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Band Directors Group: File Repository - 0 views

    A band director friend of mine told me about this site last summer.  There is a password, which is:  Grainger The Band Director Posthaven began with the Band Director Facebook page and the originator of the page, Brian Wis, wanted a place to share files with other band directors. This is a great resource in which band directors share files and other resources to assist the daily needs of a band director.  These files include posters, music (warm-ups, chorales, technique builders, curriculum guides, recruit tools and ideas, rubrics, music appreciation activities, band room rule/policies, how to deal with administrators, and more).  With the resources being submitted by band directors, this is a great source for new band directors and band directors at new schools.   I have used this site to find pitch tendency charts, scale sheets, and three excellent warm-ups.  You can spend hours upon hours searching this site.  Most of the files are PDFs which allows to open and print form any computer with a PDF reader.  There are some Microsoft Office documents which can be a problem.  Be mindful that some of the music repertoire may needs some adjustments for your ensembles needs or you have to add instruments to the instrumentation (missing Baritone TC, Oboe, Bassoon, or Baritone Sax parts)
    A band director friend of mine told me about this site last summer.  There is a password, which is:  Grainger The Band Director Posthaven began with the Band Director Facebook page and the originator of the page, Brian Wis, wanted a place to share files with other band directors. This is a great resource in which band directors share files and other resources to assist the daily needs of a band director.  These files include posters, music (warm-ups, chorales, technique builders, curriculum guides, recruit tools and ideas, rubrics, music appreciation activities, band room rule/policies, how to deal with administrators, and more).  With the resources being submitted by band directors, this is a great source for new band directors and band directors at new schools.   I have used this site to find pitch tendency charts, scale sheets, and three excellent warm-ups.  You can spend hours upon hours searching this site.  Most of the files are PDFs which allows to open and print form any computer with a PDF reader.  There are some Microsoft Office documents which can be a problem.  Be mindful that some of the music repertoire may needs some adjustments for your ensembles needs or you have to add instruments to the instrumentation (missing Baritone TC, Oboe, Bassoon, or Baritone Sax parts)
    A band director friend of mine told me about this site last summer.  There is a password, which is:  Grainger The Band Director Posthaven began with the Band Director Facebook page and the originator of the page, Brian Wis, wanted a place to share files with other band directors. This is a great resource in which band directors share files and other resources to assist the daily needs of a band director.  These files include posters, music (warm-ups, chorales, technique builders, curriculum guides, recruit tools and ideas, rubrics, music appreciation activities, band room rule/policies, how to deal with administrators, and more).  With the resources being submitted by band directors, this is a great source for new band directors and band directors at new schools.   I have used this site to find pitch tendency charts, scale sheets, and three excellent warm-ups.  You can spend hours upon hours searching this site.  Most of the files are PDFs which allows to open and print form any computer with a PDF reader.  There are some Microsoft Office documents which can be a problem.  Be mindful that some of the music repertoire may needs some adjustments for your ensembles needs or you have to add instruments to the instrumentation (missing Baritone TC, Oboe, Bassoon, or Baritone Sax parts)

Music Education with Digital Technology - Google Books - 0 views

    This book is a music education wiki focusing on music education with digital technology. Information in this book unfolds how teachers use technology in music classrooms, the pros and cons of technology, and how to effectively use technology in the classroom. One fascinating information I picked from this book is the use of classroom mobile phones. Almost every student in high school has access to a mobile phone. These mobile phones have a new software called "blue tooth" which enables one to share a file from a phone to a computer or to another person's phone. This tool can be utilised in class during composition, for students to share their compositions and get feedback from each other. These compositions can then be sent to a computer and students edit their compositions using soft wares like Audacity.

SCORECLOUD | Free Music Notation Software - Music Composition & Writing Online - 0 views

    Music transcription software
    ScoreCloud is a free notational software. There is also a paid version, but the free version is fully functional. This program allows for MIDI input, traditional computer notation input, and also translates live music performance into notation. The online features of this program allow for sharing of files with others through email and social media. ScoreCloud is downloadable as a computer program and application for IOS devices. This program could be used to help teach music creativity, music literacy, and music response.
    ScoreCloud is a free notational software. There is also a paid version, but the free version is fully functional. This program allows for MIDI input, traditional computer notation input, and also translates live music performance into notation. The online features of this program allow for sharing of files with others through email and social media. ScoreCloud is downloadable as a computer program and application for IOS devices. This program could be used to help teach music creativity, music literacy, and music response.

Kodaly Inspired Classroom - 0 views

  • but this actually took about 25 minutes with both of my classes.
    • cheyroseb
      Someone else's trial is my preparation
  • I said that we would be doing something kind of new in music the next few times we have class so I wanted to share with them about it today so that we could spend all of our time in centers the next two times. 
    • cheyroseb
      Builds anticipation :)
  • nstead of having all of the centers spread out around the perimeter of the room, which is where I put them when we were actually doing centers, I lined up all my centers at the front of the room under the board. 
    • cheyroseb
      Provides easy access
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • I emailed the list to their teacher and asked their teacher to line them up in that order (so the four students in group 1 are first, followed by group 2 and so on....) the next time they came to music.
    • cheyroseb
      Very smart idea.
  • played" each center one or two turns
    • cheyroseb
      Good for preparation
  • On my computer, I had the zip file that contained all of the PDFs for each file pulled up so that as I was going through them with the whole group, if I wanted them to be able to see something better, I could show them the PDF version instead of the  tiny cards I was holding for some of the centers.
    • cheyroseb
      Helps reinforce expectations for each center
  • I had directions for each center posted at each center in case they forgot or were absent when we went over the centers, but there seemed to be no issues with students knowing what to do at each center.
    • cheyroseb
      An ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure.
  • they were all in the right order.
    • cheyroseb
      If the classroom teacher is aware of expectations, they can help support and enforce them
  • Do you have other ideas that I haven't thought of? Share below!
    • cheyroseb
      It would be good to have centers for each grade, or kits within center stations for each grade-- color coded
  • This is a really fun practice game for upper elementary and middle school! I also love this game for older beginners because it is an easy way to take those easy ta and titi rhythms and really make a more challenging game.
    • cheyroseb
      We used to do a game like this for theatre. I would love to use this as a beginning of the year activity for assessment, or a way to practice certain parts for a concert.
  • This could be done as an ostinato pattern that is repeated, or you could rotate through a set of cards for the students to play.
    • cheyroseb
      I like the idea of using cue cards with simple rhythmic ostinatos to accompany a cd track. You could introduce the ostinatos before the activity and practice by switching between cards. Once the kids feel comfortable, play the song and use the cue cards.
  • Use rhythm flashcards to create a song that the students know well. Have the students clap and read the rhythms and see if they can figure out the mystery song.
    • cheyroseb
      Would be awesome to use with 4/5th grade and disney songs.
  • Then students work to find the flashcards they need to match the rhythms of that song.
    • cheyroseb
      Could have students work in teams for a prize.
  • I Have, Who Has game cards
    • cheyroseb
      I LOVE i have/who has. It's a great way to reinforce aural skills and ensure that your students are paying attention
    This blog is written by Lindsay Jervis, a Kodaly trained elementary music teacher. She shares her classroom ideas, successes and failures, and so much more. Each blog post is also linked to her TeachersPayTeachers website so that you can purchase the resources needed for a very affordable price.
  • ...1 more comment...
    A website including lesson plan ideas, bulletin board suggestions, singing games, and songs to teach musical elements in a Kodaly-inspired sequence. The website also includes links to her Teachers Pay Teachers store that includes ready-made lesson plans, worksheets, assessments, and teacher tools.
    Blog and resources focused around teaching through the Kodaly methodology. The author also has substantial resources available for purchase through teachers pay teachers.
    A series of annotations on the home page of a Kodaly inspired blog. Features 2 articles.

Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People - 1 views

  • Beaming Nobody knows beaming like Sparky knows beaming.
    • Joe Renardo
      Sparky the Music Theory Dog would be so fun for my elementary music students!
    • Joe Renardo
      Sparky the Music Theory Dog posters would be great for my elementary classes!
    This website presents a colorful presentation of music theory basics including notation, rhythm, key signatures, intervals, minor scales, part writing, seventh chords, and augmented chords. Each page can be printed.
  • ...6 more comments...
    Free resource for music theory posters/handouts. The posters/handouts are PDF files and can be downloaded individually or all at once. The files do not have a copyright, but can not be sold or altered.
    This website provides PDF visuals of music theory concepts. The images would make great decor in a middle or high school theory/history classroom.
    These theory pdfs would make fantastic posters as well as references for students.
    This wonderful site, created by, offers free content-packed theory guides for both the experienced musician and the notation novice. The handy reference guides can be downloaded and saved for future use, as long as they are not being sold.
    Toby W. Rush provides fifty PDFs for public use on his website "Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People." He not only invites people to print the PDFs but encourages teachers to make copies and use these resources in the classroom. There are worksheets on everything from simple meter to minor scales and counterpoint. He breaks the worksheets into topics: fundamentals, diatonic harmony, development and form, chromatic harmony, and counterpoint. This a great page to keep in mind for any age group or music classroom.
    This website offers music theory worksheets that are friendly for musicians and "normal people". These would be a great addition to an interactive notebook at the upper elementary and middle school general music level.
    Music Theory is a topic that can often be confusing when beginning to learn.  This website does a great job of breaking down the elements of music theory for anyone who is trying to gain deeper understanding of Music Theory.
    This website is great for quick music theory handouts for students. It contains PDF worksheets to print and share with students. Excellent free resource!

GarageBand - Online Courses, Classes, Training, Tutorials on Lynda - 0 views

    Garageband Training, Classes, and Tutorials from From these resources, you can learn how to record songs, use loops, create beats, create and publish podcasts and share MP3 files from Garageband. These online classes and tutorials provide step-by-step, easy to follow instructions for beginners.
William Bauer

EntourageBox - 0 views

    Collect Files, Documents, Photos & Videos, Student Assignments, Competition Submissions, Applications directly in your Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon S3.

Free music composition and notation software | MuseScore - 0 views

    MuseScore3 is full-featured, open-source music notation software. This software is installed directly on a computer, and has compatible versions for PC, Mac, and Linux operating systems. There is no online or "cloud" version of this software. Although MuseScore is free, it is a professional music notation alternative to Finale and Sibelius and is capable of producing high-quality musical scores in a variety of formats. MuseScore also has full capability to produce audio playback, export to audio, and generate MIDI files.
    MuseScore is a free music notation program that is easy to use and can produce easy to read, high quality sheet music for your ensembles. The interface is similar to other notation programs that you need to pay for. I have been using MuseScore to create etudes and warmups for my ensemble classes.
    MuseScore is a music composition and notation software used to write/notate music. It requires the user to download and install the application on their system. This application is easily accessible and is free of charge. It is a software that is updated almost every month to make the features better. Muse Score has an easy to use interface and is a good tool to use in class for children to write down their simple compositions. Students are able to play back their compositions to their classmates, print them out, and/or even share them online. While using MuseScore, students learn many different musical concepts like dynamics, timbre, form, texture, structure, melody, repetition, phrasing, rhythm, tone, to mention but a few. MuseScore enhances the musicianship of students.

Technology Strategies for the Performing Ensemble Classroom - NAfME - 0 views

  • Google Drive™ allows you to store files and share them (without having to send files via email). The Google Apps that complement Google Drive™ such as Google Docs™ or Google Forms™ allow you to send information in a format that can be changed by the reader and sent back, or simply filled out and returned (as in the case of Google Forms).
  • n musical performance, we see this with Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) applications such as: SmartMusic, Music Prodigy, and Practice First. Depending on the software, these programs allow students to practice with an accompaniment (SmartMusic has an Intelligent Accompaniment System that can speed up or slow down with the performer). All the programs provide instant feedback to the user (typically regarding pitch and rhythmic accuracy).
    This article provides several ways to integrate technology in the music classroom. To aid in administrating, the article suggests Google Drive using Google Docs and Google Forms. I personally am a huge fan of Google Classroom. The article also provides software such as SmartMusic for instructional use.

Vic Firth - Education Resource Library - 0 views

    The Vic Firth website is an essential resource for any percussionist or music educator. The site includes a wealth of educational videos, games, and play along tracks that are beneficial to development of percussionists and music educators.
  • ...1 more comment...
    A fantastic percussion resource for percussionists and educators alike.
    Fantastic videos to share with your students to teach them the 40 rudiments. Students can play along with audio files in addition to the short video clips tailored to the young drummer. Posters and charts of the rudiments also available here.
    This is a website featuring fantastic percussionists in videos, audio, and articles focused on percussion education in various genres: concert percussion, marching, and drum set. This also includes foundation session to learn tambourine, crash cymbals, rudiments, and so much more.

Noteflight - Online Music Notation Software - 0 views

shared by bbriele01 on 07 Apr 14 - Cached
    Noteflight is another web-based software for music notation. It is user friendly, and there are several tutorial videos out there to help anyone needed to know how to use it. You can embed and share your compositions, and also export them as files. It is like Finale, but has a lot less options, which makes it easier and less overwhelming for use in the classroom
    Music Notation Arranging or Composing music
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