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The Digital Literacy "best practices" Site - 3 views

    This is a great source about Digital Literacy and Digital Inclusion. You can find here worldwide research and news about these topics. 'The Digital Literacy "best practices" website is a reference and a celebration of the many good ideas that have been successfully used to promote digital literacy and digital inclusion'
    Good resource. Thanks for sharing. "Information literacy," "media literacy," "digital literacy" are all similar but yet different ideas. I am wrestling with the specifics of each. This site provides great examples.
    Thank you for sharing this resource. Nowadays, people just post things on the internet and doesn't consider the following effects. Many people lack the digital literacy. They need to learn it and then protect themselves. It is a good website to help me know digital literacy and digital inclusion.

Digital Literacy, Information Literacy and Connectivism - 7 views

    "Have you ever wondered just what the difference is between digital and information literacy? Or how they are connected to each other? Those are important questions because for librarians, the conversation is almost always about information literacy, and digital literacy sometimes takes a backseat to that."

Information Literacy Competencies Standards for Higher Education - 0 views

    Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information." Information literacy also is increasingly important in the contemporary environment of rapid technological change and proliferating information resources.

Global Alliance on Partnership on Media and Information Literacy - 0 views

    GAPMIL is an international cooperation to ensure that all citizens have access to media and information competencies. This pioneering initiative was launched during the Global Forum for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) which took place from 26 to 28 June 2013.The forum was held under the theme "Promoting Media and Information Literacy as a Means to Cultural Diversity".


    The guidelines provides a conceptual template to guide the creation of information literacy (IL) programs in academic and school libraries as well as public libraries. It is meant for the educators, librarians and information facilitators at the international level to help them to frame the IL efforts. In fact it is also of value to anyone who may need to start an IL program and would like a general conceptual framework. The document is divided into ten chapters that comprise the organizational spectrum of information literacy work, including a definition of concepts, a proposal for information literacy standards, a section on obtaining institutional commitment, the management of the learning process, including personnel development, educational theories, among other basic topics on how to implement the program, plus a list of key IL terms with their definitions, and a bibliography for further reading.
    Thank you very much for sharing this document that even if not updated is still valid in its fundamental ideas and framework

UNESCO's Overview of Information Literacy Resources Worldwide 2nd ed. 2014-2015 - 2 views

    Edited by Dr. F. Woody Horton, the second edition of the UNESCO sponsored publication, Overview of Information Literacy Resources Worldwide 2014-2015, is available for download.
    Hi Kim, thanks for this report. The list of "resources" includes a list of names of people, their organizational affiliation and e-mail adress who happen to be active in the field of information literacy in the Netherlands. Those are the people I would like to reach out to in developing a Wikipedia Education Program. Find ways to embed Wikipedia assignments to students in for example information literacy courses.

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. - 2 views

    The Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, adopted by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) in 2000, have become an essential document related to the emergence of Information Literacy as a recognized learning outcome at many institutions of higher education
    As one of the academic libraries in the Philippines, we are also using the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education as bases for our Information Literacy program though its more than a decade. We recognize its competencies for outcomes based education.

Doug Belshaw's TELL Talk for AIS NSW IT Managers' Conference 2011 - 0 views

    8 elements of digital literacy This video has merit despite the some of the distractions which divert the viewers' attention from the valuable content. Belshaw's introduction of his topic and objectives are clearly identified when he's in the street, he then walks into a building (at an accelerated time speed), sits down to describes the difference between the traditional mode of literacy found in print and books to that of digital media e.g. smart phones. This works well until he's suddenly in a railway station and later back in the street with all the commotion linked to these settings. This makes it very difficult to hear what is being said. However, his re-cap of at the end is helpful. Although reading and writing is necessary in both traditional and digital milieus, this is in figurative sense with the digital setting. There are numerous definitions for digital literacy (DL), but he describes digital literacy as being "a social linguist construct" rather than an intellectual concept. He describes an intersection between information and digital literacy. DL is divided into 8 elements: Cultural, Cognitive, Constructive, Communicative, Confident, Creative, Critical and Civic. The order of importance of the elements is dependent on the context in which the DL is found. There is no one correct choice as geography and networks have an impact.

Beyond Literacy - 0 views

    This is a project is a production that has come out of a graduate course at the iSchool at the University of Toronto that touches on information overload, literacy and their definition of "post literacy". It is touches on thee multiliteracy that was mentioned in the reading by Kapitzke, and goes beyond into headier stuff. Check out their Pinterest bibliography, and their new recent endeavor with a Beyond Literacy podcast.

Information Literacy - 1 views

    If you are interested/involved in the field of Information and Digital Literacy, this site is for you. It is run by information professionals from key UK organizations actively involved in this field. This is an amazing source that has been created for practitioners, researchers, and anyone with such interest from around the world. It is well structured, maintained, and updated. It provides definitions and models, teaching materials, information about research in the filed of Information Literacy, extra reading (e.g. books, journals, websites, reports, etc.), and much more. You can search about Information Literacy by sector (e.g. schools, health, public, and special libraries, higher and further education, etc.). You can also get in touch with editorial team or leave your comment.

Communication Information Literacy Standards & Related Readings - Communication - U Res... - 0 views

    "The Information Literacy Competency Standards for Journalism Students and Professionals aim to adapt and apply the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards to journalism. Information Literacy isdefined as the ability to recognize when information is needed and the ability to locate, evaluate, effectively use and ethically apply the needed information.

Information Literacy - 2 views

started by belgm241268 on 07 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
fraup74 liked it

Project Information Literacy (iSchool at University of Washington) - 3 views

    "Project Information Literacy (PIL) is a large-scale, national study about early adults and their research habits, conducted in partnership with the University of Washington's iSchool." This website contains a wealth of knowledge about the literacy habits of students making the transition into university. In particular, check out the "publications" tab for some of the project's preliminary results, and both published and news articles on the topic. The site also contains links to other relevant resources on the same topic (in the "Practical PIL" tab).
    I reviewed some of the videos for the PIL and was delighted by their message. Thanks for sharing. I wish I'd had known about this, or maybe that it had existed when I was making the transition.

Media Smarts: Kids Learn How to Navigate the Multimedia World - 3 views

    Teachers are discovering the value of imparting media-literacy skills, from critical analysis of news programs, commercials, and films to basic design and video-production techniques.
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    Y mediante el uso de las herramientas que nos da el acceso abierto a la información, enriquece la manera en que los docentes pueden acercar el conocimiento a sus estudiantes.
    This is an excellent video summarizing all the skills and necessity of them in a participatory culture. Everyone is spending more and more time in the multimedia world these days, especially the youth, who can be considered the most vulnerable. An ability to perceive all the information we are getting through a critical lens is profound, as is an ability to dissect and understand the logic of multimedia. Learning the tricks of graphics, cinema, music studies (collectively called "communication studies"), young people learn to understand and create media, find new ways to express themselves efficiently in an ever-changing world and supplement the traditional ("written") curriculum, which is behind the needs of today's man. The point is illustrated nicely by George Lucas, founder of The George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF): "Everybody is affected by this, and it should be taught in school." I agree 100%.
    Re-thinking communication skills is absolutely essential for all educators, since much of the communication students are faced with during a day comes in the shape of different kinds of media. But the result of this is also that we need to address the fact that not all educators are necessarily equipped to teach about media because it's rarely included in teacher's programs (especially if you were trained twenty or thirty years ago). So the video makes a lot of good points about media-literacy and hopefully our educational systems will make sure that educators are given the tools to include this in their classrooms.

Journal of Information Literacy - 2 views

    This is an international, peer- reviewed journal that aims to investigate information literacy in all its forms to address the interests of diverse information literacy communities of practice. This journal provides open access!! to its publications, and it is possible to download them as well. You can find here articles, projects, book reviews, conference corner, and archive. The journal is published twice a year. Great resource with such a wide scope!
    This does look good -- thanks for sharing it.

Information literacy and Overload filters - 5 views

started by alibabas on 31 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
mbchris liked it

Book: Information Literacy and Cultural Heritage - 4 views

    About the book: Information Literacy and Cultural Heritage: Developing a model for lifelong learning Kim Baker, Cape Town, South Africa - covers cultural heritage in the museums, archives and... Kim is our fellow co-student from Cape Town. She already created a digital project, her blog. She also has created an analog project: a book, you know, something printed on paper :) Kim is a GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) expert. Her book covers anything digital and GLAM or cultural heritage, at least that is what the content section promises. So I'm very glad to have such an expert in her field in the class.
    Thank you very much. :) And I am so happy to be here and learn from so many experts around the world!

Cultural Shift: Putting Critical Information Literacy Into Practice - 1 views

    Alison Hicks uses the example of foreign languages to explore the integration of critical information literacy into the curriculum of various disciplines. The paper provides an example of a librarian who integrated critical information literacy into curriculum and proposes that this approach could be effective in global learning initiatives.

Information Literacy Standards for Teacher Education - 2 views

    This is a very practical document that can be used for preparing school teachers. Information literacy skills are important skills that young people should aquire at schools, and teachers need to have specific training for this.

How can students know the information they find online is true or not - 6 views

    A good supplement to Module 10's core reading on ACRL's standards for information literacy for higher education, this 5-pager is a short article for middle and high school librarians and parents.
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    I think that is a really good point. I feel like sometime for myself,I don't really know whether the information that we have found online is true or not. There are tons information online and we can't filter them all out, instead i think we should have a better understand and sense of what we are searching online before we do research.
    Very good information. Every child should be taught about this before project assignment given to them. Sothat they will concentrate on only positive results of search engine and ignore negative results
    I agree that students need to have some background knowledge about the topic they research on internet. And then they may do qualitative research. I wouldn't speak about positive/negative search results, I would rather speak about true/false results.
    As a student, I think I learn to filter out what is valid and invalid. Depending on the source, and the crediblity, and the references it uses, i think will help individuals fitler out what is true or not .
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