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Glenn Hervieux

Coding In The Classroom: 10 Tools Students Can Use To Design Apps & Video Games - - 2 views

    "Coding In The Classroom: 10 Tools Students Can Use To Design Apps & Video Games" gives some of the best sites where students can learn code for design work. This is a must skill for students who have an interest in computer programming and developing games/apps.
Glenn Hervieux

Lectures Didn't Work in 1350-and They Still Don't Work Today - 3 views

    Award-winning educational futurist David Thornburg discusses classroom design and four learning models he has written about extensively in his book, "From the Campfire to the Holodeck: Creating Engaging and Powerful 21st Century Learning Environments" Is your classroom designed primarily for the traditional lecture? For using technology to do the same old things better than differently? Give out too much information vs. using more open-ended approaches? Transform the way information is learned and used? This article helped me to reflect on the way I encourage the use of technology and how to make its use an experience more reflective of what is presented in the CCSS and 21st century learning. What is your response to the article? Agree, disagree? What model(s) do you see yourself using? What movement would you like to make in your approach?
Glenn Hervieux

Utilizing Twitter chats for professional development SmartBlogs - 4 views

    "The conversation below on the Power of Twitter Chats was designed to share the value of this mode of professional development with other educators." Embedded video by six educators on the Power of Twitter Chats was designed to share the value of this mode of professional development with other educators.
Alec Couros

Some things I think I might have learned so far… « Experiments in the world o... - 3 views

    Good discussion of learning design in a MOOC.
Glenn Hervieux

Introduction - The Logic of Backwards Design - 2 views

    Great to see we're back to encouraging backwards design as we approach the CCSS. I use parts of this myself in technology planning & professional development - "Begin with the end in mind" (Stephen Covey)

COOL FISh… - 1 views

  • We are experimenting with an alternative learning design to engage learners who are perhaps not networked learners yet. We would like to utilise their curiosity to learn through creating opportunities for contextualised collaborative enquiries.
    So well said ! "We are experimenting with an alternative learning design to engage learners who are perhaps not networked learners yet. We would like to utilise their curiosity to learn through creating opportunities for contextualised collaborative enquiries. "
Fred Baker

My List: A Collection on "InstructionalDesign" (instructional,design,educational,techno... - 1 views

    This is a list of Instructional Design links I have- some may be useful, others not so much.

Designing MOOCs | Learning in the workplace - 6 views

    A blog post talking about a research study of self-regulated learning in the Change11 cMOOC, and linking to earlier post with initial findings from the study (no final results yet).
Lisa Noble

10 Ways That Mobile Learning Will Revolutionize Education | Co.Design: business + innov... - 7 views

    A "bigger" look at BYOD-type technology, and what it might mean.

5 Things About Ubiquitous Computing That Make Me Nervous | Design Culture Lab - 5 views

    Offers a good critique of the underlying assumptions of much technological discourse.

Irrelevant Ideas Lead To Breakthroughs - Business Insider - 3 views

    "At Reebok, the cushioning in a best-selling basketball shoe reflects technology borrowed from intravenous fluid bags. Semiconductor firm Qualcomm's revolutionary color display technology is rooted in the microstructures of the Morpho butterfly's wings. And at IDEO, developers designed a leak-proof water bottle using the technology from a shampoo bottle top. These examples show how so-called "peripheral" knowledge -- that is, ideas from domains that are seemingly irrelevant to a given task -- can influence breakthrough innovation. "The central idea of peripheral knowledge really resonates," says Wharton management professor Martine Haas. After all, who can't think of examples when ideas that seemed to bear almost no relation to a given problem paid off in some unexpected way? By bringing peripheral knowledge to core tasks, it is well known that work groups can recombine ideas in novel and useful ways. But the problem, Haas notes, is primarily one of attention: How do you get workers focused on a particular task to notice -- and make use of -- seemingly irrelevant information?"

The MOOC Honeymoon is Over: Three Takeaways from the Coursera Calamity | online learnin... - 5 views

    The honeymoon with MOOCs is over. The reality check has finally arrived which was inevitable. MOOCs will not solve all the woes of higher education. It is unfortunate it had to be a class on how to design an online course; it was the Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application [FOE] offered through Coursera that brought things to a screeching halt. But this experience can provide an opportunity for institutions to re-focus-identify the role and purpose of MOOCs and move forward with a thoughtful, purposeful strategy.
Alec Couros

Bang With Friends: The Beginning Of A Sexual Revolution On Facebook? | Co.Design: busin... - 2 views

    App could raise interesting questions for middle and high school students.
Glenn Hervieux

Tony's Infopics - Learning in Hand - 2 views

    "An infopic is a photo with text layered on top that is designed to communicate a message. The message might be a summary, quote, definition, notes, data, weblink, hashtag, or other informational tidbits. The information might come from a conference, workshop, activity, lesson, video, book, a conversation, etc. Your blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google Plus are great places to share infopics." Tony shares how to create infopic in a great video. He is an amazing teacher!
Glenn Hervieux

inklewriter - 1 views

    "Inklewriter is a free tool designed to allow anyone to write and publish interactive stories. It's perfect for writers who want to try out interactivity, but also for teachers and students looking to mix computer skills and creative writing."
Alec Couros

NodeXL Graph Gallery: Graph Details - 1 views

    Great visualization of #etmooc
Brendan Murphy

Connected Learning Principles | Connected Learning - 4 views

  • Fortunately, we are also able to harness the same technologies and social processes that have powered these transformations in order to provide the next generation with learning experiences that open doors to academic achievement, economic opportunity, and civic engagement.
  • we now have the capability to reimagine where, when, and how learning takes place
  • Connected learning is not, however, distinguished by a particular technology or platform, but is inspired by an initial set of three educational values, three learning principles, and three design principles.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Shared purpose
  • Production-centered
  • Openly networked
  • The principles of connected learning weren’t born in the digital age, but they are extraordinarily well-suited to it.
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