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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dannie Addison


Agnisar Kriya for Stomach Ailments - 4 views

    Kriyas are some techniques in yoga, which are used to cleanse our internal organs. This cleansing process, not only helps the body to release unnecessary toxins from the body, by doing o, it restores the balance and harmony of the body and mind, thus leading to well-being and good health. Kriyas are performed before Pranayama (breathing exercises) and help balance the Vata (wind), bile, and mucus (pitta) in the body.

Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose - 1 views

    Ardha Chandrasana is also called Half Moon Pose. It is so called because when the pose is assumed, the shape of the torso and the outstretched limbs resemble that of a crescent moon. This pose works on the various parts of the body such as the groins, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, abdomen, spine, chest and shoulders, and proves beneficial to the body in many ways.

Learn Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) - Poster For Step By Step Instructions - 0 views

    Sun Salutation is a great way to synchronize your breath and can be practiced twice a day. Here are some comprehensive step by step instructions.

Benefits of Yoga Poses for Kids « Learn Yoga Excercises & Poses - 1 views

    Yoga provides the right exercise for children by being non-competitive and gentle. They are perfectly safe and will help them release their stress and enhance energy. As children, their minds are pure and their bodies flexible, which means that they will able to learn the poses very easily.

Supine Yoga Positions - 1 views

    Supine poses are the ones which are performed while lying on the back, facing upwards. These are usually done at the end of a yoga practice session, since they help to relax the body and release stress. Many of them also help to stretch the body to its maximum and thus increase flexibility and strength of those regions.

Ardha Padmasana or Half Lotus Pose in Yoga - 0 views

    n Sanskrit, 'Padma' means lotus, 'asana' means pose and 'ardha' means half. So translated literally, this means a yoga pose which is half of the Padmasana or Lotus Yoga Pose. The Half Lotus pose is one of the seated poses of yoga. Simply put, it is a pose where you sit cross-legged.

Laughter yoga - an emotional healing - 0 views

    The healing power of laughter is well known, and when laughter and yoga are combined, it is even more beneficial.

Yoga for aging - an anti aging solution - 2 views

    By regularly pursuing anti aging yoga, you can maintain your dignity and grace despite the years rolling on. While yoga cannot turn the clock back, it can help you enter this phase of your life with as much joy and strength as possible. Yoga for aging has a number of benefits that senior citizens and those looking to stay fit as they get older can enjoy.

Viniyoga and It's Benefits - 0 views

    This yoga also is known to have a more relaxed way of positioning the body and working on the postures. It is also not as vigorous as Ashtanga yoga, which is known as Power yoga. The interesting part of Viniyoga is that, the postures are modified as per the need of every student. That is the reason why Viniyoga is also known as a therapeutic yoga.

Janu sirsasana or Head to Knee Forward Bend - 0 views

    The Head to Knee Forward Bend or the Janu Sirsasana is a stretching pose and should not be attempted by you. There is no substitute for the physical guidance of a yoga instructor. But it also helps to read about the poses that you are about to learn. Here is how you can do the Head to Knee Forward Bend.

Yoga for upper back pain - 0 views

    Fortunately, there is a form of exercise that you can do which will not adversely affect your upper back and further compound your problems - yoga. The reason why yoga is so effective for upper back pain is because it incorporates gentle stretching movements that not only stimulate the muscles directly, but also increase the flow of blood to your muscles, thereby causing further growth.

Parivrtta trikonasana or Revolved triangle pose - 0 views

    This is a relatively simple posture, though it is advisable to take the help of a yoga teacher to learn the pose. Here is a step by step guide to help you understand the Revolved Triangle Pose better.

Matsyendrasana or Spinal twist yoga pose - 0 views

    Matsyendrasana helps to stretch and relax the spine. It is often recommended for those who suffer from frequent back aches because it can relieve the pressure on the spinal column and cure back pains. However, if you suffer from a degenerative disk, it is advised that you do not practice any spinal twist yoga poses.

Yoga exercises to get in shape - 1 views

    These poses, in the course of your practice, will make you more relaxed, stronger, more focused and more balanced. They will also help you get in shape for summer so that you can sport your beachwear without feeling embarrassed.

Yoga Exercises for Lower Abdomen - 1 views

    Who doesn't want washboard abs? However not many of us can survive the three hundred sit ups and crunches routine! But a flat stomach doesn't have to be a dream, or a trip to the surgeon. For people looking for accessible exercises for the lower abs, why not try yoga?

Hanumanasana or Yoga Monkey Pose - 0 views

    The Hanumanasana or Yoga Monkey Pose is a kneeling posture with a deep intense seated splits. It looks simple, but requires great flexibility to perform it.

Padottanasana - a forward bend yoga pose - 0 views

    'Pada' means feet, 'ut' means intense and 'tan' means to stretch, while 'asana' is pose or posture. All put together it means intense leg or foot stretch. Usually, it is referred to as the Prasarita Padottanasana, where 'prasarita' again means to extend. It can be explained as a Standing Forward Bend or Forward Bend Yoga and is one of the fundamental standing postures in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

Parsvottanasana or Pyramid Yoga Pose - 0 views

    Parsvottanasana or the Yoga Pyramid Pose is a standing pose, where you bend forward and downward, so that in its most flexible form, your head is almost touching your ankles. It thus provides a great stretch to your hamstrings and lengthens your spine. It also includes proper breathing techniques as your perform the posture.

What is Anjaneyasana or Crescent Moon Yoga Pose - 0 views

    Anjaneyasana is referred to as the Crescent Moon Yoga Pose. The posture is sometimes referred to as the Crescent Lunge Pose or Yoga Lunge Pose because the movement requires a slight forward lunge to achieve it perfectly.

Yoga Stretching with Trikonasana or Triangle Yoga Pose - 0 views

    The Trikonasana, or triangle yoga pose, is one such pose that can ensure that all your worries leave your mind and your body receives a good stretch. You've probably already performed the triangle yoga pose unknowingly, because it is a common stretching exercise that is used in many disciplines.
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