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How Marketing Has Failed Socially Responsible Investing | - 0 views

  • Look at index after index, and you see SRI funds that consistently outperform their non-responsible counterparts. It's easy to understand why, if you consider companies incorporating sustainable and socially responsible practices are generally also innovative and forward-thinking in other areas -- which tends to lead to better returns.
  • Cliff Feigenbaum, publisher of Green Money, believes that SRI is gaining wider market acceptance, but still remains niche. As he told me, it's migrated from values-based personal investors to become part of much larger institutional portfolios, but only a minute part of these portfolios. It would appear institutional investors include SRI funds to tick off a box for trustees and shareholders.

3 Reasons Why Responsible Investing is Booming During the Downturn | - 0 views

  • Far from being a faddish niche, SRI is now very much part of the investing world, with more than $3 trillion in assets under professional management in the U.S. alone, according to the 2010 Report on Socially Responsible Investing Trends in the United States from U.S. SIF, the Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investing. SRI hinges on use of ESG (environmental, social, governance) analysis, shareholder advocacy, and "community investment" strategies.
  • That $3 trillion in publicly traded securities in the U.S. represents a more than 13 percent increase in assets under management between 2007 and 2010. Over the same period, the broader universe of professionally managed assets grew by less than 1 percent. So, here is the $3-trillion question: Why has the SRI space enjoyed such robust growth, during a period of global economic slowdown?
  • First, socially conscious investors have benefited from an expansion of quantity and improvement in quality of investment products and services designed to make money and make a difference.
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  • people are paying more attention to their impacts on the world; they are asking more questions about how their actions impact the commons known as planet earth.

Opinions differ on the future of sustainable investing | - 0 views

  • In an article titled "Relevance Achieved" in the fall 2012 issue of Green Money Journal, Amy Domini of Domini Social Investments commends sustainable investors for their successful campaign to pressure corporations into issuing sustainability reports. What was a rare occurrence 30 years ago is now practiced by more than 80 percent of companies, she writes.    As a result, regulators are now more willing to mandate that companies report on issues such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and asset managers are increasingly considering environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) factors in their investment analysis. And academics are reporting more and more examples of outperformance by leading sustainable firms.  "As society sees the full cost of traditional business behavior," Domini concluded, "SRI (socially responsible investing) will be embraced as the single most important lever towards building a better world than the planet has ever seen." 
  • Contrasting the growth capitalism still dominant today with sustainable capitalism, Joe Keefe of Pax World writes, "The sustainable investment community's role is vital because the fundamental struggle is between a long-term perspective that fully integrates ESG factors into economic and investment decisions and our current paradigm which is increasingly organized around short-term trading gains as the primary driver of capital investment and economic growth regardless of consequences/externalities." 

Mutual Fund Designed to Help Banks Meet Their Community Reinvestment Act Investment Exa... - 0 views

  • The CRA was created in 1977 and mandates that banks make credit and capital available to low- and moderate-income communities.
  • Launched in 1999, the Fund’s CRA Shares are designed specifically for banks looking to receive positive consideration on the investment test portion of their CRA exam. Once a bank makes an investment in the CRA Shares, the Advisor confirms its targeted assessment area(s) and begins seeking CRA-qualified investments in those counties. From a financial standpoint, each bank owns a pro-rata share of the Fund whereby the risks and returns are diversified among all the shareholders. The Fund invests primarily in government-related subsectors of the bond market that support community development such as agency-backed securities and taxable municipal bonds.
  • The CRA Qualified Investment Fund CRA Shares has provided solid performance throughout its history.
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  • “The Fund allows banks the opportunity to invest in a vehicle that targets community development capital to their local markets,” said Barbara VanScoy, senior portfolio manager at Community Capital Management. “Many of these markets may be areas that banks have difficulty in reaching. We also work closely with bank examiners and our bank shareholders to ensure that the Fund’s investments are compliant with the regulations and respond to changing community development needs.”

Global Impact Investing Network - 0 views

  • Impact investments are investments made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return.
  • A rapidly growing supply of capital is seeking placement in impact investments across geographies, sectors, and asset classes, with a wide range of return expectations.
  • This investment interest is sparking the emergence of a new industry that operates in the largely uncharted area between philanthropy and a singular focus on profit-maximization.
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  • Private equity funds
  • Clients of leading private banks and pension funds are calling on their investment managers to offer impact investment options.
  • Prominent family offices are actively seeking investment partnerships that can help them source, vet, and execute impact investment deals in sectors ranging from sustainable agriculture to healthcare to urban infrastructure.Private foundations are seeking to partner with investment banks and development finance institutions to make impact investments in areas related to their social missions.
  • Despite this momentum, the weakness of market mechanisms (such as rating agencies, market clearinghouses, syndication facilities, investment consultants) creates debilitating inefficiency that hampers investment. The nascent industry remains beset by inefficiencies and distortions that currently limit its impact and threaten its future trajectory: Investors are largely unable to work together effectively given a general confusion of terminology. This limits investors' ability to share knowledge and co-invest, which perpetuates inefficiency and fragmentation in the field. The absence of basic market infrastructure, like standards for measuring and benchmarking performance, constrains impact and capital flows.
    • Janine Shea
      HUGE! The exact market inefficiency I've been saying (poor matching of capital supply to investment opportunities) is the considerable roadblock preventing the proliferation of sustainable development
  • The combination of these factors - barriers to information flows and collaboration, a lack of infrastructure, and an underdeveloped ecosystem of intermediaries and services providers - threatens the evolution of the impact investing industry and, ultimately, its ability to realize its potential for social and environmental impact

The Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings (GISR) - 0 views

  • In this new initiative, Ceres and the Tellus Institute will partner on the Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings (GISR) to seize an urgent opportunity to create a non-commercial, generally accepted sustainability ratings standard that meets the highest standards of technical excellence, independence and transparency.
  • The last decade has witnessed the rise of sustainability as a defining element of responsible business strategy and performance. In fact, companies like Nike, GE, Unilever, Novo Nordisk, Natura and dozens of others recognize sustainability as integral to their global competitiveness and long-term prosperity.
  • One need look no further than the BP oil spill, the collapse and taxpayer bailout of the US auto industry, and the Massey Energy mine explosion to understand why financial markets must develop better ways to assess sustainability performance.
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  • From a global perspective, the financial implications are enormous. A 2002 UNEP Finance Initiative study estimates that the cost of environmental damages of the 3,000 largest listed companies is valued at $2.15 trillion dollars and that more than 50% of company earnings are at risk owing to such damages.

5 Ideas for Pinterest Boards That Can Help Build Your Brand | - 0 views

  • Pinterest recently launched business accounts, allowing users to define their accounts as businesses or brands
  • video? You could pin the image of that content with a live link to download the paper or play the video on your website.
  • Try a virtual focus group by creating a Pinterest board that allows you to test what your target market thinks. Brand managers can post and pay attention to what is getting liked, repinned and commented on, then pivot as needed. Beyond seeking feedback on products and services, you could ask for opinions on a particular aspect of your business.
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  • Events
  • Makeovers
  • Company culture. Generate greater customer engagement by giving your clients an inside peek at your business through a board or boards that offer a feel for your company's style, ideas, projects and commitments.

How to Influence Development in Your Neighborhood | Neighborhood Notes - 0 views


Recent Blog Posts > Local content drives engagement on Facebook - 0 views

  • The experiment found that on an apples-to-apples basis, posting local content drove stronger levels of shares, likes and comments than global content. 
  • We found that during the first four months of this experiment, the average engagement rate across all geo-focused posts was six times higher than all global posts.
  • They identified nine different types of story that drove higher levels of engagement as shown in this infographic.  
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  • We know people appreciate personally relevant content and a sense of community, but these findings suggest that relevance may also be found in making content more specific to where someone lives, not just their lifestyle.
    Excellent validation for location-based social network

How Crowdfunding Aids Hurricane Sandy Relief | Solar Mosaic | Invest in Solar Projects ... - 0 views

  • This could be a better practice since it creates a separation of powers. Instead of blindly donating, you can see someone in your community or across the world is in need and set up a page in their name to collect funds for them. This allows those who are too busy to volunteer to feel more active in the donation process. They are able to see the effect of their funds and can even reach out to the person in need after they have donated. 

Since the interest graph is so hot, why not take a dip 'At The Pool' [invites] - The Ne... - 0 views

  • I realized the Internet does a great job at connecting us with our friends and family, but a terrible job at introducing us to new people and getting us offline.
  • It’s incredibly difficult and frustrating trying to find like-minded people nearby.
  • When you look at what people are searching for, they’re searching for people close by who share their interests.
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  • Through interests, pools, and activities on our site, we’re able to connect people in a very strong way, around the interests that actually matter to them.
  • The Facebook connection is important for a number of reasons. First, it allows us to validate a member’s age (must be over 18 to use the site). Second, it allows us to explore and map around mutual friends, which is important when fostering new relationships. And third, it makes the profile creation process easier by pulling photos and information.
  • The goal with At The Pool is to bridge the online-offline gap and get people meeting up in the real world.
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