Government Pressuring Publishers to Adjust Pricing Policy on E-Books - - 0 views
Visualizing Slavery - - 0 views
10 Ways to Celebrate Banned Books Week With The New York Times - - 0 views
Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say - - 0 views
Taking a test is not just a passive mechanism for assessing how much people know, according to new research. It actually helps people learn, and it works better than a number of other studying techniques.
students who read a passage, then took a test asking them to recall what they had read, retained about 50 percent more of the information a week later than students who used two other methods.
What we recall becomes more recallable in the future. In a sense you are practicing what you are going to need to do later
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10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Technology - - 5 views
Your gadgets and computers, your software and sites - they are not working as well as they should. You need to make some tweaks. But the tech industry has given you the impression that making adjustments is difficult and time-consuming. It is not. And so below are 10 things to do to improve your technological life.
Technology in Schools Faces Questions on Value - - 1 views
A By-the-E-Book Education, for $5 a Month - - 1 views
The Most Comma Mistakes - - 3 views
For Libraries and Publishers, an E-Book Tug of War - - 1 views
Study Finds That Online Education Beats the Classroom - Bits Blog - - 0 views
Looking for a Job on Social Networking Sites - - 3 views
"Teaching people how to use these new tools is really becoming one of the main things that we do in career counseling offices," said Nancy Richmond, assistant director of career counseling and exploration at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "We're showing them that using social media is a great way to show employers that they're on the forefront of cutting-edge trends. It can be extremely helpful for their careers."
Wi-Fi Overload at High-Tech Meetings - - 1 views
"Internet entrepreneurs climb on stage at technology conferences and praise a world in which everyone is perpetually connected to the Web. But down in the audience, where people are busy typing and transmitting this wisdom, getting a Wi-Fi connection is often downright impossible. "
Interesting to read about this Wi-Fi overload. This is something that didn't happen at the ACEC2010 conference, even though the delegates clobbered the venue network with their hundreds of devices.