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John Pearce

21st Century Literacies - 0 views

    In February 2008, the National Council of Teachers of English began to develop a statement on 21st literacies. This is the product of these ongoing deliberations. As the discussion says, "Literacy has always been a collection of cultural and communicative practices shared among members of particular groups. As society and technology change, so does literacy. Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate environments, the twenty-first century demands that a literate person possess a wide range of abilities and competencies, many literacies. These literacies-from reading online newspapers to participating in virtual classrooms-are multiple, dynamic, and malleable. As in the past, they are inextricably linked with particular histories, life possibilities and social trajectories of individuals and groups."
Roland Gesthuizen

The National Literacy and Numeracy Evidence Base - teach learn share - Welcome to the T... - 2 views

    The Teach, Learn, Share database is a national platform where educators and systems can share their effective approaches to literacy and numeracy teaching and learning in Australia. Once established, the Teach, Learn, Share database will be the 'go-to' site for information about effective literacy and numeracy strategies for individual teachers, schools, systems and the wider education community. The database will include descriptions of successful literacy and numeracy initiatives in a diverse range of school settings, capacity for targeted searching and links to relevant and appropriate research in the areas of literacy and numeracy.
Rhondda Powling

LitWorld - The Nonprofit Cultivating Literacy Leaders Worldwide - 2 views

    Aiming to help 1 million children learn to read by 2014, LitWorld supports literacy and educational programs in communities from Harlem to Baghdad. "LitWorld's mission is to cultivate literacy leaders worldwide through transformational literacy experiences that build connection, understanding, resilience and strength. We work with teachers, parents, community members, and children to support the development of literacy and the redemptive power of story in the world's most vulnerable communities."
Rhondda Powling

Life of an Educator by Justin Tarte: The importance of literacy... - 1 views

    "The simplest acquisition of literacy can have a profoundly empowering effect personally, socially and politically.  Literacy gives people tools with which to improve their livelihoods, participate in community decision-making, gain access to information about health care, and above all, it enables individuals to realize their rights as citizens and human beings. Literacy is not just about reading and writing; it is about respect, opportunity and development..."
Rhondda Powling

The Intersection of Digital Literacy and Social Media -- Campus Technology - 2 views

    "As educators look for new ways to teach digital literacy or the use of digital technology to find, organize, comprehend, evaluate, and create information, some are turning to social media to help advance the concept in the college classroom. BUT.....colleges leveraging social media to improve digital literacy must focus on students' current use of social media and then find ways to interface those activities with the curriculum."
Rhondda Powling

Developing digital literacies - Jisc infoNet - 3 views

    "Digital literacy looks beyond functional IT skills to describe a richer set of digital behaviours, practices and identities. Digital literacies encompasses a range of other capabilities represented here in a seven elements model"
Tony Searl

SocialTech: Online Educa Berlin 2010 Keynote: Building Networked Learning Environments - 2 views

  • what constitutes digital literacy or digital literacies, should, in symmetry with the subject itself, not be perceived as a problem we aim to solve, or a thing we aim to determine once and for all.
  • At some point, we need to agree actions.
  • What I’m interested in is supporting the skills and critical thinking about educational engagement in networked environments, and particularly in how educators and learners can use these to support and transfigure existing practice.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Supporting or learners and staff to use collaborative digital environments and tools in safe, critical and innovative ways should be on the top of all our digital literacy wish lists and informing local and national policy and practice.
  • We need to be mindful that a great deal of current research highlights correlations between socio economic status and access.
  • But supporting all of our children and young people’s ability to have meaningful, useful and safe online interactions means that we don’t further disadvantage some of our most vulnerable populations.
  • It turns out what people most want to know about their friends isn't how they imagine themselves to be, but what it is they are actually getting up to and thinking about
  • Recent research has clearly underlined the need to address children’s and young people’s use of the internet, mobile and games technologies in the context of digital literacy.
  • The report points up young people’s largely pedestrian use of technology, and highlights the role that educators could and should be playing in supporting young peoples engagement as producers, creators, curators rather than primarily as consumers:
  • There are many definitions of digital literacy. In one of the earliest (2006), Allan Martin defined Digital Literacy as “…the awareness, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital tools and facilities to identify, access, manage, integrate, evaluate, analyse and synthesise digital resources, construct new knowledge, create media expressions, and communicate with others in the context of specific life situations, in order to enable constructive social action; and to reflect upon this process.” 
  • The characteristics across many of the available definitions are that digital literacy are that: it supports and helps develop traditional literacies – it isn’t about the use of technology for it’s own sake or ICT as an isolated practice it's a life long practice – developing and continuing to maintain skills in the context of continual development of technologies and practices it's about skills and competencies, and critical reflection on how these skills and competencies are applied it's about social engagement – collaboration, communication, and creation within social contexts
    reducing our aims just to types of skills risks boring everyone to death with short lived, tool specific training which doesn't address the social and political context of people's lives or their reasons for engaging with technology.
Rhondda Powling

Developing students' digital literacy | Jisc - 7 views

    "Even today's students need support with some areas of digital practice, particularly in an academic context, so it's important to make sure that these needs are met. We define digital literacies as the capabilities which fit someone for living, learning and working in a digital society. To help with thinking about this, we have outlined seven elements of digital literacy for consideration, which can be seen in the accompanying diagram"
Nigel Coutts

Visual Literacy - Metalanguage & Learning - 0 views

    An increasingly significant aspect of literacy is an awareness of the visual elements that fall beyond the traditional components of written text. Termed 'Visual Literacy' this is the ability to read and create communications that use visual elements. It combines the skills of traditional literacy with knowledge of design, art, graphic arts, media and human perception. It takes literacy further beyond a decoding of text to a decoding of the complete package around the communication.
Tony Searl

Special themed issue: Beyond 'new' literacies - Digital Culture & Education - 1 views

    While the field has grown over the past decade, the central concern of new literacies research remains the same; researchers scrutinize and analyze how the rapid development of new tools and technologies are shaping language and literacy practices. In this special themed issue of Digital Culture and Education (DCE), we begin a conversation that compliments how we think about conceptualizing, viewing and talking about "new" literacies.

Are you listening to this?… Why, yes. I am. But, are you? « Real Reasons to W... - 0 views

  • literacy is situated, contextual, social, multiple, active and a component of identity. New literacies don’t replace former literacies. This isn’t a situation of either “new literacies” or “old literacies.”
  • Teaching English is about opening up what counts as valued communication, inviting ALL students to engage in multimodal discourses, and to put their knowledge to work. We produce and consume media; expertise means leveraging tools and spaces in intentional, productive ways; and we participate in global communities that are keenly, deeply invested
  • importance of balance across literacies by providing opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge through multiple modes - and to engage, where possible, with “struggleware.”
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • be transparent when teaching - and to empower students to teach and attain a whole new level of credibility. If I teach in the ways that they inspire me to consider, I am empowering students to engage with literacies that value the ways that they are multiply literate
  • They challenge me to be a gateopener, rather than a gatekeeper.
    A response to Marc Prensky's BLC'08 session on teaching programming
Rhondda Powling

Removing barriers to literacy / Thematic reports / Documents by type / Browse all by / ... - 1 views

    The aim of this survey was to illustrate effective approaches that might help others to improve their practice in literacy. Inspectors visited providers of childcare, education and post-16 learning. The providers were selected because previous inspection evidence and data on achievement and attainment showed that they were particularly successful in enabling children and learners from disadvantaged backgrounds to make better than average progress and to achieve good standards of literacy.
Rhondda Powling

Teaher's Guide to Information Crap Detection ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 6 views

    Post from Ed Tech and Mobile Learning. "Some of the great resources I learned from Howard Rheingold himself about how to detect crap information and the literacies we need to develop and teach to our students to make them better internet users "
Rhondda Powling

A Great Digital Literacy Skills Continuum for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mob... - 5 views

    Digital literacy is not only about knowing how to use technology but also when and why to use it.
Kerry J

Lifelong learning and information literacy - 3 views

    Information literacy is a human right, according to the Australian Library and Information Association. I found this incredibly moving and inspirational fact out while researching the follwoing presentation on lifelong learning.
Andrew Williamson

What should students do once they can read? - Richard Olsen's Blog - 1 views

  • the only evidence presented to support the assertion that Victoria’s education outcomes are not improving is the report “Challenges in Australian Education: results from PISA 2009: the PISA 2009 assessment of students’ reading, mathematical and scientific literacy”
  • While it doesn’t seem unreasonable to want our students to be able to accurately perform these kind of tasks, these tests are not a true or accurate representation of the skills and competencies our students need in today’s technology driven world.
  • We need to understand the new social world that both our students and our teachers live and learn in.
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  • A world where the experts are no longer in charge, a world where autonomous self-directed learners are skilled at co-constructing new knowledge in unknown and uncertain environments
  • A world where knowledge is complex and is changing.
  • Our students need to be immersed in the modern learning, made possible by modern technology and free of the compromises that up til now our education system has been based on.
    Looking at the New Directions for school leadership and the teaching profession discussion paper, the only evidence presented to support the assertion that Victoria's education outcomes are not improving is the report "Challenges in Australian Education: results from PISA 2009: the PISA 2009 assessment of students' reading, mathematical and scientific literacy" Specifically the New Directions paper focuses on reading literacy, where in 2009, 14,251 students were given a two-hour pen and paper comprehension test. To get an idea of what types of competencies the reading test is assessing we can look at the sample test , with questions range from comprehension about a letter in a newspaper, the ability to interpret a receipt, comprehension around a short story, an informational text, and interpreting a table. While it doesn't seem unreasonable to want our students to be able to accurately perform these kind of tasks, these tests are not a true or accurate representation of the skills and competencies our students need in today's technology driven world.
John Pearce

Apps for Literacy Support : Spectronics - Inclusive Learning Technologies - 14 views

    This is a really interesting annotated list of apps links from Greg O'Connor of Spectronics focused on literacy support. The apps come from the Australian app store.
Rhondda Powling

Media Awareness Network (MNet) | Reports and Publications - 0 views

    The Digital Literacy in Canada discussion paper is a response to the Government of Canada's Digital Economy Consultation, launched in May 2010. The paper calls for federal leadership in the creation of a national digital literacy strategy to ensure all Canadians have the necessary skills to use digital technologies to their fullest potential. 
Lynne Crowe

The Literacy Project - 1 views

    A resource for teachers, literacy organisations and anyone interested in reading and education, created in collaboration with LitCam, Google, and UNESCO's Institute for Lifelong Learning.
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