Brigham and Women's Hospital Tests NFC RFID for Patient Bedsides - RFID Journal - 0 views
Harvard Medical School teaching affiliate Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) is testing a Near Field Communication (NFC) RFID system it developed that enables health-care staff members to manage the administration of medication at a patient's bedside.
consists of a Google Nexus 7 tablet and a software app that interprets RFID tag data regarding patients and the medications they receive. The system works with passive NFC RFID tags attached to medications, to patients' wristbands and to staff members' ID badges, thereby enabling a user to read the tags and link the patient, caretaker and medication in the app
Since 2005, BWH has managed its medication administration data via bar codes
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This program insures the safety and well keeping of the patients. I know it's not the latest in-room safe technology. But having just been in a hospital and having a dreadful experience I can honestly say that this technology would have helped. During my hospital stay I was lost, mistaken for a man, not given an IV, and almost given the wrong prescription. Now I know it was 3 am, but if this program would have been installed I don't think I would have the same story to tell. The fact that the software tracks both the patients and the staff is what I find amazing. That was the biggest problem with my visit. No-one knew who was supposed to take care of me. This would have changed all of that.