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Randy Kolset

QR Codes in the Classroom -- THE Journal - 0 views

    "Wyoming science teacher London Jenks not only allows mobile technologies in his classroom, but he's also learned how to maximize them as educational tools, tapping the devices for assessments, research, and even student scavenger hunts using QR codes."
Randy Kolset

Storybird - Artful storytelling - 0 views

    "Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you can make and share on any device."
Randy Kolset

Overview | WeVideo - 0 views

    "We live in the cloud Available anywhere, any time, across your devices WeVideo makes video creation accessible to everyone, using cloud-based technologies to make it easier, faster and more convenient. Because it's cloud-based, we make social video editing possible, where people come together online to collaborate on a video project."
Randy Kolset

App of the week: School Fuel | eSchool News | eSchool News - 0 views

    "Name: School Fuel What is it? School Fuel is a Mobile Learning Platform that allows teachers and school leaders to connect with students in class and on the go. School Fuel provides customized app and resource libraries aligned to Common Core Standards helping schools deliver the right apps to the right students at the right time - on any device. Best for: Administrators and teachers"
Randy Kolset

Media! Tech! Parenting! - 0 views

    If you are a parent, teacher, or other adult working with children, this blog aims to help you learn, as much as possible, about helping digital kids grow into thoughtful, collaborative, and savvy digital citizens. The blog's mission is to provide context for adults - defining and clarifying digital world issues, 21st Century learning challenges, and those virtual environments and devices that children take for granted.
Randy Kolset - 0 views

    Ecosystems to explore for investing in technology. Apple Microsoft and Google. In addition to mobile devices.
Randy Kolset

10+ Apps for Turning the iPad Into a Collaborative Device -- THE Journal - 0 views

    We often read that there are 4 C's in a true 21st century education: critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity and innovation. The iPad is a success at engaging individual students in critical thinking and creativity, but how about collaboration? After all, tablets are consumer products, designed to be used by one person at a time, not by teams of students. It's up to teachers and instructional technologists to figure out how best to deploy them in the classroom in a way that supports project-based learning and fosters teamwork. We asked several teachers involved in iPad initiatives which apps they've had the most success with on the collaboration front. Here is what they told us.
Randy Kolset

Thinking About Chromebooks? Here's Everything You Need to Know First -- THE Journal - 0 views

    At under $300 a device, Chromebooks are an attractive alternative to pricier laptops and tablets. Learn everything you need to know about deploying them from two districts who have taken the plunge.
Randy Kolset

Badges - MozillaWiki - 0 views

    "badge [baj]: a special or distinctive mark, token, or device worn as a sign of allegiance, membership, authority, achievement, etc. (Source:"
Randy Kolset

The 4 Cs of Technology Integration -- THE Journal - 0 views

    "If you Google "four c's of technology integration" you'll get links to a myriad of "c-words" including Creativity/Creation, Consumption, Curation, Connection, Collaboration, Communication and Critical Thinking. All of these are important elements of learning and can be enhanced with the use of technology, but for the sake of this article, I am going to focus more on what devices themselves can do, so my four C's are the following:                     "
Randy Kolset

Flash Drives - Portable Hard Drive - USB Backup Hard Drive - External Backup Drive - Po... - 0 views

    Great site for great deals on storage devices like thumb drives
Randy Kolset

Two Minute Survey on Mapping Tools | NMC - 0 views

    Maps are one of our oldest forms of visualizing data about the world. One might say we'd be "lost" without them. flickr creative commons photo by [martin] From the early web-based Mapquest versions and later when Google Maps came onto the scene followed closely by Google Earth, online mapping and the use of maps by the general public has exploded.  Maps are now a mainstay for mobile computing and other endeavors online line that have a spatial component. The capability enabled by GPS  (Global Positioning System) allows our devices to know where we are in the world, what/who is nearby, and what information is available about places. We see many ways people use maps for personal use and are interested in knowing more about that and your ideas on how mapping tools might also be used for learning.  
Randy Kolset

Teachers' Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools: 2009 - 0 views

    This First Look report presents data from a spring 2009 Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) survey on the availability and use of educational technology by public elementary/secondary school teachers. The teacher survey includes information on the use of computers and Internet access in the classroom; availability and use of computing devices, software, and school or district networks (including remote access) by teachers; students' use of educational technology; teachers' preparation to use educational technology for instruction; and technology-related professional development activities.
Randy Kolset

ClassLink, Inc. - 0 views

    ClassLink LaunchPad-2011 reinvents the experience of instructional technology. It’s a true blended learning solution that delivers a personalized learning experience to any device, anywhere. Students and teachers can access tools for creative thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity. Leveraging virtualization and cloud computing, this is the future of instructional technology.
Randy Kolset

Project Gutenberg - free ebooks online download for iPad, Kindle, Nook, Android, iPhone... - 0 views

    "Project Gutenberg is the place where you can download over 33,000 free ebooks to read on your PC, iPad, Kindle, Sony Reader, iPhone, Android or other portable device. We carry high quality ebooks: Our ebooks were previously published by bona fide publishers and digitized by us with the help of thousands of volunteers. All our ebooks can be freely downloaded: Choose between ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats. No fee or registration is required, but if you find Project Gutenberg useful, we kindly ask you to donate a small amount so we can buy and digitize more books. Other ways to help include digitizing more books, recording audio books, or reporting errors. Over 100,000 free ebooks are available through our Partners, Affiliates and Resources. "
Randy Kolset

The Tech Classroom - 0 views

    "Once teachers allow devices in their classroom, it doesn't take long to realize how powerful they can be to instruction.  It is an exciting time in education.  Students have computers in their pockets.  The question becomes..."
Randy Kolset

6 Second Learning with Vine: 22+ Ideas & Resources : Teacher Reboot Camp - 0 views

    "Most of our students love learning and creating even if they do not express this in our classes. Millions around the world read, create, produce, direct, summarize, translate, edit, and share outside of learning institutions everyday on their mobile devices or through the web."
Randy Kolset

Wireless 3D Printing · AstroPrint® - 0 views

    "Slice, Store, and Print your 3D files from any web enabled device. In addition, you can monitor your 3D printer and organize designs in the cloud."
Randy Kolset

Chromebooks and Chromeboxes for Education - 0 views

    Chromebook information from Google
Randy Kolset

iPad in Education - 0 views

    "This Wiki will house information related to the iPad in Education sponsored by the Department of Educational Technology in the School District of Palm Beach County."
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