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Megan Skiles :: Instructional Practice Guide - 1 views

  • The Instructional Practice Guide includes coaching and lesson planning tools to help teachers and those who support teachers to make the Key Shifts in instructional practice required by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).   In order for teachers, colleagues, and instructional leaders to have meaningful and productive conversations about instructional goals and outcomes, there must be shared expectations regarding lesson planning and observation. These tools provide common criteria framed around the Key Shifts required by the CCSS that can be used to facilitate conversations between teachers and coaches about aligning content and instruction. By using these tools to reflect on practice, clear connections can be made between Common Core-aligned lesson planning and classroom instruction--conversations which can supplement information from other established observation protocols that focus on planning and preparation,  classroom management and environment, and professional responsibilities. 
    This page goes over the general idea of instructional practice and goes into lesson planning and has tools to help
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    This website just comes to show how many resources are actually out there for teachers to use and improve their teaching. This website is all about helping teacher achieve the core and in the classroom. There is administrative tools for coaching teachers in instructing the core. Videos of classrooms that follow the core . It seems very similar to the Teaching Channel just this one has a different emphasis.
    A guide on how to use instructional practices.
    A guide on how to use instructional practices.

Instructional Strategies List (PDF) - 2 views

    List of 49 instructional strategies that can be used in the classroom
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    I like that it gave a description of each and examples!
    We already use some of these strategies and it would be great to try out others in our cotaught classes. I feel that this resource is mainly for teacher use. Students don't really need instructional strategies. Doesn't the Marzano Compendiums have a list of instructional strategies we can use in our classrooms?
    WoW!!! This is definitely a comprehensive list of strategies. It is helpful when a list has a brief description that helps teachers understand what they will be implementing into their classrooms. I often times provide enrichment to students that I cannot see daily, so i know that I will find some great strategies to use on this list.
Lacie Heiserman

Effective Instructional Practices - 0 views

    This site has links to two great instructional resources.
    This site has links to two great instructional resources.

10 of the Most Engaging Uses of Instructional Technology (with Dozens of Resources and ... - 1 views

  • The 2014 Gates Foundation report, Teachers Know Best: What Educators Want from Digital Instructional Tools, indicates that teachers want tools “supporting student collaboration and providing interactive experiences”. These types of tools are fun and engaging, and they support 21st century skills like collaboration, communication, and creativity. Learning this compelled me to write the article, “20 Fun Free Tools for Interactive Classroom Collaboration”, which has been in the top 10 most popular posts on the site since I published it in May. We followed that in July with “5 More Cool Tools to Take Classroom Collaboration to a New Level”, another popular post. So there you have over two dozen fun free interactive collaboration tools to consider using in your classes this year!
    Engaging uses of instructional technology including resources and tools, 10 techniques including links to delve deeper into uses for technology
Ping Gao

Educational Leadership:Technology-Rich Learning:The Basics of Blended Instruction - 3 views

    • Ping Gao
      This is an article that I want to include in my final paper for 4031/5031. I like the tips. 
Amanda Eller

50+ Tools for Differentiating Instruction Through Social Media | Edutopia - 1 views

  • Imagine a world where resources were limited to what was found in the classroom or the school closet known as the "Curriculum Materials Room." Picture a world where students wrote letters with pen and paper to communicate with other students and adults outside of the building. Due to postage costs, the teacher either sent the letters in bulk or paid for stamps out of his or her own pocket. Can you recall a time when student interests like skateboarding or video were never used as part of learning curriculum because the tools needed were either too expensive or not yet conceptualized? Do you remember a time when non-traditional learners struggled, and absenteeism meant a high likelihood of students doing poorly in school, and possibly having to retake the course?
    Social media can enhance differentiated instruction if the tools are selected with a careful eye on individual students' readiness, interests, and learning profiles. In my classroom, I plan to try out "Kaizena" which is introduced on this website. I will use "Kaizena" to give feedback to my students' writing pieces.
Ellie Bullock

5 Key Strategies For ELL Instruction - 0 views

    ELL instruction is difficult no matter if you are "qualified" to teach these students or not. These are some good guidelines.

Best Instructional Practices to Use in the classroom. - 0 views

    Defines some parts to instructional practices
    When using technology in the classroom, it is important to understand how to use it.
Ping Gao

20 - Blended or Flipped Classrooms - 2 views

    Useful resources for Blended Instruction.
Katie Upah

Nine Strategies for Reaching All Learners in English - 0 views

  • Readers and Writers Workshop is an instructional model that focuses on students as learners, as well as readers and writers in practice. As readers and writers, students are mentored, working in a supportive and collaborative environment with their mentor on touchstone texts.
  • As a middle school ELA teacher, I continue to collaborate with my peers in the building and across the school district. I participate in planning and designing instruction, inquiry-based studies, and collaborative coaching and learning. These activities have provided me with a repertoire of research-based best practices to engage the readers and writers in my ELA classroom.
  • Provide instruction in basic reading strategies using reciprocal teaching practice that includes predicting, visualizing, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing.
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  • From the first day of school, we encourage students to choose the books they read. We model how to choose and review a book for reading. We also encourage students to choose books at their independent reading level rather than at their frustration or difficult level. Students read for 30 minutes daily and complete an entry on the reading.
  • Teach students to mark or highlight text for main ideas and also for answers to specific questions. Text annotation is an excellent method to make meaning and provide evidence to support answers.
  • Use t-chart graphic organizers to have them identify specific lines from a text and explain their thoughts about the lines.
    This article lists 9 general strategies to appeal to all students in the English classroom, both in the middle school and the high school.
Anna Kron

3 Ways to Plan for Diverse Learners: What Teachers Do - 1 views

  • every teacher already has the tools to differentiate in powerful ways for all learners
  • The core of differentiation is a relationship between teachers and students. The teacher's responsibility is connecting content, process, and product. Students respond to learning based on readiness, interests, and learning profile.
  • Content is comprised of the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students need to learn based on the curriculum.
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  • If we provide a variety of ways to explore the content outcomes, learners find different ways to connect.
  • Process is how students make sense of the content. They need time to reflect and digest the learning activities before moving on to the next segment of a lesson.
  • Processing helps students assess what they do and don't understand.
  • Reflection is a powerful skill that is developed during processing experiences
  • Product differentiation is probably the most common form of differentiation. Teachers give choices where students pick from formats. Students propose their own designs.
  • The key to product options is having clear academic criteria that students understand.
  • When considering your students' needs, reach even higher in your practice -- that extra stretch is inside us all -- and students will benefit.
    This article describes the teacher's role for effective planning of differentiated instruction. I hope that I can use the three points in this article (differentiating content, process, and product) in order to create the best learning experiences for my students.
Alexis Johns - 0 views

    Breakdown of 10 instructional practices to improve student learning
    This research paper provides an exploration of ten instructional practices that are key to achieving desired student outcomes. This would be a good research to reflect on for my own classroom.
James Reinhard

instructional practice - List | Diigo - 0 views

    James Reinhard's List: instructional practice
jared sunds

Dr. Z Reflects - Blogging for Understanding - 0 views

    Dr. Z provides a lot of insight into new ways to and ideas about using technology in an instructional manner
    Dr. Z provides a lot of insight into new ways to and ideas about using technology in an instructional manner
Taylor Niewohner

Teaching Students with Special Needs: Advice for Teachers (Grades K-12) - TeacherVision - 1 views

    talks about different instructional practices that can be used with special needs students
    This resource is great for beginning teachers and teachers who have not worked with students with different abilities before. I like how it also notes the gifted populations as well as those students with a disability. This resource could be used by both teachers and students. Teachers could use it to learn a brief amount more about students with special needs, while as students can use it to understand what other options/strategies might work best for them if they fall into one of the categories listed. There are many other resources that provide strategies/information about how to work with special populations. One I like to check out as a special ed teacher is

Best Instructional Practices - 0 views

    This article provides you with four different instructional practices to use in your classroom.

The Way I See It - 0 views

    Blog to follow by Devin Schoening, Instructional Tech leader in the Council Bluffs Community School District.
Ping Gao

Flipped Classroom | Edutopia - 1 views

    Useful resources for flipped instructions
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