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Linda Burns

7 - Eastern vs Western cultures regarding learning and intelligence - 1 views

    Title : Struggle for Smarts? How Eastern and Western Cultures Tackle Learning Author : Ali Spiegel Date : 11/12/2012 Link : Why Relevant and Summary: Points out a big difference between Eastern and Western cultures regarding intelligence and learning. Eastern cultures believe that struggling through a problem is "good" and shows emotional strength. They believe intelligence is something that anyone can obtain through hard work and persistence. Western culture tends to view intelligence as innate. And if you have to struggle at something, then you're simply not good at it, and that's that. How This Influenced My Thinking: Once this was pointed out to me, it seemed very apparent to me. Considering I grew up with an Asian mom and many Asian friends, I felt that this generalization held some truth to it.
Lolo Miller

5- What Happens to a Women's Body as she Ages? - 0 views

    Title-what happens to a woman's body as she ages Author-Celcilia Kirkpatrick Date-2007 Why revenant to and summary- It explains the changes that goes on at this age. How this influenced my thinking-I never realized how many things we actually have to go through as we start to age. Credibility of source-It seems credible because it is from a health contributor
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    Title: What happens to a woman's body as she ages? Author: Cecilia Kirkpatrick Date Published: October 2007 Why Relevant and Summary: This article discusses how each aspect of the body is affected by aging How This Influenced My Thinking: It made me very aware of how extensive aging is and how much I am not looking forward to getting older Credibility of Source: This article is from a newspaper so it seems pretty credible
    title: what happens to a womans body as she ages author:Cecelia Kirkpatrick date published: 10-24-2011 why relevant and summary: The information i found on this site is relevant to the essay i wrote because it touches on some signs of aging that woman encounter. Grey hair, wrinkles, eye damage, and ear damage are all discussed on her webpage. As well as menopause changes and what a woman can expect as she nears the age of fifty. how this influenced my thinking: This website told me a bit about what to expect during the aging process. It also delved into internal bodily changes like changes in digestion, organs, skeletal system, etc. credibility: I didnt see a citations, but shes a health contributor
    Title: What Happens to a Women's Body as she Ages? Author: Cecilia Kirkpatrick Date Published: 2007 Why Relevant and Summary: In this newspaper article Cecilia talks about the changes a woman undergoes as she ages. This is perfect for my paper since it tells me exactly what I need to know. She goes from physical changes all the way to the changes on the inside of the body and mentally as well. How This Influenced My Thinking: This just enlightened me on all the changes that I am eventually going to go through as I age. Credibility of Source: It is a newspaper article with an author and date and information seems accurate as it complements our textbook.
Angel Thomas

7-Aging: What to expect - 1 views

    Title: Aging: What to Expect Author: Mayo Clinic staff Date Published: Nov. 8, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This article get in depth about how age and past living life styles like smoking or bad eating habits can effect the body over time. The article covers different parts of the body and how age effect them. For example, the parts of the body the article covers is the cardiovascular system, bones, joints, and muscles. How This Influenced My Thinking: This article gave me a more in depth perception on how the choices we making in our middle adulthood can effect the life expectancy of our life. Credibility of Source: Mayo clinic is a trademark of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
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    Title: Aging: What to expect - Author: Mayo Clinic Staff Date Published: n.d. Why Relevant and Summary: Clearly discusses what happens as we age including the topics cardiovascular health, bones, joints and muscles, the digestive system, the bladder and urinary tract, and memory. Discusses what one can do to help keep the body as healthy as possible during this transition. How This Influenced My Thinking: Gave me insight into things I can do now to slow the aging process. Credibility of Source: Great - Mayo Clinic is a great source
    Title: Aging: What to Expect Author: None Date Published: November 8, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: It discussed almost every change to a man at age 50!! How This Influenced My Thinking: It informed me on many aging effects I had no idea about. Credibility of Source: Seems legit!
    Title: Aging: What to Expect Author: None Date Published: November 8, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: It talked about what to expect as you get older and what to do about it. How This Influenced My Thinking: It gave me some ideas to what I can do as I get older so that my body stays healthy Credibility of Source: Good
Angel Thomas

5-Caring for Elderly - 0 views

    Title: 15 Reasons to Use In-Home Elderly Care for a Loved One | Tender Hearts at Home Senior Care Author: no author Date: 2013 Why Relevant and Summary: this article discusses why some elderly people would rather have in home care and the benefits of opting for in home care. A few of the benefits that many agreed on were that there was better one on one care and that they were able to become closer to their families. How this Influenced my Thinking: This was a very insightful article on why most elder people would rather be cared for in home versus in a facility. Credibility: This website conducted research on this topic.
    Title: 15 Reasons to Use In-Home Elderly Care for a Loved One | Tender Hearts at Home Senior Care Author: no author Date: 2013 Why Relevant and Summary: this article discusses why some elderly people want to have in home care and what are the benefits of opting for in home care. How this Influenced my Thinking: I would rather just take care of my parents if I had too Credibility: Good
Alma Reed

7 - Moral Reasoning and how it is used in our modern world - 2 views

    Title: The Tribal Mind: Moral Reasoning and Public Discourse Author: Arnold Kling Date Published: April 26, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: As soon as I saw this article I thought it was great. In a very interesting way it explain what moral reasoning is and how it is developed, influenced upon and used in today's complicated world. It taps on issues that we are faced with daily, especially coming after a presidential election where the "morals" of each side where being discussed and with a fierce public discourse. This essay also discusses some great books written about the topic and the author does a great job at explaining how our own personal moral values and beliefs are used to justify our behavior and manipulate others; and also how these moral decisions are very often based on instinct and rapid judgment rather than rational thought. The author maintains the position that even though we have come along as a society we still behave sometimes in tribal manner, and that goes not only for how we conduct business or personal relationships but also how this great country of ours is run. How This Influenced My Thinking: As a young person, and as a mother of two young boys, I took in all the information that I got from this article; I think I am going to read it again and also read the books that were used to support some of the thinking behind it. I believe that when someone truly understand where someone else is coming from it will be easier to comprehend their thinking and the commitment that they have to their moral compass. Also interesting to find out was how often rushed moral judgment occurs in our society, and how that directly impact all of us. It was a great article with a great deal of food for thought. Credibility of Source: It was published on "The American" an online magazine of the American Enterprise Institute and its author is a member of the Financial Markets Working Group at the Mercatus Center of George Mason University

6 - Identity development as a life-long process, Eriksonian theory - 0 views

    Title:  Identity Development Throughout the Lifetime: An Examination of Eriksonian Theory Author: Justin T. Sokol Date Published: March 1, 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: Erikson's theories are relevant to almost all types of research on identity development. Identity development is a life-span process, as Eriksonian theories suggest. This particular publication is an in depth examination of Erikson's theories on identity development: identification in early childhood, Identity formation in adolescence, identity development in adulthood. How This Influenced My Thinking: I agree with the research: Identity development is an ongoing process that continues through adulthood. I see examples of this looking over my childhood, adolescence and adulthood so far. At 32 years old, I can honestly agree with Erikson's theories on identity development - I feel as though my identity (though does not change drastically anymore) certainly continues to develop. Credibility of Source:  This publication is from Graduate Journal of Counseling Psychology at Marquette University, so is likely highly credible
Julia Magallanes

5-Factors affecting prenatal development - 1 views

    Title: Beginnings, Growth and Development Author: Dr. Mark Hill Date Published: 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: Many factors contribute to prenatal development: nutrition, health, environment, drug use, illness. Abnormalities are at greater risk of occurring during critical periods of development. This period is highest during the embryonic stage. By gathering research on what affects prenatal development, we can pinpoint when pregnant women are most at risk and the factors, thereby preventing congenital problems. How This Influenced My Thinking: It's very surprising how a span of 6 weeks can have such a life changing impact on a person before they're even born. It's crucial that women who are pregnant or may become pregnant be informed and get the proper care needed before and during a pregnancy. Credibility of Source: The publication comes form The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. This seems to have been created by one of the professors.
Sarah Haughton

6 - Sleep and Memory - how bad sleeping habits can effect memory loss as we age - 0 views

    Title: Sleepless Nights May Put The Aging Brain At Risk Of Dementia Author: Patti Neighmond Date Published: August 27, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: As we age, our body's sleep cycle naturally changes. As teenagers our body's clock (influences by internal temperature) induces sleep from about midnight to late morning, while as adults our body's clock induces sleep from about 8pm to 4am; therefore our body's needs change as we age. Plus, 40% of older adults suffer from sleep problems such as insomnia. The lack of deep sleep, and specifically of REM sleep, is connected to memory loss and can lead to dementia. This is relevant in our develop as humans in that awareness of our sleep habits and patterns have more of an effect on us that just a temporary sleepiness the next day, but in the long run it can effect our ability to have better memory as we age. Credibility of Source: The article comes from NPR's Health Blog. There is also a sound recording of the article with clips from the author on the webpage. The autor is Psychiatrist Kristine Yaffe of the University of California, San Francisco. Very credible.
Andrea Miller

6 - Looking at the language developmental milestones in bilingual children - 2 views

    Title: Milestones in Bilingual Children's Language Development Author: Annick De Houwer Date Published: 07/31/2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This is a relevant article because it is looking at language development, focusing on how children that grow up hearing two languages from infancy develop, and whether or not there are any discernible delays as children learn to process two languages. How This Influenced My Thinking: I thought that this was a very interesting article walking me through the developmental process of a bilingual child, I think that giving a child a chance to grow up with more than one language is very helpful, and this article supports my feelings. Credibility of Source: I think that it is a fairly credible source; the website is published through the University of Western Ontario,
karina evdokimoff

7-Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory - 2 views

    Title: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory Author: Dede Paquette and John Ryan Date Published: 2001 Why Relevant and Summary: Explains Bronfenbrenner's theory and connects it to modern child development and compares this to child development when the economy was more industrial, less technological. It also explains Bronfenbrenner's concerns with our technological world. The 5th page looks at the human body as a part of a person's microsystem, which was fascinating, especially since the textbook doesn't seem to consider this. How This Influenced My Thinking: Introduced the idea of the human body as being part of the microsystem - new to me! Also, I learned that this model can play a big role in influencing public policies, which is refreshing because as a student, it's easy to get caught up in this thinking that the classroom stuff isn't relevant or doesn't easily apply to the real world… but it can! Credibility of Source: Pretty good - the work cites a lot of educational resources, and I read the company profile, which seems to be run by qualified people.
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    Title: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory Author: Dede Paquette-John Ryan Date published: N.D. Why relevant and summary: This shows a picture representing the different layers of the environmental systems that affect the development and nicely explains each one including the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. How this influenced my thinking: It showed me how everything in your life affects you and those around you. Credibility of source: Sites many different references.
    Title: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Author: Dede Paquette and John Ryan Date Published: 7/12/2001 Why Relevant and Summary: This paper breaks down Bronfenbrenner's theory while giving examples of each of the five systems of the theory. Not only does the paper breakdown all five steps and give examples in each step, but it also goes on to talk about nature Vs. nurture and the implications for practicing this theory. How This Influenced My Thinking: This paper has influenced my thinking in that it made me realize how this theory could be brought into real life. I did not fully understand the concept of actually practicing this theory until reading this paper. Credibility of Source: This source is reliable because it was written and revised at a university, and also there are resources backing up all the facts stated in this paper.
    Author: Dede Paquette - John Ryan Date Published: July 12th 2001 Why Relevent: This was a quick and to the point overview of the theory. It simplified the levels so I could wrap my head around it. The only drawback was that it was a little too short anf sweet. How This Influenced My Thinking- It just cleared up some of the levels for me. Credibility: From USD website
    Title: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory Author: Dede Paquette and John Ryan Date Published: July 12, 2001 Why Relevant and Summary: It gives an in depth overview of Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory while analyzing and providing examples of the many components to the healthy development of a child. How This Influenced My Thinking: It hasn't particularly influenced my thinking but has given a better understanding of how the theory applies. Credibility of Source: Good- (.edu website)
    Title: Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory Author: Dede Paquette - John Ryan Date published: 7/12/01 Why relevant and summary: This site is relevant because it explains what Bronfenbrenner's theory is and what it encompasses. As well as stating what the theory is, the site also goes over in detail, all the different systems associated with Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory. There is also an illustration with various terms that provides links to sites that explain the implications of each theory. How it influenced my thinking: This site influenced my thinking in a positive way because it broke down what each system was, what it entailed, and gave examples of what was being discussed. Credibility of source: The source is very credible and is riddled with citations and works cited pages. The link to it also ends in which means it is probably a site made by colleges for colleges.
Badfish Two

6-Water Births - 0 views

    Title: Water Birth Author: American Pregnancy Association Date Published: 01/2013 Why Relevant and Summary: This page shows the benefits to water birth over traditional vaginal birth outside of water, giving tips on how to prepare for a water birth, and those it would not work well for. How This Influenced My Thinking: I was unaware of all of the benefits of water births. Credibility of Source: 8; sources are cited at the base of article
    Title: Water Births Author: American Pregnancy Association Date Published: 01/2013-Last Revised Why Relevant and Summary: It gives a good overview to the benefits and drawbacks to water birth. How This Influenced My Thinking: It influences me further in my belief that a water birth is the choice for me. Credibility of Source: Yes, the references listed at the bottom of this short overview, that were used to compile the information that was provided here, are credible sources.
Yadira Quiroz

5 - Precocious Puberty - 0 views

    Author: Kid's Health Date Published: Last Updated 10/12 Why Relevant and Summary: This website gives an explanation of how early puberty is seen in today's children. It goes into detail on the consequences of starting puberty at a young age, such as engaging in risky behavior and in growth problems. How This Influenced My Thinking: This website definitely made me aware of how children as young as seven are starting puberty. As a kid one usually looks up to kids who have a deep voice or girls who develop breast early, and this website made me realize that those kids whom everyone admires, are at risk of having health problems later on in life. Credibility of Source: This website seems to be credible because it does give a lot of information about kids health, and it was also reviewed by a M.D.
Lauren Coker

6- Understand Temperament - 0 views

    Title:Understanding Your Child's Temperament Author:Kathy K. Oliver, M.S Date Published: 2002 (?) Why Relevant and Summary: This covers the basics of what temperament is, and how to tell what temperament a child might fall under. It describes the different traits of temperament and how to react to them. How this Influenced my Thinking: I wasn't aware of how many various traits a child can have that can determine their temperament, i generally believed you either had a well-behaved child, or a fussy child. This gives more dimension to temperament and shows how there are varying levels to a temperament as well. Credibility of Source: Has references; linked to Ohio State University; somewhat dated information, but information that is still relevant.
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    Title:Understanding your child's temperment Author:Kathy K. Oliver M.S., Date Published:2002 Why Relevant and Summary: It helps educate people on what temperament is, temperament type, traits, and on parenting with different temperamental types. How This Influenced My Thinking:I never though much about temperamental specifically.  My two children have very different temperament types and this gave me incite. Credibility of Source:It looks very valid.  It had good cited references.
    Title: Understanding Your Child's Temperament Author: Kathy Oliver Date Published:May 2002 Why Relevant and Summary: This is definitely relevant as it looks at temperament, more specifically what it is and its categories/types. How This Influenced My Thinking: It got me thinking about all the categories there are and where I might fit in. Credibility of Source: A woman with a masters typed it up and it belong to Ohio State University.
    Title: Understanding Your Child's Temperament Author: Kathy Oliver Date Published: n.d. Why Relevant and Summary: This fact sheet discusses how temperament is determined, what characterizes each type of temperament, how parenting can help each type of temperament and also some parenting tips with temperament in mind. How This Influenced My Thinking: I know understand which types of parenting are better for each type of temperament Credibility of Source: Very credible
    Title: Understand Your Child's Temperament Author: Kathy K. Oliver Date Published: 2002 Why Relevant and Summary: Thoroughly explains temperament and its different variations and types. Identifies the interaction of parenting styles and child temperament on the relationship between parent and child. How This Influenced My Thinking: Called me to evaluate my own temperament, recall my parents' temperaments and the interaction of the two in my growth and development. Credibility of Source: OSU
Denise Villa

7- Vygotsky & Rogoff - 1 views

    Title: Lev Vygotsky Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2007 Why Relevant and Summary: Talks about Vygotsky and the theories that he created. It also has a good comparison between Vygotsky and Piaget. How This Influenced My Thinking: It was good additional material that went more in depth on the topic, and had some information that the textbook did not cover. Credibility of Source: Good - the author is a professor at Wigan and Leigh college.
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    Title: Lev Vygotsky Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2007 Why Relevant and Summary: This article gives a detailed overview of Vygotsky's theory of social development. How This Influenced My Thinking: This article relates the similarities and differences between Piaget's theories and Vygotsky's. Credibility of Source: 7- cites all sources which are credible
    Title:Lev Vygotsky Author:Saul McLeod Date Published:2007 Why Relevant and Summary:Detailed background information about Vygotsky and how his theory differs from Piaget's theory. The effects of Vygotsky's theory is presented and there is also a video that talks about the differences of both theories. How This Influenced My Thinking:I learned a lot more about Vygotsky and how his and Piaget's theory differ from one another. Credibility of Source:Credible.
    Title: Lev Vygotsky Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2007 Why Relevant and Summary: This article was relevant to the writing assignment because it helped me understand that an important concept to the Zone of Proximal Development relates to the difference between what a child can achieve independently and what a child needs guidance with. How This Influenced My Thinking: This helped me know that children should have somewhat of independence and freedom to learn skills that'll benefit them in the future. This will teach the child to be responsible and to be independent. Credibility of Source: very credible
Alma Reed

6 - A video of an infant's habituation process - 0 views

    Title: Infant looking time habituation. Activity 2 from "what babies can do?" DVD Author: power-babies-youtube video Date: March 24, 2011 Why relevant and summary:The process of habituation is very crucial to our cognitive development and ability to function in the world. This clip shows the activity how it is performed and how the data is collected and the graph plotted. I think it is very interesting watching what we learn how it is actually done in practice and also how it occurs naturally. How this influenced my thinking: It has made my belief stronger on the ability our children have to perform cognitive tasks at a much earlier age than previously thought. Credibility of source: This DVD is put together by a psychologist with a PhD in experimental psychology and cognitive science.
Gabrielle Nguyen

4-Grasping Skills and Cognitive Ability Activities for Babies - 0 views

    Title:Grasping Skills and Cognitive Ability Activities for Babies Author:Jennifer White Date Published:n.d. Why Relevant and Summary:Describes everything from grasping skills to cognitive development and why babies do what they do at certain ages. It is very descriptive and tells you why babies play with certain toys and how it affects their thinking. How This Influenced My Thinking:I know a lot more about how and why babies play with certain toys. Credibility of Source:Somewhat credible as seeing as there is an author and other links reguarding more information if needed.
Taylor Robinson

6 - Tom Cruise Interview - 0 views

    Title: "I'm Passionate About Life" Author: Matt Lauer Interviews Tom Cruise Date Published: June 25, 2005 Why Relevant and Summary: This interview looked at the criticism for medication for ADHD. Tom Cruise gave his reasoning on why he thought meds were bad and it related to the ADHD and culture portion of the short writing assignment. How This Influenced My Thinking: This gave insight on the opposing side to meds. Credibility of Source: It was an interview so I don't think he could lie about his opinion!

7- Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, & Future of ADHD - 0 views

    Title: Attention Deficit Disorder - An Introduction to ADD/ADHD Author(s):Regina Bussing, M.D. and John M. Grohol, Psy.D. Date Published:Jan 6, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: It gives a nice overview of what exactly ADHD (and also ADD) is, what symptoms there are and how to work with it. it also gives interesting facts about how long it may have been around, and how many people are diagnosed with it. How this Influenced my Thinking; This just gave me a few extra bits of information about ADHD and its history, i am already familiar with it, as i have a younger brother who was diagnosed with it. Credibility of Source: The authors have degrees, and it is on a credible website about many varying aspects of psychology.
    Title: Attention Deficit Disorder Author: Regina Bussing and John M. Grohol Date Published: 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This article describes the different symptoms of ADHD, and the different subtypes of ADHD. How it Influenced my Thinking: I was really surprised by the number of children in america that have ADHD. It says on average one student in each classroom will have it. Credibility of Source: Seems like a very credible source.
    Title: Attention Deficit Disorder: An Introduction to ADD/ADHD Author: Regina Bussing, M.D. and John M. Grohol, Psy.D. Date Published: Jan. 6, 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This site grants a broad and detailed overview of many factors dealing with ADHD. How This Influenced My Thinking: The up-to-date research regarding the history, treatments, and causes of ADHD of this site have been illuminating and helpful. Credibility of Source: 7- Sources are cited at the bottom of articles, from credible sources.
Amanda Perez

7. ADHD... Are meds necessary or are you a lazy parent? - 0 views

    Title: Are meds necessary or are you a lazy parent? Author: Kori Ellis Date Published: April 3, 2012 Why relevant/summary: This article gives a great explanation of what ADHD is, how to treat it as well as a look at the over diagnosis of the disorder. How did this influence my thinking?: This article makes clear many aspects of ADHD that I had not thought of or known about prior to reading it. Source Credibility: Very credible. Not only did the author include relevant personal opinions but included many citations from medical professionals in many different fields of medicine.
Tara Ponsot

4-Nature, Nurture and Attention Deficit - 0 views

    Title: Nature, Nurture and Attention Deficit Author: ALIYAH BARUCHIN Date Published: 3/12/08 Why Relevant and Summary: I was curious about whether nature or nurture is responsible for ADHD. This article was an interview with Susan Smalley, Ph.D., is a professor in the department of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior and director of its Mindful Awareness Research Center. How this influenced my thinking: I was fascinated to find out about some of the environmental factors that show increased lecels of ADHD. Credibility: I'm on the fence. The doctor seems credible, but I am not sure about the writer.
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