eLearning Learning - 0 views
Online Interactive ELearning Teaching Resource Library. View teaching resources online ... - 0 views
"Established in 2006, Curriculumbits.com offer free online access to a growing range of interactive multimedia elearning resources. The online resource library contains games, quizzes, animations and videos in a variety of subjects. Resources have been produced according to key stage 3 and 4 of the UK National Curriculum for students aged 11 to 16." Though the learning objects are not downloadable they are eminently suited to using on an interactive whiteboard.
Established in 2006, Curriculumbits.com offer free online access to a growing range of interactive multimedia elearning resources. The online resource library contains games, quizzes, animations and videos in a variety of subjects. Resources have been produced according to key stage 3 and 4 of the UK National Curriculum for students aged 11 to 16. All resources are produced by elearning multimedia specialists in collaboration with every day teaching staff as a direct solution to their classroom requirements.
100 eLearning Articles and White Papers : eLearning Technology - 1 views
Wordle - elearning keywords - 0 views
How Your Visual Voice Helps Build Better E-Learning » The Rapid eLearning Blog - 4 views
eLearning Slam: Designing mobile eLearning courses - 0 views
eLearning: Blogs for Learning - 0 views
Flux » Articles | Eduserv Foundation Symposium 2008 - Grainne Conole - 0 views
nerdson CC licenses Comic Strip - 5 views
Lessons to be learned from the Ultranet - Did it work? - 1 views
it is not perfect. But it did bring home to quite a few teachers that, like it or not, wikis/blogs/twitter/facebook and numerous other learning gems were here to stay
Ultranet can take some credit for bringing eLearning into the forefront of educators minds
AUC Create World - 1 views
Speaking to Ascilite, ACODE and Desire2Learn « Learn Online - 0 views
"In the context of a growing emphasis on eLearning, most commonly facilitated by enterprise-scale Learning Management System and a range of institutionally managed and supported communication and collaboration software tools, and in an environment of increasing emphasis on intellectual property rights management and quality assurance, how do universities (and other educational institutions) respond to the use of free, open-access tools in common use by their students? What are the potential educational uses of such tools? What are the current practices of use of these tools within educational institutions? What are the issues, risks and hidden costs? What are the advantages and benefits?"
Developing a Learning Technology Plan - 0 views
smadsenaulikesthe idea that academic staff get formal time to play in the technology sandpit.Jo McLeay smadsenau I like it fifikinssaysI'd like it to be a given, not an extra that is worked in.Teacher_ricksaystechnical or educational?Teacher_ricksaystechnical: stability, stability, stabilityTeacher_ricksayseducational: time, time and timeJo McLeay Teacher_rick a great distinction. I thnk this job is mainly the educational sidesmadsenaufeelsthat a 3 to 5 year Learning Plan needs to be developedsmadsenaufeelsthat it is good to make use of the expertise of staff within the schoolsmadsenaufeelsthat numerous short workshops on various topics can be run eg. 1 or 2 hour session on delicioussmadsenaufeelsthat your school could deliver electronic courses much like 'Distance Education'smadsenaufeelsthat collaboration software choice is important.eg. Elluminate is best for delivering long distant courses with its whiteboard facilities?smadsenaufeelsan electronic extensive survey will need to be carried out with your staffsmadsenaufeelsthat you need the IT people to provide the infrastructure & respond quickly to day to day problems.smadsenaufeelsthat one person can't implement a Learning Technology plan, a team of people need implement it with the proper time allowancefifikinssaysBoth internal and external collaboration.smadsenau assumes your school has school administration / reports online that can be carried out at school and from home.smadsenauaskswill you be going to the ACEC'08 in Canberra, in October?TeachingMothersaysI agree with smadsenauJo McLeay smadsenau yes I'll be there with bells on. Maybe we can meet up smadsenaulovesthe idea of meeting up at ACEC.bookjewel consultation with staff</tbod