin and paclitaxel in patients,38 but the specific mechanism needs further investigation
    • Nathan Goodyear
      so, exclude the benefit to patients until the exact mechanism of action, which will never be fully elicited?!?!?
  • Our retrospective cohort study also showed that intravenous VC use (2 g) was related to the improved DFS in HCC patients after initial hepatectomy
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Terribly inadequate dose.  Target is 20-40 mM which other studies have found occur with 50-75 grams of IVC.
  • several clinical trials of high-dose intravenous VC have been conducted in patients with advanced cancer and have revealed improved quality of life and prolonged OS
  • high-dose VC was not toxic to immune cells and major immune cell subpopulations in vivo
  • high recurrence rate and heterogeneity
  • tumor progression, metastasis, and chemotherapy-resistance
  • SVCT-2 was highly expressed in HCC samples in comparison to peri-tumor tissues
  • high expression (grade 2+/3+) of SVCT-2 was in agreement with poorer overall survival (OS) of HCC patients (Fig. 1c) and more aggressive tumor behavior
  • SVCT-2 is enriched in liver CSCs
  • these data suggest that SVCT-2 is preferentially expressed in liver CSCs and is required for the maintenance of liver CSCs.
  • pharmacologic concentrations of plasma VC higher than 0.3 mM are achievable only from i.v. administration
  • The viabilities of HCC cells were dramatically decreased after exposure to VC in dose-dependent manner
  • VC and cisplatin combination further caused cell apoptosis in tumor xenograft
  • These results verify that VC inhibits tumor growth in HCC PDX models and SVCT-2 expression level is associated with VC response
  • qPCR and IHC analysis demonstrated that expression levels of CSC-associated genes and percentages of CSCs in PDXs dramatically declined after VC treatment, confirming the inhibitory role of VC in liver CSCs
    IV vitamin C in vitro and in vivo found to "preferentially" eradicate cancer stem cells.  In addition, IV vitamin C was found to be adjunctive to chemotherapy, found to be hepatoprotectant.  This study also looked at SVCT-2, which is the transport protein important in liver C uptake.

Review of high-dose intravenous vitami... [Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2014] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Study reviews the studies of IV vitamin C and cancer.  The authors discuss the mechanism of action of the high dose vitamin C.  The authors are correct in their conclusion that a large body of evidence is lacking and that the majority are case study.  However, to even discount these in the face of the safety and the reduction in side effects associated with chemotherapy by IV vitamin C would be unacceptable. To delay recommendation due to a full lack of understanding would be unacceptable as well.   No deaths have been reported due to IV vitamin C.  Contrast this with chemotherapy.  However, case studies have pointed to IV vitamin C as a positive tool to attach cancer.  

Multiple Myeloma Tumor Cells are Selectively Killed by Pharmacologically-dosed Ascorbic... - 0 views

  • Recent reports indicate that a certain ROS concentration is required for high-dose vitamin C to induce cytotoxicity in cancer cells.
  • The generation of ascorbyl- and H2O2 radicals by PAA increases ROS stress in cancer cells
  • In this study, we report that PAA is efficacious in killing MM cells in vitro and in vivo models, which generated levels of 20–40 mM ascorbate and 500 nM ascorbyl radicals after intraperitoneal administration of 4 g ascorbate per kilogram of body weight (Chen et al., 2008Chen et al., 2008), in xenograft MM mice
  • ...33 more annotations...
  • These data suggest that PAA may show a therapeutic advantage to blood cancers vs solid tumors because of the communication between tumor cells and blood plasma
  • These results strongly suggest that the mechanism of PAA killing of MM cells is indeed iron-dependent
  • These results suggest that PAA administration in SMM may be able to prevent progression to symtomatic MM
  • A recent study by Yun and colleagues demonstrated that vitamin C selectively kills KRAS and BRAF mutant colorectal cancer cells by targeting GAPDH, but spares normal cells
  • RAS family genes show the most frequent mutations in MM. KRAS, NRAS and BRAF are mutated in 22%, 20% and 7% of MM samples
  • the disease stage rather than the mutation of RAS and/or BRAF is the major predictive factor for PAA sensitivity in MM treatment
  • Other molecular mechanisms including ATP depletion and ATM-AMPK signaling have been reported to explain PAA-induced cell death
  • our pilot study also suggested that PAA could overcome drug resistance to bortezomib in MM cells
  • Our findings complement reported studies and further address the mechanism of action using clinical samples in which we observed that PAA killed tumor cells with high iron content, suggesting that iron might be the initiator of PAA cytotoxicity
  • combination of PAA with standard therapeutic drugs, such as melphalan, may significantly reduce the dose of melphalan needed
  • Combined treatment of reduced dose melphalan with PAA achieved a significantly longer progression-free survival than the same dose of melphalan alone.
  • These data also suggest that the bone marrow suppression induced by high-dose melphalan can be ameliorated by the combination of PAA with lower dose of melphalan because of the lack of toxicity of PAA on normal cells with low iron content.
  • if creatinine clearance is <30 mL/min, high dose ascorbic acid should be not administrated.
  • In MM preclinical and clinical studies, ascorbate was used as an adjunct drug and showed controversial results (Harvey et al., 2009, Perrone et al., 2009, Held et al., 2013, Sharma et al., 2012, Nakano et al., 2011, Takahashi, 2010, Sharma et al., 2009, Qazilbash et al., 2008). However, none of these tests used pharmacological doses of ascorbate and intravenous administration
  • Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell neoplasm.
  • Cameron and Pauling reported that high doses of vitamin C increased survival of patients with cancer
  • pharmacologically dosed ascorbic acid (PAA) 50–100 g (Chen et al., 2008, Padayatty et al., 2004, Hoffer et al., 2008, Padayatty et al., 2006, Welsh et al., 2013), administered intravenously, has potent anti-cancer activity and its role as anti-cancer therapy is being studied at the University of Iowa and in other centers
  • In the presence of catalytic metal ions like iron, PAA administered intravenously exerts pro-oxidant effects leading to the formation of highly reactive oxygen species (ROS), resulting in cell death
  • the labile iron pool (LIP) is significantly elevated in MM cells
  • The survival of CD138+ cells in vitro was significantly decreased following PAA treatment in all 9 MM
  • In contrast, no significant change of cell viability was observed in CD138− BM cells from the same patients
  • The same effect of PAA was also observed in the SMM patients
  • no response to PAA was detected in CD138+ cells from the 2 MGUS patients
  • the combination of melphalan plus PAA showed greater tumor burden reduction than each drug alone, suggesting a synergistic activity between these two drugs
  • Both catalase and NAC protect cells from oxidative damage
  • cells pretreated with NAC and catalase became resistant to PAA even at high doses
  • adding deferoxamine (DFO), an iron chelator, to OCI-MY5 cells before PAA treatment was also sufficient to prevent PAA-induced cellular death
  • iron is essential for PAA to achieve its anti-cancer activity
  • PAA induced early necrosis (Fig. 3Fig. 3A, 60 min) followed by late apoptosis
  • results further indicated that PAA induced mitochondria-mediated apoptosis
  • PAA by reacting with LIP and generating ROS induces mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in which AIF1 cleavage is important for cell death.
  • ROS and H2O2 are well known factors mediating PAA-induced cancer cell death
  • PAA was sensitive to all 9 MMs and 2 SMMs
    animal study finds high-dose, pharmacologic vitamin C found to kill multiple myeloma cells via pro-oxidant effect found in similar studies in dealing with different cancers.

High Dose IV Vitamin C and Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Case Report - ISOM - 0 views

    Case study of vitamin C IV up to 75 grams IV effective in stabilizing breast cancer with mets to liver.

High-dose Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Advanced ... - 1 views

    IV vitamin C dosing shown to be safe and effective.  The levels achieved by IV therapy supercedes that able to achieve by oral therapy by several factors.  This review of the data in this study is of high dose IV vitamin C--safety is reassured.

The Effect of High Dose IV Vitamin C on Plasma Antioxidant Capacity and Level of Oxidat... - 1 views

    Studies have debated on the proxidant/antioxidant effect of high dose IV vitamin C. This study finds only antioxidant effects from IV vitamin C in vivo. This study also found the antioxidant effect plateaued out at 25 grams.

Cellular toxicity driven by high-dose vitamin C on normal and cancer stem cells - PubMed - 0 views

    High dose vitamin C preferentially targets CSC but not differentiated cells.

Study Finds High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C Reduces Pain and Inflammation in Those... -... - 0 views

    High dose IV vitamin C shown to reduce both pain and inflammation in patients with RA.  This study looked at doses only up to 50 grams.  The specific inflammatory marker that this study looked at was CRP and it was reduced on average by 44%.

Hormetic dose response to L-ascorbic acid as an anti-cancer drug in colorectal cancer c... - 0 views

    Low dose vitamin C, via SVCT, increases tumor proliferation; whereas high dose decreases tumor proliferation.

Metabolomic alterations in human cancer cells by vitamin C-induced oxidative stress - P... - 0 views

    NAD and NAC counter the effects of vitamin C IN CANCER

Massive Doses of Vitamin C and the Virus Diseases - 0 views

    High dose IV vitamin C beneficial in viral illnesses.  This is a case study article, but it discusses how viral illnesses are associated with low vitamin C levels and how high dose vitamin C therapy benefits the immune activity against viral invaders.

Effect of high dose intravenous ascorbic acid on the level of inflammation in patients ... - 0 views

    This study, small pilot, showed that they were able to lower inflammation in those suffering from RA, through high dose vitamin C IV therapy. This study stopped at 25 gms. The vitamin C is a scavenger of ROS and ROS stimulates inflammation through NF-kappaB. This is how vitamin C can reduce inflammation.

Intravenously administered vitamin C as cancer therapy: three cases - 0 views

  • peak plasma concentrations obtained intravenously are estimated to reach 14 000 μmol/L, and concentrations above 2000 μmol/L may persist for several hours
  • Emerging in vitro data show that extracellular ascorbic acid selectively kills some cancer but no normal cells by generating hydrogen peroxide
  • Death is mediated exclusively by extracellular ascorbate, at pharmacologic concentrations that can be achieved only by intravenous administration
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Vitamin C may serve as a pro-drug for hydrogen peroxide delivery to extravascular tissues, but without the presence of hydrogen peroxide in blood
  • not all cancer cells were killed by ascorbic acid in vitro
  • Intravascular hemolysis was reported after massive vitamin C administration in people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • Administration of high-dose vitamin C to patients with systemic iron overload may increase iron absorption and represents a contraindication
  • Ascorbic acid is metabolized to oxalate, and 2 cases of acute oxalate nephropathy were reported in patients with pre-existing renal insufficiency given massive intravenous doses of vitamin C
  • Rare cases of acute tumour hemorrhage and necrosis were reported in patients with advanced cancer within a few days of starting high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy, although this was not independently verified by pathologic review
    IV vitamin C associated with prolonged survival in 3 patients with different cancers.  Peak serum levels reached 14,000 micromol/L, which levels above the 1,000 micro mol/L (cancer cell cytotoxic threshold) were maintained for hours

Pharmacologic doses of ascorbate act as a prooxidant and decrease growth of aggressive ... - 0 views

    high dose IV vitamin C shown to be treatment option in Cancer.  Granted in a mouse study, but high dose IV vitamin C shown to decrease growth rates of ovarian, pancreatic, and glioblastoma cancers.

The acute effect of high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other nutrients on blood pressu... - 0 views

  • the reduction in BP within the first 10–20 min may be primarily attributed to a direct vasodilatory physiological effect, described as venodilation
  • BP reduction observed after 70–90 min is likely attributable to pharmacokinetically plausible vitamin C absorption and vasodilation because of nitric oxide release
  • Pharmacokinetic studies of IVC administration observed peak plasma levels within the first 90 min, with plasma levels reaching 13350 μmol/l for 50 g of IVC
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Essential hypertension, associated with endothelial dysfunction because of an impaired nitric oxide/l-arginine pathway and impaired vasodilation can be restored by vitamin C
  • marked increase in BP response when IVB12 is administered
  • The mean BP increased significantly up to 12–16 mmHg systolic and diastolic independent of the dosage of vitamin B12
  • The production of norepinephrine, which can stimulate angiotensin-II production, which in turn influences BP, has been suggested as a possible mechanism for the increase in BP with IVB12
  • excess norephinephrine levels stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, leading to increased cortisol production, which has also been linked to increases in BP
  • Animal studies have found higher serum levels of norepinephrine (noradrenaline) in the adrenal medulla of rats receiving methylcobalamin (methyl-vitamin B12)
    IV vitamin C in mostly normotensive patients (> 30 grams) reduced blood pressure.  Some of the patients were pre-hypertensive. Vitamin B12 increase the blood pressure.

Phase I safety trial of intravenous ascorbic acid in patients with severe sepsis - 1 views

  • Padayatty and colleagues showed that high-level ascorbic acid plasma concentrations could only be achieved by intravenous administration
  • No patient in the low or high dose ascorbic acid treatment arms of this study suffered any identifiable adverse event
  • a pharmacologic ascorbic acid treatment strategy in critically ill patients with severe sepsis appears to be safe
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • subnormal plasma ascorbic acid levels are a predictable feature in patients with severe sepsis
  • Ascorbic acid depletion in sepsis results from ascorbic acid consumption by the reduction of plasma free iron, ascorbic acid consumption by the scavenging of aqueous free radicals (peroxyl radicals), and by the destruction of the oxidized form of ascorbic acid dehydroascorbic acid
  • Sepsis further inhibits intracellular reduction of dehydroascorbic acid, producing acute intracellular ascorbic acid depletion
  • Ascorbic acid treated patients in this study exhibited rapid and sustained increases in plasma ascorbic acid levels using an intermittent every six hours administration protocol
  • Septic ascorbic acid-deficient neutrophils fail to undergo normal apoptosis. Rather, they undergo necrosis thereby releasing hydrolytic enzymes in tissue beds, thus contributing to organ injury
  • We speculate that intravenous ascorbic acid acts to restore neutrophil ascorbic acid levels
  • Repletion of ascorbic acid in this way allows for normal apoptosis, thus, preventing the release of organ damaging hydrolytic enzymes.
    Study finds IV vitamin C in patients with sepsis is very safe and blunts the effects (endothelial damage, end organ damage...) of sepsis.  Of note, the IV vitamin C group reached serum levels of ascorbic acid of 1,592 to 5,722 micromol/L.  The IV groups maintained elevated serum C levels for up to 96 hours post infusion.  
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