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Brendan Murphy

Connected Learning Principles | Connected Learning - 4 views

  • Fortunately, we are also able to harness the same technologies and social processes that have powered these transformations in order to provide the next generation with learning experiences that open doors to academic achievement, economic opportunity, and civic engagement.
  • we now have the capability to reimagine where, when, and how learning takes place
  • Connected learning is not, however, distinguished by a particular technology or platform, but is inspired by an initial set of three educational values, three learning principles, and three design principles.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Shared purpose
  • Production-centered
  • Openly networked
  • The principles of connected learning weren’t born in the digital age, but they are extraordinarily well-suited to it.
Glenn Hervieux

Using Blogs to Help Students Develop Global Awareness - video - 4 views

    Linda Yollis, an award-winning 3rd grade teacher, made this video with her students to share how they have used blogs to learn the importance of connecting online with others online, about Digital Footprints and Internet safety, and sharing their voice. I think you'll enjoy it and hopefully think about the ways you encourage students to make their writing/learning visible and connect with others, whether it be a blog or an interactive online discussion. 
Glenn Hervieux

Stages of PLN adoption | The Thinking Stick - 7 views

    This is a helpful look at the stages many go through as they begin the journey of building a PLN. I've read a couple of posts by those extending themselves into the realm of connected relationships online: Chez Vivian "Oh, what a tangled web we weave" - & Fenella Olynick: "Staying the Course: Connections, Reciprocity, and the Web"
Glenn Hervieux

Please leave the lights on… | The Educators' Cafe - 2 views

    Wonderful reflective expression on ETMOOC using adjectives and research that connects with each. Certainly supports the learning environment and outcomes so many of us have experienced. 
Glenn Hervieux

Joining #etmooc to Connect and Learn | Margaret A. Powers - 5 views

    Great way to use a blog as an online resume. Margaret has done an exemplary job in her curation of her blog. Great to show for career classes & business. I'm thinking about starting to do something like that for myself!
Glenn Hervieux

Close Reading and Socratic Seminar - 2 views

    I like the reflective process this teacher is using to improve her teaching literacy to her students. The methods she is practicing and refining are in contrast to the "one and done" reading approach she mentions students practicing outside of class. A favorite quote in the reflection: "In my class we explore the why--the story behind history. Pace carefully and read closely, and students will discover the why--especially when they can discuss the questions they've had time to think about." Instead of the teacher "teaching" content, the students explore that content and find meaning for themselves that is relevant and connective to other learning experiences.
Glenn Hervieux

Professional development: Let's work together by @thomascmurray SmartBlogs - 3 views

    "Connected Teaching and Learning" - how can we encourage a culture where teachers own their own professional learning? Tom Murray shares his insights and how their district is doing just that.
Glenn Hervieux

10 Do's and Don'ts for Effective Vocabulary Instruction l Dr. Kimberly's Literacy Blog - 0 views

    Dr. Kimberly Tyson shares 10 Do's and Dont's for teachers doing vocabulary instruction. Nice summary. The blog post also connects to other known effective instructional approaches (including Marzano).
Glenn Hervieux

Twitter Is My Teacher Superpower: 5 Steps to Make it Yours | Jo-Ann Fox - 4 views

    Joann Fox (, a member of my PLN, shares how she's made Twitter her top Personal Learning activity and how you can, too. Oh, yeah, she's a CA teacher like you, except she does 4th grade...and is a blogger, San Diego Co. Teacher of Year, CA , co-founder of #CAedchat, #EdCampSD organizer, and Google Certified Teacher. She's a connected teacher.
Glenn Hervieux

A Principal's Reflections: The Limitations of Being a Disconnected Nomad - 0 views

    "It seems like just yesterday that I was a disconnected nomad working hard to maintain the status quo and conform to a rigid system commonly known as education. You see, prior to 2009 I was adamantly opposed to even the thought of using social media for both personal and professional reasons. As a building level leader burdened by endless responsibilities, I could not fathom wasting even a precious minute in what I saw as a perpetual time sap. " Read the rest of this post to see how Eric discovered being connected on social media and engaging in conversations with passionate educators has transformed his work in education.
Glenn Hervieux

How to: Inquiry | YouthLearn - 3 views

    "Will you ever just walk into class and ask, "Okay, what do you want to study today?" Of course not. Inquiry-based learning is founded on students taking the lead in their own learning, but it still requires considerable planning on your part. Projects must fit into your larger program structure, goals and plans, but the students will be actively involved in planning the projects with you and asking the questions that launch their individual inquiries." In thinking about PBL and other inquiry-based learning, this post and the graphic of the inquiry process are easy to connect with.
Al Smith

Peeking Into Division 18: Why Do We Learn On-Line? - 4 views

    Why do we learn online?
Jon Bunch

great free MOOC resource - 8 views

#cmc11 I came across a great free resource for MOOC; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). I was surprised that this school has joined the initiative to spread free online learning to t...

etmooc education mooc free MIT cmc11

started by Jon Bunch on 08 Mar 13 no follow-up yet

The Questions that Won't Go Away | Connected Principals - 1 views

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