"Printcraft is the world's first 3D printing multi-player Minecraft server
Download your Minecraft models to print on your 3D printer or order models online and have them printed and delivered
"In this instructable I will instruct you how to make a DIY 3d scanner using an XBOX-360 Kinect! This instructable is very easy as long as you are patient and follow my instructions in the video. Also, I explain how to correct and fix your image for a nice clean print on a 3D printer such as the UP. The best part, the project is free as long as you have a kinect."
"What better way to collect a few handy leads for back-to-school 3D printables for the upcoming school year than polling my favorite 3DP educators! I sent a call out to a few whose work I have shared on the Adafruit blog and elsewhere before and have been receiving back lunchboxes full of ideas to share this week and next week."
"The Verso® Total Shoulder replacement, is a stemless and cementless reverse total shoulder replacement for treatment of patients with severely torn tendons and arthritis in the shoulder. The prosthesis is manufactured and distributed by Innovative Design Orthopaedics and The Reading shoulder Unit. It has been implanted since 2005 with an excellent record of successful patient outcomes."
"In part one of Learning Blender 3D, the default layout and appearance was discussed. In part two we'll now go on to learn how to navigate around the interface using basic but essential mouse controls and keyboard shortcuts."
"You can get this book in other formats, too (updated 20100622, archive.org hosting) - read online: PDF, download: PDF, Epub, Kindle/mobi, Daisy, DjVu, torrents may be available for all downloadable formats"