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H817 Open | The blog for the OU open course in Open Education - 1 views

    An aggregator of the blog posts for a course in open education from the Open University. Anyone can join the course (started March 16, 2013): Or you can just read and comment on the blogs if you want.

Open education - 2 views

    An open course on open education from the Open University--started March 16, 2013, but anyone can join now or later (content will stay up after it's done...for how long??)

I'm on a PC. When I try to launch Blackboard Collaborate, the launch file (.JNLP file) ... - 1 views

    I'm on a PC. When I try to launch Blackboard Collaborate, the launch file (.JNLP file) saves but won't open...OR, the file saves and opens, but it opens with a browser instead of Java, so I can't get into the session! Help!

Open Source Life: How the open movement will change everything - Lifehack - 6 views

    Lifehack article on how "open source" idea could change lots of things beyond software, including schools, governments, corporations, and more.

Open Definition | Open Definition - 2 views

    A definition of what makes something "open."

OER Synthesis and Evaluation / OpenPracticesBriefing - 2 views

    Briefing paper on open educational practices and OERs, from the UK OER programme, phase 2. First two sections give definitions of open educational practices, and explain their value.
Gemma Abellán

Open Video Annotation Project: ucfirst(Home) - 4 views

    Open Video Annotations for teaching, learning and research.
    Open Video Annotations for teaching, learning and research.
Glenn Hervieux

The California Open Campus Initiative :: CUE Video Collection - 0 views

    Great presentation on the place/value of blended/online learning & the CA Open Campus Initiative. The Initiative was Federally-funded to develop the curriculum which is shared to schools that want to use it. Embedded in the HaikuLMS. 

The Challenges to Connectivist Learning on Open Online Networks: Learning Experiences d... - 1 views

    Self-directed learning on open online networks is now a possibility as communication and resources can be combined to create learning environments. But is it really? There are some challenges that might prevent learners from having a quality learning experience. This paper raises questions on levels of learner autonomy, presence, and critical literacies required in active connectivist learning.
Stacy Olson

MoodleShare - 1 views

    A repository of moodle courses that have been shared - open source courses for reuse.  Includes subject areas and professional development courses.

Evaluating a MOOC - 4 views

    Stephen Downes was asked (along with Dave Cormier and George Siemens): "How might it be possible to show that cMOOCs are effective for learning, in the sense of providing evidence that institutions might accept so as to support opening up more courses to outside participants (a la ds106, Alec Couros' EC&I 831, etc.)? Or, more generally, providing evidence that participation in and facilitating cMOOCs is worthy of support by institutions... What I'm looking for are criteria one might use to say that a cMOOC is successful. What should participants be getting out of cMOOCs?"
Glenn Hervieux

Desmos | Beautiful, Free Graphic Math Calculator - 0 views

    The next generation of the graphing calculator. Using a powerful and blazingly-fast math engine, the calculator can instantly plot any equation, from lines and parabolas up through derivatives and Fourier series. Data tables open up a world of curve-fitting and modeling. Sliders make it a breeze to demonstrate function transformations. As browser-based html5 technology, the graphing calculator works on any computer or tablet without requiring any downloads.
anonymous | Engage, Educate, Empower - 0 views

    " is a grassroots organization that safeguards the possibilities of the open and affordable Internet. We work towards informed & participatory digital policy."
Glenn Hervieux

On 'Viral" Education Videos - Duncanville video - 4 views

    How is it this video (or others) went "viral". Turns out it may be profit driven more than "outrage" at education and a demonstration of poor digital citizenship. Audrey Watters will give you a perspective that is informative and eye-opening. It will help you to better understand, as well, the power of social media in the construction of "truth". 
Alec Couros

Learning in the Open: Networked Student Identities | - 2 views

    Presentation notes from @bonstewart
Sam Boswell

How to Save College | The Awl - 3 views

    Your massively open offline college is broken
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