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York Jong

Microprocessor of The Ants: Hardware - 0 views

  • This chip is great for building robots because it has extensive input/output hardware built right into the chip. This reduces the need for external components.
York Jong

Light Sensors of The Ants: Hardware - 0 views

  • Usually, the operating system takes all the values from the sensors, averages them, then finds the one that is the furthest away from that average
  • The Ant Farm is built next to a very large window that faces east. As a result, with the lab lights off, the brightest light source is always to the east. The robots can use this as a reference and then find all the other directions.
York Jong


  • pseudocode: read left_photoresistor read right_photoresistor if left_photoresistor detects more light than right_photoresistor then turn robot left if right_photoresistor detects more light than left_photoresistor then turn robot right if right_photoresistor detects about the same as left_photoresistor then robot goes straight loop
  • Photovore Algorithm, Improved This algorithm does the same as the original, but instead of case-based it works under a more advanced Fuzzy Logic control algorithm. Your robot will no longer just have the three modes of turn left, turn right, and go forward. Instead will have commands like 'turn left by 10 degrees' or 'turn right really fast', and with no additional lines of code! pseudocode: read left_photoresistor read right_photoresistor left_motor = (left_photoresistor - right_photoresistor) * arbitrary_constant right_motor = (right_photoresistor - left_photoresistor) * arbitrary_constant loop
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Photovore, Split Brain Approach This algorithm works without comparison of photoresistor values. Instead, just command the right motor based on light from the right sensor, and the left motor with only data from the left sensor. You can also get interesting variations by reversing the sensors for a cross-brain algorithm. pseudocode: read left_photoresistor read right_photoresistor move left_wheel_speed = left_photoresistor * arbitrary_constant move right_wheel_speed = right_photoresistor * arbitrary_constant loop
    The photovore is a robot that chases light, and is perhaps the simplest of all sensor algorithms. If you are a beginner, this should be your first algorithm.
York Jong


  • how to interpret sensor data into a mathematical form readable by computers
  • There are only 3 steps you need to follow: Gather Sensor Data (data logging) Graph Sensor Data Generate Line Equation
  • Some sensors (such as sonar and Sharp IR) do not work properly at very close range
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  • The way to get rid of noise is get a bunch of readings, then only keep the average. Make sure you test for noise in the actual environment your robot will be in
    Most roboticists understand faily well how sensors work. They understand that most sensors give continuous readings over a particular range. Most usually understand the physics behind them as well, such as speed of sound for sonar or sun interference for IR. Yet most do not understand how to interpret sensor data into a mathematical form readable by computers.
York Jong


  • Motorcycle lead acid batteries work great for larger low performance type robots. They are great for solar power robots too.
  • lead acid batteries have the serious problem of being very large and heavy, need to always be kept charged, and do not have the high discharge rates as the more modern batteries.
  • They have low power capacities, are heavy, have trouble supplying large amounts of current in short time periods, and get expensive to constantly replace
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  • Li-ion batteries have the same high energy capacity as NiMHs, power output rates of NiCads, and weigh about 20%-35% less. They also have zero memory effect problems, meaning you can recharge whenever
  • NiCad (Nickel Cadmium) batteries are good for small to medium size range robots. They have the highest current output, are more affordable than NiMH's, and can be recharged within one or two hours
  • A NiCad, over many charges, can only store less and less energy after each recharge. To prevent memory effect, whenever you wish to recharge your NiCad, you must first fully discharge it.
  • NiCad batteries contain toxic cadmium stuff, so save a squirrel and recycle/dispose of it properly.
  • NiMH battaries can last many more cycles than your typical NiCad battery.
  • they have good current output, and have the highest energy capacity. I would recommend them for small size robots and for powering circuits. Note, NiMH batteries usually take like 10 hours to recharge depending on various factors.
York Jong

Robot Room - Recommended books and periodicals - 0 views

    Hobbyist may have difficultly finding a book about electronics that doesn't contain too much mathematical or theoretical material. The books listed on this page are those that I found helpful, readable, and interesting.
York Jong

Robotics -- Logo Products - 0 views

  • Many Logo-based and other robotics products produced by LEGO are distributed to schools in the USA by Pitsco.
  • This free-range turtle does not require connection to a computer. All the controls are on board.
  • The Cricket is a tiny computer, suitable for all kinds of robotics projects, that you can program using Logo.
    Logo has long been used to control mechanical turtles and other robotic devices. Here are some sources of equipment and related software.
York Jong

RoboLogo - Teaching Children how to program Interactive Robots - 0 views

  • All of the procedures take a discrete ``gear'' to specify the speed. The reasons for this are two-fold; first, by limiting the power of the truck, we simplify the interface to children. Secondly, it allows use to calibrate the ``gears'' so that, for example, 10 seconds forward in first gear is the same distance as 10 seconds backward in first gear.
  • The limitation of LOGO however is the lack of feedback from the environment. There is no way of expressing an event occuring in the outside world.
  • Simple constructs in iLogo extend the original LOGO language with interactivity capabilities of reading sensors and transfering control to different parts of the program.
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  • These above rules handle all of the commands and expressions of the iLogo language except for the DoUnlessCommand. This command will execute a list of commands unless a boolean condition is met. If so, control is switched to a new list of commands for handling the exception condition.
  • Each stage of the compiler is designed using the Visitor pattern described in the book Design Pattern by Eric Gamma, et al. This pattern allows tree traversers to be created as seperated objects, instead of doing all traversals as methods of the nodes of the tree
  • We decided to use the JavaCC/JJTree tools created by Sun for generating a custom parser for our iLogo language written in Java.
  • The language must have primitives which allow the user of the language to write programs which easily transfer control based upon outside stimuli, in this case sensors on the truck.
  • An LM18293 push-pull motor driver connects the programmable counter array (PCA) of the 8051 to the truck's motors.
    • York Jong
      LM18293 is a DC motor driver.
  • We took the Berkeley Logo language design as our base and then added a primitive for reading sensor and an exception-based control structure.
    RoboLogo is a system that enables children to program interactive robots. Children can program a robotic truck that interacts with the environment without having to deal with low-level implementation details.
York Jong

The Playful World: How Technology Is Transforming Our Imagination - 0 views

    A trenchant analysis of the new "gaming" technology introduces readers to the interactive toys that will soon influence an entire generation of young users.
York Jong

遊習世紀 - 0 views

York Jong

HomePage of GoGoBoard - 0 views

    The GoGo board framework is a collection of open-source hardware platforms mainly aimed for educational projects.
York Jong

BASIC Stamp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The BASIC Stamp is a microcontroller with a small, specialized BASIC interpreter (PBASIC) built into ROM.
  • The third variant is the Javelin stamp. This stamp uses Sun Microsystem's Java programing language instead of Parallax's PBasic
  • all current PICs are Flash-based, and support in-circuit programming.
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  • The Basic Stamp > interprets instructions in real-time, essentially running a virtual machine on the PIC. This means that it is much slower
  • The Stamp implements a complete solution on a single PCB. In comparison, a bare PIC requires a separate power regulator and substantial decoupling on its output.
York Jong

《机器人》第三章-能力和显现 - 0 views

  • 三十年的计算机视觉的历程表明,1 MIPS的机器能从实时图像中提取简单的特征量───在杂色背景里跟踪白线或白点。10 MIPS的机器能跟随复杂的灰度区,巡航导弹、灵巧炸弹和早期的自驾驶大蓬车证实了这点。100 MIPS的机器恰好能追踪路面上不可预测的特征量,Navlab在长距离的行程证实了这点。1000 MIPS的机器完全能识别三维空间中带纹理的粗糙物体,某些中分辨率的立体视觉程序解释了这个问题,也包括我的程序。几个“垃圾箱挖掘”程序认为,10000 MIPS的机器能从杂乱中找到三维物体,并且高分辨率的立体视觉程序用10 MIPS的机器在1小时内演示了这一点。随着计算机速度和内存的增大,数据量问题逐渐不再是问题。
  • 除了纯粹的运算规模,也得考虑其他因素。对1 MIPS的机器,最适用的程序是能有效处理检测数据的手工程序。
  • 机器人视觉程序想要聪相应图像中得到一个边缘检测或移动检测数据的话,需执行100条计算机指令。一百万次检测则对应执行一亿条指令,1000MIPS的机器1秒能重复十次上述过程,基本上可与人的视网膜相比,新型高端个人计算机刚好能达到这个性能。
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • 程序的实现不但取决于机器的速度,而且还受内存的制约。令人惊奇的是,在计算机发展史中,内存和速度比是非常恒定的
  • 我们将内存容量除以速度定义为“时间常数”,粗略表示计算机扫描内存一次需要的时间。1兆字节/1 MIPS表示的结果是1秒。若机器的内存不能满足速度要求,这是新机器典型的情况,似乎运算速度很快,但会不必要地局限于小程序。若机器内存相对速度过剩,可以说它的商业可行性到了尽头,虽能运算大程序,但出奇的慢
  • 先前已得出一亿MIPS能模仿人的功能这一结论,在这里做比较的话,前面所述的兆字节/MIPS的原则似乎在神经系统中也成立!交互的机器好象是神经系统的外延,遵从同样的时间常数。与其用机器与外界交互,不如让不同速度/存储比的人来完成
  • 视听处理器和高性能飞行器等的控制器需要反就迅速,所以每兆字节相应很多MIPS。自动数据库和时变的安全摄像等问题涉及到慢速机器,每个MIPS会对应很多兆字节
  • 飞虫似乎比人类反应快好几倍,MIPS的相对量要大一些。动物的情况也是这样,细胞间靠电化学和酶的方式传递信号。尽管植物细胞与动物神经元有本质的区别,一些植物细胞间似乎也能通讯。有一天,我们可能发现植物能记忆许多信息,但处理缓慢
  • 二战后,计算机容量每两年翻一番。但进入20世纪80年代,每18个月计算机性能就要翻倍,20世纪90年代后期似乎缩短为12个月
  • 通用性的实现是需要代价的。一个通用机器需要十倍或十倍以上的资源来完成一项专用任务。如果任务改变,通用机器可以被重新编程,而专用机器就得被淘汰。
  • 以目前的发展速度,类似人的机器人所需要的计算机将在21世纪20年代出现。
  • 实现高级计算的关键是微型化,因为小部件的惯性小,在同等能量下运行更快,在给定空间中能集成更多内容
  • 集成芯片不但在持续发展,而且在加速前进。制作集成电路的短波长的光被替代,制作中使用了更精确方法来嵌入混杂成份。集成电路的电压在减小,采用了更好的绝缘体、屏蔽方法、散热手段,电路上出现了更有效的晶体管、更密的管腿模式和不辐射的包装材料。如果有钱来刺激的话,总会有办法。事实上,方法在实验室里早有了。因为工程师们当时还没注意这些,他们正在完善已有的技术。当根本问题出现,他们才感到忧虑。当需求的呼声很高时,巨大研究成果会转变为现实的生产。
  • 传统晶体管电路依赖于大量电子的流动,当规模很小时,会引起状态波动。但采用单电子晶体管和量子设备可以解决这项难题,它们的工作原理是量子波干涉。这些新设备越小,工作得就越好。干涉图式很适用目前的电路规模,它只用很小能量就可将电子从一边撞到另一边,从而完成操作。因此,这些电路可以在温度很低的环境下工作。这种方法能集成到0.01微米,量子交换在室温下就能进行。
York Jong

Build this simple "electronic electroscope," a FET electrometer - 0 views

  • This simple circuit can detect the invisible fields of voltage which surround all electrified objects
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  • The Gate acts as an antenna, so leave it unconnected.
  • The 1-meg resistor helps protect the FET from being harmed by any accidental sparks to its Gate lead. The circuit will work fine without this resistor. Just don't intentionally "zap" the Gate wire with a charged object or your charged finger.
  • To test the circuit, charge up a pen or a comb on your hair, then wave it close to the little "antenna" wire. The LED should go dark. When you remove the electrified pen or comb, the LED should light up again.
  • If you suspect that humidity is very high, test this by rubbing a balloon or a plastic object upon your arm. If the balloon does not attract your arm hairs, humidity is too high.
  • This FET sensor is not an ideal educational device because it responds differently to positive than to negative.
  • negative objects turn the LED off, it lights again when removed. positive objects make the LED bright, then dark when removed.
  • Obtain a small capacitor with a value below 100 picofarads. Connect it between the FET gate lead and one of the other FET leads (doesn't matter which one.) This greatly reduces the sensitivity of the device
  • Now make the circuit MORE sensitive. Obtain an alligator clip-lead, and connect it to the Gate lead of the FET. Let it hang loose without touching anything. You'll find that this has vastly increased the sensitivity of your FET circuit.
    This simple circuit can detect the invisible fields of voltage which surround all electrified objects. It acts as an electronic "electroscope.
York Jong

機器人DIY - 0 views

York Jong

BEAM Reference Library -- BEAMbot Pieces - 0 views

    You'll be making use of a number of components in the creation of your BEAM robot. This section's pages describe the most-common of them.
York Jong

以腦髓液為動力的微型機器人在以色列問世 - 0 views

    簡介:以色列海法Technion 大學的Moshe Shoham 博士與其研究小組已經成功地研製出了一種新型的微型機器人動力系統,使其能夠以腦髓液為動力在人體椎管中運動。
York Jong - 0 views

  • stimulus-response
  • a plan of action
  • combine the best of both Reactive and Deliberative control
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  • if a robot needs to plan ahead, it does so in a network of behaviors which talk to each other and send information around, rather than a single planner, as with hybrid systems.
  • three-layer systems.
  • Deliberative Control: Think hard, then act. Reactive Control: Don't think, (re)act. Hybrid Control: Think and act independently, in parallel. Behavior-Based Control: Think the way you act.
    Robot control refers to the way in which the sensing and action of a robot are coordinated. There are infinitely many possible robot programs, but they all fall along a well-defined spectrum of control. Along this spectrum, there are four basic practical
York Jong

Flesh and Machines 我們都是機器人 - 0 views

    作者是MIT人工智慧實驗室CSAIL的主任。沒錯!就是被機械小天才稱為Robotic Researcher's Heaven的CSAIL。 Robot's Book這個類別存在已久,卻遲遲沒有第一篇文章的誕生。 介紹Brooks的這一本書來當作第一篇
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