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Katie Upah

Life in a 21st-Century English Class - 3 views

  • To begin with, I don’t lecture. My students don’t take notes, at least not in the traditional sense, and we don’t read a novel and simply answer the questions.
  • It also means my students don’t acquire knowledge just for the sake of acquiring it. They need to do something with it — that’s where “project-based” comes into play.
  • Finally, technology is embedded into the structure of all we do. It’s part of how we research, how we capture information, and how we display our learning. It’s never an accessory tacked on at the end.
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  • One of the most important things we can do is teach our students how to use social media wisely, and how social media can be used for social good.
  • Instead, inquiry and technology are a natural part of our English classes. It’s what my students have come to expect and have started to design themselves.  Instead, of saying, “hand in your assignments,” I say, “publish your assignments and send me the link.” They think about connecting and sharing their learning in the larger world.
    This teacher describes how she transformed her classroom into a 21st century learning environment for her students.
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    I have this saved to read later. I am interested in how she transformed her classroom.
    I found this post very interesting. It is easy to see how PBL may work in a science or math classroom, but I have always wondered how it would look for English. It seems like this teacher has truly grasped PBL, and her students are enjoying the learning process. I think this resource could be utilized by any teacher who instructs about English content, but depending on the age of the learners, the students may not reach full autonomy as those in this article did. I particularly enjoyed one quote from the teacher, "Finally technology is embedded into the structure of all we do... It's never an accessory tacked on at the end." As we have learned about in other EdTech courses, technology needs to truly transform the learning experience. I believe the teacher is doing that in this classroom.
    This Blog is one that I have bookmarked and will coming back to. This teacher's description of her class is how I want to work to make my class to look like. She had her premise but she had been able to create a class based on inquiry, openness and trust. This empowers students to create a social media campaign, create their own curriculum, and at the same time become more advanced in the content. Ms. Barseghian, I'm gushing, but your class sounds inspirational and worth the gushing.

Social Media in Education: Resource Roundup | Edutopia - 2 views

    A collection of blogs, articles, and videos from Edutopia around the topic of social media tools in the classroom.
    A collection of blogs, articles, and videos from Edutopia around the topic of social media tools in the classroom.
    I thought this was a very in depth article, with a lot of information about using social media in education. If I were really wanting to get a foundation of understanding about using it in my classroom effectively, I think this would be a great place to start. I think I would use this effectively, because I would be able to start educating myself on the topic and hopefully find some blogs to follow to keep updating me on the topic. I believe this is mostly an educational tool for teachers. They could also find good articles and share them with their parents, so the parents can understand the strategy of using social media in the classroom. I have seen other resources that explain social media, but I feel as though this a very through compilation.
Megan Kannenberg

7 Fantastic Free Social Media Tools for Teachers - 2 views

  • This means free access to some great tools: An online gradebook, customized quizzes, a debate tool, chat, classroom blogs, the ability to track proficiency and a customized portal page.
  • This app gives teachers four discussion format choices. Students can either agree or disagree with a statement, answer a multiple choice question, post responses, or have the choice between adding a new response or voting for someone else's response.
    Social media resources for educators I can use these tools to create a wider variety of communication using social media.
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    Social media resources for educators I can use these tools to create a wider variety of communication using social media.
    Megan, Thanks for sharing this website with us. I have worked with a Tech Director who used Symbaloo, and it was an extremely organized way to share resources with other teachers. I highly suggest Symbaloo! Teachers, parents, and students used the Symbaloo page in this district. For example, if you were a 3rd grade teacher, you could click on the 3rd grade page. Next, click on the subject you are interested in. Let's say you want to help a student with math. Once you've clicked on the math page, it may even be broken down into more categories (such as decimals). You will then find LOTS of resources that a student can use to help them with decimals. Very cool and organized!!! Amanda
    I can use the resources posted on this site in my classroom to enhance learning. These resources can be used by both teachers and students for interactive learning experiences. I am familiar with Edmodo and I like the many features it offers to teachers and students. In my school we use Canvas, which is based on a similar concept. However the Edmodo interface is very similar to Facebook which can be more user friendly for students.
    This resource is valuable to students and teachers. The first video on talks about how it can be used by anyone. My concern is that the video was made in 2007. That seems like a long time ago I wonder what the updated video looks like? I am very glad to hear there are alternatives to Blackboard and Google classroom but I wonder if the alternatives to these big shots work the same?
Alexis Johns

Social Media Cheat Sheet For Teachers (And Other Bipeds) - 3 views

    Great breakdown of what social media sites can be used for, along with how to set them up.
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    I like this! I especially like how it gives uses and then the pros and cons for the social media. I can see this being valuable in the paper I am writing for this class. I can see this also being a handy resource for others teachers who want to get started on using social media in their classrooms.
    I actually just sent this to a friend of mine who still lives under the belief that computers are just a fad that will go away in time. So thank you.
    I think this is a great tool for teachers; the site has helpful information about teaching, technology and other resources for teachers. I think that the Social Media cheat sheet is very helpful for teachers that are trying to get more technology in their classroom and don't know where to begin. This resource could be used by students as well. It will give an opportunity to talk with students about effective ways to use technology in their learning.

Twitter in education: communicating with digital natives - 0 views

    This research article is written by an 8th grade science teacher who researched the effect of Twitter utilization on standardized assessment scores.

ISTE | 7 steps to starting a global collaboration project - 3 views

    This site shows some simple ways of being able to start global collaborating in your classroom. My favorite advice is to pick something you are passionate about.
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    Hi Sara! This is a great article that I think will be helpful for what I've chosen for my final project for Dr. Z's class which I hope to utilize in my own classroom. The last point in the article was really relateable for me, especially with the global collab project we just completed. It is important to realize that in a project like this, not everything can be controlled. I also really enjoyed the point about asking your students if they are comfortable with it. I think that we all experienced some discomfort in our project, so making sure students of a younger age are okay talking to strangers would be incredibly important.
    Hi! Thank you so much for sharing! I think that global collaboration projects are an amazing opportunity for kids to be able to participate in. It's amazing how much technology can do for us. I can't wait for the future generations to become adults :) What a different world it will be!
    1. I agree that this could be used in my own future classroom -- but it would be contingent on finding the right topic and group to collaborate with. 2. I think that the resource is mostly for teacher use as it provides an overview and tips/tricks for teachers. 3. Other resources that might want to be considered are the different websites shared by Dr. Z during class.
    I agree that this could be used in a classroom. This can be a good way to help students better understand a topic that they are learning at that time. I feel though it would be more for the teacher usage for a younger age. I feel that a global collaboration might be difficult for elementary students unless they work with anyone older than them in their district. Otherwise, I feel it would be a good experience for older students as well.

#edtechchat - Twitter Search - 1 views

    This hashtag is used by educators to see what types of resources are being used in todays classrooms and how we can improve them!

How to Use Social Media as a Learning Tool | Edudemic - 0 views

    Use social media in the classroom. Students are using social media daily why not use it as a learning tool as well.
    I think it is important since social media is implemented in students lives, I think it is necessary to keep up with the trends and use it in the classroom.

Social Media Tool Kit - 0 views

    This is a social media tool kit. This tool kit allows one to keep a profile of presentations, activities, and much more. There are games and badges you can earn. You can personalize it as well as have participation from others while using it.

A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom | Edutopia - 3 views

    This is a great article and after reading it, I realize even more why I need to teach digital citizenship lesson that include the use of social media to my students. There are some great ideas for using social media in the classroom that I want to try out. I want to try out having my students do a podcast at some point this year and I also want to have my students blog. I am going to share this with a colleague of mine that I know will love the information in this article and want to join me in bringing social media into our classrooms.
    I really liked this website. It was actually one that I almost shared with this group because I liked it. I think it is important to know how to implement social media in the classroom because it is so prevalent in our society. I think this website will be used by teachers because they are the ones who will be deciding how they will bring social media in lessons. I have seen other websites that can help implement social media into the classroom. I have shared that website to this group.
    This is a pretty great Edutopia article. I hope some of the information will help me when implementing social media in the classroom!

How Social Media Can Support Science and Digital Literacy - Science of Learning | PBS - 0 views

    Integrating use of social media into classroom settings

Social Media for Middle Level Classrooms - 1 views

  • Thus, many teachers are integrating technology with instruction especially since young adolescents are frequent computer users and find technology very engaging
  • teachers and students feel strongly that technology is an essential learning component because it assists with engagement, makes education relevant to students' lives, and serves as an inspiring force (p. 31).
  • "Additionally, learning experiences are greatly enhanced when all students have the technology to access rich content, communicate with others, write for authentic audiences, and collaborate with other learners next door or across the globe"
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  • Integration of social media has the engagement factor teachers and students seek while enabling students to gain a variety of academic and social skills
  • Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) identify seven types of social media: collaborative projects (e.g., Wikipedia) blogs and microblogs (e.g., Twitter, social news networking sites (e.g., Digg and Leakernet) content communities (e.g., YouTube and DailyMotion) social networking sites (e.g., Facebook) virtual game-worlds (e.g., Minecraft, World of Warcraft) virtual social worlds (e.g., Second Life)
  • ncreased student engagement and learning and citizenship education are benefits related to social media use in school.
  • For example, middle grades students can discover how technology-assisted writing can foster innovation, global communication and participation, and creative problem solving with a broader communit
  • Further, Ramsay purports that technology-assisted writing can nurture student creativity, communication, and problem solving skills while developing digital citizens.
  • Additionally, social media helps facilitate differentiation by allowing the needs of creative learners to be met through a cooperative learning environment. Students are better able to balance their individualism with the need for contact with others, allowing new ideas to flourish
  • Social media can help adolescents develop and strengthen collaboration skills as they share knowledge, learn with and from others, and are active in the learning process
  • Therefore, inclusion of social media in education activities is necessary to help increase equity among students of different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds by increasing access to information and information technology (Darling-Hammond, Zielezinski, & Goldman, 2014; Grinager, 2006).
  • Darling-Hammond et al. (2014) recommend the following practices to promote optimal learning opportunities for all students: (a) technology access policies should aim for 1:1 computer access and ensure that speedy internet connections are available, (b) policies and practices should favor technology that promotes high levels of interactivity and engagement and that allows for varying learning choices and opportunities, (c) instructional opportunities should enable students to use technology to create content as well as learn material, and (d) learning environments that provide significant and varied levels of teacher support and opportunities for interactions among students as companions to technology use
  • The first issue many educators currently face is equitable access for students and teachers. Further, uncertainty exists on the type and frequency of professional development for middle level educators that addresses ethical and appropriate use of social networking. Additionally, educators must learn how best to help students navigate safely and monitor students in a virtual environment. Lastly, educators must recognize the possibility for distractions and overstimulation that is often linked to certain types of social media and networking activities (Chen & Bryer, 2012).
  • Educators and policymakers need to provide the appropriate technology funding and related professional development so students and teachers have the equipment, knowledge, and skills necessary for taking full advantage of what technology can offer.
  • It is imperative for educators to have professional development opportunities that enable them to learn developmentally appropriate best practices for preparing students
  • AMLE (NMSA, 2010) believes that middle schools must provide adult advocates to middle school students to guide academic and personal development in an inviting, safe, inclusive, and supportive school environment
  • Students need to learn how to make great choices about what they share and what are appropriate actions with others, and always review and manage their online reputations in light of others' ability to contribute to that reputation either positively or negatively with a few clicks of the mouse
  •, a website published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation and highly regarded by the educational community, provides thoughtful resources on creating social media guidelines for schools.
  • In tandem, teachers must continue to address the issue of plagiarism including how to determine if sources are credible and having clear and consistent plagiarism policies regularly disseminated to students and parents.
  • Research suggests that discussions and collaborations are the most common social media classroom strategies (Chen & Bryer, 2012). Frye, Trathen, and Koppenhaver (2010) proclaim that blogs offer students the ability to publish work and comment on others' writing, which increases motivation.
  • Research shows that social media can increase student learning and engage students who otherwise may be disinterested in the classroom
  • Social media afford[s] the opportunity for all children with online access to contribute to the world in meaningful ways, do real work for real audiences for real purposes, find great teachers and collaborators from around the world, and become great teachers in their own right. (
    The information in this article supports one of the things that my school tech integrationist is trying to get teachers to do with social media. He is asking teachers to do Penpal Schools, which will connect students with other students from around the world. I am going to be having my class do Penpal schools. I also want to try out having my students blog about books we are reading in 7th grade language arts after reading about the benefits of blogging in this article.
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    How is your school liking PenPals Schools? I started using it in my classroom but found it to be too time consuming and the questions were a bit overwhelming in the project that we chose. My students were also not getting responses in the way that I expected them to. A lot of them were just getting a lot of "hi" from their Pen pals instead of anything useful.
    Very cool! I really wish I had students at an older age level. Though I can do something like this for 2nd graders it is more difficult with their reading and writing skill levels. Still a pretty cool tool to use for students and teachers alike. Thank you for sharing!
    Social Media is important. When I was in middle school and high school we didn't learn about social media or how to be safe on the internet. It was more of a foot note than a subject in class that we learned about. Blogging was foreign to me until now. I feel like I have missed a lot because of this.

Social Media Has Changed Our Language | Language Arts Classroom - 1 views

  • Language always changes. Scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, anyone can notice this change. That’s not a negative, and it’s worth noting with our students. They use social media, and the discussion can fit into an ELA class.
  • Here are new words or definitions for words that I would argue came about because of social media. “Verses” as a verb. As in, our soccer team is verses Washington tonight.  “Couponing.” (My spell check highlighted this). The rise of reality television coupon and money saving shows gave us “couponing.” Couponing is a sport for certain people at the grocery store. “Adulting.” Students may not use this word often, but their parents might. (And again – spell check highlighted this). I adulted hard this weekend; I cleaned the house and went grocery shopping.  “Hashtagging.” Formerly known as the pound sign, the hashtag provides categories of messages. Are you hashtagging the awards show tonight? The hashtag often leads to… tags… “Tagging.” Not your clothing, but rather your friends. Will you tag me in your status? “Fail.” Normally present in, #epicfail. “Fail” was once a grade or effort, but now it has replaced “not doing well.” I am failing at life today.
    I plan to discuss with my 6th grade language arts students how social media has changed our language. I can use this as part of the digital literacy lessons that I plan to do this year and am currently working on creating.
    Hi Trina, This article really peaked my interest as I've seen similar behaviors with my students. I think it is especially prevalent with secondary students as they are probably the most invested in social media platforms. I think that this could transition into a great digital literacy lesson talking about the difference between "internet speak" and proper grammar. I would love to see what you come up with based on this topic!
    I found this article extremely relevant and something to definitely be shared with students and teachers. It could definitely cause issues in the classroom, but language is always changing so the classroom language will evolve with it. Something to keep in mind with my future classroom!

Responsible Use of Social Media for School Staff - YouTube - 0 views

    This video shows how social media is used in society and how it can be used in good and bad ways by school staff members. It is important to know how to act appropriately on social media.
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