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Heather Davis

Technology & Classroom Management | The Cornerstone - 1 views

    Offers ways to use technology to deal with behavior management in the classroom
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    Offers ways to use technology to deal with behavior management in the classroom
    Offers ways to use technology to deal with behavior management in the classroom
    I feel like people are often so worried about integrating technology into the classroom that they often forget about how this is going to affect classroom management. As we implement technology into the classroom we are going to have to change other aspects of our classroom, and classroom management is going to be one of them. Great resource!
Jeremy Cooper

Schoology - Free Classroom LMS - 3 views

    Schoology is a relatively new free learning management system for educators. Similar in nature to Edmodo, it currently allows the educator a few more abilities, resources, and customization that isn't offered in Edmodo.
    o Do agree or disagree that the resource can be used efficiently in your own future classroom? Explain why or why not. Yes, this feature CAN and HAS been used in my classroom to much success. Students really seem to prefer it over other LMS websites like Edmodo or Moodle because of the ease of use, different resources, mobile app, and the App Store. I use it for distributing and collecting assignments, taking polls and surveys, and for taking assessments such as quizzes and tests. o Do you believe the resource is mostly for teacher use, student use, or both? Explain your perceptions constructively. This resource is used by both the teacher and the students in order to be effective. The teacher is the one who sets up the page, creates the assignments, links, quizzes, polls, etc and the students use the site to effectively manage their learning process. It has really helped to take away the complaints and excuses that I typically get from students not knowing what they are supposed to do and where everything is located. I think one of the major advantages to Schoology is the ease of being able to find Files/Links and Assignments. o Are you aware of any similar resources that should be considered? If so, what are those resources. This task is similar to our threaded discussions. You want your comments to be constructive. Repeat this step for the remaining three bookmarks you are required to comment on. Other possible LMS websites that I have used are: Moodle, Edmodo, and Blackboard. There are many, many others as this is a highly innovative arena right now and out of all of them, Schoology seems to really impress most educators who have tried using it.
    I really like the looks of schoolology, Jeremy! I can see how this would be very useful in a junior high or high school classroom. Especially in a school that has gone 1:1! If fifth grade students had their own computers, I would definitely use this as a classroom management tool! I think this is a great way for educators, students, and parents to all be on the same page regarding assignments and class expectations. I really like the Text/SMS feature! As you had stated in your description. This is very similar to Edmodo, which I'm familiar with. Thank you for sharing!


    This study contributes to research and practice through the theoretical development and empirical investigation of the role of IT use in organizational learning. We empirically examined the relationship between internal IT use, knowledge transfer effectiveness, absorptive capacity, and franchisee performance on a sample of 783 independently owned franchisees using a comprehensive dataset comprised of both primary and secondary data. The overall results indicate support for the argument that IT use impacts knowledge transfer effectiveness, and absorptive capacity, and that the influence of IT use on firm performance is completely mediated by absorptive capacity. The results are stable across the choice of statistical method and the operationalization of financial performance. Our findings suggest that IT use is an important learning mechanism that enables knowledge outcomes and dynamic capabilities within franchisees. Firms need to recognize these impacts of IT use in order to leverage IT to its fullest extent. This might be more important than ever before, given the rapidly changing business environments and investments in IT-based systems to manage knowledge resources. We hope that the findings of this study encourage the continued examination of the role that IT plays in organizational learning, and the outcomes of such learning.
Dave Brahn

Classcraft - All-in-One Education Gamification Platform - 0 views

    Gamified classroom management tool.
    Perhaps I don't know enough about how true RPG games work, but I'm struggling with the way the points in class-craft do not interact with one another. Activity Points seem like they should be a privelege since they allow students to use their "powers" but they are not in any way effected by the system. I think this is an easy-to-use tool that students get excited about, but I am struggling with how to implement it in my classroom in a way that will be effective.
Megan Brady

Edmodo | Where Learning Happens | Sign up, Sign In - 0 views

    A webpage that allows teachers to interact with students online. It reminds me of eLearning.
    A webpage that allows teachers to interact with students online. It reminds me of eLearning.
    I used Edmodo for about four years and I loved just about every minute of it. For a long time, I swore by Edmodo, as it had the most capabilities and services, and tried to convert most teachers to at least trying it out with one class. The site has definitely changed over the last few years, adding new features and even an App Store, however there are so many new LMS resources out there now, that I kinda felt like Edmodo has started to lag behind and is often playing catch-up. I also started to get kids in class complaining that it was just too much like Facebook and that it was really difficult to find assignments and resources easily. I've since switched to Schoology ( and it has fixed nearly every complaint and problem I had with Edmodo. It gives the teacher more customization options and it is really easy to grade assignments and quizzes. Students have also told me that it's way easier to know where assignments are and what they are supposed to do and how to turn it in. Don't get me wrong, Edmodo is still very awesome and it will help you become a better at your management of assignments, just know that there is a lot of competition and innovation happening from other sources. Great post!
Amber Goemaat

Remind101 - 0 views

    A way for teachers to send text messages to students/parents without revealing personal cell phone number. This is a great way to send out mass texts!
    A way for teachers to send text messages to students/parents without revealing personal cell phone number. This is a great way to send out mass texts!
Ping Gao

5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads - 5 views

    Helpful article. I thought it was interesting because my elementary school just switched to 1:1 with iPads this year.
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    I thought this was a great article! It gives wonderful advice on how to correct the mistakes that are made with iPads in schools. This would definitely be a great resource for teachers to use to gauge how they are using iPads within their own classrooms and to remember how to keep iPad use effective and meaningful. Great find! :)
    This is an excellent article to forward onto your administrators (as I just did!) so that they can understand the common pitfalls for technology use in the classroom. In my building, we have a classroom set of iPads that can be checked out and they have been used for all kinds of assignments and subject areas. As the kids will report, some teachers know how to use them effectively, and others are just using them for the sake of doing it. I've also read a couple of articles that I'll have to try and come back and link, but a few very large school districts have been in the news for the issues that they've been having with iPads in the classroom. The issue seemed to be that they scaled their programs way too quickly, did not train their educators properly, and did not look at the liability piece that comes along with giving students access to certain apps and features.
    Nicole, this is an awesome article. I like how it shows the 5 mistakes and ways to correct those. I think this article would be great for teachers as some are unaware of how to use iPads or how to use them for the right reason. I feel like if you have the right apps on the iPad for the correct age group they can be very educational. Personally, young kids are learning to work this and enjoy doing this. I had a boy I nannied he loved playing on the iPad at age 4! He was allowed to play educational games and have books read to him, etc.
    Nichol, I definitely agree with the things this article is saying! I think the fact the lack of Teacher Preparation in Classroom Management of iPads is a big one. How are we suppose to be incorporating this technology when we don't even know how to use it ourselves? Many people assume it works like a laptop when it does not. I definitely think this is an article teachers should read before trying to bring ipads into the classroom! Great article!
    With so many articles on 'what you should do' it's a nice change of pace to see 'what your doing wrong' kind of article. I went into it thinking it was going show how students are misusing ipads, so I especially liked how it was aimed towards educators telling them how they are going to misuse them. I see a lot of what we've read for class already in this article, it helps reinforce the lessons.
    I agree with this article and its must be obvious to anyone who has used an iPad why this information is important. The iPad is a tool and is effective for certain types of task. It's not a replacement for a computer. Due to the low cost and ease of operation the wow factor could cause someone to lose sight of the purpose of application. This article is more important for the designer of curriculum and the teacher who have input. One recently large lawsuit resulted from a one billion dollar purchase of iPad for a California school district.
    This is a blog post about the 5 critical mistakes schools makes ith IPads.
Nicole Heinrichs

New Teacher Support - 1 views

  • We’ll help you find the resources, support, ideas, and advice you need to make your classroom the rewarding, positive learning environment you want it to be. We won’t pretend that it will be easy
  • LEARN NC is here to help
  • Keep this in mind
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  • help you take advantage of mentoring, l
  • these articles give you the perspectives of real teachers who have faced problems like yours and overcome them.
    This website offers many resources for teachers. It is important, especially as a first year teachers, to know were you can go for help.
    I agree that I could use this resource efficiently in my own future classroom but probably only for the first couple of years that I teach because it simply provides tips to keep in mind and resources for first year teachers. I like how the article tells teachers to keep in mind 4 key points: teaching is hard, you can't do it alone, every classroom is different, and classroom management means solving problems before they occur. This resource is definitely meant for teacher use because it is meant to help teachers as they first begin their careers, and students would not have a reason to utilize resources for first year teachers. Here is another resource that could be considered for first-year teachers entitled "10 First-Year Teacher Myths and How to Avoid Them":
    Having resources ready for us when we first start teaching will be nice, because after all we know it will not be the easiest thing in the world.
Christa McCaulley

State of the State: How OER Helps States Collaborate on Standards-Aligned Curriculum | ... - 0 views

  • Open educational resources (OER), a variety of freely available, online educational offerings, can support states in the collaborative development of a strong common curriculum.
  • OER Commons allows states to save, evaluate, and share resources they find on the site, as well as to create new and remix existing resources—toward the creation of custom collections of high quality Common Core-aligned resources.
    How OER helps provide a variety of freely available online educational resources, that can support the collaborative development of a strong common curriculum.
Anna Kron

Advice for a New Teacher - 3 views

  • Over time you, your principal, and fellow teachers will be able to work together to create the school culture that you want. Your school culture will support your classroom culture and make your job much more manageable.
  • decide on your classroom boundaries
  • Be consistent.
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  • Give more freedom, and take it away if need be.
  • You will have to try a few things and see what works for you and your students.
  • Be positive.
  • Say out loud to the class (narrate) that you see them, and write their name up on the positive board.
  • Not only will this help reinforce positives with your kids, but it will also help keep you positive.
  • Use body language.
  • Often walking to a student veering off track and just putting your hand on their desk can help.
  • If you do have to say something negative to a student, make sure it’s private (whenever possible).
  • Use routines.
  • When kids know what to expect, they’re better at doing what you want them to do.
  • Seek advice and feedback, try ideas in your class, and try again, try again, try again! Keep trying new things until you figure out what works for you and your students.
    This post gives some great advice to new teachers, particularly how to be consistent, be positive, use body language, and use routines. I hope I can look back to this post during my first year of teaching in order to prevent some of the mistakes I will inevitably make!
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    Great resource and something to keep in my back pocket even as I go into level III's next week.
    Anna, I would agree that this resource will be used efficiently in my future classroom. Especially since I will become a new teacher, when I decide to enter the college of education program and have my own classroom soon. Love how it says these are all the right things that you are doing, which makes my confidence as a new future teacher for sure increases. I personally believe that this resource is used specifically for only teachers. It's also very interesting how they have bolded essential components to remember the entire time you are becoming a first teacher. Such as be consistent, be positive, use body language, and use routines. Which the last one I believe is the most important when I comes to not only becoming a great teacher, just as well as to deal with different classroom settings. I am currently not aware of any similar resources to be considered but will not sure to keep my eye out for any that pop out. Overall, I like this resource how it ends with the saying, "Hang in there! And, let us know how you are doing."
    This is a great blog post! I have been working on a blog post that is very similar to this with my own blog. This gave me some great ideas. This blog not only could help a new teacher, it could also help a struggling teacher or a teacher with a particularly challenging group of students this year. Great find!
Katrina Lint

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: google docs - 4 views

    Several articles on how to use/incorporate google and features of google
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    With so many Google options, this site is a nice because it is directed towards Google use by teachers. It gives updates as new features become available. A good site to check periodically.
    Thanks for sharing. I do like the voice-to-text feature in Google Docs. I do fear this is promoting laziness, but it does make life easier! My students figured out this feature before I even showed it to them. I think that this feature is great for teachers too! For example, you can use an extension called Doctopus which will allow you to verbally give feedback to your students through Google Docs. For example, if I was reading a student's paper, this extension would record my voice as I am giving my student feedback. I think this would make life much easier on a student. Who knows, maybe there won't even be keyboards in the future. Maybe we will just talk into our computers? What a crazy thought!
    Great resource! I was especially interested in the one about how to manage your Google Drive apps because I want to use more of them but don't want to get overwhelmed. There are a number of good ones for doing research, for instance. They can help both me, the teacher, teach the students how to research and organize information effectively, as well as help them, the students, actually go through the process. They really struggle with research, so anything helps. Thanks!
Zoey Salisbury

Innovation Starts in the Classroom | Digital Promise - 0 views

  • Encouraging teachers to incorporate technology into the classroom has motivated and empowered them to seek it out.
  • Administrators now view their role as giving guidance on how to manage technological infrastructure, providing professional development, conducting internal research, and scaling teacher practices that make an impact for students.
  • “How to change classrooms has to come from teachers,”
    Technology Classrooms are developed by the teachers
Megan Skiles :: Instructional Practice Guide - 1 views

  • The Instructional Practice Guide includes coaching and lesson planning tools to help teachers and those who support teachers to make the Key Shifts in instructional practice required by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).   In order for teachers, colleagues, and instructional leaders to have meaningful and productive conversations about instructional goals and outcomes, there must be shared expectations regarding lesson planning and observation. These tools provide common criteria framed around the Key Shifts required by the CCSS that can be used to facilitate conversations between teachers and coaches about aligning content and instruction. By using these tools to reflect on practice, clear connections can be made between Common Core-aligned lesson planning and classroom instruction--conversations which can supplement information from other established observation protocols that focus on planning and preparation,  classroom management and environment, and professional responsibilities. 
    This page goes over the general idea of instructional practice and goes into lesson planning and has tools to help
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    This website just comes to show how many resources are actually out there for teachers to use and improve their teaching. This website is all about helping teacher achieve the core and in the classroom. There is administrative tools for coaching teachers in instructing the core. Videos of classrooms that follow the core . It seems very similar to the Teaching Channel just this one has a different emphasis.
    A guide on how to use instructional practices.
    A guide on how to use instructional practices.
Christa McCaulley

The 21st Century Educator: Teachers As Co-Designers | Institute for the Study of Knowle... - 0 views

    How students are taking initiative to an open education. "Making the School of the Future"
    Reminds me of constructivist teaching and maker spaces. My classroom is very much more structured than this but is still PBL.
Amanda Eller

Free Technology for Teachers - 1 views

    Richard Byrne is a teacher who blogs about different technology tools that are out there for teachers. His tips are usually quick reads and very easy to follow. He posts approximately once daily. Excellent resource!
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    Richard Byrne is a teacher who blogs about different technology tools that are out there for teachers. His tips are usually quick reads and very easy to follow. He posts approximately once daily. Excellent resource!
    I use this site to find MANY great technology resources for my class! And the best part is that these resources are all FREE! Use this site to watch videos and read blogs about how to use technology in a meaningful way in your classroom!1
    I had never seen this site. I am very happy to see it. Thank you. I will use this for a project or two!
    This site has great resources that can be used in my classroom. One post from this blog is about "How to share videos through Google drive". At times students have an assignment where they have to create a video and it would be easier for them to submit the video to me through Google drive instead of posting it on a public site. This resource could be equally useful for teachers. Teachers can share videos with students or with colleagues through Google drive. Similar resources could be dropbox and learning management systems such as e-learning, Canvas or Blackboard.
    This is an awesome blog for teachers! It seems that most of these tools can easily be used for teachers in the classroom. I would definitely like to use some of this technology anyway. It really is geared towards educators and it is nice that they are quick to read for those teachers who don't have much free time.

9 Ways to Use Social Media in Your Classroom - 0 views

    Unfortunately I would have to say I could not use this in my classroom. Unless my district changes their stance on student access to social media it would be extremely hard for me to do most of the things mentioned. This resource is for both teachers and students. I say this because it is giving options for things for teachers to use in their classroom, so this would also benefit students.
    I have never heard of before but it sounds like an interesting resource when talking about a specific topic with students. I always think the idea of using social media in the classroom is great, but with younger students I also am not sure how to manage the use of this social media to make sure the content students are sharing is positive for our classroom. I also think the Point and Shoot idea is interesting. To make this useful, however, I would have to figure out a way to screen the content that students are sharing.

Social Media for Middle Level Classrooms - 1 views

  • Thus, many teachers are integrating technology with instruction especially since young adolescents are frequent computer users and find technology very engaging
  • teachers and students feel strongly that technology is an essential learning component because it assists with engagement, makes education relevant to students' lives, and serves as an inspiring force (p. 31).
  • "Additionally, learning experiences are greatly enhanced when all students have the technology to access rich content, communicate with others, write for authentic audiences, and collaborate with other learners next door or across the globe"
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  • Integration of social media has the engagement factor teachers and students seek while enabling students to gain a variety of academic and social skills
  • Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) identify seven types of social media: collaborative projects (e.g., Wikipedia) blogs and microblogs (e.g., Twitter, social news networking sites (e.g., Digg and Leakernet) content communities (e.g., YouTube and DailyMotion) social networking sites (e.g., Facebook) virtual game-worlds (e.g., Minecraft, World of Warcraft) virtual social worlds (e.g., Second Life)
  • ncreased student engagement and learning and citizenship education are benefits related to social media use in school.
  • For example, middle grades students can discover how technology-assisted writing can foster innovation, global communication and participation, and creative problem solving with a broader communit
  • Further, Ramsay purports that technology-assisted writing can nurture student creativity, communication, and problem solving skills while developing digital citizens.
  • Additionally, social media helps facilitate differentiation by allowing the needs of creative learners to be met through a cooperative learning environment. Students are better able to balance their individualism with the need for contact with others, allowing new ideas to flourish
  • Social media can help adolescents develop and strengthen collaboration skills as they share knowledge, learn with and from others, and are active in the learning process
  • Therefore, inclusion of social media in education activities is necessary to help increase equity among students of different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds by increasing access to information and information technology (Darling-Hammond, Zielezinski, & Goldman, 2014; Grinager, 2006).
  • Darling-Hammond et al. (2014) recommend the following practices to promote optimal learning opportunities for all students: (a) technology access policies should aim for 1:1 computer access and ensure that speedy internet connections are available, (b) policies and practices should favor technology that promotes high levels of interactivity and engagement and that allows for varying learning choices and opportunities, (c) instructional opportunities should enable students to use technology to create content as well as learn material, and (d) learning environments that provide significant and varied levels of teacher support and opportunities for interactions among students as companions to technology use
  • The first issue many educators currently face is equitable access for students and teachers. Further, uncertainty exists on the type and frequency of professional development for middle level educators that addresses ethical and appropriate use of social networking. Additionally, educators must learn how best to help students navigate safely and monitor students in a virtual environment. Lastly, educators must recognize the possibility for distractions and overstimulation that is often linked to certain types of social media and networking activities (Chen & Bryer, 2012).
  • Educators and policymakers need to provide the appropriate technology funding and related professional development so students and teachers have the equipment, knowledge, and skills necessary for taking full advantage of what technology can offer.
  • It is imperative for educators to have professional development opportunities that enable them to learn developmentally appropriate best practices for preparing students
  • AMLE (NMSA, 2010) believes that middle schools must provide adult advocates to middle school students to guide academic and personal development in an inviting, safe, inclusive, and supportive school environment
  • Students need to learn how to make great choices about what they share and what are appropriate actions with others, and always review and manage their online reputations in light of others' ability to contribute to that reputation either positively or negatively with a few clicks of the mouse
  •, a website published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation and highly regarded by the educational community, provides thoughtful resources on creating social media guidelines for schools.
  • In tandem, teachers must continue to address the issue of plagiarism including how to determine if sources are credible and having clear and consistent plagiarism policies regularly disseminated to students and parents.
  • Research suggests that discussions and collaborations are the most common social media classroom strategies (Chen & Bryer, 2012). Frye, Trathen, and Koppenhaver (2010) proclaim that blogs offer students the ability to publish work and comment on others' writing, which increases motivation.
  • Research shows that social media can increase student learning and engage students who otherwise may be disinterested in the classroom
  • Social media afford[s] the opportunity for all children with online access to contribute to the world in meaningful ways, do real work for real audiences for real purposes, find great teachers and collaborators from around the world, and become great teachers in their own right. (
    The information in this article supports one of the things that my school tech integrationist is trying to get teachers to do with social media. He is asking teachers to do Penpal Schools, which will connect students with other students from around the world. I am going to be having my class do Penpal schools. I also want to try out having my students blog about books we are reading in 7th grade language arts after reading about the benefits of blogging in this article.
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    How is your school liking PenPals Schools? I started using it in my classroom but found it to be too time consuming and the questions were a bit overwhelming in the project that we chose. My students were also not getting responses in the way that I expected them to. A lot of them were just getting a lot of "hi" from their Pen pals instead of anything useful.
    Very cool! I really wish I had students at an older age level. Though I can do something like this for 2nd graders it is more difficult with their reading and writing skill levels. Still a pretty cool tool to use for students and teachers alike. Thank you for sharing!
    Social Media is important. When I was in middle school and high school we didn't learn about social media or how to be safe on the internet. It was more of a foot note than a subject in class that we learned about. Blogging was foreign to me until now. I feel like I have missed a lot because of this.

Daily Starters: Grades 3-5 Teaching Guide | Scholastic - 2 views

    Scholastic and I have a great relationship and daily starters are part of the reason. I just love how these simple tasks can help a student feel like they accomplished something right away. This is such a great tool for teachers to use if they are needing a little something extra or aren't sure how to manage/start a class routine. I do wish this resource had ideas for each subject because I only teach science/social studies, so it would help teachers that are departmentalized.
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