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Through our eyes: series 1 - 0 views

  • This resource also provides a very valuable source of information for Year 3 History for local area studies of Language groups in north-western NSW and discusses the importance of Country and Place to Aboriginal peoples.
    Series of 18 short videos providing insights into the land management practices and social, spiritual and cultural knowledge of the Ngemba, Kamilaroi and Euahlayi Aboriginal language groups in north-western NSW. The videos are presented by the Aboriginal Elders and knowledge-holders and cover a range of topics including the cultural use of billabongs and gilgai, the use of native foods and medicines and traditional stories from the region. Some of the videos explore the European water management practices on the ecology of the catchment and the importance of sustainable land and water management.

let the children play - 4 views

    early childhood ideas inside and outdoor activities
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    Early Childhood Blog promoting outdoor 'free range' play and pedagogy
    A very informative blog about preschool, play, early childhood education, learning outdoors, play outdoors, children and nature and play activities specific to kindergarten.
    I follow this group on Facebook and love seeing all,of their post. They post ideas and believes that should just be second nature to all childhood teachers though sadly are not. Play really does hold such an important role in the learning of young children, whether it is using the natural environment or ICT resources, allow children to be children and enjoy their childhood and let them learn naturally not through over processed activities designed by teachers that just need to meet paper work requirements.
    This blog is full of fantastic ideas, resources and creativity for early childhood teachers, and pre service teachers.

Cool Cat Teacher Blog - Helping you be an excellent teacher every day. - 8 views

    With almost 70,000 followers Vicki Davis was named one of "Twitter's Top 10 Rockstar teachers" by Mashable. Vicki is a full time teacher and IT Director at a small school in Camilla, Georgia. In her words, "my mission is to help you be a better teacher. I'm passionate about helping all teachers reach every student so I write a lot about teaching, staying motivated, and how to connect with other teachers." 'Coolcatteacher' has also been consistently named one of the top 50 blogs in education worldwide. What piqued my interest is her belief in using technology effectively as a teacher.
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    Cool Cat Teacher is a blog by Vick Davis. She blogs about things such as how to improve your own teacher blogs and she also shares insights into her classroom.
    Kathy Cassidy is well known by Forbes, The Washington Post and by her radio station 'BAM'. Her range of enriching learning activities and advice for effective teaching assists by providing a 'teachers view' of education and various advice and 'how to' blogs to help teachers in providing an enriching learning experience for children.
    A really wonderful blog that not only helps teachers be excellent each day, but gives hope, support and encouragement to us as future teachers. Gives practical suggestions and valuable information in relation to students learning! A must see BLOG!
    This award winning teacher blog, The Cool Cat Teacher is an online blog created by Vicki Davis aiming to help educators teach with better results, lead with a positive impact and live with greater purpose.
    I especially love this blog - The Cool Cat Teacher. Vicki provides innovative, practical ideas backed by research. A great resource!
    Questions should ignite learning. Curious kids never get bored. But why do young kids ask more than 100 questions a day and by middle school, they've stopped asking?
    This teacher is preaching the "Teaching Gospel for Today"! Asking questions and promoting problem-based learning to students is how to teach students today. Thank-you for sharing this bernielou!

Learning with 'e's: Education, schooling and the digital age - 0 views

  • Schooling is where structures are imposed upon learners to make the process more manageable. Behaviour is synchronised, curricula are standardised, and criterion referenced assessment is imposed to quantify achievement.
  • Schooling is where structures are imposed upon learners to make the process more manageable. Behaviour is synchronised, curricula are standardised, and criterion referenced assessment is imposed to quantify achievement
    The view of one UK-based teacher educator about the nature of the digital age, the requirements of education in such an age, and the mismatch between those requirements and schooling. It points to some of the tension between the rise of standardised curricula (e.g. the Australian curriculum) where all learning is predefined and the characteristics of the digital age. In particular, suggests some challenges when working within the existing schooling system and attempting to use ICTs to transform student learning.

One scientific insight for curriculum design | Pragmatic Education - 1 views

    Blog post summarising research into the impact of short, frequent quizzes on student learning and offering some observations and implications on the common planning practices used in schools (and universities). Obvious links to unit and lesson planning and also the use of ICTs. ICT-based quizzes likely to be the best way of implementing short and frequent quizzes.

Stories, games and animations - 2 views

shared by anonymous on 07 Mar 13 - Cached
    A program where you can 'create and share your own interactive stories, games, music, and art'.
    The first week at uni we started to use a program called Scratch. This program can be used for teachers and students at any level. It is also has free membership. The first activity that we were required to do was to use the motion button to create simple commands to move the script (the cat). The next part of the activity was to make a sequence of commands. This included the moving the script 10 step and then having the script turn around in a clockwise direction at 15 degrees. The number of steps and the degrees can be changed to suit the way you want the script to move. The next activity was to use the simple commands and have them repeat the commands over and over until you stop the command. We also learnt how to have the script change colour while the command sequence was going. The next activity was to draw regular polygons. The first polygon that was drawn was a square. The next challenge was to create other polygons. This program is great to work with. I had some time just to play, adding backgrounds, pictures and sounds. The goal for using this scratch program at uni is to explore options for introducing digital technologies and related concepts in the primary school classroom, as the Technology curriculum is being introduced sometime this year (2013). This program would fall under the Digital Technologies strand in the Australian curriculum: Technologies. This is where students will engage in the components of digital systems: software, hardware and networks.
    Great site for children to create stories, games and animations.

What are ICTs?: Diversity - 3 views

    • alicefoddy
      I love this idea. Even though it could be messy, it means that students have the flexibility to have their own and take care of their own devices, and also, students from low SES backgrounds can have access to similar technologies for a cheaper price, instead of forcing them to buy in on stuff. However, it could produce some class related bullying in the classroom. 
    • smcroft
      This is a definitely a situation that should be monitored for a few reasons. A lot of heirarchal behaviour can arise in classrooms and cause aggression levels to flare with the 'bring your own device' method. Children from families of a low socio economic level who can't afford a tablet, or low end netbook may feel confronted or 'lesser' by someone else fortunate enough to have the latest Macbook Air  or Alienware laptop for instance. Studies such as one performed by Hellene T. Demosthenous found that Socioeconomic disadvantage is directly related to students' general aggressiveness in and out of the classroom and that through this socioeconomic disadvantage, this aggression can be adversely associated with students' academic performance. This is not to say it is the sole cause, however it was a decidedly profound contributing factor. It should also be noted, that bullying was never linked in any conclusive or credible way to this aggressive behavior (Demosthenous, Bouhours & Demostherous, 2002, p.11). Demosthenous, H., Bouhours, T., & Demostherous, C. (2002). Socioeconomic Status and Youth Aggression In Australia (1st ed., p. 11). Brisbane: Griffith University. Retrieved from
  • the current situation is likely to be even more complex and diverse given the recent Digital Education Revolution, the arrival of tablets, and recent trends to "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) schemes in schools.
    • smcroft
      This is a definitely a situation that should be monitored for a few reasons. A lot of heirarchal behaviour can arise in classrooms and cause aggression levels to flare with the 'bring your own device' method. Children from families of a low socio economic level who can't afford a tablet, or low end netbook may feel confronted or 'lesser' by someone else fortunate enough to have the latest Macbook Air  or Alienware laptop for instance. Studies such as one performed by Hellene T. Demosthenous found that Socioeconomic disadvantage is directly related to students' general aggressiveness in and out of the classroom and that through this socioeconomic disadvantage, this aggression can be adversely associated with students' academic performance. This is not to say it is the sole cause, however it was a decidedly profound contributing factor. It should also be noted, that bullying was never linked in any conclusive or credible way to this aggressive behavior (Demosthenous, Bouhours & Demostherous, 2002, p.11). Demosthenous, H., Bouhours, T., & Demostherous, C. (2002). Socioeconomic Status and Youth Aggression In Australia (1st ed., p. 11). Brisbane: Griffith University. Retrieved from

5-Year-Olds Can Learn Calculus - Luba Vangelova - The Atlantic - 4 views

  • This is hard to do—it requires both pedagogical and math concept knowledge, but it can be learned
    • djplaner
      Empahsis on the importance of PCK which we'll extend to TPACK
  • Droujkova says one of the biggest challenges has been the mindsets of the grown-ups. Parents are tempted to replay their "bad old days" of math instruction with their kids, she says.
    • djplaner
      Echoing the impact of past experience with math (and ICTs) that create schema, which then limit vision of what can be.
  • Unfortunately a lot of what little children are offered is simple but hard—primitive ideas that are hard for humans to implement,” because they readily tax the limits of working memory, attention, precision and other cognitive functions
    Article talking about a different perspective (and examples) of how to teach mathematics. Not directly related to ICTs, but will likely be used in the Week 2 learning path and later to make a number of important points.
    ''They also miss the essential point-that mathematics is fundamentally about patterns and structures, rather than "little manipulations of numbers,"....'' How true this is! I had to go to uni in order to be exposed to the beauty of numers and maths, learn about Fibonacci and see the world differently! If anyone is interested here is a very nice video about the simplicity and beauty of our world and I am sure that ICT has its place in it:

Conceptual Change - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology - 1 views

  • Teaching for conceptual change primarily involves 1) uncovering students' preconceptions about a particular topic or phenomenon and 2) using various techniques to help students change their conceptual framework
  • However, outside of school, students develop strong (mis)conceptions about a wide range of concepts related to non-scientific domains, such as how the government works, principles of economics, the utility of mathematics, the reasons for the Civil Rights movement, the nature of the writing process, and the purpose of the electoral college
  • Conceptual change is not only relevant to teaching in the content areas, but it is also applicable to the professional development of teachers and administrators
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  • In the early 1980's, a group of science education researchers and science philosophers at Cornell University developed a theory of conceptual change (Posner, Strike, Hewson, & Gertzog, 1982)
  • Researchers have found that learners' preconceptions can be extremely resilient and resistant to change,
  • Affective, social, and contextual factors also contribute to conceptual change. All of these factors must be considered in teaching or designing learning environments that foster conceptual change (Duit, 1999).
  • Teaching for conceptual change requires a constructivist approach in which learners take an active role in reorganizing their knowledge.
  • That is, learners must become dissatisfied with their current conceptions and accept an alternative notion as intelligible, plausible, and fruitfu
  • Nussbaum and Novick (1982): Reveal student preconceptions Discuss and evaluate preconceptions Create conceptual conflict with those preconceptions Encourage and guide conceptual restructuring
    Introduces the idea of conceptual change in the context of science. During week 1 of EDC3100 we will be looking at conceptual change as it applies to learning how to use an ICT.

How does the course work?: A recommended learning process - 4 views

  • PKM Step Explanation EDC3100 Seek Find things out and keep up to date Work through the learning path. Check discussion forum posts. Check blog posts, Diigo resources etc. from people in EDC3100 and your Personal Learning Network (PLN). Sense Personalise information and use it Complete the activities in the learning path. Reflect on what you've seen and done on your blog. Doodle, and create concept maps and other artefacts that help you personalise what you've learned. Actively follow up on points that interest or confuse you. Work on assignments, prepare for Professional Experience, and build resources and processes for your teaching career. Share Exchanging resources, ideas and experiences Sharing resources and annotations via Diigo. Sharing insights and artefacts via your blog. Answering questions and making suggestions on the discussion forums. Participating in any course Facebook groups etc.

No Clarity Around Growth Mindset…Yet | Slate Star Codex - 1 views

  • (if you’re not familiar with it, growth mindset is the belief that people who believe ability doesn’t matter and only effort determines success are more resilient, skillful, hard-working, perseverant in the face of failure, and better-in-a-bunch-of-other-ways than people who emphasize the importance of ability. Therefore, we can make everyone better off by telling them ability doesn’t matter and only hard work does
  • Good research shows that inborn ability (including but not limited to IQ) matters a lot, and that the popular prejudice that people who fail just weren’t trying hard enough is both wrong and harmful.
  • A rare point of agreement between hard biodeterminists and hard socialists is that telling kids that they’re failing because they just don’t have the right work ethic is a crappy thing to do. It’s usually false and it will make them feel terrible. Behavioral genetics studies show pretty clearly that at least 50% of success at academics and sports is genetic; various sociologists have put a lot of work into proving that your position in a biased society covers a pretty big portion of the remainder. If somebody who was born with the dice stacked against them works very hard, then they might find themselves at A2 above. To deny this in favor of a “everything is about how hard you work” is to offend the sensibilities of sensible people on the left and right alike
    • djplaner
      The point I take from this is that not "everything" is about how hard you work. There are other more important factors to be considered. And these factors mean that not everyone will be a genius in everything. But if you have to learn something (e.g. using ICTs to enhance/transform student learning) then spending the necessary time in an effective way to learn that skill is more likely to help you learn, than simply saying "I can't do it".
    Detailed blog post outlining some reservations and limitation around the research around Dweck's Growth Mindset. An idea used early in this course. Reinforcing the idea to keep a skeptical view of your theories.

Pedagogy - Enriching students in learning - 2 views

started by Shari Kath on 03 Mar 13 no follow-up yet

Stages of Teacher Development - 1 views

started by Shari Kath on 03 Mar 13 no follow-up yet

Down Under Teacher - 12 views

    First grade teacher from Queensland who loves to share some amazing and inspirational ideas, strategies and resources. This teacher loves to share and feels that she is becoming a better teacher by learning from everyone she connects with.
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    1. Interesting to me in a sense that this teacher uses a lot of creative resources in her classroom, incorporates ICT's (the wide web) to share with other teachers - which is helpful in a sense of gathering knowledgable and creative resources. Gives lots of insights into the classroom, and shares life as a teacher - and the resources she uses for her students in the classroom.
    Down under teacher is an Australian teacher's blog if the title has not gave it away for you. It appears to be particularly focused towards the Early Primary setting. She also experienced great difficulty getting in touch with other Australian teachers so you will find she has created a tab and encouraged other Australian teacher's to come forward with the names of their blogs.
    The blog of a teacher
    Very enjoyable Blog - loads of tips.
    Australian Primary School teaching blog
    I'm joining in with a fun linky hosted by Oz Curriculum HQ to share some tips for a fantastic first day of school. Be sure to head on over so you can see lots of other great ideas.
    Connecting Australian Teachers together, with resources teachers can use.
    Down Under Teacher is an Australian Teacher with some great ideas. Numerous amounts of details are put into the posts some really great ideas are shared.
    Stumbled across this Blog gives real teacher insight and also has great classroom ideas and resources.

A teacher mum keeping up with the times - 5 views

  • chool begins here in Victoria on Tuesday. It is the first time in ten years that I have not spent the summer busily preparing for the new school year. That has been a strange feeling.
  • My daughter, Novalie, is 5.5 months old and I am absolutely loving motherhood. While I won’t be in the classroom this year, apart from some possible replacement teaching, I’m thankful that there are still ways to keep up with education.
  • There was a time, not so long ago, when maternity leave would mean you’re out of the ‘education loop’. Now, with blogs, Twitter and other online resources, the education community is at your finger tips.
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    • chloe260
      Great use of ICT to keep her skills current and to meet current trends and changes.
  • recently wrote some tips for graduate teachers on the excellent ABC Splash site which may be of interest to educators beginning their careers next week. I enjoyed having the chance to reflect back on my own learning journey.
    • chloe260
      This link could be useful to many of us in the near future.
    This is kathleen Morris and her blog page is about how to incorporate blogging into her grade 4 classroom. Even though Kathleen is on maternity leave I believe the information posted in 2013 is relevant to my assignment reasons. Another note Kathleen was a team teaching partner to Kelly Jordan who has launched her own blog this year.
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    Although Kathleen is on maternity leave at the moment I found her blog posts both inspirational and incredibly helpful. She provides links to other helpful blogs as well as tips for new educators on how to stay connected. Kathleen is also a big advocator of integrating technology into our class rooms.
    This blog is by Kathleen Morris. She is a primary school teacher in Victoria. She has a wealth of knowledge on her blog and I have been reading a post about integrating blogging into the school classroom.
    Whilst a little outdated the information is relevant and has great ideas on how to integrate ICT into Literacy.
    For those who are interested in integrating blogging into the classroom and other technologies
    A teacher currently on maternity leave, using social media to keep up to date with the current education, teaching and learning trends. Dedicated teacher to be ensuring she doesn't lose skill or ability when it's time to return.

Data-Driven Improvement and Accountability | National Education Policy Center - 1 views

  • This brief examines policies and practices concerning the use of data to inform school improvement strategies and to provide information for accountability. This twin-pronged movement, termed Data-Driven Improvement and Accountability (DDIA), can lead either to greater quality, equity and integrity, or to deterioration of services and distraction from core purposes. The question addressed by this brief is what factors and forces can lead DDIA to generate more positive and fewer negative outcomes in relation to both improvement and accountability. The policy brief concludes with 12 recommendations for establishing more effective and productive systems and processes, derived from its analysis of the relevant research. A report containing model legislation follows, detailing a legal structure that would use data effectively to create a multi-level system of accountability designed for school improvement.

leading and learning: Guy Claxton's Magnificent Eight - 0 views

  • Guy Claxton believes that teachers need to focus on how they relate to students in their classrooms. What is important , he writes, are the values embodied in how they talk, what they notice, the activities they design, the environments they create, and the examples they set day after day. These represent the culture of the class.
  • They say, 'lets try'...and, 'what if?'
  • are curious.
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  • can be demanding and skeptical of what they're told.
  • have courage
  • They are willing to take risks and try new things.
  • good at exploration and investigation
  • good at 'sifting' ideas and trust their ability to tell 'good evidence'.
  • requires experimentation.
  • Every lesson invites students to use certain habits of mind, and to shelve others.
  • have imagination.
  • let idea come to them, finding links and connections
  • imagination needs to yoked to discipline
  • ood at creating explanations, making plans, crafting ideas, and making predictions based on their evidence.
  • know the virtue of sociability.
  • They are able to both give their views, receive feedback, and listen respectfully to others.
  • are reflective.
  • Good learners are self aware, able to contemplate their actions to continually 'grow their learning power'.

Topic of Interest - ICTs and HPE - 3 views

started by Shari Kath on 07 Jun 13 no follow-up yet

13 reasons to use educational technology in lessons - ICT and Computing in Ed... - 7 views

  • ICT can provide both the resources and the pedagogical framework for enabling pupils to become effective independent learners. For example, computer programs are available that adjust themselves to the pupils’ level and then set appropriate tasks and give feedback on performance. Used wisely, these can help pupils to move on.
  • Where information and communications technology (ICT) is taught well, it has been shown to enhance pupils’ levels of understanding and attainment in other subjects. That’s because “real” ICT is more about thinking skills than about mastering particular software applications.
  • Pupils usually enjoy using computers and other types of technology, so lessons which make use of it start off with an advantage (which is all too often squandered).
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  • Just about every aspect of modern life involves educational technology; therefore, to not make use of it in the curriculum is anachronistic.
  • ICT places all learners on an equal footing
    • Isabella Irvine
      something else to consider 
    • Stella Leotta
      an interesting article to read. 13 reasons to use educational technology in lessons.
  • implement personalised learning.
    • katrina carpenter
      this is an important area. Used correctly ICT can support students that require greater levels of scaffolding and do so in a way that allows the student to maintain control of their own learning path.
  • Educational technology puts the pupil in control (if it is well-designed), enabling her to personalise the interface, select and create resources, and even choose what to learn
    • katrina carpenter
      This needs to be managed well as few students have the skills to fully manage what they are learning. Perhaps they do however the constraints of the curriculum require they cover set criteria. Choices are available but these still need to be guided and negotiated with the teacher
  • motivating pupils
    • katrina carpenter
      motivation also extends to reduced behaviour issues in a class where students are engaged in their learning
    15 reasons to use ict
    Believe this could be really beneficial info for Assignment 1 in regards to why we should enable the use of ICT with in the classroom - hopefully you will be able to resonate with a few pointers in context to something you may have experienced or be familiar with.

Mind Amplifier: Howard Rheingold And The Value Of Convivial Tools - Forbes - 0 views

  • his is a helpful thought in a society that has placed more attention on the fact of digital technologies (the new iPhone!) than on what we do with them
  • but all technologies, to some degree or another, are enmeshed in what Langdon Winner calls ‘regimes,
  • Design of tools has—as Illich pointed out—been accomplished in the absence of any consideration of their effects on social, cognitive, and political regimes. Designers can be better educated. And so can the users of their tools
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  • The old model of learning—the sage on the stage—is being challenged by cooperative forms of co-learning in which teachers act as facilitators and students use the tools available, from search engines to smartphones, to learn collaboratively, with teachers acting as facilitators
  • The whole notion of meta-cognition, of treating attention as a trainable aspect of everyday thought, is a potential new discipline
  • He is developing tools for “knowledge design” that both help individuals capture and manipulate what they know, but that also help connect individual intelligence to different models and sources of knowledge.
    Howard Rheingold has written about the use of digital technologies for learning and other tasks. In particular, the possibility that digital technologies can be mind amplifiers. Tools that enhance our ability to think and learn. Something EDC3100 will touch on in Week 3
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