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Home/ Groups/ ETC545 Spring 2009

Front Page - 1 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Effective Instructional Strategies Please discuss three most effective instructional strategies integrated in your project. Please be sure to justify why they are effective instructional strategies. Remember instructional strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, discussion board etc. It is the integrated soft technologies.
    • virginia60 Steinmetz
      Through indirect instruction students will be problem solving by comparing and contrasting the past and the present to determine the possibility of a particular outcome. They will use the information they learn to write a paper to inform their readers and create a multimedia presentation. The compare and contrast will be an easy approach because they will be able to take the two time periods and put them on charts to see what happened in each time period.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Instructional Technology Please discuss the instructional technologies that you integrate into your lesson plan exclude your web sites/pages because they are the basic technology. Instructional technology is referred to hard technology in this question, such as discussion board, chat, wiki, blog etc.
    • virginia60 Steinmetz
      The main student activity is completed in a wiki. The students will complete their paper in the wiki. They will collaboratively compile their research in the wiki and then collaboratively write their paper in the wiki. This is a group project that will be completed in the wiki because I have found that using the wiki allows students to work together and gives them a place to have discussions as well as post the work they gather. PBWiki has a live chat session available so they can set up times for their group to meet and discuss their project as well as work on it on their own time.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Pitfalls Do you think your web-based lesson plan is effective and successful? Can you foresee any pitfalls in project? Please describe them.
    • virginia60 Steinmetz
      The main pitfall I see to this lesson plan is going to be the student who does not have access to the internet at home. These are the students that will not contribute to the project as much as they could and will count on the other students to do most of the work. I believe overall the lesson plan is effective and will be successful, I will need to make sure that the students that do not have access to internet outside of school have time at school to work on the project be it before school or after school or during a study hall.
    Personal Financial planning lesson. Students will create a digital story and collaboratively write a paper in a wiki comparing and contrasting the depression of the 1930's and the current recession. Then the students will use GoogleDocs to create their own Personal Financial Plan.
    Virginia Steinmetz Review * Aim/Purpose- Expert- The student goals are clearly stated on the entry page. * Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan- Mastery- Lesson plan loaded and displayed properly. * Student Activity Page- Expert- Resources, rubrics, and lesson directions are clear and accessible. * Parent Page- Expert- Students are high school level and the parent page is appropriate for the age of the students. * Layout- Expert- Site is very easy to follow and clearly organized. * Navigation- Expert- Links all worked, easy to move through the pages, I was never lost. * Graphics- Mastery- Graphics relate to the lesson and has a citation. * Accessibility- N/A * Fonts- Expert- Fonts are consistent, simple, and readable. * Background- Mastery- Background is attractive, and does not detract. * Color Choices- Expert- Colors are not detracting, links visited and unvisited are clear. * Spelling and Grammar- Expert- No errors * Copyright- N/A * Contact Information- Expert- Provided on every page.
    Just as a message to you about the evaluation, I feel that you are at a disadvantage (before I begin the review process) because you did not use Wiki and it is harder for me to navigate through FrontPage because I am unfamiliar with it. It does look similar to Dreamweaver. Content: *no info downloaded for this content area on the rubric* mjm Aim/Purpose: Without looking further, I feel that I know what I will be learning about, based on the entry page. (Expert) Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan: (Mastery) there is a link to the lesson plan that displays properly. Student Activity Page: I think that you did a great job on the Rubrics, but I think that some of the activities are not clearly described to the students. (Expert/Mastery) Parent Page: There was information proposed for parents to participate in their child's learning. (Expert) Web Design: *no info downloaded for this content area on the rubric* mjm Layout: I think that the layout could use some tweaking to make it more appealing to student use. I think that if I worked with the site for longer than a day I would get used to the location of the links, and be able to navigate properly. The best page that you have is your first page that opens the lesson set; this one engages me in learning, but the other sites do not make me want to follow through with the exercises and participate (Novice) Navigation: I would have liked to see more internal links for getting back to the main page, especially since I was unfamiliar with the web-design. I was able to use the back button to navigate, however, if I got too many pages away I had to re-open from your main dana page. I also noticed that there was a web address on teh parent page that was missing a link. (Novice) Graphics: I think this is one area that you could develop further to stimulate and engage students. You included a background graphic for the Powerpoint presentation but other than that the only other graphic that I

Lesson 1 Discussions - 2009 Spring ETC545 - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please respond to each discussion question/page, not this page. Unless you have comments on Lesson 1 Discussion home page.

Internet & Learning - 2009 Spring ETC545 - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Please post your resposnes here.

Innovate: Ten Core Principles for Designing Effective Learning Environments: Insights f... - 0 views

  • Readily available mobile tools now support information access and flow in real time, enabling current events, global perspectives, and far-flung resources to be brought into immediate and fresh relief.
    • Michaela Minore
      Web instruction equals real-time learning and global perspectives!
  • learners becoming more engaged and active in their learning.
  • Robert Gagne, widely considered as the father of the discipline of instructional design, observed in Conditions of Learning (1965) that all instruction is not equal and that different types of instruction are required for different learning outcomes
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • What this principle means is that what a faculty member does makes a difference in what students do, in what students learn, and in what concepts students may or may not develop
    • Michaela Minore
      This is a scary thought...and holds instructors to a very high, very personal standard.
  • instructional design practice of planning student assessments simultaneously with the planning of instructional experiences and of embedding assessments within instructional events
  • Time-on-Task Equals More Learning
    • Michaela Minore
      Time on Task is helping me to understand ETC 545 and learn to better assist my own education via the web and a shared-learing environment. I have also been given wonderful resources to aid in my discovery!
  • This simply means that as students spend more time interacting with information and practicing skills, the more proficient, accomplished, and confident they will become
  • Learning is intrinsically rewarding and enjoyable. If we design great experiences, students will spend more time interacting with the course content and developing more complex, networked knowledge structures and efficient behaviors.
  • The more dynamic and interactive the learning experience, the more likely students will invest greater amounts of time in the learning process.
  • The combination of the uniqueness of each learner and the richness of each learner's perspective argues persuasively for more emphasis on a pedagogy that emphasizes community, culture, and ethics as well as the acquisition of knowledge, content, and skills.

2009 Spring ETC545 Home - 2009 Spring ETC545 - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      This is a good feature to monitor the course wiki activities.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      This is a good feature to monitor the course wiki activities.

Home - 0 views


Amazon Rain Forest Animal Project Home - Amazon Rain Forest Animal Project - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Effective Instructional Strategies Please discuss three most effective instructional strategies integrated in your project. Please be sure to justify why they are effective instructional strategies. Remember instructional strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, discussion board etc. It is the integrated soft technologies.
    • Kim Piranio
      I think that anytime students are able to explore different sites on the internet that they learn. My students have ot do research on the internet. This is effective because they can cross reference their information on more than one site. My students have to make a Powerpoint presentation. This is effective becuase its an assessment tool that gives student the opportunity to be creative.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Instructional Technology Please discuss the instructional technologies that you integrate into your lesson plan exclude your web sites/pages because they are the basic technology. Instructional technology is referred to hard technology in this question, such as discussion board, chat, wiki, blog etc.
    • Kim Piranio
      My students are able to use discussion boards, Powerpoint, Delicious, and Google. They also have to upload their projects to a web site.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Pitfalls Do you think your web-based lesson plan is effective and successful? Can you foresee any pitfalls in project? Please describe them.
    • Kim Piranio
      I think that my lesson plan is successful. My students will obviously get the interaction and background in the classroom so that the project is less confussing. I think that if they only went off of the web sites that there would be greater confussion.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Kim, Thanks for response! You indicated: 'My students will obviously get the interaction and background in the classroom so that the project is less confussing." Very intersting! Could you be more specific how it may result in less confusing?
    • Kim Piranio
      When students are able to bounce ideas off of the teacher they get clarification on the items that were unclear. I make sure that my students who need extra clarification or simplified directions get it. This way I can also walk the students through the steps one at a time if needed.
    Great work!! Your project fits well in a 3rd grade classroom and it is a topic students will be very interested in. The graphics are a bit large and take away from the layout at times, but other than that great work!! Aim/Purpose-Expert Statement explains why they will be doing this project in a direct statement. Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan-Mastery Lesson plan included in full, loads properly! Student Activity Page-Mastery Direction page is to the point, but the corresponding activity pages lack details at times. I could not tell what the 3D animal was or how to do it. If other teachers wanted to use this project it may be confusing. Parent Page-Mastery This page makes the suggestion to Google the animal with child- no other "support" really offered. Layout-Mastery The layout is good and very usable. There are some graphics throughout the project. Navigation-Expert The navigation bar is very helpful. Allows the user to move freely from page to page. Links open in a separate page which is great! Graphics-novice I do not see reference for the pictures used. The images are also a bit large for some of the pages. Accessibility-Novice No ALT tags or descriptions. Fonts-Expert Font is easy to read and does not distract from readability. Background-Expert The background and header are simple, but work well for the content area. Color Choices-Expert The colors are simple and work well with the theme. Spelling and Grammar-Expert None that I can find! Copyright-Novice I do not see references for the images used. Contact Information-Novice Email and contact information does not go beyond the wetpaint creation tag. Email and contact information left out for security reasons.

Women's Suffrage Lesson Plan - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Effective Instructional Strategies Please discuss three most effective instructional strategies integrated in your project. Please be sure to justify why they are effective instructional strategies. Remember instructional strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, discussion board etc. It is the integrated soft technologies.
    • Michaela Minore
      Hi Chih, Please view my "Instructional Strategies' page for a review of techniques that I have integrated. Thanks! Michaela
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Instructional Technology Please discuss the instructional technologies that you integrate into your lesson plan exclude your web sites/pages because they are the basic technology. Instructional technology is referred to hard technology in this question, such as discussion board, chat, wiki, blog etc.
    • Michaela Minore
      Chih, This assignment has been great and I hope to actually use this website once I begin teaching. Is there anyway that you can save this site as a template so that you can reuse the site for future classes? Thanks, Michaela
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Pitfalls Do you think your web-based lesson plan is effective and successful? Can you foresee any pitfalls in project? Please describe them.
    • Michaela Minore
      Chih, can we post are responses to your questions in this space?
    This is the link to my final project.
    Michaela- Great job! I think with a few tweaks you will have a powerful learning tool on your hands. My biggest complaint is some of the color choice for fonts- but it is minor and easily fixed. -Melissa Aim/Purpose-Novice- There is a statement about the page being used for collaboration, but I would of liked to have seen more about the aim/purpose relating to the aspect of Women's Suffrage. This may be something that is discussed in class, but if another teacher wanted to use it, this would be unclear. Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan-Mastery- Link is included and detailed lesson plans are attached. Student Activity Page-Expert- Detailed instructions, great links, and a detailed rubric are all attached. Parent Page-Mastery- Includes a letter to parents explaining project. Layout-Mastery- Minor complaint- the color of the text gets lost at times and the fact that you have to scroll a lot to get important information on the home page detracted from the overall layout. Navigation-Expert- Navigation bar is easy to use and present on every page (that helps!) Resource links open in new tab which allows the user access to the activity details while researching- which is great. Graphics-Mastery- Graphics relate directly to the project, but I am not seeing citations for them. Accessibility-Expert- Images have ALT tags- no audio in this project. Fonts-Mastery- The color and size do not always match on each page . Background-Expert- The background does not take from the readability. Color Choices-Mastery- Links are the same color as some of the quotations- which can be misleading. The blue color is almost too close to the background color. Spelling and Grammar-Expert-none Copyright-Mastery- No separate citations included, but links to source included in quotes. Contact Information-Novice- No statement of authorship found

Student Activity - 0 views

    • Ramsey Adams
      George, If I have understood correctly, all the students in the class contribute to the same google document. I am not sure how many you have in each class but could having 15+ learners contributing to the same document get confusing? Is there a reason you didn't break them into smaller groups?
    • Ramsey Adams
      George, Overall, I love the lesson. It is teaching an important point about system security which has practical applications that are easily extended outside the classroom. I thought your use of Delicious was great. I tend to have them compile links in Delicious - why not use the tool for compiled resources to support the lesson - good thinking. These can easily be used and added to for further lessons.

And The Winner Is... - And The Winner Is... - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Effective Instructional Strategies Please discuss three most effective instructional strategies integrated in your project. Please be sure to justify why they are effective instructional strategies. Remember instructional strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, discussion board etc. It is the integrated soft technologies.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Instructional Technology Please discuss the instructional technologies that you integrate into your lesson plan exclude your web sites/pages because they are the basic technology. Instructional technology is referred to hard technology in this question, such as discussion board, chat, wiki, blog etc.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Pitfalls Do you think your web-based lesson plan is effective and successful? Can you foresee any pitfalls in project? Please describe them.
    Pam I liked your wiki lesson plan. Depending on the age of students, the approach you took is very basic, clear, and easy to follow. Unfortunately the rubric asked for items you did not include. Some of it is the problem with wikis (I think) and some are just omitted. I think it might be helpful to give your kids more resources for their research and some more questions to answer on their research so they stay focused. I have not figured out how to post the review on Diigo, but when I do I will. Phil Howardell
  • ...1 more comment...
    And The Winner is... class project - And The Winner Is...
    Aim/Purpose-Novice-Intro page has very little information on it, but depending on the age group, which I cannot tell, it might be very appropriate. I think this page needs more of an introduction. Lesson Plan-Mastery-Links are clear, easy to find and they all work. Student Activity Page- Mastery-Directions page lack links and you really need to go to each group's pages to get some idea of what to research. Maybe put all the info for research from the group's pages on the directions page. Might be clearer. Parent Page-Novice-No parent page Layout-Mastery-Very basic layout and formatting. Its easy to follow but not much flair. Navigation-Experts-Navigation very easy to find and all links worked. This is strength of wikis. Graphics-Novice- No graphics for this site except the ads. Accessibility-Novice- No images so no alt tags. (I did not put any alt tags on my site either) Fonts-Mastery Background-Expert- Consistent use of background and text color made site have unity and clarity. No distractions. Color Choices-Expert- Consistent use of background and text color made site have unity and clarity. No distractions. Spelling and Grammar-Expert- As far as I can tell, not spellos or grammar errors. Copyright-Mastery- I did not see anything that needed copyright statements. Contact Information-Novice- No authorship statements on pages
    Aim/Purpose-Mastery- I see that the purpose is to pay tribute to all great Americans Lesson Plan-Mastery-Very good. Links can all be seen. Student Activity Page- Mastery- Going to the group page can be confusing if students don't go to the directions page first. Parent Page-Novice-No parent page Layout-Mastery- Maybe could have used a collage of picture of the famous americans to be researched. Navigation-Experts-Easy to navigate and all links were accessible Graphics-Novice- No pictures Accessibility-Novice Fonts-Mastery- All fonts were uniform Background-Expert- Use of same backround for the entire webpage. Color Choices-Expert- Consistent with entire webpage. Spelling and Grammar-Expert- Did not see any errors. Copyright-Mastery- Contact Information-Novice- I did not see any contact information, such as an email address or phone number.

Haiku 2.0 ‎(Hamende5thGradeHaiku)‎ - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Effective Instructional Strategies Please discuss three most effective instructional strategies integrated in your project. Please be sure to justify why they are effective instructional strategies. Remember instructional strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, discussion board etc. It is the integrated soft technologies.
    • melmilks
      I think one instructional strategy that is effective is the use of video tutorials for Picassa. After seeing Will's comments about having videos for actual tutorials, it made me realize how visual my students this year are. They are more likely to pay attention to a video than me telling them how to do something. Another would be the use of a photo as inspiration. I think it is important that they take this picture and have owernship in it. So often they have creative blocking when they are told to create from someone else's idea. This will hopefully motivate the creative spirit. And third is group collaboration. I think my students really flourish when they are given the chance to step back and evaulate others. The evaluation and brainstorming is also going to be written so it is something they can visit multiple times to get clarification.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Instructional Technology Please discuss the instructional technologies that you integrate into your lesson plan exclude your web sites/pages because they are the basic technology. Instructional technology is referred to hard technology in this question, such as discussion board, chat, wiki, blog etc.
    • melmilks
      I am using google sites, which is a wiki. Students will also be using Picassa which in an online gallery/photo editing software. The wiki will act as the discussion board (as soon and I figure that out :) )
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Pitfalls Do you think your web-based lesson plan is effective and successful? Can you foresee any pitfalls in project? Please describe them.
    • melmilks
      I need to get a parent page up- I am at a loss right now what to include on it since technology is somethign most of my parents do not have access too, also I need to make it bilingual. I think overall my lesson has the potential to be very successful. My students love anythign to do with the digital cameras and this group really got into poetry this year. Any reason to break out technology in my classroom usually equals success for this group of kids. I can forsee their being some confusion on how to collaborate with the revising process and i think that instruction clips on how to create a haiku could be very beneficial. I think that I may even film my opwn students giving the instruction to help promote buy in amongst them.
    Aim/Purpose-Expert- You have a very clear first page which defines what you are going to do. Lesson Plan-EXPERT!! Why didn't I think of using the taskstream lesson plan builder? It is great Student Activity Page-Expert-the activity page shows a very good set of activities. Parent Page-Novice-There is a parents page, but it is empty. In your case you teach 5th graders so I do believe a parents page is necessary. Layout-expert. the page is very nicely laid out. there are no glaring colors, or distracting locations. Navigation-mastery- The upper left hand menu bar doesn't seem thought out. . There is only one choice to naviaget to Haiku 2.0. I cannot access any of the other pages except through Haiku 2.0 (unless I use the site map). You cannot navigate away from the Lesson Plan at all. and the directions at the bottom of the page go in order of haiku 2.0 lesson plan parents plan Q&A resources and then student activities page. They seem jumbled to me. Accessibility- N/A There are very few images, but the ones that she has do not have Alt tags, or any other accessability issues. Fonts-Expert- Fonts are consistent and do not distract. Background-Mastery- Background is simple and cheerful. Color Choices-Mastery- Very few colors, but does not distract. Spelling and Grammar-Expert- No errors I can see. Copyright-Expert- Very little content needed citing. Extensive use of links to actual web sites. Contact Information-Novice- No authorship on each page except that is provided by the google sites. My only other issue is that on this page there is NO other form of instruction besides text. There are no visual images of people making haiku (youtube has tons of videos on haiku). There are no images of the structure or format of a haiku. So it is a single channel method of instruction. With that said, i realllllly like this project. I think it would be fun to do with my kids. I wish the page itself was more interactive.
    Thanks Will! I know I need a parent page :( I struggled with what to put on that page since technology is something most of my parents do not have access to, plus I need it to be in PSanish as well. Before I use this in my classroom I plan on getting that up and running. I agree that videos about haikus would be very beneficial- thanks for the suggestion!

Weather Home - Weather - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Effective Instructional Strategies Please discuss three most effective instructional strategies integrated in your project. Please be sure to justify why they are effective instructional strategies. Remember instructional strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, discussion board etc. It is the integrated soft technologies.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Instructional Technology Please discuss the instructional technologies that you integrate into your lesson plan exclude your web sites/pages because they are the basic technology. Instructional technology is referred to hard technology in this question, such as discussion board, chat, wiki, blog etc.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Pitfalls Do you think your web-based lesson plan is effective and successful? Can you foresee any pitfalls in project? Please describe them.
    Misty Tuttle Review The simple and consistent format of the web page is appropriate for the age of the students. * Aim/Purpose- Expert- Entry page identifies the goal for the lesson. * Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan- Mastery- Easy to find and load. * Student Activity Page- Mastery- Page has fun activities but unclear connection to the presentations and kid pix assignments. * Parent Page- Expert- Page has great and creative activities for parents to do at home. * Layout- Expert- Site is easy to use, organized, simple, and understandable. * Navigation- Expert- Use the menu on the left to navigate through the site. * Graphics- Mastery- Pictures enhance lesson, but are not cited. * Accessibility- N/A * Fonts- Expert- Consistent and simple. * Background- Expert- Consistent and simple. * Color Choices- Expert- Consistent and simple. * Spelling and Grammar- Expert- No errors. * Copyright- N/A * Contact Information- Expert- Provided by Wiki
  • ...1 more comment...
    Tracy Robbins Review This website adheres to the principals stated below. What a great way to involve the children in weather concepts. The parent activities look to be a lot of fun. Lesson plan is very good. I like the addition of a discussion page for students and parents to collaborate. Aim/Purpose - (expert) home page accurately describes what the intention of the website is and the goal for the webpage. Lesson Plan - (mastery) The lesson plan link is easy to find and load quickly and properly Student Activity Page - (expert) Several choices of sites to go to for the students and each link describes what the students will be learning at that site. Parent Page - (expert) Great activities to assist the parents in getting involved in the learning. Layout - (expert) organized and easy to use. Navigation - (expert) Easy to navigate around each individual page and throughout the webpage. Graphics - (expert) Pictures match content. Good use of pictures to pre-assess learning. Accessibility - (mastery) images do not have alt tag that describes the image in detail. They do, however, list "weather" as a tag. Fonts - (expert) good use of various fonts to enhance the webpage and they are easily readable and appropriate. Background - (expert) Backgrounds are consistent throughout the site. Whitespace allows the reader to focus on the text. Color Choices - (expert) good. Do not distract from the content and message. Spelling and Grammar - (expert) no errors noticed. Copyright - (expert) looks good to me Appears that most pictures were taken from clipart and those that were not are marked with webaddress. References are sited. Contact Information - (expert) All contact information is posted at the bottom of the webpages.
    Tracy, You indicated: "Accessibility - (mastery) images do not have alt tag that describes the image in detail. They do, however, list "weather" as a tag. " Great observations! How about universal design?
    Misty, I really enjoyed the lesson on weather. I was just a little confused about the KidPix part of the lesson since I couldn't find it in the student activities pages. I can believe this would be a great lesson for the students and the Parent activities were great. Great job!! Virginia Aim/Purpose -- The entry page tells what the Aim/Purpose of the lesson is to the student - Mastery Lesson Plan - Link to the lesson plan is included and it works -- Mastery Student Activity Page -- The student activity pages describe learning activities in age appropriate language. The rubric is for a lesson on KidPix, but I didn't see anything in the student activities for KidPix. Copies of grading rubrics are available. - Mastery. Parent Page -- Parent page includes creative ideas for engaging students at home. Really creative ideas. I thought the idea of reading the book and making a cake was great, also making the cloud in a jar was cool. - Expert Layout -- The wiki page is very nicely laid out. The graphics on the first page are an interesting start. I especially like the layout on the Parent page. The layout on the student activity page looks shifted to the right, but otherwise all the pages were well done. -- Expert Navigation -- All links are clearly marked and go where you expect to go. All of the links worked -- Expert Graphics -- The graphics used related to the topic and enhanced the instruction. --Expert Accessibility -- Images have ALT tags. -- Expert Fonts - The use of fonts is consistent and easy to read. The point size varies from heading to text and bold and underline is used appropriately. -- Expert Background -- The background is exceptionally attractive and consistent across the pages. It adds to the theme and purpose of the lesson. - Expert. Color Choices -- Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links were all pleasing. They did not detract from the content and were consistent across the website. - Expert. Spelling & Grammar -

Data and System Security - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question I: Effective Instructional Strategies Please discuss three most effective instructional strategies integrated in your project. Please be sure to justify why they are effective instructional strategies. Remember instructional strategies are not your contents or "technologies," such as wiki, discussion board etc. It is the integrated soft technologies.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question II: Instructional Technology Please discuss the instructional technologies that you integrate into your lesson plan exclude your web sites/pages because they are the basic technology. Instructional technology is referred to hard technology in this question, such as discussion board, chat, wiki, blog etc.
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Common Question III: Pitfalls Do you think your web-based lesson plan is effective and successful? Can you foresee any pitfalls in project? Please describe them.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Ramsey Adams
      George, Great lesson that tackles an important topic of Internet safety, provides great definitions, resources, and is very clear and focused throughout. Your lesson uses a nice mix of technology tools (Delicious, Google Docs). * Aim/Purpose - Expert: Opening page provides a brief description of the lesson and WHY it is important to learn the concepts. Excellent! * Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan : Expert: Step by step procedures provided (any instructor could implement this lesson based on the information provided). Appropriate content and tech standards. Rubric is aligned with activities/process. One suggestion: have a downloadable version for teachers to print out. * Student Activity Page: Expert: Activities arranged in a logical order are focused and engaging. Great use of delicious for compiling the required lesson links. Activities are appropriate and aligned with the stated objectives. Nice use of tech tools such as Google docs in the collaborative portion of the lesson. One suggestion: depending on the size of the class, dividing the class into smaller groups to contribute to the Google doc. The way the lesson is described it sounds like the whole class participates in the same Google doc - could get overwhelming with 15 plus students. * Parent Page : Expert: Excellent information provided for parents on how to engage their learners outside the learning environment on a particularly important topic of Internet safety. Well Done! * Web Design: * Layout - Mastery: Pages are clearly labeled - users know exactly what they will find on each page. Some text falls outside the white space onto the background - particularly bullet lists. * Navigation - Expert: Easy navigation with the main menu located at the top of each page. * Graphics - Expert: Great use of graphic for both instructional purposes and web design - each one is referenced. * Accessibility - Expert: Graphics contain ALT tags. *
    This lesson focuses on the importance of maintaining data integrity and Security issues related to computer hardware and software that manipulates the data. Students will identify issues related to security and describe the impact of viruses that come in many forms. Students will perform one focused research activity using Delicious, one using Google, and acollaboration activity using Google Docs.
    Name of Author: George Arredondo Title of Lesson: Data and System Security Date: May 3, 2009 Aim/Purpose: Expert-homepage describes what the content and lesson plan will be about. Wonderful Job! Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/Instructional Plan: Expert-link is included and it loads properly. Student Activity Page: Expert- gives students more information on how to access the lesson material. Parent Page: Expert-great information for parents!! Web Design Layout: Expert- colors work well with each other, is organized and easy to follow. Navigation: Expert- easy to navigate and information is stated clearly Graphics: Expert- graphics are linked and have appropriate content include. They also relate to the material presented on the web page. Accessibility: Expert- Images have links and states where they are from. Fonts: Expert- the font is clear and effective Backgrounds: Expert- background is attractive and consistent. Color Choices: Expert- color choices are well chosen and are consistent. Spelling and Grammar: Expert- there are no errors in spelling Copyright: Mastery- the source for most of all the photos have cites linked to them. Contact Information: Expert- the parents page has the teachers email and links to leave comments.
    I hope I did a good job and will convey the importance the lesson. CONTENT: Aim/Purpose: EXPERT - Home page gives you an insight to what is going to be addressedo and the summary outline. Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan: EXPERT - Lesson plan has the necessary content to follow along through the process corresponding with state standards and objectives through the activities. Student Activity Page: EXPERT - The sophistication of this lesson is appropriatly designed for 9 - 12th graders - Activities steps are clear, the rubrics, and provide learners with clear idea of what is expected of them. Parent Page : EXPERT - The Parent page has a helpful tips along with contact information. WEB DESIGN: Layout: EXPERT - Pages are clearly labeled - users can expect what they will find on each page. Appropriate use of white space used to effectively organize material. Navigation: EXPERT - All the links are labeled and open to the appropriate site. Key hot links are found in multiple places. Graphics: MASTERY - Graphics was limited. But when used they were relevant to the topic. Accessibility: MASTER - Due to limited graphic's ALT tags were limited. Fonts: EXPERT - Fonts used was clear and easy to read, consistent throughout. Background: EXPERT - Simple two tone light background used and consistent. Color Choices: EXPERT - Background provided clarity with the content provided. Visited links appear as a different color. Spelling and Grammar: EXPERT - No errors are aparant. Copyright: EXPERT - Graphics were labled. Contact Information: EXPERT - Contact information provided in each page through the hot links.

Assignment - 0 views

    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      Here is the example how we use rubrics in Diigo. * Aim/Purpose XXX * Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan XXX * Student Activity Page * Parent Page * Web Design * Layout * Navigation * Graphics * Accessibility * Fonts * Background * Color Choices * Spelling and Grammar * Copyright * Contact Information
    • Chih-Hsiung Tu
      We can either use Stick Note or comment to entire page. Either format is acceptable.
    • Phil Howardell
      Overall nice lesson plan web site. It is basic,clear and easy to follow, especially for 2nd graders. Great parent resources, clear instructions and excellent navigation. Aim-Mastery-Entry page is a general page for the class and not as clear about the lesson. Lesson Plan-Mastery-I found it! Student Activity page-Mastery-If the student goes to the web page requested, how are they going to read the rest of the instructions? Parewnt Page-Expert-Nice parent page with links to what is going on and an explanation of the lesson. Parents need that, especially with math lessons. Good work here!! Layout-Mastery- Layout is basic, clear with no frills. Very few graphics Navigation-Expert-Navigation is clear and easy and all the links work. I love wikis for this reason. Graphics-Mastery- Very few graphics, no citations needed Accessibility-Novice-No alt tags that I can see. Fonts-Expert-Fonts are consistent and do not distract. Background-Mastery-Background is simple and does not detract. Color Choices-Mastery-Very few colors, but does not distract. Speeling and Grammar-Expert-No errors I can see. Copyright-Expert-Very little content needed citing. Contact Info-Novice-No authorship on each page except that is provided by the wiki.
    * Aim/Purpose- Expert- Purpose is clearly stated. * Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan- Expert- Lesson plan is accessible. * Student Activity Page -Expert- * Parent Page - Expert-Explains what students are doing. * Web Design- Expert- consistent and easily maneuverable * Layout - Expert- Consistent * Navigation - Expert- Pages are easy to find and to get to. * Graphics - Expert- I like that you used actual pictures of your students. * Accessibility - Expert * Fonts - Expert- Same throughout * Background - Expert- Same throughout * Color Choices - Expert- Easy on the eyes * Spelling and Grammar - Expert- No misktakes as far as I could see. * Copyright - Expert * Contact Information- Expert- Email and phone number availiable.

Introduction to Persuasive Writing - 1 views

started by Stephanie Witsil on 04 May 09 no follow-up yet
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