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dean groom

The Best Tools for Visualization - 0 views

    Visualization is a technique to graphically represent sets of data. When data is large or abstract, visualization can help make the data easier to read or understand. There are visualization tools for search, music, networks, online communities, and almost anything else you can think of. Whether you want a desktop application or a web-based tool, there are many specific tools are available on the web that let you visualize all kinds of data.
Nigel Coutts

Visual Literacy - Metalanguage & Learning - 0 views

    An increasingly significant aspect of literacy is an awareness of the visual elements that fall beyond the traditional components of written text. Termed 'Visual Literacy' this is the ability to read and create communications that use visual elements. It combines the skills of traditional literacy with knowledge of design, art, graphic arts, media and human perception. It takes literacy further beyond a decoding of text to a decoding of the complete package around the communication.
Rhondda Powling

Feeed - The visual feed reader - 1 views

    Feeed is a simple and elegant web-service which allows you to easily create a visual magazine by aggregating any number of blogs or RSS feeds. You input the URL of your blog, Twitter channel, and any other site or feed you may want to include (up to 8) and Feeed will automatically aggregate and display all of the incoming content into a neat visual page.
John Pearce

Introducing myWebspiration - 0 views

    Webspiration™ is the new online visual thinking tool from Inspiration.
    Webspiration™ is the new online visual thinking tool that helps you capture ideas, organize information, diagram processes and create clear, concise written documents whether working individually or collaboratively. With integrated diagram and outline views you can think visually, structure your work effectively and express your ideas in the ways that communicate best.
Lynne Crowe

Visual Langage » VisualsSpeak Blog - 0 views

    Lots of ideas connected with a variety of aspects of visual language including blog layout
Rhondda Powling

The Anatomy Of An Infographic: 5 Steps To Create A Powerful Visual | SpyreStudios - 4 views

    A good post about infographics. Information is very powerful but can also be presented in a way that is bland and unimaginative. Infographics impart information in a visually pleasing and sometimes a more understandable manner, making it more powerful. Inforgraphics have now permeated all aspects of the modern information world.
Rhondda Powling

Using Infographics to Educate the World About Human Rights | Blog - 2 views

    Infographics that approach human rights (and the lack of them) visually. Some great discussion starters
Rhondda Powling

Google Blockly Is a Visual, Drag-and-Drop Tool for Building Apps and Learning to Code - 7 views

    Google Blockly is a visual programming language that can help you get started quickly.The webapp lets you drag blocks together to build apps, which can then be exported to actual programming languages.
Rhondda Powling

Understanding 3 Different Learning Styles | Sylvan Learning Blog - 1 views

    Discovering your students learning styles will help you better assist on their learning. Sylvan Learning has created this interesting visual that provides tips about how to engage with three different types of learners: Auditory learners, Visual learners, and Tactile learners.
Rhondda Powling

A Step-By-Step Visual Guide To Being An Effective Instructor | Edudemic - 8 views

    A nice infographic offering a visual Step-By-Step guide to assist teachers who want to give effective Instructions
Rhondda Powling

Visual dictionary - 6 views

    Graphics to represent many words, organized by concept. it can aosl be a visual reference source for finding copyright free sharable images. Also available in Spanish and French.
Grace Kat

Shahi - A visual dictionary | Blachan Lab - 0 views

    Shahi is a visual dictionary that combines Wiktionary content with Flickr images, and more!
s2 art

'Visual Almanac' announced by Apple - 2 views

    Reading The Reconfigurd eye, I cam upon a mention of the Apple Visual Almanac, this is on of the google results returned from that search
John Pearce

Visual Definitions of Web 2.0 - 0 views

    This slideshow is a colllection of maps, models, and visualizations from a range of sources and places on the web aimed at helping to understand the components that make up Web 2.0 as well as how they fit together. It has been created and assembled by the good folk at As with all things Web 2.0 however at least one of the maps, that from informationarchitects has already been updated.
Jess McCulloch

Spezify - 0 views

    Visual search engine
Rhondda Powling

TED - How to tell a great story, visualized By Andrew... - 2 views

    Infographic: Clues to tell a great story. "How to tell a great story, visualized by Andrew Stanton. "
Rhondda Powling

25 Top Concept-Mapping Tools For Visual Learning - 1 views

    A list of concept or mind mapping tools with short descriptions 
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