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5 Ways Social Changes How We Work - The BrainYard - InformationWeek - 0 views

    blog post by Donston-Miller, June 4, 2012 on how social changes how we work 1. website home pages (home pages less of a destination, Facebook timeline becoming more important) 2. Email--with built-in IM systems on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, email less important. Google+ users get tight integration on communication tools 3. Help desk call centers--moving to discussion forms on social networking platforms 4. Resumes-- "Now, social networks are basically living resumes. Or, looked at another way, you are your resume; what you post, how you interact, what you share, who your friends and followers are, and more all combine to demonstrate your value to a company." 5. PBXes--enterprise wide phone systems are affected by Skype and online chat and messaging features

Information Diet | Video: Let's Start the Whole News Movement - 0 views

    video (18 minutes) by Clay Johnson, February 2012, hyping his book The Information Diet. Goes to food analogies again and again--pizza tastes better than broccoli--and abundance of entertainment, affirmation, and fear is secret pact between customer and media producers online. What is it that people want? What we tell them through our clicks and searches is that we want to be right acc: to Johnson. AP story--poll economic worries pose new snag for Obama. On Fox news, it says that Obama has big problem with white women. They changed headline and reduced story by 600 words, taking out everything positive about his work. They know that readers will read something negative about president. "Opinion tastes better than news." How AOL should make its editorial decisions--they want to spend no more than $84 on a piece of content. How they decide: traffic potential (using SEO to find out what people are searching for--no one is searching for Pentagon Papers or broccoli); bottom of list is editorial integrity because it is market inefficiency. Believes that we are living in land of info abundance where we want to be affirmed, not told the truth. SEOs complete the inquiry to present tabloid types of info that attract us and distract us and misinform us. Our clicks lead to poor information diets, a disease. Make a whole news movement, a slow news movement, demand that media change. We as readers need to upgrade. information over-consumption, not overload enable infoveganism--eat food, not too much, real food at bottom of food chain. 2. Use source material--show your work. 3. Let me pay you for ad free experience. 4. Content is not a commodity (for news producers)

America's Smartphone Addiction Is Now An Epidemic - 0 views

    "The convenience of having a computer in our pocket 24/7 has radically changed how we interact with the world, and the grand experiment is changing how we feel about ourselves and others. Perhaps it's time for us to start using technology more responsibly; not as a pacifier, but as a way to actually better ourselves." cartoons about technology

This is the Future of Work...and What It Means for Your Career | Sallie Krawcheck | Lin... - 0 views

  • First, get past the mourning
  • the key traits for success will be curiosity, an open-mindedness, an intellectual flexibility, an interest in understanding others’ perspectives.
  • Secondly, to successfully navigate a world of such change, you have to embrace a certain intellectual discomfort and a willingness to fail.
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  • t it’s important to “play in traffic.
    good essay by Sallie Krawcheck on changing careers, leadership traits, getting in the traffic to understand the industry you are moving into, etc.

Half an Hour: What a MOOC Does - #Change11 - 1 views

    Blog post by Stephen Downes exploring what a MOOC does and does not do--it does not replicate or build on past failed educational pathways where a person--adult or child--is not motivated enough to invest time in his/her own learning path. He mentions that online gaming is the best pre-MOOC and equivalent to MOOC for young people. Makes me wonder about my addiction to WordsFree and Scrabble on my iphone and desire to beat the computer again and again. Or enrolling in a MOOC where the opportunity to connect with smart, similarly-quested learners/achievers/doers must motivate me to overcome challenges of schedule, technology, serendipitous approach to learning, self-expression, etc. The MOOC is simply a much bigger playground where my motivation and my two feet (or eyes!) rule my behavior .

Don't Walk Offstage (Michael Bay-Style) -- The Internet Will Eat You Alive - 0 views

    An interesting assessment of how stage fright was picked up and reported in thousands of tweets elevating a single appearance into an epic disastrous event, and how absence from Twitter by the presenter, compounded the error. If anyone thinks that social media can be ignored, they need to read this blog post. Love the quote below from Chris Taylor about how the communications game has changed: It's Twitter, the Internet's first responder, that is primarily responsible for changing the laws of media physics. There are just too many witty things to be said in the space of 140 characters, especially with a moment as shadenfreude-filled as this. Thousands got the Bay-bashing bug, and I certainly wasn't immune. (Hey, it's not every day that a parody of that Aerosmith tune from Armageddon pops up complete in your head.)

Second Acts | Biz 941Biz 941 - 0 views

    Interesting article published 1/6/2014 on Second Acts for baby boomers. Quotes Marc Freedman, Elizabeth Isele (who lived in ME for a long time), and mentions Bevan Rogel. The Boomerworks online service for matching BBs with work opportunities is very interesting--wonder how they are doing? And whether we should try to ally with them? "In 1998, living in Maine, Isele created CyberSeniors, a multilingual nonprofit computer training company that eventually trained more than 28,000 seniors in 24 states. She's led numerous nonprofits over the decades and is now pushing public policy changes and forging connections between organizations to create an "entrepreneur ecosystem." That ecosystem is flourishing in Sarasota. Sarasota's Institute for the Ages, established in 2009 to change the conversation about aging as one of deficit and decline to one about enhancing lives, is a lab for companies and services that want to tap into the needs of older adults. In late 2013, the Institute launched, a web-based network to connect freelancers with companies seeking seasoned professionals for project-based work. The program started in Canada and the Institute is the first organization to bring it to the U.S. When the Institute convenes a national convention here in February, entrepreneurship and encore careers will be a large part of the agenda. In addition to a keynote address by Freedman, Isele is leading a workshop on entrepreneurship with Bevon Rogel, who runs a Freedman-related Encore Academy in St. Petersburg to help seniors find meaningful work. For Southwest Florida, which has one of the highest concentrations of seniors in the nation, the idea of an "encore" seems natural. As the rest of the country and world grays, branding this life stage as one that brings years, or potentially decades, more productivity and meaning to life has become an imperative."

Arianna Huffington: GPS for the Soul: A Killer App for Better Living - 0 views

    Blog post by Arianna Huffington, 4/16/12 on GPS for the Soul "The Internet and the rise of social media have, of course, given us amazing tools to connect, and to effect change in ways large and small. At the same time, there's a snake lurking in this cyber Garden of Eden. Our 24/7 connection to the digital world often disconnects us from the real world around us -- from our physical surroundings, from our loved ones, and especially from ourselves. We see the effects of this in every aspect of our lives. Writing in the Harvard Business Review, Ndubuisi Ekekwe, founder of the non-profit African Institution of Technology, notes how over-connectedness is actually bad for the bottom line. "We're also jeopardizing long-term productivity by eliminating predictable time off that ensures balance in our lives," he writes. Ekekwe also points to Professor Leslie Perlow, author of the forthcoming Sleeping with Your Smartphone: How to Break the 24/7 Habit and Change the Way You Work. Perlow presents research showing how deliberately disconnecting from their digital devices led to people feeling more satisfied in their jobs and their lives."

How To Keep Your Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive As The Company You Work For Grows - 0 views

    Forbes, 10/22/13, by Jacquelyn Smith "Entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset. It's an attitude and approach to thinking that actively seeks out change, rather than waiting to adapt to change. It's a mindset that embraces critical questioning, innovation, service and continuous improvement. "It's about seeing the big picture and thinking like an owner," says Michael Kerr, an international business speaker, author and president of Humor at Work. "It's being agile, never resting on your laurels, shaking off the cloak of complacency and seeking out new opportunities. It's about taking ownership and pride in your organization." Sara Sutton Fell, CEO and founder of FlexJobs, says: "To me, an entrepreneurial spirit is a way of approaching situations where you feel empowered, motivated, and capable of taking things into your own hands. Companies that nurture an entrepreneurial spirit within their organization encourage their employees to not only see problems, solutions and opportunities, but to come up with ideas to do something about them." Entrepreneurial companies tend to have a more innovative approach to thinking about their products or services, new directions to take the company in, or new ways of doing old tasks, she adds. "Entrepreneurial spirit helps companies grow and evolve rather than become stagnant and stale." According to Jay Canchola, an independent human resources consultant, entrepreneurial spirit is also associated with taking calculated risks, and sometimes failing. "

6 Key Issues Facing Association Leaders | Fast Company | Business + Innovation - 0 views

    by Seth Kahan, April 12, 2013, Fast company 1. fundamental model of membership is in question ...What is membership turning into? Too early to tell. Engaged action is one candidate. This is the anticipated, intentional, collective behavior of a group. 2. Adoption of private sector business practices ...Pursuing the bottomline in tough market conditions seems like a no-brainer, but the overall impact is not necessarily what is desired for a mission driven organization, shifting priorities away from impact and member value. 3. Talent ...continuous, aggressive professional development is an organizational asset only in some associations. This is changing. It means less certainty for employees while it opens up new territory for innovation and expansion of the organization. 4. Competitive intelligence ...many associations are doing negligible work on behalf of their mission. Prices for gathering intelligence are plummeting. Often it is only the CEO who actively searches for new information and connects the dots for organizational strategy. Expect this to change 5. Disruption of members' business Savvy associations leaders are looking around the curve, putting the puzzle together for members. This means going beyond providing information and ata. Instead it means compiling, analyzing, distilling and communicating useful knowledge that impacts members' lives. ???It is not uncommon to see associations beefing up their subject matter experts these days because members need it in a disruptive economy. 6. Driving uptake in a competitive world ...each association owned a small monopoly, providing the single best resource to everyone in their field. No more. With the advent of 24/7 interconnectivity, anyone can set up shop and begin serving your members.

What does leadership mean in the 21st century? | Ashoka - Innovators for the Public - 0 views

  • The relevance for leadership? Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and their lesser cousins have proved the power of the platform. They have shown that if your average 21st century citizen is given the tools to connect and the freedom to create, they will do so with enthusiasm, and often with an originality that blindsides the so-called creative industries.  The result is a growing awareness from those who think about business structures for a living, that good leadership is no longer about ‘taking charge’ or imposing a strategic vision but about creating the platforms that allow others to flourish and create. By way of example, Frederic Laloux – the organisational theorist currently developing a cult-like following across the world – offers a telling story about his meeting with Jos de Blok. De Blok is the founder and CEO of Buurtzorg, a Dutch nursing care firm that has grown from four to 9,000 employees in nine years, by devolving all decision-making down to small teams of nurses across the country. It’s a structure that leaves only 45 people working in central administration and management but has delivered huge gains in the efficiency and impact of nursing care in The Netherlands.
  • Like social media networks, their job is to create the frameworks that let others take decisions and make change.
  • It’s what being a leader in this new world is all about: helping others to generate change on their own terms rather than taking on the role of sole changemaker yourself.
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  • This shift to changemaking leadership may, in truth, be more the result of the rapid growth of the popular desire for self-expression and self-determination, charted in rigorous detail by Ronald Inglehart
    Great article by Adam Lent, Ashoka, on how social media networks unleash the power of people to act as meaningful change makers themselves. June 8, 2015 Suggests that company leaders need to provide the platform to "allow others to flourish and create. Cites Frederic Laloux's book on organizational theory.

Five Tips for Leading Through Change: Associations Now - 0 views

    nice blog post by Mark Athitakis, 8.3.15, quoting a new book by Anna Caraveli on leading through change.

Personal Knowledge Mastery. From Scratch with Harold Jarche - 0 views

    4 minute interview with Harold Jarche by Nigel Paine, May 2014, on what personal knowledge mastery really is--the adoption of disciplines, changes in behavior, interacting with others, be transparent about insights with others in public. "We have used each other's ideas, we can not only learn for ourselves but learn with each other." Great example of short, effective single topic podcast on audio boo. Effimova, Pollard, and Jarche use personal knowledge management terminology--Jarche changed it to mastery--practice, outlook, way of improving ourselves. If you are working in any kind of knowledge work, this is a component for everyone to use.

L&D as Agents of Change | Learning in the Social Workplace - 0 views

  • broader definition of workplace learning;  one that encompasses all learning experiences that take place in the organisation – not just those that are organised and managed by L&D – but ones that happen as a result of individuals and teams working together on a daily basis.
  • “The role has shifted over the years, from leader of a portfolio of training elements to enabler of learning,” he said. “More than anything else, it’s a shift in mindset.”
  • But it’s not a matter of waiting for the change in mindsets to happen before you start your new work; it means starting your new work to bring about this change in mindsets.
    Jane Hart's blog post (4.13.2015) on how learning happens everywhere in an organization and how L & D needs to support learning wherever it happens.

The power of habits - and the power to change them | Daniel H. Pink - 0 views

  • every habit is made up of a cue, a routine and a reward
  • Duke University researcher in 2006 found that more than 40 percent of the actions people performed each day weren’t the due to decision making, but were habits
  • But that doesn’t mean that habits are destiny. Habits can be ignored, changed, or replaced. And studies show that simply understanding how habits work — learning the structure of the habit loop — makes them easier to control. Once you break a habit into its components, you can fiddle with the gears.
    interview by Dan Pink with Charles Duhig, breaking down habits into cue, routine, and reward--and and replacing them with better alternatives.

How do we train workers for jobs that don't exist? Executives with nearly 1 million emp... - 0 views

  • “If you're not continuously adapting and changing and embracing… if you don't have a culture of agility within your company to adapt to these changes, you're not going to be successful,” he said.
    "While the leaders on stage understand that they play a critical role in preparing their workers for the future, ultimately they all agreed that they can only do so much. There is an individual responsibility to recognize that the world is changing and continually improve on your own skills, McNamara said."

Trends Over Time in Virtual Volunteering - NTEN - 0 views

  • Today’s ability to oh-so-easily see and hear each other online is a double-edged sword: it can make electronic communication more personable, but it can also inject offline prejudices evoked by how someone looks or sounds.
  • Now, a lot of online communication is done synchronously, or nearly so: volunteers are online together, at the same time, talking together, and staff supporting those volunteers is often seeing their volunteering activities in real time.
  • People do not communicate primarily via e-mail anymore; they now talk together via online social networks and in the comments section of blogs, photo-sharing sites, and video-sharing sites. Some people send far more SMS messages than email messages.
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  • they can and do engage in service just about anywhere, not only with a laptop, but with a tablet or smart phone.
  • The most welcomed change in the last few years is that using the Internet to communicate with, engage, and support volunteers has been adopted in one way or another by a majority of nonprofit organizations in the USA. What hasn’t changed is that there are still thousands of organizations resisting any use of the Internet to support and involve volunteers, with thousands of other organizations involving online volunteers while still not understand that the involvement; I volunteered mostly online for a regional office of the Girl Scouts of the USA in 2010 and 2011, yet I would bet that office would say “no” to the question, “Do you engage in virtual volunteering?”
  • the elements for success in virtual volunteering are still largely the same as they have been for the last 20 years. What hasn’t changed? The importance of creating volunteering tasks that have real impact, of frequent communications with volunteers, of showing volunteers what impact their contributions have had, and of showing senior management at an organization what impact virtual volunteering is having. I’m relatively sure these recommendations will never change, even as technology does.
    article by Jayne Cravens, February 20, 2015 on virtual volunteering moving from asynchronous to synchronous interactions, virtual identities including pictures, lack of recognition by some nonprofits of how they are using virtual volunteers.

Download Leadership and Networks: New Ways of Developing Leadership in a Highly Connect... - 1 views

    Report on Leadership and Networks, written for leadership programs that develop and support leadership for social change.
    New report from Leadership Learning Community on networked leadership for organizations devoted to social change.

Shut Up and Sit Down - The New Yorker - 0 views

  • People who fetishize leadership sometimes find themselves longing for crisis.
  • Our faith in the value of leadership is durable—it survives, again and again, our disappointment with actual leaders.
  • f you’re flexible in how you translate the word “leadership,” you’ll find that people have been thinking about it for a very long time.
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  • Rost found that writers on leadership had defined it in more than two hundred ways. Often, they glided between incompatible definitions within the same book: they argued that leaders should be simultaneously decisive and flexible, or visionary and open-minded. The closest they came to a consensus definition of leadership was the idea that it was “good management.” In practice, Rost wrote, “leadership is a word that has come to mean all things to all people.”
  • “The End of Leadership,” from 2012, Barbara Kellerman, a founding director of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership, wrote that “we don’t have much better an idea of how to grow good leaders, or of how to stop or at least slow bad leaders, than we did a hundred or even a thousand years ago.” She points out that, historically, the “trajectory” of leadership has been “about the devolution of power,” from the king to the voters, say, or the boss to the shareholders. In recent years, technological and economic changes like social media and globalization have made leaders less powerful.
  • Max Weber distinguished between the “charismatic” leadership of traditional societies and the “bureaucratic” leadership on offer in the industrialized world.
  • Khurana found that many companies passed over good internal candidates for C.E.O. in favor of “messiah” figures with exceptional charisma.
  • Charismatic C.E.O.s are often famous, and they make good copy;
  • y the mid-twentieth century
  • “process-based” approach. T
  • if you read a detailed, process-oriented account of Jobs’s career (“Becoming Steve Jobs,” by Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli, is particularly good), it’s clear that Jobs was a master of the leadership process. Time and time again, he gathered intelligence about the future of technology; surveyed the competition and refined his taste; set goals and assembled teams; tracked projects, intervening into even apparently trivial decisions; and followed through, considering the minute details of marketing and retail. Although Jobs had considerable charisma, his real edge was his thoughtful involvement in every step of an unusually expansive leadership process.
  • some organizations the candidate pool is heavily filtered: in the military, for example, everyone who aspires to command must jump through the same set of hoops. In Congress, though, you can vault in as a businessperson, or a veteran, or the scion of a political family.
  • whether times are bad enough to justify gambling on a dark-horse candidate.
  • Leadership BS
  • five virtues that are almost universally praised by popular leadership writers—modesty, authenticity, truthfulness, trustworthiness,
  • and selflessness—and argues that most real-world leaders ignore these virtues. (If anything, they tend to be narcissistic, back-stabbing, self-promoting shape-shifters.) To Pfeffer, the leadership industry is Orwellian.
  • Reading Samet’s anthology, one sees how starkly perspectival leadership is. From the inside, it often feels like a poorly improvised performance; leading is like starring in a lip-synched music video. The trick is to make it look convincing from the outside. And so the anthology takes pains to show how leaders react to the ambiguities of their roles. In one excerpt, from the memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant, Samet finds him marching toward an enemy camp. Grant, a newly minted colonel who has never commanded in combat, is terrified: “My heart kept getting higher and higher, until it felt to me as though it was in my throat.” When the camp comes into view, however, it’s deserted—the other commander, Grant surmises, “had been as much afraid of me as I had been of him.” Leaders, he realizes, are imagined to be fearless but aren’t; ideally, one might hide one’s fear while finding in it clues about what the enemy will do.
    article by Joshua Rothman on leadership and how our views of leadership have changed through the centuries and how leadership virtues don't always agree with the actions taken by "leaders" whom we admire. 
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