Schoology - Free Classroom LMS - 3 views
Jeremy Cooper on 13 Oct 13Schoology is a relatively new free learning management system for educators. Similar in nature to Edmodo, it currently allows the educator a few more abilities, resources, and customization that isn't offered in Edmodo.
Jeremy Cooper on 13 Oct 13o Do agree or disagree that the resource can be used efficiently in your own future classroom? Explain why or why not. Yes, this feature CAN and HAS been used in my classroom to much success. Students really seem to prefer it over other LMS websites like Edmodo or Moodle because of the ease of use, different resources, mobile app, and the App Store. I use it for distributing and collecting assignments, taking polls and surveys, and for taking assessments such as quizzes and tests. o Do you believe the resource is mostly for teacher use, student use, or both? Explain your perceptions constructively. This resource is used by both the teacher and the students in order to be effective. The teacher is the one who sets up the page, creates the assignments, links, quizzes, polls, etc and the students use the site to effectively manage their learning process. It has really helped to take away the complaints and excuses that I typically get from students not knowing what they are supposed to do and where everything is located. I think one of the major advantages to Schoology is the ease of being able to find Files/Links and Assignments. o Are you aware of any similar resources that should be considered? If so, what are those resources. This task is similar to our threaded discussions. You want your comments to be constructive. Repeat this step for the remaining three bookmarks you are required to comment on. Other possible LMS websites that I have used are: Moodle, Edmodo, and Blackboard. There are many, many others as this is a highly innovative arena right now and out of all of them, Schoology seems to really impress most educators who have tried using it.
Amber Goemaat on 16 Oct 13I really like the looks of schoolology, Jeremy! I can see how this would be very useful in a junior high or high school classroom. Especially in a school that has gone 1:1! If fifth grade students had their own computers, I would definitely use this as a classroom management tool! I think this is a great way for educators, students, and parents to all be on the same page regarding assignments and class expectations. I really like the Text/SMS feature! As you had stated in your description. This is very similar to Edmodo, which I'm familiar with. Thank you for sharing!