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What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?-Stephen Wolfram Writings - 0 views

    "The specific engineering of ChatGPT has made it quite compelling. But ultimately (at least until it can use outside tools) ChatGPT is "merely" pulling out some "coherent thread of text" from the "statistics of conventional wisdom" that it's accumulated. But it's amazing how human-like the results are. And as I've discussed, this suggests something that's at least scientifically very important: that human language (and the patterns of thinking behind it) are somehow simpler and more "law like" in their structure than we thought. ChatGPT has implicitly discovered it. But we can potentially explicitly expose it, with semantic grammar, computational language, etc."
dr tech

ChatGPT Will See You Now: AI Is Transforming GP Appointments - 0 views

    "Kahun still relies on its own vast repository of medical knowledge - over 30 million insights from trusted sources - but ChatGPT will now allow patients to describe their symptoms in their own words. Until now it's been a structured conversation, with the AI asking a question, the patient responding, and the AI working its way through a series of more detailed questions based on the answers it gets. Integrating ChatGPT puts the patient in control. They describe their symptoms exactly as they would to a doctor, and ChatGPT responds, just as their doctor would."
dr tech

Kids who use ChatGPT as a study assistant do worse on tests | Popular Science - 0 views

    "Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that Turkish high school students who had access to ChatGPT while doing practice math problems did worse on a math test compared with students who didn't have access to ChatGPT. Those with ChatGPT solved 48 percent more of the practice problems correctly, but they ultimately scored 17 percent worse on a test of the topic that the students were learning. "
dr tech

ChatGPT took their jobs. Now they're dog walkers and HVAC techs. - The Washington Post - 0 views

    "Over the next few months, Lipkin's assignments dwindled. Managers began referring to her as "Olivia/ChatGPT" on Slack. In April, she was let go without explanation, but when she found managers writing about how using ChatGPT was cheaper than paying a writer, the reason for her layoff seemed clear. "Whenever people brought up ChatGPT, I felt insecure and anxious that it would replace me," she said. "Now I actually had proof that it was true, that those anxieties were warranted and now I was actually out of a job because of AI.""
dr tech

The ChatGPT secret: is that text message from your friend, your lover - or a robot? | C... - 0 views

    "ChatGPT can help with reframing thoughts and situations, similar to cognitive behavioural therapy - but "some clients can start to use it as a substitute for therapy", Masterson says. "I've had clients telling me they've already processed on their own, because of what they've read - it's incredibly dangerous." She has had to ask some clients to cease their self-experiments while in treatment with her. "It's about you and me in the room," she says. "You just cannot have that with text - let alone a conglomeration of lots of other people's texts." Self-directed chatbot therapy also risks being counterproductive, shrinking the area of inquiry. "It's quite affirmative; I challenge clients," says Masterson. ChatGPT could actually cement patterns as it draws, over and again, from the same database: "The more you try to refine it, the more refined the message becomes.""
dr tech

AP and IB Programs Disagree Over Whether to Allow ChatGPT - 0 views

    "The debate is whether the ideas noted in an essay or paper come from the student, while the tool can only take credit for the grammar and mechanics of the writing but not the critical thinking. The College Board, which administers Advance Placement (AP) courses, prohibits the use of ChatGPT under any circumstances. On its website, the agency notes, "Like educators across the country, AP teachers are confronting the implications of ChatGPT and other tools.""
dr tech

Don't Expect ChatGPT to Help You Land Your Next Job - 0 views

    "Shapiro said that using ChatGPT can be "great" in helping applicants "brainstorm verbs" and reframe language that can "bring a level of polish to their applications." At the same time, she said that submitting AI-generated materials along with job applications can backfire if applicants don't review them for accuracy. Shapiro said Jasper recruiters have interviewed candidates and discovered skills on their résumés that applicants said shouldn't be there or characterizations they weren't familiar with. Checking the AI-generated materials to ensure they accurately reflect an applicant's capabilities, she said, is critical if they're using ChatGPT - especially if the applicant gets hired."
dr tech

Students using artificial intelligence did worse on tests, experiment shows | EdSource - 0 views

    "Students using ChatGPT solved 48% more of the problems correctly, and those with the AI tutor solved 127% more problems correctly, according to the report. But their peers who did not use ChatGPT outscored them on the related tests. In fact, students using ChatGPT scored 17% worse on tests.  Kids working on their own performed the same on practice assignments and tests.  Researchers told The Hechinger Report that students are using the chatbot as a "crutch" and that it can "substantially inhibit learning.""
dr tech

'It was as if my father were actually texting me': grief in the age of AI | Artificial ... - 0 views

    "Henle was surprised by how much she felt seen by this technology. She also tried using Bard and Bing AI for the same purpose, but both fell short. ChatGPT was much more convincing. "I felt like it was taking the best parts of my mom and the best parts of psychology and fusing those things together," she says. While Henle had initially hoped ChatGPT would give her the chance to converse with what she describes as "a reincarnated version of her mother", she says has since used it with a different intent. "I think I'm going to use it when I'm doubting myself or some part of our relationship," she says. "But I will probably not try to converse with it as if I really believe it's her talking back to me. What I'm getting more out of it is more just wisdom. It's like a friend bringing me comfort.""
dr tech

Nick Cave calls ChatGPT and AI lyrics a "grotesque mockery" - 0 views

    "Cave wrote in his response: "Since its launch in November last year many people, most buzzing with a kind of algorithmic awe, have sent me songs 'in the style of Nick Cave' created by ChatGPT. There have been dozens of them. Suffice to say, I do not feel the same enthusiasm around this technology. I understand that ChatGPT is in its infancy but perhaps that is the emerging horror of AI - that it will forever be in its infancy, as it will always have further to go, and the direction is always forward, always faster.""
dr tech

AI Unravelled: The false promise of ChatGPT - 0 views

    "But ChatGPT and similar programs are, by design, unlimited in what they can "learn" (which is to say, memorize); they are incapable of distinguishing the possible from the impossible. Unlike humans, for example, who are endowed with a universal grammar that limits the languages we can learn to those with a certain kind of almost mathematical elegance, these programs learn humanly possible and humanly impossible languages with equal facility. Whereas humans are limited in the kinds of explanations we can rationally conjecture, machine learning systems can learn both that the earth is flat and that the earth is round. They trade merely in probabilities that change over time."
dr tech

If AI can provide a better diagnosis than a doctor, what's the prognosis for medics? | ... - 0 views

    "Or, as the New York Times summarised it, "doctors who were given ChatGPT-4 along with conventional resources did only slightly better than doctors who did not have access to the bot. And, to the researchers' surprise, ChatGPT alone outperformed the doctors." More interesting, though, were two other revelations: the experiment demonstrated doctors' sometimes unwavering belief in a diagnosis they had made, even when ChatGPT suggested a better one; and it also suggested that at least some of the physicians didn't really know how best to exploit the tool's capabilities. Which in turn revealed what AI advocates such as Ethan Mollick have been saying for aeons: that effective "prompt engineering" - knowing what to ask an LLM to get the most out of it - is a subtle and poorly understood art."
dr tech

16 Musings on AI's Impact on the Labor Market - 0 views

    "In the short term, generative AI will replace a lot of people because productivity increases while demand stays the same due to inertia. In the long term, the creation of new jobs compensates for the loss of old ones, resulting in a net positive outcome for humans who leave behind jobs no one wants to do. The most important aspect of any technological revolution is the transition from before to after. Timing and location matters: older people have a harder time reinventing themselves into a new trade or craft. Poor people and poor countries have less margin to react to a wave of unemployment. Digital automation is quicker and more aggressive than physical automation because it bypasses logistical constraints-while ChatGPT can be infinitely cloned, a metallic robot cannot. Writing and painting won't die because people care about the human factor first and foremost; there are already a lot of books we can't possibly read in one lifetime so we select them as a function of who's the author. Even if you hate OpenAI and ChatGPT for being responsible for the lack of job postings, I recommend you ally with them for now; learn to use ChatGPT before it's too late to keep your options open. Companies are choosing to reduce costs over increasing output because the sectors where generative AI is useful can't artificially increase demand in parallel to productivity. (Who needs more online content?) Our generation is reasonably angry at generative AI and will bravely fight it. Still, our offspring-and theirs-will be grateful for a transformed world whose painful transformation they didn't have to endure. Certifiable human-made creative output will reduce its quantity but multiply its value in the next years because demand specific for it will grow; automation can mimic 99% of what we do but never reaches 100%. The maxim "AI won't take your job, a person using AI will; yes, you using AI will replace yourself not using it" applies more in the long term than the
dr tech

I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats | The Walrus - 0 views

    "I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats I once believed university was a shared intellectual pursuit. That faith has been obliterated"
dr tech

AI has better 'bedside manner' than some doctors, study finds | Artificial intelligence... - 0 views

    " AI has better 'bedside manner' than some doctors, study finds ChatGPT rated higher in quality and empathy of written advice, raising possibility of medical assistance role Hannah Devlin Science correspondent @hannahdev Fri 28 Apr 2023 16.01 BST ChatGPT appears to have a better 'bedside manner' than some doctors - at least when their written advice is rated for quality and empathy, a study has shown. The findings highlight the potential for AI assistants to play a role in medicine, according to the authors of the work, who suggest such agents could help draft doctors' communications with patients. "The opportunities for improving healthcare with AI are massive," said Dr John Ayers, of the University of California San Diego."
dr tech

What is AI chatbot phenomenon ChatGPT and could it replace humans? | Artificial intelli... - 0 views

    "ChatGPT can also give entirely wrong answers and present misinformation as fact, writing "plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers", the company concedes. OpenAI says that fixing this issue is difficult because there is no source of truth in the data they use to train the model and supervised training can also be misleading "because the ideal answer depends on what the model knows, rather than what the human demonstrator knows"."
dr tech

'This song sucks': Nick Cave responds to ChatGPT song written in style of Nick Cave | N... - 0 views

    ""Suffice to say, I do not feel the same enthusiasm around this technology," he wrote. "I understand that ChatGPT is in its infancy but perhaps that is the emerging horror of AI - that it will forever be in its infancy, as it will always have further to go, and the direction is always forward, always faster."
dr tech

Anti-Cheating Service Turnitin Says It Can Detect Use of ChatGPT - 0 views

    "However, executives at anti-cheating software maker Turnitin say they've cracked the code. The company, which works with thousands of universities and high schools to help teachers identify plagiarism, said it plans to roll out a service this year that can accurately tell whether ChatGPT has done a student's assignment for them. "
dr tech

Teaching In The Age Of AI Means Getting Creative | FiveThirtyEight - 0 views

    ""ChatGPT may have better syntax than humans, but it's shallow on research and critical thinking," said Lauren Goodlad, a professor of English and comparative literature at Rutgers University and the chair of its Critical Artificial Intelligence initiative. She said she understands where concern about the tool is coming from but that - at least at the college level - the type and caliber of written tasks that ChatGPT can offer does not replace critical thinking and human creativity. "These are statistical models," she said. "And so they favor probability, as in they are trained on data, and the only reason they work as well as they do is that they are looking for probable responses to a prompt.""
dr tech

ChatGPT isn't a great leap forward, it's an expensive deal with the devil | John Naught... - 0 views

    "The intriguing echo of Eliza in thinking about ChatGPT is that people regard it as magical even though they know how it works - as a "stochastic parrot" (in the words of Timnit Gebru, a well-known researcher) or as a machine for "hi-tech plagiarism" (Noam Chomsky). But actually we do not know the half of it yet - not the CO2 emissions incurred in training its underlying language model or the carbon footprint of all those delighted interactions people are having with it. Or, pace Chomsky, that the technology only exists because of its unauthorised appropriation of the creative work of millions of people that just happened to be lying around on the web? What's the business model behind these tools? And so on. Answer: we don't know."
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