Obama's Twitter Following Is More Influential Than Romney's [STUDY] - 0 views
Elbat Mesfin on 11 Oct 12Everyone knows about the election coming up this fall. It is down too Obama and Romney. Everyone knows that Romney and Obama are competing very heavily against each other. However, study shows that Obama is actually the more influential on Twitter than Mitt Romney. Obama has 20.3 million followers and has 8,000 times more than the average Twitter user. However, Romney with 1.2 million followers, has a pull of about 800 times the average user.What else do we know about Obama and Romney's Twitter followers? By matching the candidates' followers to over 60 public online and offline data sources, Peek you was shocked with the interesting statistics. A higher share of Obama's followers are female - 49% of Obama's followers compared to 35% of Romney's. Obama's followers also skew much younger than Romney's, with 24% of the president's followers under age 25 to 16% of Romney's.Interestingly, only 55% of Obama's followers self-identify as living in the United States, compared to 89% of Romney's followers. That's perhaps an effect of being a sitting president as opposed to a candidate and former governor. Obama's got a higher percentage of Floridian followers than the average Twitter user, while more than typical numbers of Ohioans follow Romney. To me I think the reason they both use twitter is so that they can get more votes for the elections and become president.