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The Technium: Chosen, Inevitable, and Contingent - 0 views

  • until these contingencies harden into technological necessities and become nearly unchangeable in future generations. There’s an old story that is basically true: Ordinary Roman carts were constructed to match the width of Imperial Roman war chariots because it was easier to follow the ruts in the road left by the war chariots. The chariots were sized to accommodate the width of two large war horses, which translates into our English measurement as a width of 4′ 8.5″. Roads throughout the vast Roman empire were built to this spec. When the legions of Rome marched into Britain, they constructed long distance imperial roads 4′ 8.5″ wide. When the English started building tramways, they used the same width so the same horse carriages could be used. And when they started building railways with horseless carriages, naturally the rails were 4′ 8.5″ wide. Imported laborers from the British Isles built the first railways in the Americas using the same tools and jigs they were used to. Fast forward to the US Space shuttle, which is built in parts around the country and assembled in Florida. Because the two large solid fuel rocket engines on the side of the launch Shuttle were sent by railroad from Utah, and that line transversed a tunnel not much wider than the standard track, the rockets themselves could not be much wider than 4′ 8.5.”
  • “So, a major Space Shuttle design feature of what is arguably the world’s most advanced transportation system was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of two horses’ arse.” More or less, this is how technology constrains itself over time.
  • In addition to the primary drive of preordained development (force #1), and in addition to the escapable influences of technological history (force #2), there is society’s collective free will in shaping the technium (force #3).
    Long post and not directly related to ICT and Pedagogy, but somewhat related. The highlighted section outlines one - often unseen - way in which the "way things are done" limit what can be done in the future.
Michelle Thompson

Reading to Learn literacy program - 1 views

    From another Diigo site. Reading to Learn is one of the world's most powerful literacy programs. It is designed to enable all learners at all levels of education to read and write successfully, at levels appropriate to their age, grade and area of study. The Reading to Learn strategies have been independently evaluated to consistently accelerate the learning of all students at twice to more than four times expected rates, across all schools and classes, and among students from all backgrounds and ability ranges.

Early childhood educator - Alice Brown (USQ Lecturer) - 2 views

    Alice Brown is an early childhood health, wellbeing and social ecology specialist lecturing at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) where she teachers undergraduate and post-graduate students. She has completed her Doctoral, Masters and Bachelor st She posts interesting, professional and insightful articles and ideas that are related to early childhood.
Romina Jamieson-Proctor

AITSL Teacher Standards - Sharing our Indigenous nation - 1 views

    Here a graduate teacher aims to use a variety of digital tools and resources to engage students and enrich their experience in attempting to answer the question 'Who are Indigenous Australians?' The teacher explores how a range of digital tools and resources can be used to collaboratively build students' knowledge of Indigenous cultures and histories in Australia and internationally. 
Jo Oberholzer

Adventure Science center Snake Skin under microscope | Flickr - Photo Sharing! - 1 views

    ICT's can and should be used across all Learning Areas. There are many interesting and informative tools and applications to be accessed using technology and therefore using these broadens the students mind and moves away from the limitations that common applications such as Microsoft Office provide.

Audacity- Every Teacher Should Learn To Digital Audio Record (Part 1: Getting Started) ... - 0 views

    Audacity is an open source program for recording and editing audio. This post talks briefly about Audacity and provides pointers to how to use it and how to apply it for learning and teaching. Some definite applications in terms of literacy, and other learning areas.
Alison Alison

A night with a holographic Stephen Hawking at the Sydney Opera House (+9 photos) - ARN - 0 views

  • In a world-first, physicist and cosmologist, Professor Stephen Hawking, appeared at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall on April 25 and 26 via DVEtelepresence Holographic Live Stage technology.
  • Technology partner, Cisco, provided a high definition video stream allowing guests at the Sydney Opera House to see and hear a seemingly three dimensional image of Professor Hawking, who was physically located at Cambridge University, UK.
  • Cisco delivered the live video stream of Professor Hawking between Cambridge University and the Sydney Opera House via its Cisco TelePresence C90 Codec and Cisco Expressway video collaboration technology, which are designed for lifelike and real time visual communications.
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  • The patented DVEtelepresence Holographic Live Stage received the Cisco livestream and enabled the remarkable real-time and life-like presence of Professor Hawking.
    In a world-first, physicist and cosmologist, Professor Stephen Hawking, appeared at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall on April 25 and 26 via DVEtelepresence Holographic Live Stage technology.

How data analysis boosted the performance of Queensland school students - CIO - 0 views

  • “I don’t buy into the fact that we can get a system – and this is not a popular belief – that can do the full analysis of what students need,” he said
  • “I value the teaching profession and I think they need to look at the data that’s put out in front of them, the information that’s cut in different ways and use their ‘neck top computer’ [brain] to make some sort of valued judgement as to what the data is saying.
  • “Information can give black or white positives or negatives, but without the analytical mind of the teacher over the top understanding the student, what’s happening at home and in the classroom, they [IT] actually miss some of that analysis.”
    Magazine report of a presentation by the CIO (Chief Information Officer) of the Department of Education and Training in Queensland. The presentation talks about how using ICT to gather and enable analysis of student data is helping schools and teachers better support students.

The Wrath Against Khan: Why Some Educators Are Questioning Khan Academy - 0 views

  • But that's the crux of the problem right there: lecture-demonstrations. Although there's a tech component here that makes this appear innovative, that's really a matter of form, not content, that's new. There's actually very little in the videos that distinguishes Khan from "traditional" teaching. A teacher talks. Students listen. And that's "learning." Repeat over and over again (Pause, rewind, replay in this case). And that's "drilling."
    • djplaner
      So is this "replacement", "amplification" or "transformation"? At a base level it's amplification in that the learner can pause, rewind and replay. Not something they can do in typical lecture demonstrations.
  • They point to studies that find while students receive these sorts of videos positively, they are actually learning very little or learning very superficially
  • Physics teacher Frank Noschese, for example, contrasts the video of Khan's explanation of force with a video documenting his students' exploration of force through hands-on experimentation.
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  • But as some people have found, this sort of reward system on Khan Academy may encourage completion of material for the sake of badges, rather than for the sake of learning itself.
    • djplaner
      The ramifications of changes wrought by ICT can lead to unexpected consequences. Yes, students may be completing all of the Khan Academy activities, but are they learning? How long do they retain that learning?
  • Khan Academy has expanded from just creating videos to include a whole platform through which students can move through the content, including analytics for teachers and parents to track them
    • djplaner
      Replacement, amplification or transformation? Teachers should always have been tracking student progress. Khan Academy makes it much, much easier - so amplification. But Khan Academy also makes it easy for the parent's to track - amplification or transformation?
    Another article looking at the argument between those who see Khan Academy as "the bees-knees" and those who see some problems. There's a point about "lecture-demonstrations" (the model used by Khan) that is particularly relevant to this cause and the idea of the RAT framework.

The "Immeasurable" Part 2 - 1 views

    A blog post that presents a graph giving one representation of where certain skills and knowledge sit along two axes - "difficulty to assess" and "learning in a networked world". The argument is that most assessment in formal education focuses on content knowledge and basic skills.  Rather than on more important but more difficult to assess knowledge and skills. It might not be 100% correct, but it's good food for thought. What are you teaching and assessing in your teaching?  What am I doing?
Emma Smolenaers

Connectivism: A learning theory for the Digital Age - 3 views

  • We can no longer personally experience and acquire learning that we need to act. We derive our competence from forming connections.
  • “Experience has long been considered the best teacher of knowledge. Since we cannot experience everything, other people’s experiences, and hence other people, become the surrogate for knowledge
  • the connections that enable us to learn more are more important than our current state of knowing.
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  • Connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations. New information is continually being acquired. The ability to draw distinctions between important and unimportant information is vital.
  • Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions.
  • Learning may reside in non-human appliances.
  • Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known
  • Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning
  • Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill.
  • Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities.
  • Decision-making is itself a learning process. Choosing what to learn and the meaning of incoming information is seen through the lens of a shifting reality. While there is a right answer now, it may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations in the information climate affecting the decision.
  • Our ability to learn what we need for tomorrow is more important than what we know today.
  • When knowledge, however, is needed, but not known, the ability to plug into sources to meet the requirements becomes a vital skill.
  • Connectivism presents a model of learning that acknowledges the tectonic shifts in society where learning is no longer an internal, individualistic activity. How people work and function is altered when new tools are utilized
  • Connectivism provides insight into learning skills and tasks needed for learners to flourish in a digital era.
    Journal article about Connectivism (may be useful for Assignment 3 part B)

Top Notch Teaching Blog - 5 views

    Melinda Crean is a Perth primary school educator who shares ideas and resources in her blog: Top Notch Teaching, on how to better classroom practice. She shares different ideas and resources on topics such as classroom management, lesson ideas, reflective teaching, Specific Learning Disability (SLD) and much more.
    Primary school teacher and dyslexia specialist, reflects and supports through her own blog for other teachers. She has some great resources and tips to help us out.

The Effects of Whiteboard Animations on Retention and Subjective Experiences when Learn... - 1 views

  • we found that whiteboard animations have a positive effect on retention, engagement and enjoyment, although we do not rule out the possibility that some of this result is due to novelty
  • While animations have a long history in the realm of education, and there is a plethora of research on instructional animations, attempts to measure their impact on educational outcomes have been inconclusive and often contradictory (Betrancourt, 2005)
  • For practical applications, however, the relevant question is not whether animations affect learning, but rather when and how animation affects learning ( Höffler & Leutner, 2007; Mayer & Moreno, 2002)
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  • Thus, the goal of this study is to investigate the relative effectiveness of whiteboard animations on retention and subjective experiences of enjoyment, engagement, attention and challenge compared to more common and less costly instructional materials
  • Overall, we found significant positive effects of the use of whiteboard animation in conveying physics lessons
  • While encouraging, these findings suffer from some shortcomings: the lessons are all in one topic area, and the narration is, from the outset, conceived with animation accompaniment in mind, which may unfairly represent the other formats. This is a general enigma of media comparison studies; if you use the same material in all contexts, it may skew in favor of the context for which it was originally designed. If you don’t use the same material you cannot guarantee uniformity of experience.
    Empirical research into the effectiveness of "whiteboard animation" (Google that term to find out what it is). An example of empirical resarch.
Melissa Messenger

Geographical Association - Why use ICT to enhance learning and teaching at Key Stage 4? - 1 views

  • The effective use of ICT allows for the development of highly creative and inspirational learning and teaching resources and activity programmes.
  • It is a dynamic medium which, when used appropriately by students and teachers, can significantly reinforce and deepen geographical knowledge and understanding.
  • Allows students to collect, display, communicate and evaluate findings in a highly creative and personal fashion. Supportive of independent learning.
Georgia Kello

Teacher Tom - 0 views

    'Teacher Tom' blogs about anything relating to Preschool teaching and his students' learning. He blogs about learning, developing and activities relating to many topics including emotions, life and death, sensory, power, rules, parenting, multi-aged classrooms and conflict.
Bridget Bell

The Australian Curriculum v6.0 History: Rationale - 0 views

  • It promotes the understanding of societies, events, movements and developments that have shaped humanity
  • An understanding of world
  • history enhances students’ appreciation of Australian history.
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  • knowledge and understanding is essential for informed and active participation in Australia's diverse society.
  • History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that develops students' curiosity and imagination
  • History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that develops students' curiosity and imagination
  • nterpretative by nature, promotes debate and encourages thinking about human values
  • interpret sources; consider context; respect and explain different perspectives; develop and substantiate interpretations, and communicate effectively
  • The study of history is based on evidence derived from remains of the past.

How to Connect With Other Teachers in the Social Age | Edudemic - 1 views

  • In the 2012 Primary Sources Survey conducted by Scholastic and The Gates Foundation, teacher respondents claimed to spend only about 4% of each day collaborating with colleagues, while 44% of teachers surveyed responded that they would like that collaboration time to increase.
  • some of these same emerging trends in technology and teaching can help teachers connect with each other and exchange ideas and resources.
  • New teachers can find mentors online, people with tried and true experience to help get them through the tough dilemmas they face in the classroom. Veteran teachers can find research and new information about technology and ways to bring their practice to the next level.
    this is an interesting article that gives suggestions on how we as educators can connect and collaborate with our peers
Suzanne Usher

Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction - - 0 views

  • Research also shows that students often juggle homework and entertainment.
  • At Woodside, as elsewhere, students’ use of technology is not uniform. Mr. Reilly, the principal, says their choices tend to reflect their personalities.
  • The technology has created on campuses a new set of social types — not the thespian and the jock but the texter and gamer, Facebook addict and YouTube potato. “The technology amplifies whoever you are,” Mr. Reilly says.
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  • “Downtime is to the brain what sleep is to the body,” said Dr. Rich of Harvard Medical School. “But kids are in a constant mode of stimulation.”
  • “The headline is: bring back boredom,” added Dr. Rich, who last month gave a speech to the American Academy of Pediatrics entitled, “Finding Huck Finn: Reclaiming Childhood from the River of Electronic Screens.”
  • Dr. Rich said in an interview that he was not suggesting young people should toss out their devices, but rather that they embrace a more balanced approach to what he said were powerful tools necessary to compete and succeed in modern life.
  • “Today mixing music, tomorrow sound waves and physics,” he says. And he thinks the key is that they love not just the music but getting their hands on the technology. “We’re meeting them on their turf.”
  • Teachers at Woodside commonly blame technology for students’ struggles to concentrate, but they are divided over whether embracing computers is the right solution.
    A rather long but in-depth article about the double-edged sword of technology in schools. A very interesting read about teaching effective use of technology, and the importance of balance in our lives. 

Teenagers Leading Happy, Connected Lives Online - - 0 views

  • Where are the dire warnings about how the online world is depriving our teenagers of their opportunity to learn the skills needed to interact with people instead of screens while exposing them to all manner of bullying and cruelty, and tempting them to fritter away endless hours playing video games?
  • “Adults have tended to see time online for teenagers as this frivolous, time-wasting thing that’s just entertainment. But what we found is that it’s crucial for teenagers in forming and maintaining these really important relationships in their lives
    Is social media all that bad when..... "A new report on "Teens, Technology and Friendships" from the Pew Foundation puts an unusually positive spotlight on the online lives of teenagers as they build friendships and connections in a digital world. Teenagers aged 13 to17 are finding ways to strengthen their relationships with real-world friends as well as making new friends through social media, video gaming, messaging apps and other virtual connectors."
Ann Bond

Empowering diverse learners using popular culture | CLN647_13se2: Youth, Popular Cultur... - 1 views

    This is the Blog of Leanora Donnelly a special education teacher with whom I have had the pleasure of working. She is passionate about inclusion and differentiation, interests I also share. Whilst this blog focuses on popular culture it does talk about how the inclusion of pop culture through the use of ICTs can enrich the educational experiences of students and teachers and even the playing field for students with disability and other diverse learners.
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