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Andrew Lieou

Don't Upgrade to the iPad 4 - 0 views

    The iPad 4 is already coming out. You know what that means.  Another Apple product to buy and add to your collection.  Apple completely ditched the iPad 3 because it used the old adapter.  The iPad 4 uses the lightning connector just like the iPhone 5. Therefore the iPad 4 is impractical to buy if you are an iPad or iPad 2 user.  However if you are just starting out with the iPad then feel free to buy the iPad 4.  The difference between the iPad "3" and the iPad 4 is that iPad is that iPad "3" uses the A5X processor and iPad 4 uses the A6X.  A6X is twice as fast as A5X but the A5X has longer battery life.  Who needs speed when you have battery? So is it smart to upgrade?
Justin Hernandez

3 Habits For Managing Your Social Media Footprint - 0 views

    Many of us people keep social networking as a daily part in our lives. Apparently, we can end up putting a social media footprint. This article shows us three habits to manage this footprint; to make sure that we don't put our too much of our thoughts and private lives out to the world. We know that a huge social media footprint can end up getting us judged by others. This has to do with privacy and security because we can go off on what we post on facebook and twitter and share many private things, but we need to remember that the internet has a lot of memory and can keep those posts and private things for a long time. This also relates with eLifestyle because as we have access to these different social networks we share a lot of thoughts and other things out on the internet and it can have a negative or positive effect on us.
Adrian Ma

'Jesus' and 'Ninja' Infiltrate List of Worst Passwords | TechnoBuffalo - 0 views

    According to SplashData, a new list of "Worst Passwords of 2012" has been published and some of the new worst passwords include "jesus", "ninja", "welcome", and more. SplashData gets their information based on files containing millions of stolen passwords posted online by hackers. These are perhaps the worst passwords that can ever be used when protecting your account. The best passwords contain at least eight characters and uses a combination of numbers, letters, and even symbols. "password" remains the most used, but worst password ever. For some of my less important accounts, I too also have use the password "password".
Nicked -

Apple Is a Follower - 0 views

    Many of us think of Apple as this giant in electronics. Over the past decade, Apple set the market for smartphones, ultrabooks, and tablets. However, in the past couple of years, Apple has begun to fall off. Rather than being the huge 'juggernaut,' Apple has become a follower, forced to play catch up to other companies including Google and Amazon. Evidence of this are tied to the recent releases of the Kindle Fire and the Nexus 7. Apple's response was the iPad Mini, when they realized consumers enjoyed smaller tablets. Before that was the iPhone 5, in response to people wanting larger phone displays. Apple Maps is a blunder that both iOS 6 users and Apple pays for. Apple was slow on the draw to join in on changes to the market specifications. Having controlled the market for the past decade with the popularization of smartphones, tablets, and retina display, Apple was simply unprepared to react to these changes. Apple still has their innovation and secrets hidden in R&D, but the fact of the matter is their most recent releases contain ideas from other companies' progress. This relates to elifestyle because our generation uses these products in our daily lives. Most of us do not remember a time when electronics did not make up a substantial part of our lives; when Apple was not a prominent consumer electronics company. This reminds us that power does not last indefinitely; innovators become followers, and companies fall. The next big thing in electronics may not even exist yet. 
Sarah Karam

BrowserQuest Is Pure HTML5 Gaming Goodness | Webmonkey | - 0 views

    This game is called BrowserQuest, which is written in fully HTML5 pages. It uses CSS,HTML5 and Javascript to fully make this game. Now, software companies do not need to worry about using Flash, and can make complex games for all devices. It is a 16-bit-style and this game can work on chrome, firefox, safari etc. This game is said to be very addicting with secret items hidden in the worlds. This relates to the course because we are currently working with HTML pages and we learn how to use them. I find it fascinating that they can use these pages to make fun-filled games for everyone. As well, they need to program these pages to make them work on the web. 
Marco D

Windows 8 Start button removed by Microsoft in 'Consumer Preview' - 0 views

    What is Microsoft thinking!? You can't release a major version of an OS that is used by about 90% of the market and just remove something everyone has been using for the past decade. I tried the Windows 8 Developer Preview and Metro is OK, but it's not something you seriously want to use with a mouse, which is a problem for business that don't spend money on touch screens, mainly because their employees don't need them. But now they go ahead and remove the start button completely, making it a hot corner instead, which can be really hard to use at times. When I'm at my computer, I want to be productive, and the standard start menu is the way to do that. I like pretty interfaces, but I also like things that just work, and that's what the start menu is to me. Long story short, if you have an OS as big as Windows, don't make big UI changes like this, because it can really turn out bad and confusing.
Ira Garcia

An iPhone Case For Fingerprint Fighters - 0 views

    This changes everything. Now, instead of having to find a clean cloth or using your own shirt to clean your dirty iPhone's screen, you now have a portable microfibre cloth that you can use anywhere, anytime. The case is called "WipeCoin iPhone Case". I think this is a useful case to have because for me, most of the time, my iPhone's screen gets sticky and dusty after using it all day. So personally, I think this is a case worth buying. 
Adrian Galope

Top 10 Pro Tips and Tools for Budding Web Developers and Designers - 0 views

    This article talks about top 10 tips and tools that will  improve our web development and designs skills to create amazing and beautiful sites. This tips gives us a lot of  ideas that will help us to make better sites. This also gives us many tools suggestions to use so we can easily make an organize codes to make our site well organize and beautiful. I found this article interesting because it can help me to our course and  to improve my skills to make better sites. 
Jason Strassler

6 Tips for Better Mobile Security - eSecurity Planet - 0 views

    I learned from this article how to secure your information on your mobile device using 6 simple tips. Setting a solid password, installing antivirus or security apps, and using encryption, a hardware security system, are just a few various methods of how to help and improve the security on the everyday use of your phone. Mobile security is important especially if you have a lot of important and valuable data and information, such as passwords or your email is accessible, you want to know that this information is stored and saved safely on your mobile device for no one but yourself to be able to use. With technology evolving and more and more people are being familiar and learning about hacking and breaking into systems, it is more important and necessary than ever in our society for everyone to have their information secured. Taking your mobile device's security seriously and keeping it at high maintenance is crucial so nobody can hack or see what information is important to you but also so that you aren't giving people the opportunity to rearrange or change this data that you trust that you are the only person to see and alter your personal data at your leisure. 
Sarah Karam

OLED Covering Turns Audi Into Surreal Light Show [VIDEO] - 0 views

    This is a new type of light. Instead of cool LED lights, now there are OLED lights. These lights are much more light, light up faster, let out very little heat and you can keep them running for thousands of hours. They appear way better LED lights which were already quite amazing.  These lights will be used on Audis in the future and it can make them look a lot more stylish and it can be used to turn left and right. This relates to the course because now you can use this amazing light on the hardware rather than the LED lights. As well, this can make "us" more excited for future cars and it shows how technology is really advancing. I am personally really excited for these cars because they are going to be very nice and it will encourage me to get a great job so I can afford them one day :) 
Melissa Yu

13 Hidden Spy Cams That Might Be Watching You Right Now - 0 views

    We all know about those little cameras on our cell phones or iPods, but have you ever considered a mini camera in your smoke detector or maybe even a rock? Well, maybe you should start. This article shows us various, unexpected places where small cameras can be hidden. It provides a glimpse at just how much technology has evolved throughout the years and forces us to face the reality that we're living in 2012. Technology is everywhere, even in places that we would never have expected. This article shows not only how advanced technology has become, but also how creative and discreet. I mean, I never would have thought twice about that rock sitting by the tree on my way to school, but now I'm starting to think that I should have. Every day, we encounter countless items that have become so normal for us. A ring, a tissue box, a car remote; we wouldn't even think about the possibility of a hidden camera in these commonplace items. Now, the question remains, is this kind of more advanced technology always better? Sure, these hidden cameras can be used by law enforcement and such to do surveillance, but what about the possibility of this falling into the wrong hands. In our world, we know that it's not difficult at all to get a hold of this kind of technology and to be perfectly honest, that makes me a little nervous. Despite the fact that this post was meant to be light-hearted and interesting, it also raises awareness about the risks of such technology. Before reading this article I never would have thought that the wallet that lady at the mall was holding could really have been a camera recording my every move, but now I've realized that things aren't always what they look like, especially in this day and age. After reading this post, I think I'm going to be a little more vigilant and probably also more paranoid, because we can never know if or where there is a hidden camera.

Online Courses And Advancing Your Career - Business Insider - 0 views

    Online courses are now being used by students in university. This allows them to study and complete work from their own home, but the question asked by most is if the online course investment is worth it, in terms of careers. Lou Adler, (a self proclaimed hiring expert) believes not so, because when you take an online course,classes require you presenting your skills to your employer. An online course is not the same as a sit down university course, because it does not provide you with the practical skills necessary. Someone taking an online course can still have an advantage over people who commute to university. e.g. submitting a project you did using your computer, easily, and using it in a job application. You can distinguish yourself from others, using computer generated projects, etc. Depending on what field you want to get into, online courses can be harmful or helpful.

Next-Gen YotaPhone Follow-Up Unveiled, With Full-Touch E-Ink Rear Screen | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Yota Devices is a smart phone phone company, based in Russia that is making waves in the cell phone community with their innovations in smart phone hardware. The yotaphone was released last year in asia and europe and quickly made a name for itself by offering not only staple specs we have come to expect, but also innovation for the screen. Its front screen operates as anyone would guess, so the real area the phone stands out in is shown when flipped over. The back screen is a low-power e-ink display that in the phones first incarnation was mainly used for display and lacked touchscreen capabilities. Now, however, in the yotaphones upcoming successor: the screen has made the jump to a full touch panel, allowing it be used to answer calls, receive and dismiss notifications and be used to play games that don't require the flashy capabilities of the front screen. This kind of innovation in cellphone technology is of paramount importance and the biggest step forward since the original iphone. The potential is amazing, allowing for new software to utilize the second screen, and making cellphones even more accessible and useful to the smartphone community.

Adblock Plus Now Blocks 8,600 Tracking Filters As Ad Tech Explodes | TechCrunch - 0 views

    AdBlock is tool that many of us know of, and would totally never use because it can take revenue from content creators *shifty eyes*. All of us hate annoying ads, whether they be prerolls on videos or pop ups, or less than appropriate advertisements on streaming and torrenting websites. Adblock is a wonderful creation that hides most of those, and is thusly loved by many. Recently Adblock has done another thing which will undoubtedly make its user base happy, the web application now also blocks trackers, malicious cookies and scripts. This can be extremely important to people who value their privacy as it helps to ensure that as little of your private data is being sold as possible. The issue of online privacy has been gaining traction over the past few years and especially sine the Snowden revelations. I personally commend Adblock for their goal to protect their users, I and many others care about privacy and make active decisions to stay anonymous (I, for instance, use encrypted search engines and web browsers that encrypt data). This decision by Adblock isn't a huge step forward in online protection and privacy, but it is a step, and that's important.

Dash (Android) review - CNET - 0 views

    Do you ever want to know the way your cars works or how your driving habits affects your fuel economy? Then Dash is the app for you. However, it is only available for Android and in the US for now. For the app to work, Dash connects with an on board diagnostic that plugs to a dedicated port in your car and uses bluetooth to send data to your phone. Every car made after 1996 can use this app. The app requires an account and a diagnostics dongle. Once Dash is all set up, it will gather data about your car and your driving habits. Every time you start the car, drive around and turn off the car, it counts as a trip. For each trip, you will get a score which measures how safe you drive, and habits such as sticking to the speed limit. When you finish a trip, you get a breakdown of your starting and ending points, the total distance you drove, how long it took you, the amount of fuel used in dollars, and your average fuel economy. Dash also helps with repairs, and has many social features as added extras. New features that are on their way include a way to alert emergency crews that an accident has happened when the airbags are triggered. In my opinion, this app is a must have for drivers especially those who are still learning. With this app, your driving habits can improve a lot with its cool features.
Mary lou Paningbatan

Man Turns Random Tech Into Musical Instruments [VIDEO] - 0 views

    Musician Mikael Mutti uses engineer electronics and gaming controllers to create instruments and new sounds. This video was made using the controllers in the video-including a Rock band Guitar/ iPad hybrid, Japanese office telephone, a Wii remote and a Beamz laser motion sensor. Using a bluetooth and USB, Mikael plugs two controllers into his laptop and creates the video music using Reason and Pro Tools. Isn't it just weird how you can make different sounds and instruments out of electronics and game controllers?!
Spider Man

New Xbox requires an always-on connection to block used games, says report | The Verge - 0 views

            It is being reported that the newest Xbox console will have online DRM (Digital Restrictions Management). DRM is technology that puts restrictions on media such as software, games, music, etc. that limits how the buyer is able to use and share the media that he or she bought. This means that the Xbox will always need to have an active internet connection to be able to use the games that you buy, even if the game itself does not require internet connection. The point of this is to prevent to prevent the resale of used games. However, this will mean that people can not share games with eachother, play if the internet goes out or they they do not have the internet at all. This will increase the sale of new games giving the companies more profits. However, this may backfire on Microsoft, as many gamers may not purchase the new console as a form of boycott, reducing Microsoft's profit until the DRM is removed. 
    This is a very great report, keep up the great work Spider Man
    Uncle Ben would be proud
Adrian Galope

Microsoft Looks For Ways To Use Kinect In Business Applications [UPDATED] - 0 views

    This article basically talks about the plans of microsoft in their kinect technology. This talks about the improvement of it and to use it in other technology and not just for games. This development will help workers that are working in warehouse of manufacturing plant because it will be an ease to them to track their inventory or confirming certain steps in the manufacturing process by using gestures which not require glove removal. If this technology will be developed this can also be used in schools that will help teachers to discuss lessons easily without going back and forth to the computer while presentation.
Daniel Le

5 Ways Students Use Technology to Cheat - What Parents Need to Know - 1 views

    The article describes five different ways students abuse technology such as phones and computers to cheat in school through means such as copying and pasting, file sharing, and sharing answers through text. The Internet is a vast collection of information, students will usually use this to obtain research for school projects and properly give credit to sources. However, some students use the Internet to steal information, and pass it as their own so they have to do minimal work and because it's easy. Eventually these students end up failing because they don't know how to write their own pieces of writing. Plagiarism is not only committed by students but even reporters, and writers. This goes to show how easy it is to cheat using technology.
Walter White

How Governments Are Using Social Media for Better & for Worse - 0 views

    The article I am sharing is about how worldwide governments are beginning to pay more attention on social media and using it for better and for worse. I chose to share this article because as time continues, life is becoming more and more technology based. It is interesting to see how the government now sees social media as a way to reach younger people and help boost their campaign strengths. The Canadian government along with the US government are now more involved in our online actions. This worries me though because it feels that the government is watching us, and monitoring our actions which makes me feel insecure which is why I found this article interesting.
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