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Home/ ETC545 Spring 2009/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ramsey Adams

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ramsey Adams

Ramsey Adams

Data and System Security - 0 views

    • Ramsey Adams
      George, Great lesson that tackles an important topic of Internet safety, provides great definitions, resources, and is very clear and focused throughout. Your lesson uses a nice mix of technology tools (Delicious, Google Docs). * Aim/Purpose - Expert: Opening page provides a brief description of the lesson and WHY it is important to learn the concepts. Excellent! * Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan : Expert: Step by step procedures provided (any instructor could implement this lesson based on the information provided). Appropriate content and tech standards. Rubric is aligned with activities/process. One suggestion: have a downloadable version for teachers to print out. * Student Activity Page: Expert: Activities arranged in a logical order are focused and engaging. Great use of delicious for compiling the required lesson links. Activities are appropriate and aligned with the stated objectives. Nice use of tech tools such as Google docs in the collaborative portion of the lesson. One suggestion: depending on the size of the class, dividing the class into smaller groups to contribute to the Google doc. The way the lesson is described it sounds like the whole class participates in the same Google doc - could get overwhelming with 15 plus students. * Parent Page : Expert: Excellent information provided for parents on how to engage their learners outside the learning environment on a particularly important topic of Internet safety. Well Done! * Web Design: * Layout - Mastery: Pages are clearly labeled - users know exactly what they will find on each page. Some text falls outside the white space onto the background - particularly bullet lists. * Navigation - Expert: Easy navigation with the main menu located at the top of each page. * Graphics - Expert: Great use of graphic for both instructional purposes and web design - each one is referenced. * Accessibility - Expert: Graphics contain ALT tags. *
Ramsey Adams

The Element of Color / Communication Graphics - Graphic Design 1 - 0 views

shared by Ramsey Adams on 21 Apr 09 - Cached
    • Ramsey Adams
      Michelle, Overall I like the lesson. The lesson is engaging and focused and uses external sites to support the lesson appropriately. You have also provided adequate scaffolding and step by step instructions on how to implement and carry out the lesson. Well done. * Aim/Purpose - Expert : Entry page provides informative video on the lesson topic. Good use of multi-colored fonts to draw reader's attention. * Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan : Expert: Lesson plan for teachers is well presented with the content and technology standards and correspond to the objectives and activities. * Student Activity Page: Expert: Lesson is designed for 10-12th graders - activities are appropriate for this age group. Activities are clearly listed in "Steps", are linked to the rubrics, and provide learners with clear idea of what is expected of them. * Parent Page : Expert++ Parent page is full of detailed and clear ideas for extending the learning activity beyond this lesson. - Excellent job. * Web Design: * Layout - Expert: Pages are clearly labeled - users know exactly what they will find on each page. Appropriate use of white space to avoid "over-crowding" of information. Information is organized and easy to read. * Navigation - Expert: All the links are labeled and open to the appropriate site. Important links are found in multiple places (i.e. within the lesson and on the resource page) * Graphics - Mastery: Somewhat limited use of graphics but those that are included are directly related to lesson. * Accessibility - Mastery: ALT tags are not apparent. * Fonts - Expert: Fonts are consistent throughout. Front page utilized colored fonts well. * Background - Expert: White background is simple and consistent and renders the pages easy to view. * Color Choices - Expert: Basic white background with mostly black font renders the site readable and clear. Visited links appear as a different color.
Ramsey Adams


    • Ramsey Adams
      John, Overall I like the lesson. The content is well out of my range of knowledge but I particularly like how the lesson is very focused on one main objective and engages learners in experimentation and discussion which directly links to their readings and in-class work. Well done. * Aim/Purpose - Expert : very clear and focused purpose to the lesson. * Lesson Plan/Teacher's Guide/ Instructional Plan : Page contains appropriate content and technology standards. Somewhat brief explanation of lesson. Couldn't find a link to download a printable version. * Student Activity Page: Activities arranged in a logical order and included the required links (which worked) to the activity. Q and A discussion forum established to provide support to learners. * Parent Page : No parent page included and as the lesson is designed for adults it would have been inappropriate to include a parent page. * Web Design - Chose basic design within the Wetpaint Wiki templates. * Layout - layout is simple and non-distracting - keeps learners focused on the content. * Navigation - easy navigation with appropriate pages available on the left and a link on each page back to the main page. * Graphics - are appropriate and have alt tags, however, could not find references to the graphics. * Accessibility - no apparent issues with accessibility. * Fonts - are consistent throughout with larger font sizes and bold used to designate headers. * Background - the dark green background made some of the links disappear on the page. * Color Choices - some of the links appeared as light green which was a great choice for the dark green background but most of them appeared as the standard blue and were difficult to read. * Spelling and Grammar - no apparent spelling or grammar mistakes * Copyright - at the top of each page author provides information on the intent of the lesson for the Phoenix College Nursing. * Contact Informat
Ramsey Adams

Student Activity - 0 views

    • Ramsey Adams
      George, If I have understood correctly, all the students in the class contribute to the same google document. I am not sure how many you have in each class but could having 15+ learners contributing to the same document get confusing? Is there a reason you didn't break them into smaller groups?
    • Ramsey Adams
      George, Overall, I love the lesson. It is teaching an important point about system security which has practical applications that are easily extended outside the classroom. I thought your use of Delicious was great. I tend to have them compile links in Delicious - why not use the tool for compiled resources to support the lesson - good thinking. These can easily be used and added to for further lessons.
Ramsey Adams

Writing With Wikis: The Writing Process - 0 views

    Web-based lesson which utilizes the Web 2.0 tools Wetpaint Wiki and Delicious as learners research out a chosen topic to then write an argumentation based on the 5 paragraph essay model. Learners will compile, modify, peer-edit, revise and publish their essays using Wetpaint.
    I double checked - using view source to verify the presence of ALT tags - they are there. ALT tags are designed to show when the image does not - my images load up just fine so you won't see the ALT tag unless you view the HTML source.
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