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Glenn Hervieux

Joining #etmooc to Connect and Learn | Margaret A. Powers - 5 views

    Great way to use a blog as an online resume. Margaret has done an exemplary job in her curation of her blog. Great to show for career classes & business. I'm thinking about starting to do something like that for myself!

Irrelevant Ideas Lead To Breakthroughs - Business Insider - 3 views

    "At Reebok, the cushioning in a best-selling basketball shoe reflects technology borrowed from intravenous fluid bags. Semiconductor firm Qualcomm's revolutionary color display technology is rooted in the microstructures of the Morpho butterfly's wings. And at IDEO, developers designed a leak-proof water bottle using the technology from a shampoo bottle top. These examples show how so-called "peripheral" knowledge -- that is, ideas from domains that are seemingly irrelevant to a given task -- can influence breakthrough innovation. "The central idea of peripheral knowledge really resonates," says Wharton management professor Martine Haas. After all, who can't think of examples when ideas that seemed to bear almost no relation to a given problem paid off in some unexpected way? By bringing peripheral knowledge to core tasks, it is well known that work groups can recombine ideas in novel and useful ways. But the problem, Haas notes, is primarily one of attention: How do you get workers focused on a particular task to notice -- and make use of -- seemingly irrelevant information?"
Lisa Noble

10 Ways That Mobile Learning Will Revolutionize Education | Co.Design: business + innov... - 7 views

    A "bigger" look at BYOD-type technology, and what it might mean.

PKM in 2013 | Harold Jarche - 2 views

    "The basic unit of social business technology is personal knowledge management, not collaborative workspaces." - Thierry de Baillon
Alec Couros

Bang With Friends: The Beginning Of A Sexual Revolution On Facebook? | Co.Design: busin... - 2 views

    App could raise interesting questions for middle and high school students.
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