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Providers of Free MOOC's Now Charge Employers for Access to Student Data - 0 views

    Providers of free online courses are officially in the headhunting business, bringing in revenue by selling to employers information about high-performing students who might be a good fit for open jobs. On Tuesday, Coursera, which works with high-profile colleges to provide massive open online courses, or MOOC's, announced its employee-matching service, called Coursera Career Services.
Raúl Marcó del Pont

Jóvenes, culturas urbanas y redes digitales. Prácticas emergentes en las arte... - 4 views

Unfortunately, the text is available only in Spanish. The issue is relevant because it does not focus on the general practices of young people but in those associated with specific cultural fields ...

Module2 digital practices young people


Freelance [infographic] - 0 views

    In the last 250 years, the number of freelancers in the South has gone up 126%. Why freelance: pros and cons? Benefits, lack of benefits?

Your Facebook profile may be more important than your resume - 3 views

    Are you agree that social media profile becoming as important as your resume?
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    I would agree that social media profiles are becoming as important as your resume. I have heard many business professionals comment on the importance of having a social media account that lists your credentials.
    Yes some times, people starts looking at your Facebook account whether you are tech savvy and well connected and share knowledge and your group. People use this data that depends on purpose. Some may use for recruitment, some use for connected learning ans some use to accept you as your friend or not. So business professionals started using their social media accounts for their profiles
    Sadly, this is probably true...
    I have heard this recently and I do not have nor really want to have a facebook account. I like how this explains the reasons why though. My way of combating this trend is to try in either get my work featured somewhere online so that I am searchable beyond social media and use more private and professional social media sites, such as linked in. But this is a very important article for the times, thank you.
    Actually I don't think so. Personally think Facebook is more about personal use and private, but resume is more professional. For example you wouldn't never put a photo that your friend and you was in a pub on your resume, but you may put this on Facebook. However, LinkedIn do better in professional online profile in terms of social media networking.
    I would argue that LinkedIn and Twitter are better indicators of professional accomplishment. I would like to think that as of now Facebook is still relatively private considering its primary function is to serve as a social (more intimate/private) communication tool rather than a networking platform. I have heard employers openly admit to using LinkedIn as a preliminary screening tool. Regardless of the forum, social media will continue to play a significant role in reflecting our personal and professional identities.
Kevin Stranack

Are universities teaching the skills needed in a knowledge-based economy? - 14 views

    Provides a list of important skills and how those skills are embedded within the curriculum.
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    Encontré un post relacionado con las Alfabetizaciones digitales y competencias fundamentales en Tal vez interese: El pasado 5 de marzo los expertos de UNESCO dedicados a la alfabetización mediática y digital, en reunión preparatoria de la siguiente World Summit of Information Societies, rubricaron lo que es una evidencia ya incontrovertible: que la alfabetización mediática e informacional (MIL. Media and information literacy) ocupa un lugar central en el mapa escolar de competencias del siglo XXI. Esto no es nada esencialmente nuevo: Viviane Reding, la hoy Vicepresidenta de la Comisión Europea y ex-comisaria de Información entre los años 2004-2009, declaraba en el año 2006: "Hoy, la alfabetización mediática es tan central para el desarrollo de una ciudadanía plena y activa como la alfabetización tradicional lo fue al inicio del siglo XIX". Y añadía: "también es fundamental para entrar en el nuevo mundo de la banda ancha de contenidos, disponibles en todas partes y en cualquier momento". De acuerdo con el European Charter for Media Literacy podríamos distinguir siete áreas de competencias que, de una u otra forma, deberían pasar a formar parte de todo currículum orientado a su adquisición: Usar adecuadamente las tecnologías mediáticas para acceder, conservar, recuperar y compartir contenidos que satisfagan las necesidades e intereses individuales y colectivos. Tener competencias de acceso e información de la gran diversidad de alternativas respecto a los tipos de medios que existen, así como a los contenidos provenientes de distintas fuentes culturales e institucionales. Comprender cómo y porqué se producen los contenidos mediáticos. Analizar de forma crítica las técnicas, lenguajes y códigos empleados por los medios y los mensajes que transmiten. Usar los medios creativamente para expresar y comunicar ideas, información
    Thank you Kevin Stranack for sharing. Tony Bates ends with five questions: 1. Have I covered the main skills needed in a knowledge-based society? What have I missed? 2. Do you agree that these are important skills? If so, should universities explicitly try to develop them? 3. What are you or your university doing (if anything) to ensure such skills are taught, and taught well? 4. What roles if any do you think technology, and in particular online learning, can play in helping to develop such skills? 5. Any other comments on this topic - My answers: 1. Frustration tolerance and keeping a balance between work and private life is a necessary skill 2, The skill set mentioned is important, but more likely trained in college than in university 3. I do have a personal coach and a counseler, and I'm enrolled in #OKMOOC 4. The activities required in every module of #OKMOOC ask to reach out, connect, build relationships, Have you answered the feedback questions?
    This question is really the elephant in the room in a lot of university programs, especially in the humanities. I myself was a doctoral student in the humanities before leaving because, as I eventually learned, there were essentially no employment opportunities and my skillset in today's economy was sorely lacking. But the old mantra that "we teach critical thinking" is become a worn excuse. Do we really need four years to teach people the skills to survive "out there"? How much of our specialized knowledge will really be useful outside of the academy? These are questions we just don't have the answer to, and I'm not sure there are many people willing to ask them. But more to the point, I didn't see anything in this link about the changing ways that millennials (I promise that I hate the term as much as anyone, but it's a useful one) are engaging with information, and how that is changing how they actually think. There have been arguments made that digital natives (again, a pretty terrible term) think about and process information in very different ways that have serious implications for contextualization and long-term research. I'm not saying that universities don't teach these things in their own ways, but it's an important issue that needs addressing. I know that the link talks about the important of knowledge management, but there's a huge difference between simply knowing how and when to access information and quite another to properly contextualize its place in a larger hierarchy (or web) of knowledge. I would argue *that* skill is the one that universities are best poised to provide, and maybe why we keep hearing talk about how undergraduate degrees are the new highschool diplomas.
c maggard

MOOCs -- Completion Is Not Important - 20 views

    By: Matthew LeBar Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are often described as the future of education - or at least a significant part of it. But there may be a significant problem with them: a very small proportion of students who start them actually finish. This poses a serious threat to their legitimacy.
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    Very interesting article. I was at an Open Access week event recently that was a debate on the place of MOOCs in higher education. One point that another attendee raised about the completion rate of MOOCs that seemed really important to me was that many MOOCs require participants to register before viewing the content, and this can impact completion rate numbers. A person may only have the requisite information about whether or not the wish to participate once they have registered for the MOOC.
    Thanks for sharing this! :) I am taking MOOC course about MOOC right now. I feel like completion could be a challenge for anyone who took it. I actually agree that completion is not everything in education. Since learning is more about understanding rather than completing, I think there is no point if someone did complete his/her MOOC but he/she does not understand about what he/she learned. However, I believe, in order to fully understand the course, it is better to complete what you have started.
    I too feel that completion of MOOC is important. Other wise no point in participating in that MOOC. we also will get any information on the internet for knowledge gain. But there will be a regular follow up of the course for completing any MOOC. But only problem is having proper IT infrastructure to participate in that.
    Thank you for sharing. On the one hand one can choose form the course lessons and material that they want and choose not to complete the whole course. Then of course one can not evaluate the course judging from the completion rate. On the other hand, ability to complete what is started develops human will-power and purposefulness. Otherwise the world is full of people with unfinished educations, short-term employments etc.
    What the article says really is "MOOC completion rate is not a meaningful metrics about the course." Universities and institutions may need to have other metrics in order to evaluate whether to continue offer certain courses. As for individual participants, each person is her/his best critic on how much has been gained from the course.
    Cierto, tal vez muchos no lo terminen. Yo creo que lo importante es el conocimiento aprendido.
    Thanks for sharing this article. I'm in agreement with LeBar, completion of the MOOC is not the correct metric to be used for evaluation. The goal of many participants is to gain or increase knowledge on a topic which may be achieved without completing the whole course.
    This ongoing MOOC is hard for me to complete since there is a lot of internet and network action required which I don't like to use at the moment. Still, I got so much Information that I will try to fulfill the requirements to pass it. It is not for the statistics - but for my personal support of the MOOC instructors (I wounder whether they notice)
    i think MOOC will be more effective for exchange of knowledge e for certain important topic for stakeholder who aim self progress development
    I have joined another MOOC and received the "statement of accomplishment" and it was totally a big disappointment. The design and the language used reflect mentality is not related to what they are teaching online. It is underestimating people around the world time and efforts by issuing a statement is not well designed and meaningless. The question would be: does it worth it to finish any course online? the knowledge is already free and affordable all over the net, why do I need to follow an institute organized free course? People are not finishing the MOOC courses because of frustration and disappointment and this has to be reviewed.
    Tal vez no puede decirse que sea el futuro de la educación, pero si coadyuva para que el conocimiento pueda acercarse a cualquier persona, e incentivar al autoaprendizaje.
    Habría que preguntarse cuál es el problema de que los estudiantes no concluyan los cursos MOOC, buscar las alternativas respectivas.MOOC ventanas de oportunidad para cualquier persona.
    This brings up the question of what it means to complete something? And why is it so important to us? And why 'productivity', a thing somebody defined ages ago, is so important to our humanity? .. or is it anymore?
    Because I am taking a MOOC course but also on campus at University, I receive credits and grades where this is definitely one of the motivations for me to contribute. Although I agree that completion of the course is not essential to attain knowledge, what about our motivations to learn? And what about our incentives? Not saying MOOCs are not interesting nor helpful, I like MOOCs, but I think people like recognition too. I think to just receive the "statement of accomplishment" is not enough to prove efforts made within the course. However MOOCs are not as well developed at this stage, there definitely will be adjustments in the near future.
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