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Glenn Hervieux

Smart Gamification: Seven Core Concepts for Creating Compelling Experiences | Amy Jo KI... - 1 views

    "ames are infiltrating every aspect of daily life - and everyone's now a gamer, in one form or another. Early-on "gamification" involved adding simple game mechanics like points, badges and leaderboards to websites and apps. But that's not what makes games truly compelling. Good games take players on a journey, giving them something to learn, master and share. Gamification 2.0 is about creating game-like digital services that shape real-world behavior and deliver deep value to players, -- using a blend of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. In this talk, we'll do a teardown of the biggest and most influential social gaming services, and distill those lessons into these Seven Core Concepts for Smart Gamification. "
Glenn Hervieux

Coding In The Classroom: 10 Tools Students Can Use To Design Apps & Video Games - - 2 views

    "Coding In The Classroom: 10 Tools Students Can Use To Design Apps & Video Games" gives some of the best sites where students can learn code for design work. This is a must skill for students who have an interest in computer programming and developing games/apps.
Glenn Hervieux

Operation ARIES! Gamification teaching science research skills - 1 views

    Aimed at high school and college students, "Operation ARIES! is an intelligent tutoring system that using principles from the science of learning and serious learning games. " The game covers 21 scientific concepts shared among psychology, sociology, biology, and chemistry. The storyline of Operation ARIES! involves an epic story of love, revenge, uncertainty, spies, aliens, political intrigue, suspense, surprises, and saving the world. The story elements are presented across the game to maintain engagement. Watch the introduction on the homepage to get a feel for it!
Jon Bunch

Creativity, Video Games, and MOOCs - 5 views

Here is my latest blog post for this week's topic:

mooc connectivism videogames cmc11 etmooc creativity

started by Jon Bunch on 21 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
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