Teachers on Twitter: why you should join and how to get started | Teacher Network | The... - 5 views
The productivity and generosity of teachers on Twitter is inspiring and I have also become more efficient in creating and sharing resources.
Embrace new ideas
hange the conversation
Twitter!! I have learned that Twitter is a great resource for teachers. It is very interesting that Twitter is utilized by more teachers than business professionals. It probably helps a lot of parents get into something new too.
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I have experienced twitter use in the classroom numerous times through my experience during college. I think it is a great way to utilize social media in a safe way. Students can easily share information because they use twitter all the time. I think this website could be used by both teachers and students because they will need to know how to use twitter in the classroom. I defiantly want to use Twitter in my classroom in the future.
1. I can see myself using Twitter in my classroom in the future. I am still overcoming my hesitation to use social media in an educational setting...I think it is just going to take time and continued practice! :-) 2. The resource deals mostly with teacher use, but the tool could be used with teachers and students. 3. There are many different social media tools that could be used with students. The important part is selecting tools that are appropriate for the audience.