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John Pearce

Google Custom Search Engine - Site search and more - 0 views

    Want to set up a search for students so that they get results specific to them and not from the whole web? Do you have a website that you want to your visitors to search within? If so then setting up a Google Custom Search my be just what you need. "A Custom Search Engine is a tailored search experience, built using Google's core search technology, that prioritizes or restricts search results based on websites and pages you specify. Your Custom Search Engine can be tailored to reflect your point of view or area of expertise. With a Custom Search Engine, you can: * Apply your website's look and feel to the search results page. * Provide search refinements within results pages to make it easier for searchers to find the information they're looking for. * Add sites to your search engine's index as you surf the web. * Invite friends and trusted users to co-edit and contribute to your search engine. * Make money from your Custom Search Engine by participating in Google's AdSense program. Once you've defined your search engine index, Google will give you a simple piece of code for a search box to place on your site or blog. You'll then have the option to choose various customization options to make the look and feel and functionality of your search engine your own."
John Pearce

SearchTeam - real-time collaborative search engine - 3 views

    SearchTeam is a collaborative search engine. You start your research by creating a SearchSpace on a topic of interest. From within a SearchSpace, you can search the Web, videos, images, books and more. You can find and save only what you want while you are searching and throw away what you don't want or find irrelevant. You can automatically organize what you save, into folders of your choosing. Everything is automatically saved into your personal account, and you can return to your searches any time and continue from where you left before. What makes SearchTeam unique and valuable is that you can do your searches collaboratively with others you trust, such as friends, colleagues and family members. You can invite any set of people you trust to search with you from within a SearchSpace. An invitation is sent via email to those people you invite to join your search. When they enter your SearchSpace, they see exactly what you've found and saved so far. They can comment on or like your findings. They can chat with you from within the SearchSpace, and do further searches relevant to that topic and save more results into the SearchSpace. All changes made by any collaborator are relayed to all other collaborators in real-time, so everyone is instantly in synch with what others are doing. In addition to finding and saving search results, SearchTeam goes further to enable you to enrich your SearchSpace with knowledge that may come from other sources. You can upload documents to a SearchSpace to share your relevant reports / presentations etc. You can also add links to Web resources that you may have received from others via email or social networks. You can even create new posts to share your knowledge on the topic directly inside the SearchSpace. Together, as a team, you can leverage the collective effort to find good quality information, and benefit from the collective knowledge on any topic efficiently. In effect, SearchTeam is traditional Web searching + Wiki-like editi
    Methinks useful for #MOOC #CritLit2010 #PLENK ? Thanks
John Pearce

Realtime Twitter Search Results on Google (MT Hacks) - 0 views

    There is increasing discussion about whether Twitter's "real time search" could pose a threat to Google. While Twitter may or may not pose a threat to Google, it is clear that real-time search such as leveraging Twitter is becoming increasingly important. Mark Carye at MTHacks decided to get realtime twitter search results on Google so he created a Greasemonkey user script that does exactly this. It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page. This entry also has some interesting links to the Google/Twitter search debate as well as other ideas related to searching via Twitter.
John Pearce

BL3NK - 1 views

    Powered by Google this "instant" search portal searches the Web, images, news, video, Twitter and Google Maps. Though it is slower to react than single focussed searches, because it aggregates results across a range of reference types it is still useful. To find out more check out the video link in the bottom right corner of the search screen.
John Pearce

Create A Google Custom Search Engine Fueled By Your Research - 0 views

    "No matter what topic you are interested in, Google can only go so far in providing you with the search results that you need. You have to remember that Google is searching through the entire Internet in order to offer you relevant results about your unique topic. The more unique or specialized the topic, the more difficult it is for Google to identify useful sites." This How To from Make Use Of details how to create a custom search engine based around a pre-defined set of websites.
Suzie Vesper

KidRex - Kid Safe Search Engine - 0 views

    KidRex is a fun and safe search for kids, by kids! KidRex searches emphasize kid-related webpages and are powered by Google Custom Search and use Google SafeSearch technology. Google's SafeSearch screens for sites that contain explicit sexual content and deletes them from your child's search results. Google's filter uses advanced technology to check keywords, phrases, and URLs. No filter is 100 percent accurate, but SafeSearch should eliminate most inappropriate material.
    KidRex is a fun and safe search for kids, by kids! KidRex searches emphasize kid-related webpages and are powered by Google Custom Search and use Google SafeSearch technology. Google's SafeSearch screens for sites that contain explicit sexual content and deletes them from your child's search results. Google's filter uses advanced technology to check keywords, phrases, and URLs. No filter is 100 percent accurate, but SafeSearch should eliminate most inappropriate material.
    A site set up as a safe search engine for kids.
Rhondda Powling

Top 10 Search Modifiers: Why They Matter, What They Are & How To Use Them - 3 views

    A useful post that give a lot of good advice about how to get the best from your Google searches. Google has become very good at understanding and providing relevant results for many popular queries, so there are a lot of people getting into bad habits and lazy with their searches and simply taking the auto-selected results. As teachers we should be teaching our students to explore more deeply and critically appraise all their results before coming to any conclusions or using the information. Students need to learn to use Google search modifiers. These manual commands can be used in any search queries and will allow you force Google to bring you the results you want.
John Pearce - 1 views

    SearchLion is according to Phil Bradley, "....a fairly straightforward search engine - you can see what it covers from the tabbed bar. It's worth mentioning that you can also add in more search options yourself if you wish. You can choose where it takes its results from - Google, Yahoo/Bing or SearchLion's resources itself. Unfortunately, you don't have that option with the other search tabs, which is a bit of a shame. You can run a search and the results screen looks fairly straightforward - results to the left, adverts to the right. However, you can also choose a multi category, so as well as looking at Web results, you can also choose to view images, news etc. at the same time."
Rhondda Powling

Wizard Tool for Searching - 3 views

    "This tool is built on Google's Advanced Search and conducts a Google search with the keywords that you fill in for each field. As you type, WATCH as the Wizard builds your query in the search box above. Then click Search. Evaluate the results and revise your keywords to get the best results for your topic!"
Rhondda Powling

SortFix Powered Search Blog - 1 views

    Sort Fix graphically facilitates search and demonstrates thinking about search refinement.  A behind-the- scenes algorithm scans results to identify and present significant keywords.  Searchers can grab (or remove) these words from their search baskets to refine their searches and create better queries.  A dictionary basket is available to compensate for new vocabulary.
John Pearce

Social Media Search Tool | WhosTalkin? - 4 views

    Want to search across 60 of the main social networking spaces via the one portal then is the place to go. You can search via a group type eg blogs, videos or images, or sub spaces within these groups. This is a really interesting tool for searching on trending topics. It's also fun to do a search on your own online identity to see what others are saying about you.
John Pearce

The Complete Guidebook To Web Searching [PDF] - 5 views

    Though an American based guide, this pdf download from MakeUseOf nontheless has some useful and interesting basic information about the most interesting search engines. Because it is largely for the US market some of the references to more specific engines such as price comparison searches will not be relevant. The guide is useful however in pointing out that search and Google are not interchangeable terms.
John Pearce

Snap Bird - search twitter's history - 1 views

    While Twitter is a great online social network, there is a lot of room for improvement in its search interface. If you want to find an old Tweet or entry, then you have to go through many search pages before you find what you are looking for. Twitter search is made much more convenient by SnapBird, an absolutely free Twitter client that lets you easily search the Twitter stream.
John Pearce

SearchMerge - 0 views

    SearchMerge is another of those really interesting new search engines designed to search in real time as well as via the traditional Google search. You can select to search from one or more of the following Google, Twitter, Friendfeed, Flickr, YouTube, Last.FM, Technorati and Vimeo.
John Pearce

Advanced Video Search on YouTube with Simple Commands - 1 views

    "Searching videos on YouTube is simple but if you know a few tricks, it becomes even more fun and accurate. The YouTube team has considerably simplified their video search function making it easier for people to perform advanced searches on YouTube without learning any complicated syntax."
John Pearce

Twingly Blog Search - 0 views

  • is a blog search engine featuring a spam-free, faceted, social search for the global blogosphere. Without any marketing, currently serves 25M+ search results per month, most through our API.
John Pearce

YouTube - How Search Works - 4 views

    This neat video from Google looks at how the Google search function works from the spiders though to the software algorithms that search the index of Search Terms that makes up Google. The only drawback is the self promotion tacked onto the end of the video.
Rhondda Powling

Google Search Tips (Ultimate Google Guide) - 3 views

    The Ultimate Google Guide can help you to improve your search results and SERP analysis with less-known search Tips First Things First In there are some less-known google operators and search tips
John Pearce

Google Vs. Content Farms (Infographic) - 5 views

    All search engines are engaged in a constant battle with entities that aim to manipulate search engine results for various reasons. Search Engine Optimization can be a major money earner or a significant distraction depending on what side of the search activity you are on. This infographic explores how Google is attempting to deal with one aspect of SEO, Content Farms.
John Pearce

Twitter Search - 0 views

    Twitter Search helps you filter all the real-time information coursing through our service.
    Keeping up with interesting news and people you care about is one dimension of Twitter, but what if you need to find out what's happening in the world beyond your personal timeline? There is an undeniable need to search, filter, and otherwise interact with the volumes of news and information being transmitted to Twitter every second. Twitter Search helps you filter all the real-time information coursing through our service.
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