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Randy Kolset

Communicating to Educators about the Benefits of Mobile Technologies: We Must Help Mobi... - 0 views

    It's got a 3.8 inch screen with 4 gazillion pixels! WOW! Oh, but our Z6A chip... well, it blows the competition away! Yeah, yeah, but our wireless services get 16 megabits down and 8 megabits up; incomparable! That type of talk is sure to make a non-techie educator feel sleepy, feel intimidated, feel that technology has no place in his/her classroom.
Randy Kolset

Wireless 3D Printing · AstroPrint® - 0 views

    "Slice, Store, and Print your 3D files from any web enabled device. In addition, you can monitor your 3D printer and organize designs in the cloud."
Randy Kolset

iSites - Create your app now. Publish to iPhone and Android. Reach Generation Wireless - 0 views

    " Create apps for iPhone & Android . Try it free for 30-days. Create your app in as little as 15 minutes - No coding required."
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